Chapter 231 Great Victory (Updated)
In Yunzhou, there is a huge unknown underground palace somewhere.

In the resplendent underground palace, there are dozens of huge water mirrors suspended in the air, and there are water waves in it to reflect various scene changes.

If you look closely, these are all scenes of counter-insurgency that broke out in various parts of Yunzhou, and what they reflect are the actions of the disciples of Xinghe Sword Sect.

It even included the battle of the Fufeng Sect, and even the "one vs three" of Tianhen Sword Master Hua Ye in the northwest of Yunzhou.

It's just that these two lenses are zoomed out so far that the picture is very blurred, and even the outlines are hard to see.

And in the center surrounded by water mirrors, stood a man with an ordinary face but fanatical eyes.

With a straight waist, he stared at the screen with piercing eyes, but said nothing.

Beside him, a burly man with a dark and ugly face, who couldn't see any shadow under the night pearl, couldn't help asking: "Xiaofeng, are you really not going to do something?"

Xiaofeng didn't look back, and even his eyes didn't fluctuate. He asked directly: "Yan Luo, what do you think I should do?"

"Save people! These are all your subordinates, shouldn't you save the next batch, at least some people you can command."

"Then which one do you think I should save? How? How will I arrange it after saving?

The most important thing is that this group has already been killed, even if they are saved, how much courage do you think they will have when facing Xinghe Jianzong again? "

After a series of rhetorical questions from Xiao Feng, Yan Luo, who was directly confronted, had nothing to say, and without waiting for Yan Luo to answer, he paused, and then said: "The most important thing is that if you save them, even if you can't change the overall situation, you have to expose my existence." , what's the point?
I have come here to complete the task entrusted to me by Lord Long, not to save people. "

For the first time, Yan Luo felt that the person in front of him was so 'spicy and ruthless', he squinted his eyes slightly, but he didn't get entangled in this issue, and just asked again: "Then what are you going to do?
After this time, the entire Yunzhou presumably had to be wiped out of internal troubles.

As for foreign enemies?

It is estimated that it will not be long before subsidence. Both inside and outside are safe, and there is an iron bucket. What you want to do is really not easy. "

After a pause, he also analyzed: "Besides, the strength shown by Xinghe Jianzong this time, although not a real sword fairy, is really not weak.

Immortals can kill as soon as they say, and the living Buddha hurts as soon as they say.

And that Skyline Sword Master.

To be honest, it was a mistake to regard him as the Great Yang God. If he hadn't taken the path of sword cultivation, he probably would have taken that step long ago.

However, in terms of killing power, I don't think ordinary immortals are necessarily as good as him.

With such strength, now that you have been wiped out of power again, how can you make a comeback? "

This time, Xiaofeng was not in a hurry to answer, it seemed that he himself was thinking about this question.

At this point, Yan Luo even cast out his doubts all along: "By the way, why do you have to stare at Xinghe Jianzong?
Of the eight great immortal sects in the world, you have replaced two, but there are still six, can't you just replace one?Do you have to smash this one? "

Xiaofeng finally turned his head, he took a deep look at Yan Luo, and said, "No!"

"Is it simply an arrangement from above?"

"On the one hand, on the other hand, the main reason is that they themselves are not up to date."

The mocking wind paused before continuing to explain: "It took them more than five hundred years to occupy the name of the sword cultivator's ancestral court, and with the support of the entire Yunzhou, they have not yet found the place where they can really step out. The one-step approach is too disappointing.

If they can't do it, if someone can do it, then naturally they have to abdicate. "

Yan Luo asked back: "But the problem is, their killing power is not bad. Those Yangshen sword masters really want to work hard, and they can indeed be equivalent to an immortal."

Xiao Feng shook his head: "But they are not immortals after all, what the higher-ups want to see is a mature sword immortal, not a group of sun god sword masters known as 'enemy immortals'.

It's not the same after all. "

"Is that so?"

Yan Luo thought about it, and asked again: "Then what are you going to do now?"

However, Xiaofeng laughed, with a strange smile: "He asked, what do you think of the 'display' of Xinghe Jianzong this time, how effective is it?"

Yan Luo: "It's very successful, and I even have the thought of shrinking back. Although the fine nectar is good, I have to drink it with my life!"

Xiaofeng: "If it weren't for their congenital defects, I might have changed my target.

But you also have to admit that although their performance was successful, it also exposed their own shortcomings. "

Yan Luo: "What shortcoming?"

"They showed their strength completely in front of me.

And although Lord Long forbids me to transfer other personnel, the name of 'Bending the Sky' can already drive a huge force. "

Xiaofeng's eyes were shining with excitement. Obviously, he was not just talking, but really had a plan in his heart.

"So, let them be proud for a while, and when I arrange it properly, I will give them a thunderous blow."

"When you live, you live, and when you die, you die. Everything is to make up for the gaps in the sky."


Star River Sword Sect.

Mo Mansion, the backyard.

"Godfather, godfather, we have won a big victory, a big victory!"

Xue Ling ran over in a hurry, and stood in front of Mo Chengjun's window, yelling excitedly.

Mo Chengjun raised his head from a pile of documents, looked at him in some confusion, stared at him for a long while, and finally got the focal length.

"What big victory? Speak clearly, don't be foolish!" Mo Chengjun scolded him: "How do I usually teach you?

You must be logical in speaking and doing things, you must have a sequence, you must explain the prerequisites, and the thinking jumps too fast, who can keep up?

This big win?Who wins?Who are you going to perform Wutai sword fighting with? "

At this point, he finally came to his senses: "Wait, you just said we won a big victory?"

Xue Ling was used to Mo Chengjun's ramblings from time to time, and he was not affected by it. He said directly: "Yes, the seven palace masters above planned a strategy to win the victory thousands of miles away. They launched it almost at the same time, so that the entire Yunzhou The stronghold of the Lotus Sect, the entrance of the Tianli Sect, the Lihuo demons, rebels, bandits, thieves, gentry and wealthy families dissatisfied with the fourth prince, etc., were all taken down in one fell swoop.

Then there is the Fufeng Sect, yes, Fufeng Sect, one of the three sects, no one thought that it was actually the stronghold of the rebel army, but it has already been breached.

The Fufeng Sect was destroyed, from the suzerain to the disciples, all were beheaded.

Of course, they were just tools to be pushed to the front row, and there were still two immortals who were really commanding at the back.

One of them, from Liangzhou, is a Buddhist...

The other is from the East China Sea, and the distance is very far away. He is named Qingyangzi, and he is also a great power who is called the ancestor.


I don't know where Xue Ling heard it, but he actually told the deeds of these two people clearly and logically.

The point is that they are all living immortal Buddhas, how powerful they are.

But when the conversation changed, he said again: "But they are unlucky, this time they met the six palace masters of my Galaxy Sword Sect.

The way they fight is that the sun and the moon are dark, the sky is dim and the earth is dark.

The six palace masters use...

It is said that Qingyangzi...

And that Buddha Wuliang dared to..."

It seemed that he was afraid that Mo Chengjun didn't understand the details enough, Xue Ling described it carefully.

I don't know where he heard it from, but he even described clearly which palace master, what kind of sword art and supernatural power he used, and what expression he had at that time.

It was really spitting and full of passion.

Mo Chengjun really wanted to ask, how many people are you sure can see the fighting skills of Yangshen and Immortals?
But just now he criticized Xue Ling's speech without beginning and end, and now he could only listen to Xue Ling's embarrassing bragging.

Simply, Xue Ling is not really blind. Seeing that Mo Chengjun's face was getting darker and darker, he wisely ended the "long-winded" and threw out the result.

"That is to say, the six palace lords fought with two immortals, and the immortal who was killed in the end was defeated, and one died and the other escaped?"

Mo Chengjun repeated it, and then asked, "Is this news reliable?"

"The announcement directly from the Zongmen Hall is certainly reliable.

Also, the sect disciples who were close to him had turned around, and they also brought back a lot of news. "

Mo Chengjun asked again: "What about Youdu? How about your Uncle Ba?"

Xue Ling: "There is no notice from the sect over there, but there is also news that the head teacher personally fought against the three demons and finally drove back a million demon army.

Now, there is no conflict on the border. "

Mo Chengjun was stunned: "One against three?"

Xue Ling also scratched his head a little: "That's what the news said, the details are not clear, but it is a fact that the demon army has retreated."

"That's it!"

Mo Chengjun didn't get too entangled, but paid attention to the series of news itself. He was also shocked for a long time and didn't come back to his senses.

He has always felt that the above few are not the kind of masters who just take a beating and don't fight back. Galaxy Sword Sect must be planning some big plan.

Unexpectedly, this is really not a move, but a move is a big deal.

Yunzhou, which was originally a mess, was swept away in a day, and the world was restored. It was really a thunderbolt.

Of course, Mo Chengjun thought a little deeper, guessing that the chaos in Yunzhou before was actually the intentional indulgence of those few people, and they should be 'fishing'.

This wave, naturally closed the net.

Until then, Mo Chengjun didn't realize it later - looking at the situation in Yunzhou before, he always felt that there was something weird, but now he has figured it out.

Not to mention anything else, regarding Galaxy Sword Sect's operation in Yunzhou, the foundation has been established for 500 years, and its influence has penetrated into all aspects. How could it be so easily shaken?
Looking at this action again, the surgically precise strike even counted the strength of the opponent.

It can only be said that before, it was pure indulgence!

However, this is a good thing, a great thing, and Mo Chengjun is happy again.

He wished that Galaxy Sword Sect could be safe and stable for hundreds of years, and when he cultivated into a sword fairy, it wouldn't matter who came.

After dismissing Xue Ling, Mo Chengjun sat back to his original place, his thoughts 'flying' for a while, and finally came back to his senses.

The news was good news, but all his friends hadn't returned yet, so even if he wanted to celebrate, it was meaningless to be alone.

His eyes fell on the desk, he looked at the messy research materials, hesitated for a full second, and rushed in again.

Speaking of which, if the ghost five elders knew what he was doing, they would probably jump up angrily.

Because what he is studying now is not the summary of the second conclusion of "Book of Heaven", that has already been done.

Nor is it the perfection of "Taiping Ghost Control", which is still in the process of learning.

Now, what he is mainly solving is actually the second of the three major sections of the second part of "The Great Plan" "Heavenly World" - the problem of long-distance dreaming.

And its inspiration comes from the sacred way of incense, the collection of the wish power of incense by the genus of ghosts and gods.

 Yes, this is to make up for yesterday, I did not forget, I posted an update yesterday, and fell asleep after the code words.

  Then, there is another update before twelve o'clock today, and it can be coded out, which is the first update today.

  As for the last update, it will be after twelve o'clock, but tonight, I must finish it all, without delay or in arrears...

(End of this chapter)

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