Chapter 26 Ning Lunatic

The Cangfa Building of Xinghe Jianzong occupies a large area, and the first floor of the Cangfa Building is particularly large.

According to incomplete statistics, there are at least [-] volumes of secret books, secret records and related books collected here, as well as various fragments that cannot be counted.

In terms of quantity, it accounts for more than [-]% of the entire collection of Zangfalou. The substrates of its secret books include paper, bamboo slips, stone carvings, animal skins, bells and tripods, etc. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are a hodgepodge.

This is because the disciples of Galaxy Sword Sect will more or less gain something when they travel outside.

And among the tasks hanging in the main hall of the sect, there is a task of collecting secret records of exercises, which has never been taken off the shelf.

Although most of the secret books have to be verified by the Temple of Enlightenment after they are handed in, and corresponding contribution points will be given according to their value.

Naturally, the value is also particular. Those who can cultivate to a higher level and have special functions are naturally worth more.

The natural value of those that have been included is low.

But the problem is, there is another category among them that is extremely special.

That is, some are not included, but they are either old, unverified, or orphaned, or have some defects. How can these be counted?

In fact, the contribution made by the Temple of Enlightenment is actually inflated.

Therefore, those disciples who go out for a walk always like to bring all kinds of unique secret skills home.

What stone carvings, bamboo slips, cloud patterns, animal bones, as long as they are related to practice, the more varied and weird, the more they like it.

Because these basically mean that there can be no duplication, a single copy.

That price, tsk tsk, is exciting.

Maybe it's because I don't want to dampen the enthusiasm of the disciples, or it may be some other reasons. Anyway, this task and reward have not changed for many years.

And where are all these isolated copies of secret books, stone carvings and bamboo slips?
Yes, they all piled up on the first floor of the Zangfa building.

This is also the reason why the first floor of the Zangfa building needs a cleaning man. There are too many books and too messy, and there must be a few more people to organize and maintain them.

As for the second floor, there is no such position, and there is no need for it. The scribes usually clean it up.

Of course, this mess of orphan copies is piled up on one layer, do you want to say it is useful?
Sorry, not to mention whether these incomplete records are correct, complete or not.

Even if it has some value, no one has practiced it before, so there is no one to give advice. If you really learn it, you don't know the consequences. Who would dare to try it?

But for Mo Chengjun, the things here are actually very precious, not the content, but the theories and ideas filled between the lines, which is what he is looking for.

What he wants to find in the book is not only an answer, but also a kind of thought, that flash of inspiration.

Then, Mo Chengjun turned to the book in his hand, a book with a cover made of some kind of dark red wood, which looked very old and yellowed.

And when he opened the first page and entered another person's research field, he couldn't take his eyes off it anymore.

The man's surname is Ning, and he calls himself Crazy Ning. Like him, he only came into practice when he was over 40 years old.

Because he was the illegitimate son of a certain important person, he was able to enter the Taishang Taoist sect.

I even came into contact with the famous three chapters of Taishang-the Taishang Induction Chapter, the Taishang Dongxuan Sutra, and the Taishang Immortal Sutra.

Since the human race divided the land of Kyushu, except for Zhongzhou, the other eight states are guarded by immortal sects. For example, Xinghe Sword Sect guards Northwest Yunzhou.

The Taishang Daozong is the guarding sect of Ningzhou in the west.

The Taishang Daozong practiced the Taishang Ruthless Way. They believed that the Dao of Heaven was supreme, selfless and ruthless, and never cared about the birth, old age, sickness and death of ants.

This is the way of the Supreme!
how to say?

This sect is very weak. Although they guard Ningzhou, they really don't care much about it. They belong to the kind of sect that can almost be regarded as non-existent.

However, if you really think that they dare to mess around regardless of the situation, I'm sorry, death may sometimes be a luxury.

If the characteristic of Xinghe Jianzong is decisive and decisive, it is amazing combat power.

Then the characteristic of Taishang Daozong is that it has a profound background; it is because there are too many masters; it is because you have no idea how many strong people they have nested in the mountains; Standing in a row can scare you to pee.

And all of this is thanks to the three chapters of the Taishang!
In the legend, well, because most of them are based on rumors, they can only be regarded as legends.

According to the legend, the Taishang Induction Chapter has exhausted the mysteries of heaven and earth, and is the most comprehensive method of external cultivation.

Starting from this, whether it is refining alchemy with talisman seals, refining weapons with formations, or supernatural powers, you can enter the room at the fastest speed.

The Taishang Dongxuan Sutra clarifies the mysteries of the human body. It has the most comprehensive map of meridians and acupoints, the purest method of condensing mana, and the best method of internal cultivation of Qi.

As for the last Supreme Immortal Sutra, it can only be summed up in one word, the art of ascending to the immortal is all contained in it.

Only these three chapters of the Supreme Dao Sect gave the Taishang Dao Sect an immortal foundation for thousands of years.

And the self-proclaimed Crazy Ning has read all three mysteries, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the good fortune of Tongtian.

It's a pity that he didn't start practicing until he was 40 years old, and the limit was stuck there, which he couldn't surpass.

But this buddy has never been a cowardly person, since the first three chapters can't help him enter the Tao, then he should find a way out by himself.

He thought he was a lunatic, and a lunatic had to do what a lunatic should do. He began to use his position of power to mobilize various human resources and conduct various experiments in person.

He is not like Mo Chengjun, who mostly immerses himself in research, and some experiments are carried out by himself, starting from himself.

What he studies is the human body, so what he does is naturally human experiments.

For this reason, he "consumes" no less than a thousand living people every year, not to mention other demons and ghosts.

Crazy is not what he calls himself, but a nickname given by others.

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, he is indeed an out-and-out lunatic, a bloody devil.

Of course, his research is also fruitful. In the first half of this book, he describes in detail his understanding of the meridians of the human body and the essence of mana.

He believes that the essence of mana is to purify and infect. It is to breathe out the inspiration of heaven and earth firstly;

Finally, it circulates through the meridians, thereby infecting and assimilating with its own breath, thus becoming its own mana.

Undoubtedly, this theory is similar to Mo Chengjun's hypothesis, and some links are even more delicate and perfect.

For example, the idea of ​​purifying meridians explained a problem that Mo Chengjun hadn't paid attention to before.

Thinking about it, the inspirations of heaven and earth are not static, they also have various attributes and characteristics, and they are not afraid to swallow them in one gulp when exhaling.

Then why does it have to be the kind of heaven and earth inspiration you need that runs in a specific meridian?

This is indeed a big problem. Mo Chengjun didn't pay attention to it before, but Madman Ning's theory has an explanation.

This alone makes Mo Chengjun feel that he has gained a lot, but the real big gain is yet to come.

Crazy Ning believes that the crux of the problem lies in the link of 'infection'.

And infection can be divided into three levels, namely essence, qi, and spirit.

There is a cloud in the Taishang Dongxuan Sutra: There are three treasures, the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky,

The earth has the three treasures of water, fire and wind, and people have the three treasures of energy and spirit!
The Three Treasures of Man, also known as the Three Wonders, belong to the Essence, Qi, and God.

In other words, the so-called infection is actually to use essence, energy, and spirit to 'infect' the spiritual machine of heaven and earth respectively.

Or in Mo Chengjun's words, it is triple packaging, layer upon layer, directly imprinting the world's inspiration with its own brand, thus becoming its own.

And this kind of infection or package is naturally consuming.

The human body's "spirit, energy and spirit" is limited after all, and it will naturally pay a price to consume the limited "spirit and energy and spirit" to obtain mana.

This price is not physical weakness, not spiritual lethargy, but invisible loss.

Namely, lifespan!
This is the real reason why no matter whether you are a warrior or a cultivator, if you don't break through to innate, or build a foundation, you will inevitably lose your lifespan.

Because the 'spirit, energy and spirit' are all consumed, life expectancy will naturally decrease.

At the same time, people's energy and spirit will naturally take on a parabolic shape as they grow older.

A weak crown at twenty, standing at thirty, no confusion at forty, knowing destiny at fifty, sixty sixty...

Crazy Ning believes that the energy of the human body shows an upward trend before being confused, and the energy is more complete, like the rising sun.

This stage is the most suitable for cultivation, not only because the energy and spirit can keep up with the consumption, but also because the energy and energy of this period are full of vigor and vitality, so the mana cultivated in this way will have a touch of spirituality.

After no confusion, although the physical fitness of human beings is still at its peak, the spirit has begun to decline, like the end of the sunset.

If you enter the Tao during this period, the faster you practice, the greater the consumption of energy and spirit.

Not to mention life reduction and the like, but the mana that has been cultivated will lose a bit of the vitality it should have.

Perhaps, this will not affect practice and combat, and using spells and sacrificial artifacts are no different.

However, just this point has hindered the breakthrough of the realm.

At this time, wanting to cross the limit is like facing a natural moat, which is insurmountable.

In the past, in order to verify this result, Madman Ning even deliberately captured the Yaozu for experiments.

Because there is no such thing as the "Forty Great Limits" for monsters, it seems that as long as the spiritual wisdom is opened, there is such a chance to practice.

The experimental results of the lunatic Ning proved that the monster race is not without limits, but their limits are different from humans.

There are thousands of types of monster races, and their lifespans are also different. Some are long and some are short. Naturally, they cannot be generalized.

But as long as they are stuck after their energy and energy have turned down, and they go to practice, it is just like human beings, and it is difficult to achieve success.

This result seemed to confirm the authenticity of his theory, and Madman Ning was ecstatic.

He is not afraid of facing problems, as long as there are problems to solve, what he is afraid of is not knowing where the problems are.

In that case, he would have no way to solve it.

And now, the problem is known, so the targeted solution to the problem is.

And his solution is actually very simple, one word - raise!

Replenish the mind, nourish the qi, and nourish the essence!

Get enough energy!

Also cultivate the vitality that should be there!

This idea should be right.

However, Madman Ning failed!

Total failure!

He hit the south wall until his head was bleeding, and he never turned back!
(End of this chapter)

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