Chapter 233

That night.

Mo Mansion, Stables.

It is said to be a stable, but in fact it is more like a wing room. The sanitation is not bad at all, but it lives in a...donkey.

That night, when the four-eared donkey demon was sleeping soundly, a puff of mist diffused in the courtyard, and penetrated into the wing room through the gaps in the doors and windows.

The four-eared donkey demon in his sleep seemed to have sensed something was wrong, but after inhaling too much smoke, he couldn't open his eyes after all.

Then, a ray of pink red light fell from the sky, landed between his eyebrows, and entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

So, that night, the four-eared donkey demon had a dream.

In the dream, he came to a kingdom of donkey demons.

He is the king of the donkey demon, ruling tens of millions of people and hundreds of millions of territories. He usually does nothing but pamper the harem, reproduce his descendants, and pass on his best blood to the whole country.

In his harem alone, he has three thousand real concubines and thirty thousand beauties, who he can favor as he pleases.

He also specially created an opera troupe to select good opera singers from all over the country and cultivate them for ten or eight years. Only after they have achieved something in their studies can they be qualified to present a song in front of him.

It's a beautiful day!
It was so beautiful that he wanted to die drunk in his dream.

On the second day, the four-eared donkey demon woke up feeling refreshed and in excellent condition.

According to his old habits, he hummed a little tune, and walked out of Mo's mansion with steps that his relatives did not recognize, heading towards Yunjian City.

Behind him, Mo Chengjun smiled even brighter. He fetched a pen and paper, and wrote down four words at once—simulation success.

A wisp of peach blossom miasma does have the same effect as wish power, and can be used as a bridge for grafting, leading the other party into a dream.

But this dream is also very common, it is not an illusion world, but based on his subconscious.

To be honest, it is equivalent to giving the four-eared donkey demon a 'dream marriage technique'.

This naturally does not meet Mo Chengjun's requirements, but he is actually very happy, because being able to dream from a distance means that everything has a foundation.

It's like wireless telegraphy, which looks extremely primitive, not as good as today's WiFi, Bluetooth, hotspots, etc., but the principle is the same.

And the next step is to test the impact of dreaming in this situation on the subject, which is also a safety issue.

Yes, no matter when, Mo Chengjun hopes to put 'safety' first.

So, on the second night, the four-eared donkey demon began to dream again.

Only this time, everything in the dream changed, he became the only male donkey demon in the entire donkey demon kingdom, and he had to bear the heavy responsibility of reproduction.

So, countless female donkey monsters set up a long dragon outside the palace.

And what he needs to do is to work from this room to that room, day in and day out, night and day.

As we all know, there are only exhausted cows and no plowed fields. No matter how brave the four-eared donkey is, if he works too hard, he will become a soft-footed donkey.

The most important thing is that if the objects are some beautiful female donkey demons, he can still be interested, but if the ministers say "the rain and dew are all wet", it will really kill him.

The four-eared donkey demon swears that he doesn't like any of those who are fatter, stronger than him, and uglier than him...

But the problem is, he has no choice!

That night, the four-eared donkey demon had an extremely heart-stopping experience.

When he went out the next day, he drooped his head, looking listless, and his legs were shaking when he walked.

Mo Chengjun watched from behind, and felt that the four-eared donkey demon is still quite strong. After all this, he can still go out to listen to operas. He is indeed a strong man of his generation.

So, we have to continue.

So, on the third night, the dream of the four-eared donkey demon changed again.

He became a wanted criminal of the donkey demon kingdom, the most wanted criminal in the whole country, and the whole donkey demon kingdom became a muscular man with arms thicker than his thighs, chasing him with all kinds of weapons.

The four-eared donkey demon fled all over the world, but was finally caught, and the thick mace smashed him into a pulp.

The four-eared donkey demon woke up, as if awakened from the deepest nightmare, but he suddenly found that he was still in the donkey demon kingdom.

So, another hunt began.

He was knocked to death again, woke up with a start, only to find that he was still in a dream...

In this way, again and again, until he died eighteen times, as if he had gone through eighteen layers of hell, he really broke free from the dream.

On the second day, the four-eared donkey demon was completely wilted, and he felt his head was about to explode, and he didn't even want to go to listen to the music that could not be shaken.

Mo Chengjun reached the limit, and wrote down the record - dreaming from a long distance, after all, is different from being disconnected from the Internet, it will greatly affect personal emotions, so be careful not to experience multiple deaths.

Of course, the four-eared donkey demon is a big monster after all, and the strength of his soul is far beyond that of ordinary people, which is not the same.

But normal 'surfing the Internet', or even experiencing one or two dream fights, leading to death, should not cause irreversible damage to ordinary people.

This is another good news!

But the problem came again, after these few days of "tossing", the wisp of peach blossom miasma has been exhausted.

After all, it is just a wisp, and the energy it contains is limited, so how can it be used endlessly.

However, the 'limited edition' is not what Mo Chengjun needs after all, so how to replenish energy has become a problem.

So, this night, the four-eared donkey demon suffered.

He wanted to sleep, but he didn't dare to sleep. The whole person was sleeping, dreaming, waking up, falling asleep, dreaming, waking up.

And it's not just a day, it's been five full days, he can't eat well, sleep well every day, the four-eared donkey demon has lost a lot of weight, and his eyes are dull when looking at people, losing his spirit.

As for Mo Chengjun, he finally got the conclusion he wanted.

First of all, he ruled out the idea of ​​'periodical replacement', it's not that it can't be realized, it's really a flat peach tree, and it can't stand such a big consumption.

Peach Blossom Miasma is the source of his mana, and it is also the key to his growth and breakthrough. If 10 people "go online" at the same time, then a large amount of Peach Blossom Miasma must be extracted every day.

As a result, it is estimated that the opportunity to become a fairy has not been met, and my original source has been taken away, so I can only use four words to describe it-putting the cart before the horse.

Since there is no way to 'regularly replace', we have to find a way to 'recharge on the spot', and the most ideal 'charging pile' is the human body itself.

or personal 'spirit',
or the mana cultivated,
Or some other energy sources, such as internal force, true energy, gangsha and so on.

During this period of time, the direction of Mo Chengjun's experiments is to let this wisp of "peach blossom miasma" form a self-circulation and self-recharge without affecting the mortals themselves.

To be honest, although the four-eared donkey demon was tortured enough, the effect was not good.

The main reason is that this ray of peach blossom miasma is not easy to supplement, the energy is not good, and the mana is not good.

Even when Mo Chengjun wanted to join in the breathing and breath, and directly absorb the inspiration from the world, he failed.

As for the reason for the failure?
At first he didn't realize it, but later he had a vague guess.

According to the first conclusion of "Book of Heaven", the energy source of the heaven and earth inspiration is actually the dark matter or dark energy in space.

In the final analysis, Peach Blossom Miasma is still the inspiration of heaven and earth. What it consumes is the dark matter and dark energy stored in itself, and it is naturally these dark matter and dark energy that need to be replenished.

Therefore, Peach Blossom Miasma has no sense of spirit, mana, or even the inspiration of heaven and earth.

There is even a 'competitive' relationship between them.

But the problem is, Mo Chengjun can't create a vacuum for them to absorb dark matter or dark energy at any time across thousands of miles, right?
Well, this link is stuck.

Mo Chengjun thought for a long time, but after failing to find a good solution, he had to let go and solve the next problem.

As for the next question, dreaming is only the basis, and entering the illusion is the goal.

So, after several days of sleeping and waking up, the four-eared donkey demon began to dream again.

But this time the dream was extremely weird, there seemed to be a place called 'Jianghu', where he could see many people fighting for fame and fortune.

There is also a man named Xiniu Hezhou, who is full of monsters and ancient beasts.

He had never heard of so many types of monsters, and he felt that each of them had amazing supernatural powers, and fighting and killing seemed commonplace.

Of course, although strong is strong, the four-eared donkey demon is quite contemptuous.

One by one, you know that you are ashamed and drink blood, and you don't have the appearance that life should be at all.

However, after entering Nanzhan Buzhou, he didn't think so. It was really too rich and prosperous there.

There are many things he has never seen or eaten, and he only thinks that living here is called life.

Finally, he seems to have entered a place called 'Heavenly Court'.

It is a good place to practice, but it seems that there are too many immortals gathered with great power, which makes him tremble with fear.

Of course, he didn't know all of the above from a dream, but intermittently, back and forth, many times when he woke up and fell into a dream, and after falling into a dream and then sober, he slowly summed it up.

Until this time, the four-eared donkey demon finally came to his senses. Without saying a word, he ran to Mo Chengjun without saying anything, just crying loudly.

This scene can make the three little ones jump.

Looking at the four-eared donkey demon again, it turned out to be so fat and strong, but now it can only be described as 'marketing skinny'.

As far as Xue Ling and Ba Nishang are concerned, they have a good relationship with the four-eared donkey demon. From time to time, the four-eared donkey demon returns from Yunjian City and brings them delicious food.

Not seeing each other for the past few days, the four-eared donkey demon actually turned into this appearance, which made the two of them feel even more heartbroken.

But no matter how the two of them asked, the donkey monster kept silent and just looked at Mo Chengjun eagerly.

The grievance in those eyes almost flowed out.

Mo Chengjun was also embarrassed by the look, so he smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, it won't happen in the future, don't worry!"

The four-eared donkey demon still didn't speak, but there was a clear meaning in his eyes, as if he was asking: "Is what you said true?"

Mo Chengjun nodded quickly: "Really!"

The four-eared donkey demon left, turned his head three times at a step, and still didn't say anything, just looked at Mo Chengjun pitifully.

And what about Mo Chengjun?
He also slipped away, turned around and ran to his own retreat room, once the restraint was opened to isolate the inside and outside, he took out something with his backhand.

It was a token-shaped jade tablet, the whole body was purple, blooming with a hazy light, it was very luxurious.

Looking at one side again, the carved dragon and painted phoenix are vivid, and around the mouth of the dragon and the mouth of the phoenix is ​​a cloud of pink rays of light, gathered into a cluster.

And if you stare at this pink glow carefully, look carefully, and look intently, you will seem to be able to see within it, above the sky full of purple air, a majestic gate of heaven.

The word "South Tianmen" is written on it.

Turning over to the other side, you can see countless spirit pattern seal scripts in the transparent purple jade, forming a huge array of restrictions, densely packed, so complex that the naked eye can see.

But on the surface of the purple jade, there is nothing.

And Mo Chengjun pondered for a while, and with a thought, the complicated lines of the formation disappeared, and only five big characters appeared on the surface.

The heavenly court received the order!
 Well, this chapter is actually the second draft.

  It was around two o'clock last night, and I wrote it out, but when I was refining it, I found out, what kind of mess is it written?
  The stuff that dogs don’t even read, was directly deleted. Today, I sorted out the detailed outline and found my own theme, so I coded it out, and changed it twice.

  Then, the next chapter should be corrected and sent out before twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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