Chapter 17 Splendid
There is no doubt that the human body will continue to evolve as the environment changes. This is the adaptation of human beings to the external environment and the most basic rule of life.

However, countless people in this world have gone through countless years of baptism, and they have never heard of anyone who can directly control the heaven and earth without mana.

At least, they haven't evolved to this point yet.

But Mo Chengjun did it, he, a traveler who didn't know why he came here, actually did it.

Where does this make sense?
There is no doubt that this kind of golden finger, no, it should be said that the talent is very strong, so powerful that it is incredible, but it hardly helps him in his current situation.

Mo Chengjun's talent is excellent, but he is too old, and the remaining lifespan is not enough.

On the way of cultivating immortals, the most basic entrainment and foundation building are actually extremely time-consuming. It requires a little bit of heaven and earth inspiration into the body, and it requires continuous polishing of mana.

This is a process of accumulation, and it is also a process of laying the foundation. If it is too late, it will only lead to a weak foundation and the inability to climb to a higher level.

But you can't slow down, because human life is so long, if you slow down a little, it is equivalent to slowing down the entire immortal journey.

Although the journey of cultivating immortality is mainly to temper the soul and become the Yang God, but before becoming an immortal, the body is also extremely important.

As for the Foundation Establishment Realm, the theoretical lifespan is 50 years old, but failing to break through the golden elixir before the age of [-] means that you have missed the golden elixir.

What about the atmosphere?

Although it can draw inspiration from the heavens and the earth to regulate the body, it hinders the longevity, instead of increasing, it decreases.

If you can't make a breakthrough before the age of 40, even if you achieve something later, it will be the end of the fairy road.

Even for normal immortal cultivators, this is a threshold that must be crossed, and only after reaching the golden core and living to three hundred can they have a respite.

As for Mo Chengjun?
Well, he didn't know how much life he had left, how long he could live, and whether he suffered any damage during the time travel.

But if he followed the routine, it would be almost impossible for him to step into Foundation Establishment!
This is the current situation Mo Chengjun is facing, and this problem is already beyond his current ability. All he can count on is the Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu.

He is also waiting for the return of this immortal giant.

And this wait took four months. It was not until a few days ago that there was news that the war between the Tiger Monster Kingdom and the Xinghe Sword Sect had come to an end.

Four months is not a short time. Although Mo Chengjun is also focused on learning and experimenting, it is impossible to say that he did not pay attention to this war at all.

Moreover, this is Yunjian City, so news is convenient, and various gossips come from time to time.

Gradually, the causes and consequences of this war were also pieced together in Mo Chengjun's mind.

Kyushu is huge, stretching for millions of miles from east to west, but compared with the whole of China, it is only a corner of the southeast corner.

And beyond Kyushu, it is even more extensive and boundless.

There are monsters occupying the land as kings and establishing a monster kingdom.

There is a demon leader who opens up a demon domain and proclaims himself a demon fairy.

There are ghosts who become immortals, build a ghost kingdom with the Yin soil, and thousands of ghosts come to court.

There are even more ferocious beasts rampant, and landslides and ground cracks everywhere they pass.

The Mountain Monarch Monster Country is one of the monster clan kingdoms adjacent to Yunzhou on the northwest border.

Its lord is an eight-tailed tiger demon who has practiced for nearly a thousand years. His name is Lu Wu, and he calls himself Tiger.

Tiger Lu Wu, this name is definitely enough to overwhelm the world, and the fairy will stop crying.

However, no matter how ferocious a tiger is, it sometimes takes a nap, and this invincible tiger demon fell into the hands of his son.

The tiger demon has hundreds of heirs, and the thirteen sons were originally only one of them, unknown, but it was this unknown thirteen sons who broke out and directly overthrew his father's power in the demon kingdom, inherited the name of 'Lu Wu', and became the first The second generation of tigers.

And launched a foreign war in the first place, sending a group of his father's old subordinates to the battlefield.

This is the cause of war!

Of course, his plan is very good, but Xinghe Jianzong is not a vegetarian, not to mention the Xinghe Patriarch at the top, the seven palace masters below are all decisive people.

After realizing that the situation was wrong, he immediately launched the Sword Cultivator Northern Expedition, and the three thousand sword cultivators came out of the barren mountain and went straight into the demon king's court, looking like they would never die.

Although he can be regarded as an ambitious person, he is worse than his father, and he was beaten for a while.

Three thousand sword cultivators went straight to the royal court, which was definitely not what he expected, and it caught him off guard.

Until the army approached the foot of the Demon King's Court Mountain, the two sides fought hundreds of times, large and small, and fought fiercely for more than a month, and the Demon Kingdom could not hold on.

As a result, the royal court retreated, and the new tiger took the lead in fleeing. He was chased and killed for thousands of miles, with countless casualties, and he lost the war.

Of course, this is the outcome of the general direction. After the sword cultivator turns around, he cannot evacuate directly.

They still have to sit on the border to guard against the demon kingdom's counterattack, and more importantly, strangle the scattered demon kingdom remnants, help Daxuan mobilize troops and supplies, and build a new line of defense again.

And Shen Jinxiu, Sword Master of Four Seasons, was the leader of this war, and she couldn't leave easily, so three months passed intermittently.

Until now, when the Daxuan army was stationed again, and the entire border gradually returned to normal, the sword cultivators of the Galaxy Sword Sect returned to the sect one after another.

And Mo Chengjun also waited for the call.

It's just that the summoning was later than he thought, and another month passed by in a hurry. On this day, Mo Chengjun once again saw Elder Li, who has a bone-like fairy style, come to the door.

"Well, you took me to see Shen Zhenjun? Fairy Ruoli didn't come?" Mo Chengjun seemed a little surprised and asked:
Elder Li's face trembled, and he said, "You don't know?"

"What should I know?"

"Fairy Ruoli has completed the Four Seasons Sword Art and made a breakthrough in retreat.

If he succeeds and comes out again, he will be a Jindan Daoist with three hundred lifespans. "Elder Li's tone was full of envy, and he hardly concealed it.

"Have you made a breakthrough?" After all, Mo Chengjun was not a disciple of Galaxy Sword Sect, and his contacts were extremely limited, so he didn't even know about such important news.

Elder Li said again: "The seven peaks of the inner sect cannot be entered by ordinary deacons, so I, an elder of the outer sect, will lead the way.

how?Did he humiliate Brother Mo? "

Mo Chengjun laughed loudly: "Why, I'm the one who bothered Elder Li."

Elder Li didn't talk too much, but cast a spell to bring down a white crane with a height of two feet and a whole body of white, and he led Mo Chengjun to ride on the white crane, and went straight up to the sky with a clear cry of the crane.

This flying on a crane seems to be very elegant, but Mo Chengjun's experience is not good, especially the oncoming wind howls, blowing people's eyes.

But Mo Chengjun couldn't say anything, he could only grit his teeth and resist, and it took more than half an hour to gallop all the way before falling from the sky.

When he landed, Mo Chengjun's footsteps softened and he almost fell down. He tried to calm down for a long time before he got over the dizziness, and he jumped for a long time to let his body recover.

This experience is much worse than Ruoli's Walnut Flying Boat.

However, looking at Elder Li who was trying to keep his face normal, but the corners of his mouth could not stop twitching, Mo Chengjun knew that this old man did it on purpose.

But he didn't say anything, just walked forward step by step with the other party.

After stepping on a chain bridge between two mountains, he finally saw a strange mountain.

Looking at it from a distance, Mo Chengjun found that this mountain peak is extremely strange. It has four sides, and one side has a suitable climate, and the vegetation is sprouting, which is the season of early spring.

On one side, the vegetation is flourishing and the trees are shaded for summer.

On the other side, there are many fruits and the leaves turn yellow, which is autumn.

On the last side, the winter is cold and the snow is fluttering. Only the plum blossoms are blooming on the cliffs, fluttering in the wind.

Mo Chengjun felt that his eyes were almost straightened, how unbelievable is it that just a mountain has the reincarnation of the four seasons?

After crossing the chain bridge, Mo Chengjun really stepped into the Four Seasons Peak, hiking on the path between Chunxia and Chunxia.

Along the way, he could see many people on the cliffs on both sides practicing their swordsmanship in the cycle of the four seasons. They seemed to be immersed in the four seasons and became part of the scenery.

The residence of Sword Master Four Seasons is not a cave, but on a platform close to the top of the mountain, there are several huts covered, there are small bridges and flowing water outside, spiritual plants and flowers, very quiet and elegant.

Elder Li just brought people over and was not qualified to enter. Instead, he handed Mo Chengjun to a ten-year-old girl in a bun in front of the door.

The little girl didn't seem very happy, and led Mo Chengjun inward without saying hello.

But in the bamboo house, Mo Chengjun recognized the famous lady in the sword with just one glance.

This is a female cultivator whose age cannot be determined at all from her appearance.

As the third apprentice of Xinghe Patriarch, she should be very old, but whether it is her plump figure, hair like dark clouds, skin like white jade, all of them show that she belongs to the most beautiful age of a woman .

She looks extremely beautiful, with exquisite features, but at first glance, you don't care about her beauty, but her temperament.

With just one glance, the years are quiet and beautiful, and the temperament of the person is as light as a chrysanthemum, which can already dilute any desire in your heart.

Of course, it's just a glance!
At the second glance, it is coercion, a faint, cold, but unignorable pressure that will condense in your heart and make you unable to keep calm.

This wasn't even done on purpose by her, but a higher level of life, absolutely suppressing lower life.

Mo Chengjun didn't feel any difficulty when he went through the nine interrogations, but when he faced this one, he couldn't help becoming nervous, like a mouse seeing a cat.

He took a deep breath, tried his best to suppress his restless mood, and said, "Mo Chengjun, I have seen Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Zhenjun."

Shen Jinxiu didn't open her mouth immediately, but just looked at Mo Chengjun, sizing up with interest, her gaze seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts, and even more so to see everything.

There was silence between the two of them, but no one seemed embarrassed by it. It was not until the little girl walked in with two cups of tea that the silence was broken.

"Sit!" A soft and cold female voice sounded:

Mo Chengjun was also polite, he found a chair and sat down, took the teacup, and smiled at the little girl.

The little girl seemed a little surprised, but in a bad mood, she just raised her head arrogantly and walked out.

At this time, Sword Master Four Seasons spoke again: "I have heard Ruoli talk a lot about you, and I have also seen your talent test in detail, it is really amazing.

I also inquired about what you did during this time, it seems that you are also researching why you can use spells?

how about it?Can there be results?Is it convenient to talk about it? "

(End of this chapter)

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