Chapter 218 Zongmen Mission (for Subscription)

Tianhen mountain top.

Inside the Star River Hall.

"What you're saying is that Ghost Spirit Sect asked me to improve their sect's secret record "Taiping Ghost Control Sutra", right?
No, didn't I refuse at the time? "

In the main hall, Mo Chengjun's surprised voice came from far away.

There was no way out, after he got the imperial edict, he rushed over without any delay, he was still thinking about what was going on on the way, and he was so anxious.

Unexpectedly, Tianhen Sword Master Hua Ye would bring up the old story again.

The middle-aged handsome uncle didn't show off the teacher's score, but smiled and said: "If I remember correctly, you said that you didn't have time and you were postponed, but you didn't completely reject it.

Now, you are not a breakthrough golden elixir, and you have not opened any important projects for the time being, so you never thought of helping them?
Moreover, I remember, you seem to be quite interested in ghosts and ghosts? "

Mo Chengjun tilted his head slightly, but the thought in his mind was...

If I'm interested, I'm interested, but at this point, you want me to go to the ghost gate?

My brain is showing off?
It's so dangerous outside, what should I do if I meet bad guys when I go out?
Well, even if I really want to go out, I can't bear the identity of Mo Chengjun, can I?
Thinking of this, he immediately shook his head like a rattle drum, and said duplicity: "Actually, I didn't dare to be too interested, but when I met it at the time, I thought it was quite interesting.

Now, after that stage, it doesn't matter. "

As he said that, he was afraid that the middle-aged handsome uncle would persuade him again, so he replied firmly: "So, I definitely won't go!"

Look, this is called being real and unpretentious. What's wrong is to be clear, thorough, and clear!
The middle-aged handsome uncle was speechless, but he also knew what Mo Chengjun was really worried about, so he immediately said: "I didn't let you leave the sect, since they have something to ask, they should come here directly. "

"Uh, that's okay too?"

"Of course!"

"Then you can think about it." Mo Chengjun blinked, and asked again: "But, aren't they afraid of revealing the secrets of the Zhenpai?"

"Hehe, leaked? That also needs to be appreciated by my Galaxy Sword Sect."

Tianhen Sword Master Hua Ye dismissed it: "Their method has been searched everywhere to improve it, so what are you talking about leaking?
Also, if they are afraid of leaks, they don't have to come, as if we would like to help. "

This is so true, I really hold Party A's attitude to death...

But Mo Chengjun still didn't let go, instead he frowned and asked: "But the problem is, for scientific research, it's not just a matter of just giving me a secret record of exercises.

I need a large enough Tibetan Dharma building for me to search for information, prepare various experimental materials, and even more so, find someone who really knows how to clarify for me when I am unclear about certain aspects.

These, if I go to the Ghost Spirit Gate, I will naturally have everything, and I will be there whenever I am called.

But if it's in Xinghe Jianzong, this, really don't have that condition? "

On this point, it's really not that Mo Chengjun is trying to shirk, but that it is the way it is.

Not to mention anything else, just the "Three Laws of Mo's Sword Intent", how many sect disciples he mobilized, how much information he checked, and how much effort he spent doing statistics.

This was in Xinghe Jianzong, that is to say, he was already famous at that time, and he had accumulated hundreds of years of kendo experience in the sect.

Otherwise, why don't you try another sect and identity?
If there are no statistics of tens of thousands of sword repair information, how can we talk about summary and mathematical analysis later?
If there is no huge collection of books and innumerable experience of the ancestors in the sect, how can we see the truth through the appearance?
Even Mo Chengjun is just a rookie in the field of 'ghosts and ghosts'.

There is no massive amount of information for learning, no sufficient samples for experimentation, and no thought-provoking thinking standing on the shoulders of giants. You throw a secret record to him, and you want him to improve?

He is a master of creation!

Not God!
It's not some leaders who shoot their minds to solve problems.

However, in the face of the "difficulties" Mo Chengjun mentioned, the middle-aged handsome uncle's solution can be called simple and rude.

"There will be someone from the Ghost Spirit Gate to connect with you."

"If you lack people, you need people, if you lack money, you need money, if you lack materials, you need materials, and if you lack books, you need books. Anyway, for any research needs, you just ask."

You have to admit that this solution is just four words - direct and effective!
As he said that, Hua Ye, the Sword Master of the Skyline, whispered, "Just don't spare them. If you can get some to the sect's secret vault, I'll give you a contribution point!"

Mo Chengjun: "..."

Hua Ye also explained: "The Zongmen's repeated battles are actually quite tight, so, really, you are welcome!"


I really understand!
Mo Chengjun grinned and said, "I have one last question?"

The middle-aged handsome uncle glanced at Mo Chengjun, and said quietly: "You want to talk about creating a method or something, and you don't guarantee the success rate?"


Having been robbed of his lines, Mo Chengjun could only nod his head blankly:

"Well, I've emphasized this to Ghost Spirit Sect eight hundred times, so you need to talk about it again."

Hua Ye stole the line, and did not forget to ask back: "So, you agreed?"

What else could Mo Chengjun say, he could only say: "Why don't I try first?"

"Okay, that's it!"

As soon as Tianhen Sword Master Hua Ye clapped his hands, he directly threw a Zongmen task list to Mo Chengjun, which was obviously prepared long ago.

And what about Mo Chengjun?
On the surface, he was half-push, half-concealed, half-covered, and the boss looked unhappy, but in fact he was extremely excited.

After all, it is a field that he has wanted to get involved in for a long time. It was fine if he had no conditions before. Now, all kinds of "preferential policies" are about to be slapped on his face, so naturally he can't be too hypocritical.

Of course, Mo Chengjun came here with great difficulty, and Sword Master Tianhen still has time to 'chat' with him, so there are naturally some questions, and you have to ask them.

What big plans does Zongmen have?

Where exactly did the female sword master Shen Jinxiu and other big bosses go?
What do you want to do?
need some help?

None of this category can be mentioned. If you mention it, you are looking for trouble for yourself, causing trouble for the sect, and making the boss suspicious!
It's all taboo, and you can't ask any of them.

But for topics that are very popular nowadays, especially the news released by the sect on its own initiative, about the 'Heavenly Court', naturally you might as well ask about it.

Moreover, he also asked quite directly.

"Uncle Master, I was busy retreating and breaking through before, and I didn't know much about it. After breaking through, I heard more people talking about this 'heavenly court'.

I just don't know, what is this 'Heavenly Court'? "

The handsome middle-aged uncle's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Do you have any news from Heaven?"

Mo Chengjun's heart skipped a beat, but he still pretended to be taken aback, and said, "No? No, why do you think I have news from Heaven?"

"Oh, I was thinking too much!"

The middle-aged handsome uncle lost interest in an instant, but he still explained: "When you joined the Zangfa Building, you were on the first floor. I thought you had accidentally seen the name 'Heavenly Court'?"

Mo Chengjun didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Although I checked a lot of information there, the time was limited and I never flipped through books aimlessly, but made targeted selections.

Only what I need, I will take and study carefully. "

"That's right!"

The middle-aged handsome uncle nodded, approved the explanation, and asked again: "The news from the Heavenly Court has basically been announced, do you have any questions?"

Mo Chengjun: "I heard that the Heavenly Court has been confirmed. A long time ago, did this so-called fairy dwelling really exist?"

"Well, I found a lot of historical materials."

Mo Chengjun opened his eyes: "Does this historical material really exist?"

"Looking at your expression, don't you believe it?
In fact, before, I was also skeptical. The residence of the gods, the origin of civilization, the beginning of the immortal way, hehehe, don’t you just let him talk about these things? "

The middle-aged handsome uncle seemed to express Mo Chengjun's doubts, but then said: "But later, I really calmed down and searched, and found a lot of evidence in the pile of old papers."

Mo Chengjun still didn't believe it: "Really?"

The middle-aged handsome uncle took out an item with his backhand, and said: "This is the most favorable evidence, you can take a look, but be careful, don't break it."

A half piece of paper protected by two pieces of colored glaze arrived in front of Mo Chengjun. He took it and squinted his eyes slightly to look at it.

After a while, he was really stunned, and all the turmoil in his heart showed on his face...

This is, Journey to the West!
This is definitely a broken page of Journey to the West, but the question is, is it too much to use such mythological novels as historical materials?

No, that's not the biggest problem yet.

The biggest question is, which traveler is so awesome that he actually brought the original book of "Journey to the West"?


Beyond Kyushu, I don't know how far away.

Unknown land.

This is a mountain piercing into the sky, its height is unknown, and the clouds are only churning up to the mountainside.

On it, crossing the clouds, I didn't imagine the coldness of being in a high place. Instead, it seemed to have entered a warm spring. A peaceful scene.

The mountain passed through the clouds and was flattened. There is a palace group covering an extremely large area located here. The majestic atmosphere is not enough to describe it. It should be like a fairyland.

There are fairies with fairy clothes and ribbons, and the fairies with fluttering skirts are busy in it. From time to time, they let out laughter like silver bells, drifting away with the wind, which seems to make the whole palace happy.

At the same time, in the most central and most majestic palace.

Tu Su knelt down on the ground, even in the body of a ghost, he kept his five-body posture on the ground.

If you look closely, it's not difficult to find that his whole body is shaking slightly, and he doesn't know whether it's because he's too cold at the height, or because he's frightened!
He reported the process of this trip to Yunzhou. Well, he died before arriving in Yunzhou, but he really said in great detail about Tianting.

Not only what I saw, what I heard, and what I guessed were all in harmony. I didn't dare to hide anything, and I didn't even exaggerate in the slightest.

But when he finished speaking, he couldn't hear any response. There was neither angrily nor questioning from above, but fell into silence.

But even so, he didn't dare to look up. He just knelt down below, his thoughts flying wildly, but the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became.

After a long time.

"Heavenly Court? Are you really talking about Heavenly Court?" A majestic and resonant voice came from above, as if asking, but also with a little confusion:

"Yes!" Tu Su didn't dare answer without any delay:
But the voice seemed very dissatisfied, and he shouted directly: "Look up, look at me!"

Tu Su straightened his waist almost instinctively, and finally saw the one above the hall.

The one was wearing a Dagon suit with nine golden dragons dancing wildly on it, and a belt made of top-quality spirit stones around his waist. Although he was also human, his face was still quite young, but there were two winding horns on his head.

The most unignorable thing is his temperament, standing there, as if he is the center of the world, the focus of everything, like the sun at noon, so you can't ignore it, and you can't look directly at it.

At this time, he just leaned forward slightly, with such a random movement, as if the whole space was pressed on Tu Su's body.

So much so that his soul and body showed signs of collapsing, but he still stood upright, not daring to shake in the slightest.

Dagon subdued the man and asked again: "What you just said is the Heavenly Court?"

Tu Su felt his eyes were burning, but he still didn't dare to move a bit, he almost said in the most firm tone: "Yes, it's Heaven!"

The man in Gunfu finally retracted his forward leaning body again, and Tu Su had already collapsed to the ground with just this one movement.

But this one didn't pay attention to him anymore, but leaned on the dragon chair behind his back, his head was raised, his vision was fixed on the dome of the palace, and his eyes were slightly blurred.

A picture popped up in his mind.

It seems that a long time ago, there was a person who told him the story of heaven.

 There is a popular saying here now - the people of Shanghai are sealing and controlling medium-grade materials, and the people of Hefei are sealing and controlling medium-grade materials.

  Yep, that's how it looks today.

  Rumors were flying all over the sky, saying that it was going to be banned, and then the supermarkets and vegetable markets were all full. In order to buy a la carte, I queued for a long time, and I wasted a lot of time.

  The second watch is delivered first, and the third watch must be in the middle of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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