Chapter 234 Passing on Gong (seeking a monthly ticket)

To be honest, Mo Chengjun himself did not expect that the project of "Dream from a Distance" could achieve decisive results in such a short period of time.

Especially when he encountered difficulties in the "Energy Supplement of Peach Blossom Miasma" and couldn't find a solution, he didn't have much hope.

The follow-up research is just a plan, and it has to be completed no matter what.

Of course, to be honest, Mo Chengjun was not disappointed.

In fact, in his opinion, the plan of the Xianxia version of "Internet" is really too big, and it would be great if he could get some ideas and achieve some results, and be able to go hand in hand with "Plate [-]" and "Plate [-]".

Perhaps the expectations are not high, so the mentality is quite good.

But sometimes, I really complied with the phrase "If you want to plant flowers, the flowers will not bloom, but if you don't care, you will plant willows and willows will make shade".

Just when Mo Chengjun was about to find a way to enter the world of fantasy magic, and put the project on hold, he ushered in a turning point.

To say that this "Peach Blossom Miasma" can lead people into a dream, but it is a dream of their own, a subconscious activity, not entering "Yellow Liang Yimeng".

There is a difference.

However, it is analogous to the fact that when ordinary people offer incense to ghosts and gods, they must recite the "God's Name" so that ghosts and gods can receive the power of incense.

Mo Chengjun made a guess, this 'god name' is equivalent to a website, or the display icons of various apps.

What do you want to do, you have to enter a fixed URL, or click on the corresponding APP, and then you can find the correct entry.

It's like if you want to chat with someone, or use WeChat or QQ, you have to click the icons of WeChat and QQ to enter the port.

If you turn on 'Meitu Xiuxiu', you can't chat, and the only thing you can do is edit pictures.

So, if you want people to enter the magic world through the 'Peach Blossom Miasma', you must first create a website or display an icon for the 'Magic World'.

And after having this idea, the first thing Mo Chengjun did was to upgrade "Huang Liang Yi Meng" again.

Therefore, besides "Jianghu", "Shushan", "Nanzhan Buzhou" and "Xiniu Hezhou", there is another magical world in the supernatural seeds belonging to "A Dream of Yellow Liang".

Of course it is not "Beiju Luzhou" or "Dongsheng Shenzhou", but "Tianting".

It is based on his heaven in the cave, including the layout of the Nine Heavens in his memory, to create a complete heaven.

As a result, the fifth magical world has now taken shape, and there is an end point belonging to the ascension of immortals.

And every time you enter and leave the Heavenly Court, you have to pass through the Heavenly Gate. Now, of course, only the 'Southern Heavenly Gate' is open.

So, Mo Chengjun fell into a dream many times, leaving behind the experience of entering the Nantian Gate, and pulled out the 'Peach Blossom Miasma' carried by this part of the memory from the flat peach tree.

At this point, a network port similar to 'God Name' is available.

Then, Mo Chengjun injected this special strand of 'Peach Blossom Miasma' into the sea of ​​consciousness of the four-eared donkey demon, and when he triggered it, he could lead the consciousness of the four-eared donkey demon into the world of illusion - 'heavenly court'.

So far, the problem of "remote dreaming" has finally been solved. The only problem is how to charge the "Peach Blossom Miasma".

But this problem, he also found new inspiration in the process of shaping the "Illusory Heavenly Court World".

It should be said that every time the 'Peach Blossom Miasma' is touched and the process of entering the world of illusion is a generation of experience and memory.

If there is a heaven and earth inspiration to carry it, its characteristics will be similar to 'Peach Blossom Miasma'.

Therefore, 'replacement' and 'recharging' are not acceptable, so just 'produce' directly.

With this idea in mind, Mo Chengjun directly took out the fairy bone, and relying on sufficient inspiration from the world, he then used the supernatural power of "Mediation of Good Fortune" to give it a purple jade token that was condensed into a substance.

Then, put a wisp of 'Peach Blossom Miasma' into the Purple Jade Token.

In this way, every time you enter or leave the world of the Illusory Heavenly Court, memories and experiences will be generated, and then a little bit of heaven and earth spirituality particles will be extracted from the purple jade token to carry it, and it will become a new 'Peach Blossom Miasma'.

And in this way, one increase and one decrease, consumption and production, it means that there is no decrease at all.

Of course, although this purple jade token was directly piled up by Mo Chengjun with the particles of heaven and earth inspiration, the heaven and earth inspiration contained in itself is rich enough.

But maintaining its own existence occupies most of it, and there are not many real inspirations that can be consumed.

But it is not easy to recharge the 'Peach Blossom Miasma', but this purple jade token can be recharged a second time, as long as it has mana.

Yes, that is mana.

Mo Chengjun's original idea was to use pure inspiration from heaven and earth, which could be grafted on the usual breathing.

But after thinking about it later, I felt that I had to add some branding and the like to make it unique and personal.

Otherwise, anyone who takes this 'Heavenly Court Reception Token' can enter the world of Illusory Heavenly Court, which seems too cheap.

Therefore, he carved a lot of complicated formations in the purple jade token, and refined this purple jade token into something similar to a magic weapon.

It can be absorbed into the body, and after following the specific meridians and orifices for a day, and being contaminated with enough energy, it is equivalent to being branded as a person.

After that, for the first three openings, as long as the soul touches the 'Peach Blossom Miasma' inside it, it will be fine.

This is designed for those mortals who have not had the slightest cultivation experience after taking the "Heavenly Reception Order".

But after three times, mana must be input.

This mana can be regarded as making up for the consumption of the purple jade token itself, so that 'consumption and recovery' can be carried out together.

So far, in theory, this "Heavenly Invitation Order" can even continue to exist forever.

Of course, theory belongs to theory, everything has a limit, but Mo Chengjun has not found this limit yet.

In the end, in order to avoid the outbreak of murder and looting of treasures due to the "Heaven's Invitation Order", Mo Chengjun finally set a token for it, which can only be used once.

In other words, each token can only be used by the person who first refined it. After this person dies, the purple jade token will trigger a self-destruct procedure, and it will directly disperse into a ball of heaven and earth inspiration, never to be seen again.

In other words, all the "Heavenly Invitation Orders" in this world have been consumed, and only the Heavenly Court is eligible to issue them.

Mo House.

Inside the study.

Mo Chengjun looked at the heavenly reception order in his hand, and the deep purple light reflected the pensive look in his eyes.

This thing has been produced, but we still need to find some people to use it.

In the end, whether it works or not, and whether there will be any other problems in the long-distance dreaming, it has to be achieved in practice.

It's just that, in the name of "Heavenly Court", it is registered in this world of cultivating immortals, and it is even more impossible to find people to experiment in this galaxy sword sect.

Therefore, it is best to find some real mortals.

No way, I have to sneak out again.

Of course, before that, he had to go to Yunjian City to meet someone.


City between clouds.

The residence of the Xue family.

"Brother Mo, long time no see!"

"Brother Xue, it's been a long time!"

Seeing Xue Pan again, Mo Chengjun had the illusion of being in another world, the man stood there smiling brightly, it seemed very strange, but slowly reunited with Xue Pan in his memory.

Looking at the other side's temples, there are already a few strands of white hair, and it is only then that they realize that they have known each other for almost twenty years.

Time flies, time flies, and it really flows through the hands inadvertently.

Seeing Mo Chengjun, Xue Pan was even more happy, and immediately ordered his servants to go out and prepare wine and food, so that when this old friend meets again, he will never return drunk.

That night, Mo Chengjun did not leave, the two chatted happily and talked a lot.

Mo Chengjun picked out all the things he could talk about, and naturally he couldn't mention what he couldn't talk about, and Xue Pan also talked about his experience.

It was okay when Mo Chengjun had just retreated. Although he had moved a lot of family assets, no one dared to talk nonsense.

However, the longer Mo Chengjun retreated, and the hope of breaking through the golden core seemed to be getting slimmer, the voices of those clan elders came out.

In the end, there was his third uncle, who, for the sake of his own son, went along with the flow and transferred him away from Yunjian City.

It should be said that Mo Chengjun already knew all these things, but from Xue Pan's mouth, it was a different feeling from his perspective.

And at the end, Mo Chengjun asked the same question as Uncle Xue Pan: "So, do you hate Uncle Ni?"

Xue Pan seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then smiled freely: "I shouldn't say hate, but I understand him quite well.

Moreover, speaking of it, my third uncle did not treat me badly. My father died early, and my uncle and third uncle helped to arrange the rest of the way.

Otherwise, if he really entered the army, I guess the body would have been cold long ago based on the fighting situation on the border in the past few years.

If you ask my third uncle, why did he make such an arrangement?
That's because he already had two sons who died on the battlefield. It's so sad for a white-haired man to send a black-haired one. "

Saying so, Xue Pan drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, his eyes slightly blurred.

He looked at Mo Chengjun and said with a smile: "I've heard someone say that the most important thing in communicating with people is to talk about deeds regardless of heart, if it's about heart, how can there be a perfect person in this world?

To be honest, when I asked Xue Ling to recognize you as godfather, it was just to use your name as a cultivator to frighten those greedy local snakes in Sifang City.

How important is this selfishness.

But if only because of this selfishness, deny the friendship we have had for the past 20 years?
How ridiculous! "

These words made Mo Chengjun a little dazed.

For the first time, he discovered that perhaps among the three of him, Xue Pan and Baling'er, it was Xue Pan who lived in the world of mortals, scrambling and dealing with people a lot, so he could see the most clearly.


As if thinking of something, Xue Pan took out a storage bag from his waist and threw it over: "This is from my third uncle, it is his apology, you can keep it."

Mo Chengjun took it, and was about to hand it back: "Apology is too much between us!"

Xue Pan asked back: "You really don't want it?"

"Hehe, it's not me bragging with you, I don't care much about how many good things there should be in the secret vault of Galaxy Sword Sect.

Your third uncle, what can you come up with..."

Xue Pan smiled "hehe" and interrupted directly: "The eyes of the spiritual spring in the dormant period, twenty pieces!"

Mo Chengjun twirled his hand, then took it back, grinned and said, "I'm really rare for this treasure that your third uncle gave you. Hmm, tell your third uncle for me when you have time, an apology is quite suitable." I agree.

Huh? "

As if thinking of something, Mo Chengjun gave Xue Pan a strange look.

Xue Pan seemed to know his doubts, and said with a wry smile: "I bought the Eye of Lingquan through the Xue family caravan after all.

Others may not care about this scattered, but how could it escape my third uncle's eyes. "

"Well, that's true!"

There's nothing wrong with saying this.

However, looking at Xue Pan, who had already turned gray at the temples, he pointed and said, "Brother Xue, are you old?"

Xue Pan was a little speechless, looked at Mo Chengjun's still pale and tender face, and said: "You haven't changed at all.

Maybe one day when I die, you and Baling'er want to drink with me, so you will have to go to my grave. "

"Let's talk about whether we die or not."

Mo Chengjun waved his hand: "I just want to ask, do you want to be young again?"

Xue Pan's eyes lit up: "Can I?"

"If I'm not sure, I won't talk nonsense with you."

As he spoke, Mo Chengjun waved his hand, and a soundproof barrier enveloped the house.

Then he said: "I have a kung fu here called "Eight Nine Xuan Gong", which is most suitable for martial arts, it can wash the marrow and exchange blood, raise the limit of the human body, and gain the power to shake the sky and shake the earth.

Would you like to learn? "

 Finally, it has been changed. This is the first update today, and I am still working on the second update.

  But this time I won’t brag with everyone. If I can write it out and the quality is okay, I’ll post it. If it doesn’t work, I’ll make it up tomorrow...

  Cough cough, hey hey, speak well, don't throw bricks, it's a slap in the face!
(End of this chapter)

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