Chapter 16 Cultivation
Four months later.

Tea Tree Lane, in a small courtyard.

Mo Chengjun finished his day's homework, returned to his small courtyard, and enjoyed the afterglow of the setting sun on the deck chair, casually flipping through a copy of "Kyushu Geography" in his hand, but his eyes diverged slightly, and he began to lose himself in trance.

After a long time, he sighed, dropped the thick book, but raised his right hand, and flicked lightly in mid-air, the sky was lit with red light, and a fire crow flew out of it.

It let out a crisp cry, spun in circles in the air, and stopped in Mo Chengjun's hand again.

This fire crow is more detailed and realistic than the previous ones. From the bird's demeanor and behavior to the details of the feather pattern, the lingering flames that come out are almost the same as the real ones.

And the fire crow was also extremely attached to Mo Chengjun, and kept rubbing Mo Chengjun's palm with its dark red curved beak.

In terms of spirituality alone, this fire crow is much stronger than the one four months ago, and it can almost be faked.

However, Mo Chengjun's movements didn't stop, he raised his left hand again, and at a point in the air, countless blue light spots lit up, which turned into a roaring wind dragon.

This wind dragon looks like a dragon, with a body like a snake and a head like a crocodile. Two dragon horns branch upward like antlers, and clusters of hurricanes are constantly rotating between the horns.

The wind dragon is blue in color as a whole, and there is infinite wind spinning in its translucent body, and it seems to be accompanied by a strong wind when it walks in mid-air, and its speed is extremely fast.

And it circled several times in mid-air, leaving white marks intertwined, then stopped on Mo Chengjun's left arm, and kept rubbing it.

It's not over yet, Mo Chengjun looked straight ahead again, where as far as he could see, there were some light blue water splashes, forming waves and waves in the air.

Although it's only a miniature version, you can't deny that the waves are so rough, and when the waves are the biggest, there is a whale-like giant jumping out.

'hold head high! '

It makes a dull but melodious cry, playing with the waves, as if expressing its joy.

And behind Mo Chengjun, a khaki-yellow light lit up, and a turtle-like beast with a dragon's head leaped out.

It hit the ground extremely heavy, and the ground even shook because of it.

Just standing there with its head up, it will give people a feeling of being indestructible like a mountain, even if it is only the size of a puppy.

Until now, when looking at Mo Chengjun again, he was no longer relaxed, and even beads of sweat oozed from his forehead. It seemed that maintaining the existence of these four little beasts had caused him great pressure.

But he still did not choose to give up, but worked hard to maintain these spells.

In this world, no one can tell how many large and small spells there are, and these countless spells can be divided into countless types, it just depends on the angle from which to divide them.

Mo Chengjun doesn't know much, but what he uses now is an extremely broad category of spells - mimicry spells!
There are monsters and beasts in this world, and when these monsters are awakened, most of them will acquire certain bloodline abilities, thus endowed with innate spells.

Human's spells in the beginning were actually simulations of these innate spells.

It's just that a simulation is just a simulation after all, and it is impossible to have the power of monsters' innate spells.

But there is also an exception, that is, after the mimicry technique has been cultivated to the peak and can be spiritually self-generated, these techniques can be endowed with incredible spirituality, thus greatly increasing their power.

For example, the "Wind Dragon Technique", "Tide Curse", "Mysterious Armor Technique" that Mo Chengjun is using now, and the "Fire Raven Curse" that he learned secretly are all standard mimicry techniques.

The power used by ordinary immortals is mediocre, and because of its complexity, it may not be as powerful as other conventional spells.

But in Mo Chengjun's hands, he showed a different kind of demeanor and power.

In four months, Mo Chengjun learned a lot, from spiritual writing and seal script to political structure, from astronomy and geography to ideology.

But there is no doubt that what he has spent the most time on is all kinds of knowledge in the practice world, and until now, he has a general understanding.

The practice system in this world is roughly divided into two types, one is martial arts, which originated about 3000 years ago.

It was an era when there were many princes, and the human race was struggling to survive in the cracks of monsters and ghosts.

Human beings are born with weak bodies and weak minds, and they don't have many commendable talents and bloodlines. However, the rise and development of martial arts gave the human race the possibility to continue.

It wasn't until the extreme of martial arts, that is, the rise of the Great Xia Dynasty, that Emperor Yuxiong made a plan to establish the country with martial arts, fought and killed everywhere, or expelled or sealed countless demons and ghosts, and then laid a foundation for the survival of the human race.

As a result, Kyushu was divided, and the human race had its own dynasty and inheritance.

Martial arts are naturally the foundation of the Great Xia nation, so they have naturally been developed and promoted to the extreme. It was also during this period that the ninth grade of martial arts became more and more perfect, forming a truly mature system.

As for the ninth rank of martial arts, the first rank is the most, and the ninth rank is the beginning.

At the very beginning of cultivation, one still pays attention to breathing and exhaling, drawing qi into the body, so that the spirit of heaven and earth can enter the body, and when the blood runs through the whole body, it can be regarded as the ninth grade.

And the seventh, eighth, and ninety-three are the lower three ranks, and they are warriors.

What he does is to condense the inner qi, and then use the inner qi hammer to forge the body, from the internal organs, the six internal organs, the muscles and bones, and even the skin membrane, etc., to the extreme.

The innate one runs through the double bridges of heaven and earth, and connects the two meridians of Ren and Du.

Xiantian warriors are at the third grade of fourth, fifth, and sixth grades in their practice. At this stage, their physical strength is infinite, their bodies are strong, and their resilience is greatly increased.

And Shouyuan has also reached the extreme of mortals, at 50 years old.

Of course, even if one enters the third rank, one is still just a mortal.

Those who are above innate are masters, who are at the third rank in martial arts, and can condense stellar energy with thick and incomparable true energy.

Then refine into the Earth Sha and Tian Gang, and finally reach the realm of the integration of Gang and Sha, and then you will be able to fly into the sky, escape from the earth, enter and leave the netherworld, and compete with real big monsters and ghosts.

But surpassing the first rank, condensing all kinds of martial arts dharma bodies, and becoming a martial immortal is the real pinnacle of martial arts.

Of course, the Great Xia Dynasty can be said to be the pinnacle of martial arts development, but it is not without immortal practitioners.

It's just that everything has a development process, from the initial appearance to the gradual perfection, what is needed is time and countless people's steps forward.

In the Great Xia Dynasty, immortal cultivators already existed, but they were still in the period of exploration. At that time, they called the spells they used as different spells.
And the cultivators are just strangers.

It wasn't until the end of the Great Xia, when Nine Dragons seized the throne, when monsters and ghosts were rampant in the world, when simple warriors could no longer suppress the fate of the country, and when the human race urgently needed another force to save them, immortal cultivators really stepped onto the stage of history.

At this time, the immortal cultivators have perfected their own immortal system.

The six realms of Immortal Dao are Entraining Qi, Building Foundation, Golden Elixir, Nascent Soul, Leaving Aperture (Yin God), and Ascension to Immortal (Yang God).

And climbing above the immortal is the true immortal, which is the highest achievement in the pursuit of immortality.

Please note that looking at the historical records, the fairyland in this world is completely different from what Mo Chengjun is familiar with. It is by no means that the older you are, the stronger you are.

In fact, it has a clear development process, and it was not perfected until the late period of the Great Xia, and thus it stepped onto the stage of history.

Since then, the word 'immortal' has had a very special meaning in this world, and it almost represents the end of all practice systems in this world.

The pinnacle of martial arts is Martial Immortals,

The ultimate journey of immortality is for immortals,
The king of goblins is a goblin,

The pinnacle of the ghost realm is ghost immortals,
Even the rulers of the Demon Realm call themselves Demon Immortals.

The only exception is probably the Buddhists among human beings. They like to call those who have achieved great enlightenment Buddhas.

But in fact, the Buddha is a fairy!
Of course, Daxuan Daixia can be seen as the decline of martial arts and the rise of immortality, and it can also be seen as the competition for the right to speak and various resources in this world after the immortal cultivators have mastered the overwhelming power.

In any case, the loss of Xia and Daxuan's replacement is also the rise and prosperity of the Immortal Dao Sect.

As for the cultivation of the immortal path, although it also tempers the physical body, it is not the main thing.

What they mainly tempered was their soul until they became Yang Gods.

What they cultivate is the soul, which is based on the soul's mysterious response to the heavens, and even the control, control and use of the spiritual machine.

The first step in the practice of immortality is also to draw qi into the body, but in the end it enters the upper dantian, which is commonly known as the Niwan Palace, and forms mana.

Most of the spells are guided by this bit of mana, forming a strange closed loop with the heaven and earth to guide the heaven and earth's inspiration, thus simulating the earth fire, geomantic omen, thunder and ice frost, thus showing great power.

Theoretically speaking, this kind of technique that drives the power of heaven and earth is indeed stronger and safer than martial arts that simply use physical strength to fight.

From this point of view, it is inevitable that Martial Dao will be replaced by Immortal Dao.

Closer to home, Mo Chengjun doesn't just have mana, he doesn't even have kung fu, and he didn't even try to draw qi into his body at first, so how can he talk about mana?
But he can still drive spells.

During this period of time, apart from the few new spells he learned, what he did most was to study his own talent—seeing the world.

Ruoli was very curious about why he was able to use spells, and Shen Jinxiu, the Sword Master of Four Seasons, was also very curious.

But Mo Chengjun actually wants to know why this is more than they do?
As a standard science man, he has a very strong curiosity. After filling in some basic knowledge, he started various attempts.

Strictly speaking, those three new spells were actually just incidental results of experimentation, and he also discovered through continuous research and experiments that he didn't have mana, but he didn't seem to need mana to use the spells.

The role of mana in spells is to attract the inspiration of heaven and earth,

And he doesn't seem to need to be pulled, as long as it is within the scope of his perception, he can directly control these inspirations.

As for the closed loop required by the spell, he just needs to drive the inspiration to form it directly.

Of course, this drive is not without consumption, it consumes Mo Chengjun's mental power.

Whether it is carrying, maintaining, or even breaking out, Mo Chengjun is needed to supply it.

However, if the time is long, or the closed-loop shaping is too fast, too large, too dense, or too complicated, it will cause excessive mental consumption.

This is also the reason why Mo Chengjun fell into a coma without even seeing the final result after using the 'Fire Crow' for the first time—he was too mentally exhausted, and his body protected itself and fell into a deep sleep.

Of course, Mo Chengjun also discovered that using more spells and maintaining the duration of spells is also an alternative method of mental strength training, which seems to be the same as the principle that the body will be strengthened after recovery from injury.

However, after clarifying the basic rules of 'Jian Tiandi', another crucial question arises—why does Tiandi Lingji give such face and let him be driven at will?

 The new book is released, looking for various tickets

(End of this chapter)

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