Chapter 279 Infrastructure (seeking a monthly pass)
After showing off in front of the "little friends", Mo Chengjun's "vanity" was greatly satisfied. Although he adheres to the principle of being a low-key person, he is not a saint, and he naturally has all the seven emotions and six desires.

It's just that Zhao Rulan is still recuperating in the boat-shaped magic weapon, and it's impossible to leave her for a long time.

Therefore, although Baling'er and the two little ones were still full of curiosity, they couldn't stay for long, so they had to go shopping and prepare to go back.

As for Mo Chengjun, in terms of cultivation, it is naturally the best in this heaven. Find a place at will, and the concentration of inspiration in the world is more than ten times stronger than that in the lower realm.

But after all, being alone here is a bit too lonely. It was fine if there was no one in the cave before, but now, he is not very happy.

So, after thinking about it for a while, Mo Chengjun collected all kinds of items, left the Heavenly Court with everyone, and prepared to go back to Wutong Cave.

On the way back this time, everyone was much quieter, even Baling'er, who was the most talkative, remained silent.

It wasn't until they returned to Wutong Cave again, in their small courtyard, and stepped on the familiar land, that the three came back to their senses.

The two little ones were busy with their own affairs, while Baling'er dragged Mo Chengjun to a remote corner, and then...

'Snapped! ' With a crisp sound, Baling'er's left face instantly became red and swollen, and he grinned in pain.

Mo Chengjun was shocked: "Brother, sister-in-law is fine, it's just a matter of time before you recover, you don't need to harm yourself?"

Baling'er opened Mo Chengjun's outstretched hand, and said something that left him speechless: "Wuuuu, it really hurts, so I was definitely not dreaming just now."

Mo Chengjun couldn't help grinning: "I thought I explained it clearly enough, why don't you believe it?"

Baling'er complained: "You should figure it out, before, we were all golden elixir, although your boy has some ability to create magic, but at least it is within the range we can accept.

But now, you suddenly told me that you have opened up caves, killed demon immortals, destroyed ghost tides, saved sects, and even created a heavenly court that is a "dwelling place for immortals and gods".

If it weren't for the fact that many things are right in front of you, I would have thought you were daydreaming, why don't I doubt it? "

"This, it's really okay."

"So, please let me take it easy and give me time to accept."

After finishing speaking, Baling'er turned around and slipped away, ignoring Mo Chengjun's shout behind him, looking at the direction of departure, reckoning that he was going to 'complain' to his wife.


After all, the Indus Cave is still a bit smaller, so after finishing the 'rescue for the wounded' and 'statistics of losses' on the border with Nanzhan Buzhou, Shen Jinxiu, Sword Master of Four Seasons, started the next stage of the task without hesitation—— That is, external expansion and the infrastructure construction of new sects.

The so-called 'outward expansion' means that according to the request of the female sword master, with Wutong Dongtian as the core, first investigate within a thousand miles to determine whether there is any danger, and if there are ghosts and ghosts, they must be cleaned up.

Well, this is delineating the sphere of influence.

Of course, as far as Nanzhan Buzhou is concerned, there is no danger. Mo Chengjun knows this, and the female sword master naturally knows it too.

But she still asked the disciples of the sect to make the most careful planning and arrangements, and even set up guard posts on the border thousands of miles away to monitor the four directions after finishing the cleanup.

Anyway, what should be done is done.

As for the 'infrastructure project of the new sect', the female swordsman adhered to the principle of 'professional counterpart' and found a department specializing in 'civil engineering' - Qianji Pavilion.

She asked several elders in charge of Qianji Pavilion to come up with a complete "Zongmen infrastructure construction plan", requesting not only to take into account the current needs, but also to have long-term development and enough room for expansion .

During this period of time, the elders in charge can call the four main halls of the Galaxy Sword Sect's 'Pill Artifact Formation' to assist, especially the Formation Hall and Artifact Refining Hall, they must fully cooperate.

If Qianji Pavilion used to be just a small department under the Artifact Refining Hall, where did it have such authority?
The elders in charge are naturally full of enthusiasm, and they also plan day and night, checking the information and coming up with the most suitable plan.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the finally approved infrastructure plan was [-]% similar to the original layout of Galaxy Sword Sect.

Perhaps, losing the Xinghe Sword Sect's mountain gate is an unconcealable pain in the heart of every disciple of the sect. After seeing it, the female sword master just thought about it all night before making a decision.

From her point of view, it is not a bad thing for Zongmen disciples to have the wish to "sit hard and taste the courage".

Now that the plan is finalized, the entire sect will naturally be mobilized, still led by the Qianji Pavilion, and the four halls of the 'Dan Qi Talisman Array' will be assisted, and disciples who have no tasks to adjust the sect can be selected for construction.

The whole plan is also divided into three steps, and it will take at least ten years to complete the project. By then, the mountain gate here will even far exceed the original sect.

Of course, what has been completed now is the first step, which is to solve the most urgent housing problem of the Zongmen.

Therefore, under the command of Qianji Pavilion, countless sword cultivator disciples began to cut mountains and dig rocks, move mountains and fill seas, not only dredging the underground veins and water veins, but also laying out large formations to protect the mountains.

On the surface, there are mountain peaks rising from the ground, straight into the sky.

This project, if Mo Chengjun took the initiative, would not have taken long, but the female sword master rejected his proposal, and let the disciples of Galaxy Sword Sect complete it bit by bit.

This is not just a matter of sense of accomplishment, but also makes all the disciples busy, using their busyness and time to heal the 'injury' of losing their sect.

Until another seven peaks rose up, the entire Xinghe Sword Sect seemed to have returned to its original pattern, and the sect also regained some vitality from its original "deadness".

However, the dark 'Sword Mountain' among the seven peaks is gone, and it seems to be reminding the disciples of the sect all the time that this place is no longer the Great Wilderness Mountain Range.

Outside of Xinghe Jianzong, there is still a mountain with a city named 'Yunjian', and the immediate family members of Xinghe Jianzong's disciples moved into it.

It's just that there is no tea tree alley, no private school here, let alone the old teacher who taught.

Well, let's talk about the "engineering" of the immortal cultivators, it is really fast enough, especially when almost all the disciples of the Xinghe Sword Sect are mobilized, no matter it takes more than a month, there will be a rough outline.

The latter is the embellishment of the details, which is meticulous work, and it has to be done slowly!

And Mo Chengjun's new home is still the original location, the house next to the Zangfa Building at the back of Xintianhen Mountain.

However, this time Qianji Pavilion still sought Mo Chengjun's opinion and issued a plan.

For Mo Chengjun, he didn't ask for expansion, but kept the original layout and made it as compact as possible.

He still feels that "home" is not about how big it is, but about being warm and feeling like home.

Of course, everything about this new home is good, the only thing Mo Chengjun is not satisfied with is that the concentration of inspiration is still a bit low.

In terms of this, the concentration of spiritual intelligence in Nanzhan Buzhou naturally exceeds that of Kyushu. Even if Mo Chengjun draws most of it and gathers it in the heaven, it is still not comparable to Kyushu.

However, the Dahuang Mountains where the Galaxy Sword Sect is located, after hundreds of years of sorting out the land veins, and the activation of the Great Gathering Spirit Formation, the concentration of inspiration is naturally not the same.

But who is Mo Chengjun?
He is the master of the cave!
With a little movement of his hands and feet, he drew a dark vein under the ground, leading directly to his own retreat room, and suddenly raised the concentration of spiritual energy to the level of the heavenly court.

As far as his current cultivation level is concerned, coupled with this level of concentration of heaven and earth inspirations, it is no longer simply swallowing inspirations during cultivation, but the heavens and earth inspirations swarmed into him, drilling into his body.

Isn't this cultivation speed up?
But later, when Mo Chengjun thought about it, it was really unkind to have a good thing for himself alone.

So, he allocated some of the dark veins to Baling'er, Xue Ling, and Xiao Rui'er, after thinking about it, he also allocated some to the retreat places of several palace masters.

He actually wanted to give some to Fairy Ruoli, but he sent out a fire talisman and returned without finding anyone.

Only then did Mo Chengjun know that Fairy Ruoli went to retreat in the depths of the cave, not for healing, but for a breakthrough.

As for the location of the entire galaxy sword sect?
He didn't care about the loss of spiritual energy, but it really increased too much, and the difference in the concentration of spiritual energy was hard to explain.

Therefore, he could only tilt it a little secretly, that is, to increase the density of inspiration within a thousand miles of Wutong Cave.

And this move actually had unexpected gains, one of which was that Wutong Cave actually began to expand outwards.

Specifically, the Indus Grotto grows towards the surrounding void, and as for the area bordering Nanzhan Buzhou, the entire ground begins to slowly rise.

This kind of ascension speed is not fast, and the feeling of being in it is actually not strong. Only Mo Chengjun, the master of the cave, noticed the difference.

This matter, it aroused Mo Chengjun's interest!
After a little observation, he has already determined that this is the second outward growth of the piece of five-color soil that casts the foundation for the Wutong Cave, stimulated by a large number of heaven and earth inspirations.

This is naturally something that Mo Chengjun is happy to see come true. After he even thought about it for a while, he opened a few more dark veins and mobilized the influx of ideas from the heavenly court again, allowing the land area of ​​Nanzhan Buzhou to grow rapidly.

However, in the process, a new problem appeared——with the expansion of Wutong Cave, the fusion speed of the two caves slowed down instead.

This situation made Mo Chengjun a little confused.

You must know that compared with Nanzhan Buzhou, the Indus Cave is only the gap between Xiaoyu and Kunpeng. Both are caves and are similar in nature, but the difference in area is really too big.

In truth, Wutong Dongtian is only the size of his 'demon refining pot'.

This connection is just a matter of a moment, and the integration of the two heaven and earth inspiration circulation systems will take longer, but it is just a little longer.

But with the expansion of Wutong Cave, the speed of this fusion has slowed down, which is interesting.

For this matter, Mo Chengjun also went to find Shen Jinxiu, Sword Master of Four Seasons, and explained the situation to her.

It's just that this kind of deep-seated issue related to Dongtian, let alone her, even if the old master and Xinghe ancestor were found, they probably don't understand it as deeply as Mo Chengjun.

Therefore, Mo Chengjun could only obtain permission to conduct observation and research by himself.

Let's put this matter on other people. I guess it would be a bit impossible to do it, but Mo Chengjun has the power to see the world and can see it intuitively, so he has the means.

Therefore, he constantly adjusted the concentration of the influx of ideas, observed the expansion of the Wutong cave, and the fusion of the two caves, etc., and finally let him find the source.

It turned out that although Wutong Dongtian was much smaller than Nanzhan Buzhou in size, if you really wanted to swallow it, it would only take one bite.

But the problem is, compared with Nanzhan Buzhou, Wutong Dongtian has a great advantage, it has a core - Wutong Xianzhu.

Yes, although this 'little fish' is not powerful enough, it is slippery and has been moving in a 'coquettish' way, prolonging the speed at which it is swallowed by Nanzhan Buzhou.

Then, after Mo Chengjun opened a few dark veins, after Dongtian began to develop again, the sycamore plant gained confidence, and actually started a low-intensity confrontation with Nanzhan Buzhou.

Well, it's interesting!
But this is something Mo Chengjun can't bear, because in this way, it is equivalent to having a will to snatch the authority of the cave with him, which is "what is tolerable, what is unbearable".

So, without further ado, Mo Chengjun approached Shen Jinxiu, the female swordsman again.

 The first update is here, and there will be another update in the future, trying to code...

(End of this chapter)

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