The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 271 Journey to the West

Chapter 271 Journey to the West

Under the Nantian Gate.

"Xinghe Jianzong Shen Jinxiu, thank Tianzun for saving his life."

"Galaxy Sword Sect Dong Hongwu, Fan Tiande, Deng Bolu, have met this Celestial Master!"

Above the purple air, ten steps away, Shen Jinxiu led the other three palace masters to stand still, bowed, and saluted very politely.

As they got closer, they could see clearly that this 'Wen Zhong' Heavenly Venerable was really mighty and majestic, especially with some supernatural powers used, there was a kind of spiritual emptiness all over his body, which made him even more unfathomable.

It's just that it seemed too cold and cold to pay them much attention.

Well, in fact, Mo Chengjun is a bit stuck.

Think about it, when he met these few people back then, which one was not respectful, but now it is suddenly reversed, he is a little frightened.

Seeing that there was no response, Shen Jinxiu, the female swordsman, couldn't help but look up. Seeing the strange expression on the other side, she couldn't help asking: "This Tianzun, what's wrong with me waiting?"

"It's nothing!"

When Mo Chengjun came back to his senses, he felt a strange feeling in his heart, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching, but he still held back and said, "Who, uh, you go in first!"

The four of them didn't move, instead, Shen Jinxiu, Sword Master of Four Seasons, asked again: "I don't know where Mo Chengjun is, can you come out and see him?
This time, thanks to Heavenly Court's help, I don't know if there is anything that I, Xinghe Jianzong, need to do, please just speak up? "

Just now, the reason why Mo Chengjun was able to win the trust of Shen Jinxiu was because he revealed his identity via voice transmission.

But obviously, the female sword master was still extremely cautious. She held the shrunken star hall in one hand. Although she behaved respectfully and politely, she was extremely vigilant.

To be honest, Mo Chengjun didn't know what to say at this time, and this place is not a place to talk, although it seems quite empty here, but I don't know how many existences are watching from a distance!
After a long pause, he said: "I know Sword Master has many doubts, but you can enter my heaven and cave first, don't worry, if I really want something wrong, I don't need to waste such effort.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, it is better to leave earlier! "

After a brief explanation, 'Wen Zhong' turned sideways and said: "Everyone, please."


The female sword master Shen Jinxiu was still very decisive, she squinted her eyes slightly, and agreed: "Then I will enter first."

As she spoke, she stepped into the Nantian Gate, and the other three Palace Masters naturally followed.

Mo Chengjun didn't move, but looked at the ruined Xinghe Sword Sect, remained silent for a moment, and finally stretched out his hand to grab it.

In the sky full of thunder clouds, a "Lei Zuyin" flew out, fell into his hands and disappeared, and then a luxury carriage pulled by eight horses appeared, carrying the entrance of Nantianmen, and ran towards the depths of the Great Wilderness Mountains.

The speed was extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, tens of miles away, a hole pierced through nothingness and disappeared.

Without the control of supernatural powers, the thundercloud covering the sky began to dissipate, and golden sunlight fell down, falling on the ruined walls of the Xinghe Jianzong, as if it had been stained with a layer of gold, as if it was ushering in a new life.


In heaven.

To be honest, Shen Jinxiu, Sword Master of Four Seasons, hasn't felt that kind of fear for a long time. Even if she knows that the 'Butian Sect' is targeting everywhere and the sect is at stake, she still keeps her mind calm.

As a sword cultivator, no matter how strong an enemy is, it's just a bright sword.

But for this 'Heavenly Court', she was really not sure, even with his heart, she still felt a bit at a loss.

However, what surprised her was that after stepping into the Nantian Gate, the scene she saw was completely different from what she had imagined.

First of all, the inspiration from heaven and earth rushing towards us has already become atomized, and its richness is beyond imagination.

But when she took a closer look, there were no palaces and pavilions as she thought there should be, no heavenly gods, heavenly soldiers and generals, and no colorful phoenixes and feathers, or groups of fairies.

There is only a floating land above the clouds formed by the tumbling inspiration. What can be seen is a small farmyard, and there is a tree in front of the door-Peach tree.

If you look down, through the clouds formed by the inspiration, you can see a vast land, green as new, with undulating mountains, stretching to the end of the field of vision.

"Junior Sister, this, this is the 'Heavenly Court' you mentioned? Why does it feel different from what you described?"

Killing Sword Master Dong Hongwu looked at the Female Sword Master with question marks in his head, and asked, "What's going on?"

The female sword master couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and asked, "You ask me, who should I ask?"

After blocking back with a sentence, seeing that the surroundings did not look like they were in danger, everyone relaxed.

In a big battle, they all suffered serious injuries, and this relaxation was caused by various 'problems'.

Some of them sat cross-legged, some closed their eyes and adjusted their breath. Only the Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu did not make a move due to his backward strength, and he was in the best condition.

In fact, although the wounds of the witchcraft two years ago were healed, the lost mana could not be fully recovered, and now there is only Yinshen's cultivation base.

In this battle, in order not to show cowardice, she was the only one who failed to make a move.

Since she had nothing to do, she just wandered around the heaven. The not-so-luxury house always gave him a feeling of deja vu, and the peach garden really made her unbelievable.

The 26 pieces of fairy wood are lined up, which is really a huge impact.

After wandering around for half an hour, she returned to the original place again, with a huge storm brewing in her eyes and calm.

At this moment, the Nantian Gate flickered with inspiration again, and 'Wen Zhong' walked out of it.

Although the several palace masters were adjusting their breathing, they opened their eyes almost immediately, got up, and gathered beside the female sword master again. Zhisha sword master and others were about to salute, but they were stopped by the female sword master.

She didn't speak, just looked at the person who came, and there was a cloud of smoke rising around 'Wen Zhong', and after it dispersed, all the black unicorns disappeared, showing Mo Chengjun.

When he came close, seeing the stunned expressions on the faces of the four palace masters, Mo Chengjun smiled honestly and said, "Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"


After a moment.

In front of the house, under the flat peach tree.

The five sat opposite each other and had a good conversation.

Well, the term "talking about joy" is actually not appropriate. It has to be described as "surprised and surprised." Blow up the pot' to describe it.

"What? You said everything is false, all your deceitful words?"

Killing Sword Master Dong Hongwu was the first to jump up, his eyes widened, and he shouted: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Let's forget it, how could the old master be wrong?

What about the king of the country?Also, General Yinjia, Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, and even the previous god who penetrated the heavens and the earth, are they all fake? "

"Illusion, everything is illusion!"

Mo Chengjun hurriedly explained: "You all know "A Dream of Yellow Liang", this supernatural power can not only be used internally, but also externally, and it can be faked.

Of course, this supernatural power alone is not enough, so I created another technique of transformation, called "Fake Action", which can completely transform the body from appearance, to breath, to body, to spirit, to mana. Change. "

"Why don't I believe what you said?"

"This is simple, let me show you."

As he said that, as soon as Mo Chengjun patted the table, he saw the clouds rolling and relaxing, blooming and undulating, and the surrounding scenery began to change.

There are palaces rising from the ground, heavenly soldiers and generals patrolling everywhere, there are gods and Buddhas coming and going, whispering to each other, there are golden dragons and colorful phoenixes, and fairies Gong'e are busy everywhere.

And the place where they were was suddenly turned into a palace of high heaven, on a towering high seat, a majestic god and man sat on it.

It's just that when he didn't speak, his aura was as solemn as possible, but once he spoke, it immediately changed.

"Look, look, it's actually like this, "A Dream of Yellow Liang" combined with "Fake Travel" has this effect.

How is it, not bad? "

Mo Chengjun's words were a little smug, but Fan Tiande, Sword Master of No Regrets, couldn't help reaching out and touching the white jade supporting sky pillar beside him.

Originally, he thought it would pass through like an ordinary illusion, but the result is that his hand really pressed on it, the cold touch, the uneven lines, just like reality.

"This feeling, the feeling, how is it the same as the real thing?"

"That's natural!"

Mo Chengjun waved his hand again, everything in front of him turned into nothingness, including the pillar in Fan Tiande's hand, without the magic power, there would be nothing there.

"This, this, this supernatural power is probably more than "Great Illusion, Demon, Evil and True Law", right?"

"It should be a different focus."

"So, this should be the art of two great supernatural powers?"

"That's true."

Mo Chengjun gave an affirmative answer, and then the group of people were silent for a long time, and while drinking tea, Fan Tiande, Wugui Sword Master, raised another question: "Then what about this cave? Don't tell me that this cave is Did you build it?

As far as I know, you are only at the early stage of Golden Core, right? "

"Correct me, it's actually the middle stage of Golden Core!"

"Does that matter? Does it matter? In the early and mid-term, it's not all golden pills. The point is, can you build such a big cave with a single golden pill?" Fan Tiande expressed deep doubts:
But Mo Chengjun is upset, what happened to Jindan?
Does Jin Dan make people look down on him?
Mo Chengjun rolled up his cuffs and said: "Palace Master, if you say that, I have to fight with you. Do you know what is needed to build a cave?"

"I know!"

"Then there is a rule that golden cores cannot open caves?"

"Uh, it doesn't seem to be there!" Fan Tiande tilted his head and thought for a while, but he waved his hand again: "Then tell me, where did you get the materials for opening up caves?

Two world stones, five-color soil, which one is not a rare fairy material? "

Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu added a sentence: "I gave him the five-color soil, and it came from the ghost town of the evil ghost king."

"What about the two world stones? Well, I think you have a chance with the two world stones, but what about the eye of the Lingquan?" Fan Tiande became a little angry as he spoke, "That's the active period of the nine bases. eye!
A full 440 pieces, do you know what this concept is?
Not to mention you alone, even if the eight great immortal sects are bundled together, they probably won't be able to get together.

I still don't believe it, you can be so lucky, with endless opportunities, that you can find them all in one place? "

"That's not there!" Mo Chengjun quickly waved his hand, and took out another eye of the dormant spirit spring with his backhand, saying: "It's really hard to find the ones in the active period, but you can actually get a lot of them in the dormant period. "

"But this is during the dormant period, can you still use the eye of the spiritual spring in the dormant period to open up caves?"

"That's not okay, but I can turn them into active ones!"

As Mo Chengjun said, he beckoned again, repelling a blank area of ​​heaven and earth in midair, and then threw the eye of the dormant spiritual spring into it.

As a result, a burst of invisible fluctuations visible to the naked eye shrank inward, and when everything subsided and the Eye of Lingquan started again, he could already feel the rippling fluctuations of inspiration.

"Is this full?"

Killing Sword Venerable Dong Hongwu snatched it, looked at it for a long time before raising his head: "No, how did you do it?"

Even if everything happened before his eyes, Dong Hongwu couldn't believe it.

This question was asked about Mo Chengjun's major, and he immediately said: "To clarify this question, we have to start from the characteristics of the heaven and earth, and let me tell you about my research results first!"

"First of all, it's the appearance of Tiandi Lingji, yes, that's what it looks like, he is a regular hexagon with some tentacles..."

"Then the question is, what is the difference between the eyes of the spiritual spring in the dormant period and the eyes of the active spring?

That's right, I have proved through experiments that one of the two is full of energy and the other is dry, so what is missing between them?

So, in my research..."

"In the end, I concluded that, in fact, the inspiration of heaven and earth is..."

Well, it is the research content of the first conclusion of "Book from Heaven". Mo Chengjun explained while spitting, and at the same time drew a graphic demonstration from the air, and felt that the lecture was very serious.

But several palace masters still couldn't accept it, mainly because a lot of the content was too shocking, and the more they listened, the more confused they became.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Finally, Fan Tiande couldn't help interrupting, and said: "Although I don't understand, but I feel very powerful. We will listen to your lectures about this specific later...

So to sum up, you have researched the recovery method of the eye of the spiritual spring during the dormant period? "

The summary was incisive, and Mo Chengjun nodded: "That's right!"

"Then I have another question here?"

Qingcang Sword Master Deng Bolu raised his hand and said, "Don't tell me that you created the supernatural powers you used for your appearance?"

"Yes! What's the matter?"

"What's the matter? It's a big problem, okay, can you tell me about the 36 Tiangang supernatural power "Mediate Fortune"?"

Mo Chengjun made the simplest analogy: "This is simple. Look at the dust particles in the sky, are they very small, but if there are enough particles, will they become a piece of land?"

"Damn it, it turns out that this is something created out of nothing, a creation of the void?" Deng Bolu couldn't help but swear, but turning his head, he asked again: "What about the thunder method? The thunder method you just used outside?"

"The owner of the Four Seasons Palace knows it!" Mo Chengjun turned to look at the female sword master, and asked, "I created a supernatural power before, called "Nine Thunder Calamity", do you still have any impression?"

"Yes, it's just that the supernatural power is very different from what you use today."

"So, I upgraded it. That one is 'one nine' and this one is 'six nine'. Naturally, the power has to be expanded a lot." Mo Chengjun also added: "I plan to upgrade this supernatural power to 'nine nine' 'Yes, there is still a long way to go."

Hearing this, everyone wanted to hit him!

"So, your supernatural power of swordsmanship, which is used to kill demons with one sword, was also evolved from the swordsmanship of my galaxy sword sect." The female sword master who had seldom spoken at this time finally said:

"No wonder, no wonder I feel so familiar everywhere." The female sword master murmured:

"I have one last question." Deng Bolu let out a long breath and said, "You are just a golden elixir."

"That's right!"

Mo Chengjun nodded, knowing what he wanted to ask, and said directly: "So, every time I activate my supernatural powers, I never leave the Nantianmen, the reason is to use the vast amount of inspiration in the entire cave.

I don't have enough mana, so I came up with an idea. "

"That's okay too?"

"Isn't it possible?"

"Well, then I have nothing to say."

Qing Cang Sword Master Deng Bolu stopped talking, Mo Chengjun turned around consciously, looked at the last one, Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu, and waited for her to ask questions.

But the Sword Master thought for a while, and said: "I want to ask you, you spent so much effort to hide me and the old master, just to make this "Heavenly Court", why?"

"Ahem, that..." Mo Chengjun hesitated to speak:

"Inconvenient to say?"

"That's not it!"

Mo Chengjun suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and said: "Palace Master, well, you know me, in fact, the main reason why so many things happen is because I am afraid of death!

Last time, Butian Disciple frightened me. "

"Understood, it's Galaxy Sword Sect who can't protect you anymore, so you are going to get yourself a backstage to come out."

In one sentence, it showed that Shen Jinxiu, the sword master of the four seasons, understood him, but she asked again: "It's just, is this heaven system really just made up by you?"

"That's not all."

"How to say?"

Mo Chengjun took out a thick book with his backhand, pressed it on the square table, and said, "Actually, the so-called heaven comes from this."

On the cover of the book, three large characters came into everyone's eyes.

"Journey to the West"!
 Sorry, this is the unmodified version. I just received the news that a relative in my family has passed away. I have to drive home now. Today’s chapter code is out. I will send it first, and I will revise it in the middle of the night. Forgive me. ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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