Chapter 220 Flickering and Lame (Please Subscribe)

Now that the matter has been promised and the mission of the sect has been accepted, Mo Chengjun will naturally not break his promise.

Therefore, after returning from the Hall of Stars, while taking stock of the research and gains he had made during this period, he was also waiting for the 'connector' to come to his door.

At the end of the communication with Sword Master Tianhen, the other party emphasized two things.

First, since Mo Chengjun is interested in the so-called 'Heavenly Court', that is, the 'Abode of the Immortals', he must be careful about the 'disaster of ghosts and gods'.

It's not the first time Mo Chengjun has heard of this "scourge of ghosts and gods". It was mentioned in Baling'er's letter, but it was also vague.

And this is the second time, and it has successfully aroused Mo Chengjun's interest.

However, Sword Master Tianhen obviously didn't have time to popularize the basic knowledge for him, so he raised his mouth and said: For the human race, this 'ghost and god' is no less a disaster than demons.

As for the specifics, you can find some information from the Ghost Spirit Gate!

These, belonging to their business scope, naturally have the most complete information and the deepest research.

And the second point is that this time the 'connector', the guest who came from the ghost gate, has a special status, so Mo Chengjun should be careful to receive it.

To be honest, this is quite interesting.

The ghost gate has a long history, but it is only a long history. In Yunzhou, it is one of the "four gates".

But if you really count, you can't even rank in the second rate, you have to hang around in the third rate.

However, Hua Ye, the master of the Galaxy Sword Sect and Tianhen Sword Master, described it as "receiving with care", and it is estimated that the master of the Ghost Spirit Sect is coming!
This success made Mo Chengjun murmur in his heart.

But when he really saw this person, he understood instantly.

No way, I know!
The brightest moment in life was when she stepped on this person's face and pretended fiercely.

As for an immortal, even the Sword Master Tianhen would not want to offend too much, not to mention whether he could afford to offend him, but it was completely unnecessary.

But, thinking about it, Mo Chengjun was a little confused.

Because, if he remembers correctly, the last time this person appeared on the stage, he was full of deadly aura, and his evil aura was astonishing. Even if he used the last method, he still showed the appearance of a flying yaksha.

Proper demons and ghosts belong to the category that ghosts and spirits must be "surrendered and suppressed".

But now, this person actually came to be the matchmaker in the name of Ghost Spirit Sect?
This is very interesting.

Mo Chengjun guessed blindly, if there is no [-]-word history of love, hatred and entanglement, it is estimated that such a thing can not be done?
Thinking about it carefully, if this person hadn't come forward, the sect would not have brought up this matter that had been rejected long ago.

Moreover, Sword Master Tianhen came forward in person and delivered it to Mo Chengjun in the form of a sect mission.

After all, the face of the immortal still has to be given!

Of course, regardless of how many twists and turns Mo Chengjun had in his heart at this moment, on the face of it, everything was normal for him.


When the two sides met, tea was served, and then they reported each other's names, exchanged a few words, and then got to the point.

Bai Letian was very blunt, so blunt that it was shameless, and he offered the secret record of the Guilingmen's Zhenpai - "Taiping Ghost Control Classic" without any hesitation.

And after Mo Chengjun took it, he opened it casually, and suddenly found that this f*ck is still the end of the book?
Even he was stunned at this moment.

I still remember that in the past, for a copy of the "Mirage Art" of the Xiandu Sect, he swore not to pass it on to the outside world, and he was able to teach it because he recognized his identity as an outside sect of the Xiandu Sect.

But what about now?
Is it too casual?

But after chatting for a few more words later, Mo Chengjun understood that what the person in front of him was cultivating was definitely not this "Taiping Ghost Control Classic".

In fact, this person's understanding of this method is also very limited.

After all, it was face-to-face communication, and Mo Chengjun got the method, so naturally he had to ask a few questions.

For example, what are the flaws in the "Taiping Ghost Control Classic"?
What are the consequences?
What exactly do I need to do?
What kind of problems should we mainly make up for?
Mo Chengjun felt that these questions were normal questions. When seeing a doctor, the doctor had to talk about "seeing, smelling, asking, and knowing", and the patient had to describe the symptoms clearly.

If you are asking about improving the exercises, then you have to say which aspect of the exercises you are not satisfied with?

But with regard to these few questions, Bai Letian stumbled to answer them.

After talking for a long time, it seems that the core talisman of "Taiping Ghost Controlling" is much weaker in suppressing ghosts and corpses, and now its effect is getting smaller and smaller.

Then, there is no more...

But Bai Letian couldn't answer any questions that were a little more detailed, so much so that Mo Chengjun looked at the other person with suspicion...

He almost said directly, are you sure you are from the Ghost Spirit Sect?
Bai Letian was also a little speechless. Although Guilingmen's mission is to 'exorcise ghosts and suppress corpses', it does not follow the path of 'killing without mercy'.

They believe that even ghosts or corpses are divided into good and evil, and the evil ones can be killed naturally, but the good ones are best to be "reduced".

Their fighting style even follows the path of 'using ghosts to control ghosts, and corpses to suppress corpses'. In other words, each of them has raised several ghosts or corpses to help them fight.

And the secret recording method that he majored in is naturally "Taiping Ghost Control Classic", but the question is?

Bai Letian belonged to the suppressed 'corpse' before. Although he had many encounters, he became a corpse fairy and gained the trust of the original owner.

Even after the original owner died, he had to help take care of the sect.

But if you want to say that he has a flying yaksha, how familiar is he with "Taiping Ghost Control"?

Sorry, this is not much better than asking Yu Blind.

The biggest problem is that he can't explain the details to Mo Chengjun yet.

If you really want to get to the bottom of it, you really don't know how to explain it until the year of the monkey, and he doesn't want to talk about his own secrets.

Simply put, Mo Chengjun still had some guesses in his heart, and he was not in the mood to inquire about the other party's secret.

And this exchange, this person's attitude was really good, his posture was extremely low, and he called out 'Master Mo' one after another, which made Mo Chengjun a little unaccustomed.

Well, after all, he has not entered into the mentality of "growth king" after all, and he really feels "flattered" by such a compliment from an immortal.

Of course, no matter how 'flattered', some established facts cannot be changed.

Therefore, seeing that the time was ripe, Mo Chengjun threw out a list without hesitation.

Up until now, although Bai Letian was 'speechless' when asked, to be honest, he was quite satisfied.

One is, this Master Mo in front of him is not as withdrawn as he imagined.

Another thing is that the other party really took his own family's affairs to heart, and the back and forth questions all revolved around the "Taiping Ghost Control Sutra".

As for the list Mo Chengjun handed over, he didn't think too much about it, and when he took it, he asked, "What is this?"

Mo Chengjun took it for granted: "Of course it is required by the project?"

Bai Letian took a glance, really just a glance, and then stopped moving. After a long while, he said dully: "Yes, do you want so much?"

"How much? This is only the first batch. In the later stage, we have to make adjustments according to the actual situation."

Mo Chengjun replied, as if he understood something, looked at Bai Letian in surprise, and asked, "Fellow Daoist Bai, you don't think that this creation method is because you threw this book of "Taiping Ghost Control" to me.

Then, when I finish my research, I can return the improved ones to you? "

Bai Letian asked back: "No, isn't it like this?"


Mo Chengjun looked speechless, he seemed to be silent for a long time before he said: "Fellow Daoist Bai, you should have heard from the outside world that my sect has an additional method that helps to comprehend sword intent, and even the supernatural power of sword art.

Is it or is it not? "

"That's right! The disciples of your Xinghe Sword Sect who went out during this time, the worst thing is that they have sword intent, killing power and victory. There are few enemies at the same level, but they are very majestic."

Although Bai Letian didn't know why Mo Chengjun brought this up, he still praised it and asked a little tentatively: "There are rumors outside that this was created by Master Mo. I wonder if it's true?"


Mo Chengjun nodded without hesitation. It is true that there is no need to avoid this matter now.

Then, he asked back: "Do you know, Fellow Daoist Bai, what was the first step I did in order to study the sword intent, and even the supernatural power of the sword?"

"What's the matter?"

"At that time, I actually didn't understand sword intent, so I took over rashly, and my eyes were blackened.

Therefore, I tried my best to find those sect disciples who had already comprehended the sword intent to come to me for a test, and then asked the brothers and sisters from the Temple of Enlightenment to help me. It took several months to do a detailed test. statistics.

And these, if I remember correctly, I have obtained a total of 820 copies of the sword intent record slips, and they are still in my study now, and I can call them at any time if I need them. "

"More than 7000 copies?"

This number still shocked Bai Letian.

Mo Chengjun nodded: "Yes, the [-] disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect went to the outer disciples, to the inner disciples who didn't understand the meaning of the sword, to those who hadn't come out of seclusion, and to those who specialize in the 'Pill Artifact Formation' , I will not move if I go again.

Of the rest, it is estimated that there are only more than 1 people.

In other words, in order to study sword intent, I counted almost all the disciples that the sect could mobilize. "

As soon as the subject changed, Mo Chengjun asked again: "Then fellow daoist Bai, do you know why I spend so much time and effort doing these things?"


"Any scientific research starts with the most basic cognition, and the first step in creating a method must be in-depth, comprehensive, and rational cognition.

You see I spent so long doing statistics.

But in fact, it took me a longer time to analyze, find out the commonalities, and then make a final summary.

And this is also the basis for me to create a method later on. "

Having said that, Mo Chengjun pointed to the list and said, "So?

Look at the first item, I have asked for thousands of "subsistence objects" of ghosts and ghosts, for this reason, I have to really perceive, understand, and summarize and analyze.

Are you right? "

Bai Letian blinked, thinking it made sense, but he shook his head and said, "But what about the second item?
Want as many records and secret books about ghosts and ghosts as possible, do you know how many of these ghost spirit gates are there?Do you need everything? "

Mo Chengjun gave another example: "Fellow Daoist Bai, everyone knows that I have solved the [-]th limit of the eternal problem, and I even shined brilliantly at the Wutong Puja. amazing."

Bai Letian: "Yes, since then, my Ghost Spirit Sect has wanted to ask Master Mo for help."

Mo Chengjun: "Now, everyone knows that the Forty Limits are formed by the decline of the human body's 'spirit, energy, and spirit'. If you want to break the limit, you have to start with the recovery of the 'spirit, energy, and spirit'.

And I am one of the successful ones.

But you think these three methods are created by myself?
No, never.

I got the magic of "Essence, Qi and Spirit" and the art of refining spirit from a book of mahogany secrets, and the method of "Entraining Qi" from the Zangfa Building of Xinghe Jianzong. Finally, the art of refining essence is mine. It is formed by combining two kinds of martial arts methods.


Do you think that I got all these for nothing, no, none of them, these are all the wisdom of the predecessors, knowledge hidden in the pile of old papers.

So, I need books about ghosts and ghosts, the more the better.

Because, you don't know which secret book hides the method or idea to solve the "Taiping Ghost Control Sutra". "

After a pause, Mo Chengjun concluded: "Others think that my creation is like drinking water and eating, but how can it be that simple?
I prefer to call it climbing high and looking far away. I never walk alone, but stand on the shoulders of my predecessors, so that I can get a glimpse of the scenery in the distance.

Of course, this is just a glimpse. If you really want to go to a distant place, you have to go through various experiments, thinking, reanalysis, verification, and so on.

Therefore, the latter spiritual materials are essential. "

As he said that, Mo Chengjun also sighed: "Others have seen the benefits that Xinghe Jianzong has obtained, but who has seen the massive spiritual materials and manpower consumed by Xinghe Jianzong?
Every one of my creations is not the success of me alone, but the full support of Galaxy Sword Sect. "

After a pause, he asked again: "Fellow Daoist Bai, do you still think this list is needed, how many?"

Bai Letian: "Uh, it seems, not too many!"

"That's it!"

In the dark, Mo Chengjun finally clapped his hands, good guy, finally got limped by fooling around!
 The second is finally delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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