Chapter 219 Dragon Lord (for subscription)

In the distant memory.

under the lights.

There was a young boy who took his grandfather's hand and acted like a baby, and said, "Grandpa, grandpa, do I want to hear a story?"

This child is only about seven or eight years old, he looks pink and jade-carved, round and cute, he is the most innocent age, very lovable.

It's just that there are two pointed horns on his head, just showing a little outline, not like ordinary people.

The man he called Grandpa was already in his seventies and eighties, with gray hair, but a strong body, with horns on his head, as straight as a sword.

He couldn't stand being shaken by his grandson, so he had to say: "Then I will play a shadow puppet show for my grandson, okay?"

"Yeah, grandpa, what story are you going to tell me?"

The old man smiled kindly, thought for a while, and said, "Let's have a section of Monkey King making trouble in the Heavenly Palace."


The curtain was lowered, the lights were placed in place, and a few shadow puppets were placed behind the curtain. The light passed through, and shadows like palaces flowed out.

Everything is in place, there seems to be a momentary pause, as if it is brewing.

On the opposite side, the little boy propped his chin with both hands, his eyes were bright, and he looked expectant.

In the next second, everything in the field of vision came alive.

On the simple curtain, there seems to be the Jiuchongtian Palace, full of gods, golden dragons in the sky, and colorful phoenixes.

I heard the grandfather's slightly deep voice slowly sounding, as if carrying the weight of time, telling the story.

"In other words, both Hades and Dragon Kings of the Underworld came to the Jade Emperor one after another to sue Sun Wukong for making troubles in the Dragon Palace and the Underworld.

The Jade Emperor is about to send heavenly soldiers and generals to the world to subdue Sun Wukong.

At this time, Taibai Jinxing came out and gave the Jade Emperor an idea, saying that it is better to just give him an official position and trap him in the sky. . "

On the screen, in the Lingxiao Palace, the King of Hades and the King of Dragons cried to the Jade Emperor one after another, causing the Jade Emperor to be furious and wanted to send someone to the world to arrest him.

Another white-haired old man came out, with a few words of advice, took a book of imperial edicts, and went to the world.

This can no longer be said to be a deduction, but an immersive movie, as if you really entered the story and became a member of it, watching the magnificent scenery of the Tiangong, and watching the changing situation.

That childish child was fascinated by watching, unable to extricate himself!

After playing for a long while, I heard the old man's voice became higher-pitched again.

"In a fit of anger, he took out his golden cudgel, slashed out of the Nantian Gate, returned to Huaguo Mountain, and proclaimed himself "The Great Sage Equaling Heaven". He also made a big banner and planted it on Huaguo Mountain.

When the Jade Emperor heard that Sun Wukong had returned to Huaguo Mountain, he immediately ordered Tota Li Tianwang and the third prince Nezha to lead troops to capture Wukong.

Unexpectedly, within a few rounds of fighting between the pioneer official Giant Spirit God and Wukong, the Xuanhua ax became two pieces.

Nezha was so angry that his hair stood on end, and with a loud cry, he became superhuman and fought Wukong with six weapons.

Wukong didn't show any weakness, he transformed himself into superhuman, and fought Nezha with three golden cudgels for a long time, but there was still no winner.

Wukong secretly plucked out a vellus hair and turned himself into himself, and beat Nezha, but his real body walked around behind Nezha, raised his stick and beat him.Nezha couldn't dodge in time, and was hit on the left arm. The pain was so painful that he didn't even bother to fight back, so he turned and ran. "

On the screen, in the illusion, the immature child saw the great sage Equaling Heaven displaying his power, with a golden cudgel, three heads and six arms, the most powerful, and the heavenly soldiers and generals scattered and fled in all directions.

The giant spirit god general Wang Lingguan, and the great god Nezha of the Santanhaihui were like a stray dog, fleeing in embarrassment, looking at their blood boiling and their little faces flushing.

At another hour and three quarters, I saw the monkey being attacked by the old master, crushed on the chopping platform, struck by lightning, slashed by a knife, burned by fire and drowned, I felt anxious and worried.

After another hour and three quarters, the monkey jumped out of the gossip stove, kicked over the alchemy stove, carried the golden cudgel and killed the Lingxiao Palace, shouting: "The emperor takes turns, come to my house this year. "

The childish boy clenched his fists tightly, blushing, as if he was about to rush up and fight the great sage.



A "Havoc in Heaven" lasted for an hour, and finally ended when the monkey was crushed under the Five Elements Mountain. It was already late at night, and the childish boy could barely open his eyes.

But he still nestled in the old man's arms, dancing and expressing that he wanted to be the great saint, turning the world upside down, the sun and the moon darkened, and even if he was captured and killed in the end, he would not regret it...

But after a few times, the little guy was finally sleepy. Before he closed his eyes, he asked one last question: "Grandpa, grandpa, tell me, there are really dwellings for all gods in this world, there is Tiantian Palace, there is The four heavenly kings who guard the Nantian Gate, as well as the giant spirit general, the Tota Heavenly King, Nezha, the Great God of the Three Altars, and the Monkey King, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven?"

The old man was just holding his grandson in his arms, standing on tiptoe, patting his back, smiling without saying a word...

The memory ripples like water, and when it finally calms down, when he returns to the present world again, the man's vision has become focused, but the confusion in it has not diminished.

Many years ago, when he grew up, he knew that the story his grandfather told him was just a story.

It's just like the little stories countless grandparents tell when their grandchildren are crying and staying awake.

But now he is listening to the reappearance of the Heavenly Court, the familiar Nantian Gate, and the story of the immortal who grew the Heavenly King Sword and Slayed Demons.

He is also a little confused now.

Could it be that what grandpa said is true, but that he is ignorant?


His vision retracted, his thoughts were suppressed, and the man in uniform finally lowered his head again. He looked at Tu Su who was kneeling on the ground, and finally said, "Jiazi, do you know your mistake?"

Tu Su trembled all over, and said, "Ya Zi, I know I was wrong!"

"What's wrong?"

"It's my fault that I have a big responsibility, but I didn't follow the mission. I lost my life and lost the supplies in the army. I was in vain of the Dragon Lord's trust, and it even affected the plan to mend the sky."

The man in uniform sighed quietly: "You still haven't realized your fault!"

Tu Su gritted his teeth and said, "Please show me, Lord Long?"

"Your fault is that your realm is too low, your strength is too weak, your fault is that your strength is weak, and you still have too much ambition.

If you are a true martial sage, you can capture the man in that court with the palm of your hand, and then complete the mission of Yunzhou, which is two great achievements, even if it is for me to lead the horse and fall for you, it is all right. "

The man's voice was really not loud, but when it fell into Tu Su's ears, it was like thunder rolling from the sky: "But you are too weak, you are as weak as an ant and you try to get everything, and you end up with nothing.

So, are you willing to accept the punishment? "

"Please show me, Lord Long, I will bear it."

The man in Dagonfu narrowed his eyes slightly: "I will punish you for a hundred days in the oil pot hell. If you can come back after a hundred days, I will give you another chance."

"Please show me, Lord Dragon?"

"After all, you have brought back the news of the Heavenly Court, so you must be rewarded. If you can still return after a hundred days, I promise you two ways to go.

First, you can enter the Reincarnation Platform and live another life.

I allow you three drops of Sansheng Shilu. As for whether you can solve the mystery in the womb and restore the memory of this life, it depends on your own good fortune.

As for the second road, I can help you take the road of ghost cultivation. With your innate strength of spirit, there will be a stage of rapid development, and you can form combat power in the shortest time.

But the difficulty of ghost cultivation, you know it in your heart, so I don't need to say more. "

Tu Su said almost without hesitation: "I choose the second one."

The man in uniform narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Have you thought it through?"

"I've figured it out. Ghost cultivation is difficult, but reincarnation is no longer my own after all.

Only the way of ghost cultivation can keep me from losing my memory and my sanity.

And in Heavenly Court, no matter what, I have a debt to recover. "

Tu Su said this with gritted teeth.

"You must retaliate, your character is worthy of the evaluation of the second son of the dragon."

The man in Dagonfu turned his head slightly, and said: "That's it, you know where to go, you just go."

"Jiazi resigns!"

Tu Su kowtowed again, got up, took a few steps back, and then drifted away like a cloud of smoke.

And when his figure completely disappeared in the palace, the man in uniform slowly looked back, his expression was still indifferent, but he didn't know what to think there.

After a long time, he suddenly said: "Jazi is defeated, but Yunzhou's plan cannot be changed, Galaxy Sword Sect must be destroyed, I want you to go to Yunzhou.

willing? "

A gust of wind blew, and there was already one more person in the hall. He knelt on one knee, his head was lowered, his face could not be seen clearly, but his figure was extremely thick.

Accompanied by his opening, a hoarse voice surrounded the hall: "I am willing!"

"How sure are you?"

"If I was the one who went before, it would be a sure thing. But now, if it's still the previous plan, it's a doomed situation!"

"Oh?" The man in the uniform raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Tell me what you think?"

"According to the previous plan, it is more than enough to destroy the Xinghe Sword Sect, the situation in Kyushu has been disrupted, and the general trend has been achieved.

But the general trend is not eternal, it always changes with time.

The general trend has been achieved, but it has not been released for a long time, and it will naturally decline again and again.

Looking at Xinghe Jianzong again, although there are not many real sword immortals, there are quite a few Yangshen Daxiu who have reached the killing power of sword immortals, and there are few internal fights, and the division of labor is clear.

If you want to say that they know nothing about my Butian Sect and are unprepared, that would really insult their IQ.

If it had been before, Yazi would not delay, and if there was enough time, under the general trend, everything would be ashamed.

But now, I estimate that Xinghe Jianzong's counterattack is about to arrive, and when I arrive, everything will be a foregone conclusion. "

This analysis is sound and well-founded, and even Long Jun couldn't help but secretly nod after hearing it.

"So? What help do you need?"

The man in Dagonfu opened his mouth, paused for a moment, and said again: "Materials are easy to talk about, but manpower, you know our situation, the sky is tight, and there are actually not many that can be mobilized."

Under the main hall, the half-kneeling man finally raised his head. His face can only be described as ordinary.
Those eyes are very unique.

It's not that it's so beautiful, but it has an unspeakable fanaticism, as if it's facing a lunatic.

"Mr. Long, we are short of people, but there are no shortage of people. For example, Lord Yan Luo who is eating and drinking in the side hall."

"Yan Luo? Do you want to..."

The man in Gunfu frowned slightly, as if he had understood what he wanted to do, but finally nodded and agreed: "Over there, I will talk to him in detail, it should not be a big problem.


After a pause, the man's tone suddenly became serious: "Xiaofeng, go here, never take risks."

The third son of the dragon, mocks the wind, looks like a beast, and likes to play tricks.

"Follow the decree of the Dragon Lord!" Xiaofeng promised earnestly, but the enthusiasm in his eyes did not subside in the slightest.

The matter had been settled, Xiao Feng took his leave, but when he was far away, a voice rang in his ear.

"From now on, we should pay close attention to the movements of that court."

"I want to know, is someone pretending to be a ghost?

Or, as Tu Su guessed, are those ghosts from Tianwaitian manipulating people's hearts? "

 Last night, I fell asleep at the code, and woke up in the middle of the night, and today I feel like I have a cold, and my nose is running...

(End of this chapter)

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