Chapter 29 Washing the marrow
Generally speaking, a brilliant martial arts technique actually focuses on two aspects.

On the one hand, it is to introduce qi into the body, which can harvest different attributes of inner qi according to the absorption of different attributes of heaven and earth inspirations and the operation of specific meridians.

For example, Mo Chengjun found a "Changchun Gong", which can cultivate Changchun internal strength, is best at healing and recovery, and has an excellent effect on laying the foundation for the third rank of martial arts.

When the recovery power increases, the time and effect of natural cultivation will increase.

However, because the internal force is too gentle, after breaking through the innate, the internal force becomes a little weak when the real energy is condensed, and the sword light and saber energy trained in this way have extremely poor lethality and are not suitable for fighting.

Then there are all kinds of body refining secrets after introducing qi into the body.

This body training secret method also has two directions. On the one hand, it tempers the whole body, strengthens the muscles, bones, membranes, internal organs, and raises the lower limit of the individual.

According to the barrel theory, how much water a barrel can hold depends not on the tallest piece of wood, but on the shortest one.

The same is true for Wufu's tempering of the body.

Only when the whole body is strong, is it really strong, and the clever martial arts technique is to raise this lower limit as much as possible.

However, if the whole is strong, is it all right?

That's not the case, there is never a lack of fighting in the path of martial arts, and there are many characters who are even rolling in life and death on the battlefield.

The martial arts they practice not only need to raise the overall lower limit, but also need to have their own characteristics.

Therefore, a clever martial arts method must also have an aspect that it values, or it focuses on musculoskeletal exercises, so as to gain great strength.

Or strengthen the membrane, which is invulnerable to weapons, water and fire.

Or if you major in the lungs, you can get a long pulse and strengthen your battery life.

It can also be focused on the heart, and when necessary, you can fight with blood, control the heartbeat to accelerate, and double your combat power in a short period of time, which is the best and the cheapest way to fight for your life.

Of course, Mo Chengjun was just doing research on the above. He didn't really prepare for fellow practitioners of immortal martial arts, and he never forgot his purpose of researching these things - nourishing essence, that is, finding a way to improve the quality of essence and blood.

Regarding this aspect, Crazy Ning has actually done a lot of research. After all, with his status, he can't find any brilliant martial arts skills.

But the truth is, he got stuck at this point.

Because, although the ones he was looking for could strengthen blood essence, they were not what he wanted to improve the quality of blood essence.

These are two concepts, one is the increase in quantity, which is equivalent to owning one river to ten rivers.

But the problem is that what is needed now is not pure river water, but pure water, the purification of river water.

This is two different things!

This is a qualitative change, not something that can be piled up simply by quantity.

The problem with Crazy Ning is that he has searched all over the martial arts skills, but there is no result he wants.

But this problem, Mo Chengjun solved it in three days.

That method is so simple that you can’t even think of it, it’s just a different way of thinking—if you want to improve the quality of blood essence, you can’t waste time on blood essence itself, but you have to work hard on the blood-forming organ, which is the bone marrow!

That's right, bone marrow!
There are many hematopoietic organs in the human body, including lung, liver, spleen, etc., but the hematopoietic tissue rich in blood vessels is only bone marrow!
For Mo Chengjun, this is common sense. After a person loses too much blood, the bone marrow will activate the hematopoietic function to replenish the blood needed by the body.

At the same time, regular blood donation is also beneficial. The most important point is to remove the deposited old blood, which is beneficial to blood regeneration, reduces harmful substances in the body, reduces blood viscosity, and reduces cancer.

Of course, this is based on the timely replenishment of energy and recovery of the body after blood donation.

Sometimes, the problem is really very simple, stuck to death Ning lunatic, I do not know how many years of difficult problems, in fact, it is really just a common sense of modern people.

After Mo Chengjun determined the direction, he didn't delay, he searched for a long time in the vast sea of ​​martial arts classics, and finally found a kung fu method - "The Marrow Washing Sutra".

Yes, this is a body-building exercise that Buddhism has eliminated.

The reason for using the word 'eliminate' is that it was once brilliant.

According to the information Mo Chengjun searched, this exercise is extremely ancient, and can even be traced back to the early years of the establishment of the Great Xia Dynasty. It itself is a martial arts school of a certain Buddhist temple, and it has the magical effect of washing the essence of the Book of Changes.

However, with the prosperity of martial arts and the improvement of kung fu, this "Washing the Marrow Sutra" seems a bit tasteless.

Although there were buff supplements in the later stage, after the blood exchange, he had to go to strengthen the bone marrow, which made almost no achievements in combat, so it was also discarded.

Fortunately, this technique used to be very famous and spread widely, so it has only been passed down to this day.

Mo Chengjun studied it carefully for a long time, and compared it horizontally, he found that this technique is really weak. The internal force cultivated is only pure and pure, and there are almost no other attributes.

And the effect on body forging is also not good, coupled with the tasteless enhancement of marrow washing, it is inevitable to be abandoned.

However, it is enough to have the function of marrow washing, which is what Mo Chengjun wants.

Of course, Mo Chengjun was not in a hurry to practice, the main reason was that other aspects of this exercise were too ordinary, and his cultivation progress was slow.

Even if he doesn't pick it very much, he really doesn't like it.

In the end, Mo Chengjun found out "Yimu Changsheng Gong" from among the many exercises, and combined it with the "Marrow Washing Sutra", intending to create a new marrow washing exercise.

This "Yimu Longevity Technique" cannot be considered the top category in the collection of Zangfalou, but it is extremely inclusive. The Yimu Longevity Skill cultivated by it is best at conditioning the body and prolonging life.

It is also the top-notch nourishing inner qi, which can almost be combined with most of the secret methods of body training without conflicts. It can have excellent results when paired with some cruel body training secret methods.

What is commendable is that when this inner gas is transformed into true essence, it can be condensed into Yimu true essence.

Naturally, it cannot be ranked first in terms of lethality, but it has the power of erosion, which is the most difficult to get rid of.

Generally speaking, if the internal energy generated by martial arts is too powerful, the body forging effect will inevitably be poor.

But if the effect of body forging is outstanding, then the condensed true essence cannot be too good.

It's like a seesaw, if one side goes up, the other side must fall.

Although "Yimu Longevity Technique" is not considered top-notch, it is not bad to be able to take care of both sides. In addition, it is universal, as long as it is grafted with the marrow washing secret method, it can be used.

The new exercise has been decided, and Mo Chengjun didn't bother to change the name for it, he still called it "Yimu Longevity Art".

And although he was bold and bold, he didn't dare to try it directly. Instead, he went back and forth and tested it five or six times.

After confirming that there were no obvious loopholes, he went to Baling'er. Using Baling'er's connections, he searched for martial arts masters in Yunjian City.

Although Yunjian City was established by the Xinghe Sword Sect, there are many dignitaries and dignitaries living there. Naturally, there are many martial arts experts. Mo Chengjun took out his improved "Yimu Longevity Art" and asked others to taste it.

Although there are very few people in this world who trace the roots and study the essence like Mo Chengjun, there is no doubt that those who can reach the level of martial arts innate are all experienced.

This exercise has been reviewed by at least three innate experts, although they all sneered at the power of this exercise.

But it is unanimously agreed that this method can be cultivated, and it should have a good function of health preservation and body training.

With this guarantee, Mo Chengjun also heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, the best choice now is to find someone to practice, observe the results of his practice, and then make a decision.

After all, if the new technique is on the road, if you fail to do so, you will go crazy, and you will die, so you can't be too cautious.

But for one thing, Mo Chengjun is not yet able to disregard human life and let others take risks.

Secondly, martial arts training is not an easy task. If you want to achieve something, you can count it in years, and he doesn't have the time.

So, gritted his teeth cruelly, and Mo Chengjun started to practice directly.

He didn't know how much time he had left, so he didn't dare to delay.

Relying on his good talent and experience in cultivating food qi, in just a few days, he has already introduced a certain blue-colored heaven and earth vitality into his body, into his lower dantian, and formed his own Yimu Changqi.

So far, he has stepped into the ninth rank of martial arts, and he has also completed the achievement of a fellow practitioner of immortal martial arts.

Of course, his current internal energy is still too weak, and he needs to accumulate a certain amount of energy before he can cultivate the body secret method.

And when the secret method of body refining has reached a certain level, it is only possible to draw qi into the bone marrow and try to wash the marrow.

There is no rush!
It is worth mentioning that during this period of time, Mo Chengjun has completed the practice of visualizing thoughts, using his heart to connect his heart, and visualized the Emperor Ziwei in the North Pole of Zhongtian with his heart.

Although it is just an outline, the effect is already remarkable, at least much better than using the method of consuming and recovering to temper his mental strength.

What's even more valuable is that Mo Chengjun can feel that his mental strength has become a little more agile.

It was this agility that made Mo Chengjun so happy, he was excited and accidentally broke through to the fourth level of entraining qi.

Of course, this is not the reason why Mo Chengjun is happy. What he is happy about is that the mana he cultivated here has more vitality than the mana he used to have.

I can't see any difference, or any other effect, but with Mo Chengjun's keen perception of the heaven and earth's inspiration, he just noticed that his mana is different, as if he has completed something.

This also proves that this path is correct, and it greatly increases Mo Chengjun's confidence.

He felt that he could create miracles, and he felt that the day when the 'big limit' was unsealed was not long.

However, it seems that God can't see him being happy, and the backhand is a blow - Mo Chengjun is also stuck in the method of 'nourishing qi'.

Crazy Ning's problem is that he can't find real 'Qi' in the human body, and Mo Chengjun can't find it either.

It is not easy for you to 'raise' something that cannot be seen or touched.

For this reason, Mo Chengjun immersed himself in the sea of ​​books again, hoping to borrow the wisdom of his predecessors.

But the result was the same as that of Madman Ning. Yunshan Wuma said that it seemed to be clear, but in fact he didn't understand anything.

Until now, Mo Chengjun only had a vague idea.

The so-called 'qi' is naturally not mana or inner qi formed by the inspiration of heaven and earth, but a very fine substance with strong vitality and endless movement.

It seems to drive and control the body's metabolism, maintain the body's life, and stimulate human growth and organ function.

As for what exactly is it?
Sorry, can't observe, can't perceive.

Therefore, both eyes are smeared.

This time, Mo Chengjun was also stumped. He had been troubled for many days, and even when he had accumulated enough internal energy to carry out the initial body training with the secret method, he still found nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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