Chapter 27

Zangfa Building, the first floor.

just now.

When the sun's rays faded, the entire Cangfa Building began to turn from bright to dark, and shadows climbed onto Mo Chengjun's face.

And he finally closed the books in his hands slowly, and when he looked up again, he could only see a pair of eyes that seemed to have experienced the vicissitudes of life.

Time seemed to have passed for a long time, and it seemed to be just a moment. He was so immersed in reading that he couldn't remember clearly.

He just felt as if he had crossed the distance of time and space, and participated in the turbulent life of the Taoist surnamed Ning hundreds of years ago.

He has felt his anxiety and confusion, his concentration and madness.

They seem to have done countless human experiments together, and countless humans and monsters died under the tragic howling.

They even enjoyed the joy of harvest together.

Someone once said that when reading, what you read is never the thin words.

When reading, you should read the thoughts and wills that are filled between the lines, and you should experience the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys that belong to the author.

In the past, Mo Chengjun felt that this was just moaning for nothing, but now, it seems that he really had an indescribable friendship with a certain lunatic who has passed away through this book.

He didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, he only knew that at the end of the book, he felt the despair and unwillingness that belonged to a genius and a lunatic.

Yes, he failed, really failed!
After finding the problem and clarifying the problem, he proposed a solution - "raising method", but he couldn't take the last step anyway.

Nourishing essence, nourishing qi, nourishing spirit.

Among the three, cultivating the spirit is the simplest. The practice of eating qi method needs to be guided by the spirit, which is the human will, soul, spirit, or thought.

He found a conception idea from the vast sea of ​​books of Taishang Daozong, which can be regarded as a god and man of heaven and earth, and his spirit is strengthened.

There is also a way to nourish essence.

Essence, essence and blood.

This is what a martial artist must practice when laying the foundation for the next third rank, and the qi and blood are also a necessary condition for breaking through the innate.

Of course, most of this kind of training is pure growth, similar to the accumulation of quantity, and in essence, there is not much improvement.

What Madman Ning needs is a qualitative change in qi and blood, a real evolution in essence, which is a bit difficult, but at least there is a general direction.

Finally, nourishing Qi, this is the link where Madman Ning is really stuck.

Because, he dissected the bodies of thousands of humans and monsters, but he didn't find out what this 'Qi' is?
Without a specific image, he can only look for it from the pile of old papers.

But what you know and what you get is ambiguous and hard to describe.

Crazy Ning is indeed a genius, but geniuses are beyond his powers, and geniuses also have misunderstandings and obstacles.

He got into this dead end and never came out again.

And geniuses are still mortals.

Before Crazy Ning could find a way out and a solution, he was already old.

People will always get old, and their longevity will always be insufficient. After the sixtieth year, he found that his body was no longer in good shape.

He couldn't stay up late, he always forgot things, and he was always sleepy when thinking.

He knows that he has no time, and even if he has income now, he has no time to practice.

He seems to have given up. He is no longer pursuing day and night, nor is he tirelessly experimenting.

He seems to have begun to enjoy the life that an old man should have, fishing in his spare time, and playing chess in his spare time. Thanks to having a powerful Lao Tzu, his life is very carefree.

But has he really given up?

No, he never gave up!

He just changed his mind and chose another method - since the 'raising method' can no longer be perfected, then don't perfect it.

Since the body is no longer young, there is no need to rely too much on physical training, and this is the last record of this mahogany book - the cave method.

Using the gods as a guide, using the body as a proof, and using the two world stones as anchors, open up an independent cave with the void.

Then use the cave to contain the body, wash the body with the controlled heaven and earth inspiration in the cave, and nourish the cave with various spiritual things and immortal plants, so as to achieve a two-way cycle and make progress together.

In this world with immortals and gods, the blessed land of the cave has never been a legend, even those great supernatural beings who have ascended to immortals mostly hide in the cave and rarely step into the mortal world.

But this also represents the cave, which belongs to the high-end field that can only be touched by immortals and gods.

Even in the books on the first floor of the Zangfa Building, there are only those terms that may appear in YY novels and so-and-so travel notes.

Basically, you can't see it in serious cheats.

Because, that is too high-end, almost unattainable.

But Crazy Ning is really a lunatic. He not only has ideas, but also dares to act. He really gave a feasible way for monks in the Qi Entraining Realm to open up caves.

And this is no longer simply a matter of solving the Forty Deadlines.

This can even allow people to step into the ranks of great supernatural powers in one step.

No matter how weak this person is in the outside world, as long as he is in the cave, he can command the inspiration of the world as the master of the cave, making him almost invincible.

And Crazy Ning even thinks that the cave is just the starting point, his ambition is to upgrade the cave, and raise it with sufficient inspiration, spiritual objects, fairy plants and the like.

For example, a step above the cave is a blessed land.

For example, on the blessed land, the fairy mansion that can make immortals covet, and even fight with their lives.

And above the Immortal Mansion, a small thousand world can be opened up that can accommodate living beings to reproduce and reincarnate.

Until the end, this cave-heaven method is deduced to the highest level, and will achieve a new world that is independent of the original world, but above the original world.

And he, in the new world, is the supreme ruler, the way of heaven, the gate of all wonders, and the epitome of the great way.

He even gave this new world a name - Great Thousand Worlds.

Frankly speaking, this was not much content in the end, but it gave Mo Chengjun a great shock.

In his era, human beings had left their home planet, started interstellar exploration, stepped out of the solar system, and really started the colonization of alien systems.

However, their exploration of dimensional space and the like is still at the theoretical stage.

Whether it is the two-dimensional and four-dimensional universes deduced from the three-dimensional world, or the dimensional dimensions that exist behind the world, or what hyperspace, metaverse, etc., are still in the speculation period.

But in this world, perhaps in some respects, the level of civilization here is not as good as before, but on the other hand, it is beyond the reach of the former world.

For example, the understanding and application of space.

As long as the magical instruments here are restricted in size, they can really be enlarged or reduced.

Mo Chengjun saw it with his own eyes, and Fairy Ruoli's walnut boat was just like this.

Another example is the storage bag with a certain amount of space that can be carried with you. Although it is not too much, most of the Foundation Establishment cultivators have one.

There is also this cave world, those small sects can't take it out naturally, but each of the eight immortal sects has powers at the level.

Basically, the most precious elixir plants belonging to the sect are planted there, guarded by the most loyal overhaul giants.

It should be said that these are all in the blind spot of Mo Chengjun's knowledge, and it is difficult for him to explain these appearances with the existing knowledge system.

In his eyes, these things are as incredible as myths.

This is also the diversity of civilizations!

Of course, at the end of this book, it didn't say whether Madman Ning could successfully open up the cave?
Have you completed foundation building at the last moment of your life?
These are all unknown, but Mo Chengjun tends that he has failed.

Because, everything about his name has been submerged in the long river of history, and Mo Chengjun has also checked carefully. Taishang Daozong has never heard of a Daxiu surnamed Ning.

What's more, this book was wandering outside, and even after several twists and turns, it went to the Zangfa Building of the Xinghe Sword Sect, and was thrown on the first floor casually.

Perhaps, in the eyes of those disciples of the Temple of Enlightenment, this book is full of absurd and messy words, whoever believes is a fool.

This is also a world where mortals cannot understand geniuses.

Even if a genius explains it to you word by word, the end result is that you understand each word, but you still don't know what it means when they are connected together.

But no matter what other people think, Mo Chengjun knows that this book is his biggest gain after coming to this world.

"Chengjun, the door is about to close, you kid still not leaving?" Baling'er's powerful voice came from afar, waking Mo Chengjun up.

At this time, it was completely dark, and many candles were lit in the huge library, and the dim lights flickered, elongating the shadows on the ground.

"Come, let's go!"

Mo Chengjun responded, but he didn't act immediately, but solemnly closed the book again, and let out a long breath, as if he wanted to let go of the depression in his heart!

Is this cave method good?
That is of course good!

Is Mo Chengjun moved?

Nonsense, he is not only moved, but also wants to act.

But rationality still allowed him to suppress the throbbing in his heart.

Don't be kidding, open up caves, that's an attempt that only real immortals will do.

Even if Crazy Ning gave the method in the book, a monk like him is fine, but that requires a huge supply of resources, and what is needed is the nourishment of various fairy plants and spiritual things.

And what does Mo Chengjun have?
Poor and white are not enough to describe.

Moreover, even if he has a big heart and wants to try it, let alone other things, where does the 'Two Boundary Stone' that is necessary to open up the cave come from?
Two Boundary Stones!
That is the legendary fairy material, which is not something that ordinary people can dream of!
Sighing, Mo Chengjun groped for the mahogany cover, couldn't help knocking on it, and muttered to himself: "Let's study 'Jing Qi Shen' honestly!

That cave method?

Good is good, but haha, the poor can't afford to be hurt. "

When the voice fell, it seemed that some mechanism had been touched, and there was a small sound coming from the thick mahogany cover.

Ka Ka Ka Ka!

Amidst the slight sound of friction, Mo Chengjun watched the mahogany on the surface fold and shrink, exposing the contents inside.

It is inlaid in the center of mahogany, about the size of a baby's palm 'leaf'.

The overall appearance is black, the surface is extremely brilliant, and even has a metallic luster, but it is still some kind of stone.

It stands to reason that such a glorious surface can at least reveal the shadow of human beings, but no, not at all, the black stone seems to cut the space it is in.

Mo Chengjun was a little confused at first, then his eyes widened as if he remembered something, until finally, he even jumped up.

"Holding the Grass, is this... the Two Boundary Stone?"

"Damn it, this is really a Two Boundary Stone!"

There seems to be no difference between the two sentences, but the meanings expressed are completely different!
(End of this chapter)

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