Chapter 272 City of Death in Vain (ask for a monthly ticket)
To say that after coming to this world of cultivating immortals, the person Mo Chengjun chose for himself is actually a "confess and be lenient" type.

For a certain period of time, he was completely unlike those pig feet in the novels, who liked to hide in all kinds of ways, pretend to be pigs and eat tigers in all kinds of ways. Instead, he published the research results and various results openly.

"The Hypothesis of the Essence of Qi Method", "Improved Version of Hunyuan Qi", "Yellow Liang Dream", "Fengyun Leifa", "Moshi's Sword Intent Fundamental Wheel", etc...

All of these, if an ordinary person gets one, it is estimated that they should be collected as family heirlooms and passed down from generation to generation.

This is also a common rule in this world, and the knowledge barrier is extremely serious.

The reason why Mo Chengjun chose to make it public is because he was born in scientific research, and his attitude towards knowledge is different from this world.

On the other hand, it was to win the trust of Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu, and also to win the trust of Galaxy Sword Sect.

If not, how could he, an outsider with unknown origin and 'exceeding the standard' age, gain the complete trust of the sect?

There is such a saying, "Begin with talent, be loyal to character", and Mo Chengjun is ashamed to accept it.

However, after a certain period of time, Mo Chengjun had to start hiding.

It wasn't that he wanted to, but because when he found out that Xinghe Jianzong could no longer protect him, he had no choice but to prepare a hole card for himself.

And when the 'deception' started, it was one lie after another. Mo Chengjun actually didn't like this, but he had to continue.

But to be honest, he is the only one who insists on holding on to the air of "Heavenly Court". Do you think he really likes it?

Although his 'role-playing' is quite successful every time, but the whole person is about to be 'smart', which is really uncomfortable!
In fact, as far as he is concerned, there is only one secret that really needs to be hidden and cannot be revealed—he is an old monster who has been sleeping for an unknown number of years and came here from other planets.

Others, even including "Eight Nine Xuan Gong" and the like, are just like that.

This time, since he decided to rescue Xinghe Jianzong, he didn't plan to hide any more.

What heaven and earth, what supernatural powers and swords, what "big plan" and so on, it is enough to know everything and talk endlessly, and there is nothing to hide.

In fact, after he really confessed everything, he felt relieved, as if he had let go of some heavy burden.

The only thing that cannot justify itself and is logically self-consistent is actually the 'heavenly system'.

After all, a complete political system that is completely different from the sect pattern of Kyushu is really not something you can just make up in a few words.

And to be honest, okay, then wouldn't you just pull out your own background?
For a long time, Mo Chengjun was entangled, but when the old master solemnly took out the remaining pages of "Journey to the West", he had a flash of inspiration.

When he returned to Dongtian for the second time to prepare the rescue plan, he finally spent some time writing "Journey to the West" silently.

He still can't do those "Wen Chaogong" skills, and he can write out a million-word novel word by word. Therefore, this "Journey to the West" is different from the original, but it is good if it can be used.

So, under the flat peach tree, there was such a debate...

"Don't turn it, don't turn it, I haven't finished reading this page, wait for me, wait for me."

"Wait for you, when the day lily is cold after you finish watching, I said Senior Brother Dong, why are you doing things so slowly?"

"No, can't we watch them one by one? Must we squeeze together?"

"Okay, you all go at the same time, I'll look at it first and then show it to you."

"Hey, take a look here, 36 supernatural powers of the sky, 72 transformations of the earth, the art of avoiding disasters, three disasters and nine disasters, and becoming an immortal and thunder disaster. How do you feel that this system is so much more complete than ours?"

"And gods!
Heaven, the abode of immortals and gods, the "gods" here seem not to be the ghosts and gods we know, and they seem not to be affected by the poison of incense? "

"This is the underworld. The underworld, after death, is under the jurisdiction of the underworld. King Yama is really weak, he was bullied by monkeys!"

"Three Purities and Four Royals, Nine Glorious Star Officials, 24 Righteous Gods of the Leibu, and Immortal Buddhas in the sky, really, really..."


Well, you have to admit one thing, everyone is multi-faceted.

When he was at work, he might be an extremely serious leader, with a look that could frighten people from speaking.

But when he was with his friends, he took on the role of being funny again. Every action and every word could make people laugh out loud, regardless of his image.

Can you say this is not him?

It's just that on different occasions, facing different people, there are different performances.

Just like now, it's funny when the palace masters don't have the solemnity and majesty they usually face the disciples of the sect, but when they huddle together to grab a book to read.

At least, when Mo Chengjun was holding tea on the opposite side, the corners of his mouth couldn't help pulling upwards.

Of course, this is also the approval of several Palace Masters.

Up to this time, Mo Chengjun was no longer a junior with them, no longer a disciple of the sect, but had the status of talking with them on an equal footing.

Don't look at what Mo Chengjun said very casually, but they are very clear about how appalling those self-created magical methods, those methods that deceive even immortals are!

Although "Journey to the West" was produced in a hurry, it actually has all the content that should be there, and he has added a lot of content that is not there. Such a thick book with small prints is quite a lot of words.

Even as Yangshen Jianzun, one eye and ten lines are basic operations, but it is also impossible to finish reading for a while.

So, about an hour later, the Sword Master of Four Seasons, Shen Jinxiu, closed the book with a 'snap', and before the other palace lords could speak, he glanced over and closed them all mouth.

This deterrence, tsk tsk, is insanely strong.

Seeing that no one spoke again, she turned her head to look at Mo Chengjun, and asked, "So, the old master's torn page is actually from this "Journey to the West"?"


Mo Chengjun nodded, and said in a heart-to-heart 'nonsense' way: "You know that at the beginning, in order to solve the Forty Great Limits, I searched through the first floor of the Cangfa Building, and found all kinds of messy exercises and secret records. I don't know how many have been found, such as travel notes and unofficial history.

This book was buried at the very bottom, and it took me a lot of time to find it out. I also found the description in it really surprising, so I took out the "Heavenly Court System" and used it later. "

"That's it!"

The female sword master nodded in approval, but when she flipped through it, she was a little puzzled: "It's just this paper, why doesn't it feel like it has gone through the vicissitudes of time?"

"This one……"

Mo Chengjun's expression froze, he knew that he was too hasty and forgot to 'make old'.

But after thinking about it, he immediately said: "Of course this is my handwritten copy, for one thing, I can't get the original in the Tibetan Falou, so I can only copy it by hand.

Secondly, when I found the original, although it was still complete, the paper was already old and out of shape. After I copied it carefully, the original was reduced to ashes. "

"That's it!"

If there is no precedent of the old master's torn page, it is estimated that Mo Chengjun can't be fooled by this reason, but at this time the female sword master did not have too much doubt, just nodded slightly, as if thinking about something.

On the other hand, Wugui Sword Master Fan Tiande had a big opinion: "How does the Temple of Enlightenment work?
They were all recovered with contribution points, so they kept it like this?It's outrageous!
When you free your hands, you must take good care of them! "

"Indeed!" Qingcang Sword Master Deng Bolu kept nodding his head in approval:
"..." Mo Chengjun mourned for three seconds in silence for his former colleagues.

But in order to hide his guilty conscience, he picked up the teacup again, regardless of the fact that the tea was cold, he took another sip.

Then, before he could swallow it, he spat it out in one gulp.

Because, the female sword master asked: "You said, is it possible that such a 'Heavenly Court' existed a long time ago, such as before the ancient times?"

"Cough cough cough cough!" Mo Chengjun choked:
"what happened to you?"

"it's okay no problem!"

Mo Chengjun hurriedly waved his hands, and changed the subject: "Master, this is a problem. I don't think it makes any sense to dwell on it. After all, you can't go to see it thousands of years ago, can you?"

"It's here too!"

Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu nodded in approval, and then said: "So, you should have found this book a long time ago, right?

I remember you once told me that you wanted to create 36 kinds of supernatural powers and form a series of supernatural powers. Did this idea come from here? "

"Hey, Palace Master, do you still remember this? It was a lie a long time ago!"

"It's done, it's not a lie!"

Sword Master Four Seasons shook his head, and said: "Then put this book here, let us study it carefully, can you?"

"Of course, the Palace Mistress is free to do so!"

Mo Chengjun agreed straightforwardly, but the female sword master hesitated a little, then said hesitantly, "I have something else I want to discuss with you?"

"Discuss? Don't, Palace Mistress, you are too polite. You can just order directly. Talking about negotiating is too extravagant."

"Yunzhou, we can't go back. Although we didn't lose too thoroughly this time, Galaxy Sword Sect can't afford a second loss.

According to our original thinking, it is to enter the Great Wilderness Mountains and go all the way north, or to fight for a piece of land with the Yaozu, or to find a spiritual vein in the extreme north, and then reopen the mountain gate. "

Sword Master Four Seasons spoke very slowly, and after being honest with the original plan, he said: "But no matter which road it is, it is extremely difficult, and I have no confidence that I can escape the pursuit of disciple Butian.

So, if possible, I want to get a piece of land in your cave, and I want Xinghe Jianzong to practice here.

I wonder if you would like to? "

As if she was afraid that Mo Chengjun would refuse, she added: "Of course, we must occupy the magpie's nest. Don't worry about this, the cave is still yours, and no one will take it away.

Furthermore, if you have any specific requirements, we can still talk. "

As she said that, she looked around, especially when her field of vision crossed the cloud of inspiration and looked down at the vast and boundless land, she said with emotion: "You cave, you really deserve to be the best created by nine sets of cardinal numbers. Compared to Wutong Cave, it really doesn’t make it to the stage.”

This required an exit, and the other palace masters looked at Mo Chengjun with a little 'nervousness'.

There is no other way, if Xinghe Jianzong wants to make a comeback, if he wants to take revenge, he must have a good environment.

Those who lost Yunzhou, their resources, really dropped by not a little bit, but if they can practice in this cave, it will be different.

Although in essence, there is no difference between this cave and Wutong cave, but that means that the first generation of aircraft and the fifth generation of fighter jets can fly in the sky. In terms of the gap, it is already a world of difference.

Mo Chengjun thought it was a big deal, but this is it?

That's it?

Seeing that he didn't speak, Shen Jinxiu, Sword Master of Four Seasons, frowned and asked, "Are we asking too much?"

"Too much? It's too much!"

Mo Chengjun slapped the table, eyes full of speechlessness: "Did you forget that I am also a disciple of Galaxy Sword Sect?

This cave was opened up by me, but mine belongs to Xinghe Jianzong. Whatever the conditions and benefits, just use it if you want. "

"You promised?"

"There's nothing to promise."

Mo Chengjun waved his hand and continued: "However, Palace Mistress, there is something I want to tell you too?"

"You speak?"

"Let's talk in the same way next time, shall we? You are too polite, I feel uncomfortable!"

"You kid..."

The female sword master couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help reaching out to pat Mo Chengjun on the head.

But Mo Chengjun didn't notice anything wrong, but was very satisfied, that's right, the previous feeling came back.

After the biggest thing is settled, the specific arrangements will be made later, and when it is implemented, the things should not be too many or too complicated.

It's just that these can be relied on after all, and what is in front of us is actually re-entering the Indus Cave to treat the wounded and count the losses.

It is estimated that the Indus Cave is still in chaos at this time, and several of their palace masters are required to preside over the work.

Well, it is mainly Shen Jinxiu, the sword master of the four seasons, who presides over it.

The other three, don't look at the fact that they are still alive and well, that is just a strong support. How can it be so easy to fight the immortal with the sun god?
However, before getting busy, Mo Chengjun still asked a question: "Master, this is the 'Heavenly Court', I originally wanted to use it as a background background, but this time it has played a big role.

However, now that everyone is clear, it doesn't matter! "

"You mean, you don't want to hide it anymore?"

"For the outside world, it can still be concealed, and the tiger's skin can still be teased, but what about inside the sect?
There has to be an explanation, right? "

"Confession? Why do you have to confess?"

The female sword master stroked the "Journey to the West" in her hand, her eyes became dark and unfathomable: "Just tell everyone that this is another world. Didn't you give it a name?"

"Nanzhan Buzhou, one of the four major continents, a place where human beings prosper and prosper."

"Yes, let's go to Nanzhan Buzhou.

As for this heaven? "

The female sword master slapped "Journey to the West" in her hand on the table, and said softly: "It can be fake, but it can also be real!"


Netherland, deep.

Santu Riverside.

Even if he came to Netherland, the old master was still the same old master. From the moment he woke up, his will was condensed like a sword, and infinite sword intent rolled around him, smashing those monsters sticking out their tongues one by one.

He found a direction and moved forward step by step. The muddy Santu River could not stop his steps, and the ghosts and ghosts around him were even more frightened and pushed out.

He didn't see a 'ghost' standing in front of him until he walked to the shore, among the bushes full of Bianhua flowers.

The 'ghost' was tall and burly, with an ugly face, a black gown made of unknown material, and a crown of twelve rows of beads on his head.

Behind him, there are nine ghost kings, dozens of ghost generals pulling a luxury carriage, and tens of thousands of ghost soldiers, spreading out one by one, full of power.

If you didn't know this, you would think he was here to fight, but seeing the old master, the burly ghost grinned, "Peng Xiaoshan, you are here."

The old master walked up to him, raised his head, and asked, "Crazy Ning, what are you doing?"

"Of course I'll pick you up. I've pulled out all my old friends. How about it? Is this ostentation okay?"

Crazy Ning, who has become a ghost fairy, pulled the old master's arm, dragged him towards the carriage, and said as he walked: "Come on, get on the carriage first, and then I will tell you what the situation in the underworld is like?
By the way, don't call me crazy Ning here, it's not imposing at all! "

"Then what's my name?"

"Haha, brother, I have a nickname here, named: King Chujiang!"


In the depths of the Netherland, in the lower reaches of the Santu River.

A majestic city stood on the shore, and after countless ghosts and ghosts landed on the shore, they were divided into many teams, and they lined up in an orderly manner.

Of course, this is not because of how high their quality is. It is actually that there are some monsters on both sides that are more than ten feet tall, with protruding muscles, holding steel forks, and holding a bull's head.

But for anyone who is disobedient, they poke a steel fork up, which can poke a hole in the ghost.

Although it can be recovered in an hour and three minutes, it is really too painful, and it seems to be heart-piercing.

At this time, a monster with a human body and a horse's head came out of the city. The same big body and muscles, but the weapon became a spear.

Wherever he passed, all the ghosts and ghosts moved out of the way in fear.

It wasn't until he shouted loudly on a high platform that his image was completely destroyed.

I only heard him mobilize enough strength, and shouted: "Human Race, Yunzhou, Xinghe Sword Sect, all come to my side.

Hurry up, you have a pit, I will take you through the special passage! "

After one hour and three quarters, the ghosts of Bailaihao gathered, and the horse face led them towards the gate of the city.

At this time, the field of vision is raised, and there are three blood-red characters on the top of the male city.

Dead city in vain!
 I drove at [-] o'clock last night and didn't arrive until [-] o'clock in the morning. I was so sleepy at that time that I almost died. It has been corrected today!
  The good news is that my grandfather fell down and couldn't walk on the ground, but he is still awake and can eat something today, which is a blessing in misfortune.

  And wherever I go, I take my computer with me, this chapter is also coded, 4800+, it is two in one!
(End of this chapter)

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