Chapter 280 New Magic Weapon

Star River Hall.

When Mo Chengjun came, the female sword master was surrounded by a group of people, dealing with various affairs.

To say that Xinghe Jianzong relocated here, everything started from scratch, and there were too many things that required her to make decisions.

And the other palace lords are all in seclusion, and there is no one who can help, so it is natural to imagine how busy she is during this time.

Simply, she is the kind of natural leader with rich experience. Although there are many affairs, she still handles them in an orderly manner.

When she saw Mo Chengjun coming, he seemed hesitant to speak, so she knew that he had important matters to discuss, so she didn't talk nonsense, and when the matter at hand was dealt with, she drove the others out.

When the Galaxy Hall was empty again, Mo Chengjun immediately explained the whole story.

After hearing this, the Female Sword Master didn't speak immediately, but after thinking about it carefully, she asked, "So, now it's the phoenix tree that hinders the fusion of the two caves?"

Mo Chengjun nodded: "Yes!"

"Then what should I do?"

Mo Chengjun thought for a while and asked: "Does the sect have any means to suppress the phoenix tree?
It doesn't need to be too intense, just be gentle, just let the fairy plant sleep for a while. "

The Female Sword Master smiled wryly: "You don't know, when the cave was opened, it was actually quite reluctant.

At that time, Galaxy Sword Sect had just won the title of "Yongzhen Yunzhou", and was the master of Yunzhou in name, but its influence had not yet spread.

These 49 eyes of the spirit spring in the active period are really not enough. At the end of the opening of the cave, my master Xinghe ancestor had no choice but to add this thing of enlightenment, that is, the phoenix tree.

The final result was that Wutong Cave was completed, but the master also lost his vitality.

Later, after the master passed away in Nirvana, none of us can command the fairy plant, and at most we can only communicate and discuss.

Simply Xianzhu has a peaceful temperament, and most of the time, he will do what I want and is willing to cooperate, but you want to talk about the means of restriction?
We can't wait to think of ways to strengthen it, where have we thought about any restrictions. "

Glancing at Mo Chengjun, the female sword master said again: "You don't have any ideas?"

"My idea is quite simple, that is, I have to..." Mo Chengjun didn't finish his words, he seemed a little embarrassed and said:

"Speak quickly if you have something to say, and fart quickly if you have something to say, you know, I'm very busy these days!"

"It is to remove the fairy sycamore tree first, and then transplant it back after the cave is completely integrated."

This method is indeed simple and crude, but the phoenix tree has a different meaning to Xinghe Jianzong.

At the beginning, in order to study the supernatural powers of swordsmanship, the support of the illusion world was needed, and the seven palace masters were unwilling, so Mo Chengjun did not have much confidence in saying so.

Sure enough, the female sword master frowned instantly, and she asked: "Are you sure this is okay, Wutong Dongtian will not collapse because of this?"

"Of course not, I can guarantee that."

"What about the fairy plant? Will it hurt the source?"

"Well, it's simple. I have a supernatural power called "Whip the Mountain and Move the Rock". It can move out the phoenix tree and the rocks and land where the root system is. cent."

Well, before Mo Chengjun came, he really thought about it all, and he dared to mention it only when he was sure.

At this point, the female sword master didn't ask any more questions, she thought for a moment, and then said: "After all, this matter is of great importance. I have to discuss it with Senior Brother Dong and the others. When today's matter is over, I will go find them."


Mo Chengjun naturally had no objection, but he heard the female sword master ask again: "According to what you just said, can this Nanzhan Buzhou expand its area?"

"Of course!" Mo Chengjun asked back: "You don't even know this?"

The female sword master couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and retorted: "It's not that whoever builds the foundation dares to open up the cave, and it's successful.

As far as I know, there are very few immortals who can gather the materials needed to open up the cave.

In the past, when the immortal cultivators had not yet become orthodox in Kyushu and warriors controlled the world, the function of the eye of the spiritual spring had not been popularized, so it was better to obtain it.

Now, if you really have money and power, you may not even get it.

The frequency of opening caves is decreasing day by day, which is much rarer than achieving fairyland.

So, just like you, I don't know if there are any 'comers' behind, but it is absolutely unprecedented. "

Mo Chengjun grinned when he heard this, tilted his head slightly, and explained: "The upgrade of the cave is not based on the area, but according to my guess, it should be the increase of various internal circulation systems.

As for the area of ​​this cave, it is purely the expansion of the 'five-color soil' stimulated by the inspiration of heaven and earth, that is to say, if there are enough inspirations, the land area will be larger. "

As if thinking of something, he added: "Oh, by the way, this 'five-colored soil' has its limits, and the range of Nanzhan Buzhou is already the acme of a 'five-colored soil'.

But as long as one more piece is added, and there is a sufficient supply of inspiration, the continent will naturally continue to expand in size, as is the case with Wutong Cave. "

"Is that right?"

The female swordsman was thoughtful, and asked a rare question: "How sure are you?"

"Ninety-nine percent sure!" Mo Chengjun patted his chest and assured:

The Female Sword Master was no longer struggling, but let Mo Chengjun go out after agreeing.

Before leaving, she seemed to think of something, and threw another token to Mo Chengjun, asking him to go to the secret storehouse to pick out what he needed. The magic weapon, which is similar to the demon refining pot, had to be refined first.

Mo Chengjun took the token and went straight to the secret vault without saying a word.

In the secret treasury, he took two pieces of the five-color soil, and fourteen pieces of the eyes of the Lingquan, and then the magic weapon.

Seriously speaking, this 'Demon Refining Pot' is not completely refined by him, it can only be said to be an improvement, a secondary space development based on the original magic weapon.

Therefore, he had to find a suitable magic weapon as a carrier. Originally, he wanted to find it in his private collection, that is, the Qiankun bracelet obtained from Lihuo Moxian, and the Qiankun wrench obtained from Tusu.

But since we have come to the secret vault, we have to take a look.

Because of the move, the secret vault at this time is actually a combination of many secret vaults of Galaxy Sword Sect. The things are placed in a mess, but there are so many good things.

Well, a lot!

After Mo Chengjun's search, he really came across many good things, and he found two of these magic weapons that can be used as carrying objects.

The first one is a thin-mouthed jade vase, the whole body is carved like white jade, it is warm and moist to the touch, in terms of appearance, it is very similar to those used for flower arrangement at home.

Don't look at it as inconspicuous among a bunch of treasures, the internal space is not small, it can hold the water of a river, and it also has the function of purification, so you can get high-quality clean water.

Well, Mo Chengjun really doesn't know what kind of water this 'clean water' is?

Is it pure water, mineral water, or distilled water...

Of course, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that when using this magic weapon to fight against others, even if the water is poured out, so what?
This water can destroy houses and farmland, but how effective is it for immortal cultivators who can fly into the sky?
Therefore, this magic weapon is quite tasteless.

And this second piece is a storage bag, which can hold living things by itself, and the internal space is not small, which is considered a top-quality product.

The only problem is that the material of this magic weapon seems to be the body of some kind of monster. It has not been modified during refining, but it still looks like a body. Take it out...

Ahem, it's a bit overwhelming!

It's just that Mo Chengjun didn't use it himself, he didn't care what it looked like, he thought the magic weapon was quite suitable, so he took it away.

When he got home, he didn't talk nonsense, he got into his refining room and started making.

It's not difficult to say, first use the magical power of "Pot Sky" to prop up the space, use five-color soil to grow the earth, and stimulate the eyes of the spiritual spring to simulate the heaven and earth spiritual cycle system of the cave.

As a result, two top-grade magic weapons with independent spaces were completed, and it only took three hours before and after, and the work was over.

The baby was placed on the table, and Mo Chengjun only took one look at it before he had an idea.

He pointed at the jade bottle and grinned: "Now, how can you claim to be able to hold water from all over the world, so let's call it the mutton fat jade bottle.

As for you..."

Turning his head, Mo Chengjun looked at another magic weapon, and smiled even more strangely: "Just like you, don't call me a pedigree, I'm sorry for your appearance.

Well, the name has been decided, no rebuttal will be accepted.Hey Hey……"

After Mo Chengjun satisfies his evil taste, he doesn't care what will happen in the future. To be honest, these two magic weapons can be regarded as "deserving of the name". Coupled with the demon refining pot in his hand, the three palace masters go out together. enough.

After finishing this matter, Mo Chengjun originally thought that with the efficiency of the female sword master, there should be a result the next day.

But the problem is that after a full month, the female sword master didn't look for him.

Obviously, this sycamore tree is of great significance, and several palace masters have different opinions.

And Mo Chengjun didn't look for it, he just broke a few dark veins opened up for Wutong Cave.

Well, it’s okay for the sycamore tree to stay still, at most it will take more time, the fusion will be slower, but it won’t stop, and there will be a day when it will be completed.

Of course, Mo Chengjun was not idle at this time. While cultivating, improving his mana, and consolidating his realm, he also began to sort out what he had learned and thought over the years, and rearranged the research results.

For example, he directly merged "The Hypothesis of the Essence of Qi Method" into "Nine Breath Convincing Qi".

Compared with today's practice system, the method of eating qi is indeed outdated, and "Nine Breaths Convincing Qi" has been filled with the former, and it has been improved a lot.

For another example, after the three major sword theories in "Mo's Sword Intent Fundamental Theory", Mo Chengjun added a lot of content based on his own process of comprehending the great supernatural powers of the sword.

The essence of it is his cognition of the state of the sword, such as the sword power above the sword, the sword field, the heart of the sword, and the generation, evolution, growth of the sword, and how to comprehend his own great sword art, etc. Wait.

Although the theoretical nature of the content added later has weakened a lot, this volume of secret records is no longer confusing.

And after sorting it out this time, Mo Chengjun felt that a lot of enlightenment had arisen in his heart, and his comprehension in the way of swordsmanship was a bit more thorough.

It seems that in addition to the techniques of 'smelting swords into silk' and 'sword qi and thunder' that he has mastered now, he also seems to have grasped the context of 'sword performing heaven and earth' and 'sword light differentiation'.

But Mo Chengjun's sword cultivation never went smoothly. Just when he was about to go deep, the female sword master came to a fire transmission talisman and asked him to go there.

Well, to be honest, Mo Chengjun really didn't want to move when there was a light flashing in his mind, but he struggled a bit when the palace lord greeted him, but he still moved.

Riding the little donkey, Mo Chengjun was distracted, but when he arrived at the Hall of Stars, he met the Sword Master, and a word from the other party brought Mo Chengjun back to his senses.

"Sycamore tree, if you remove it, don't move it back."

 The second watch is delivered, please ask for a monthly pass, recommendations, rewards, etc... Quack, I want it all!
(End of this chapter)

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