The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 295 The Power of Mortals

Chapter 295 The Power of Mortals (Part [-])
Facts have proved that 'death' is the ultimate fear of human beings, but no one wants to die if possible, especially a group of old people who are not far from death.

Among the ten villages selected by Mo Chengjun, except for Cuijiazhuang, there is no second ancestor spirit born naturally.

There is no way, even if there is a habit of offering sacrifices to ancestors, there is no inheritance, and the power of incense and vows cannot be enjoyed by everyone.

However, this situation changed after Mo Chengjun handed down the "Ascension to God Art".

These old people selected by Mo Chengjun are all well-deserved people of high morals in the village. They all want prestige and prestige, means and means, and wealth and wealth.

It is said that people become mature when they are old, and they have obtained the inheritance. It is naturally impossible to say that they have no doubts and murmurs in their hearts.

But the problem is, everyone is dying of old age, and they actually have no choice.

Therefore, they almost made the same choice for what they should study, what they should try, what they should arrange, making various arrangements for their own past and future.

For example, building bridges and paving roads, dissipating family wealth, and adding a little reputation to yourself.

For example, pretending to be gods and playing ghosts, using all means to put on a layer of sacred cloak for oneself.

Another example is to send people to pay money, build temples, and make your name known.

It has to be said that if there are many people here, each has his own ideas, each has his own calculations, there are all kinds of people, and they have everything!
Mo Chengjun even met an old man and held a "living burial" for himself.

Yes, the person is not dead yet, but the funeral has already been arranged. I want to use the body of a living person to enjoy the "power of incense and vows" to practice and follow the way of ghosts and gods.

This 'show operation' stunned Mo Chengjun.

Because, even the book "Wish Power Golden Body Jue" did not discuss this possibility.

The way of ghosts and gods, how could this precondition have to be a 'ghost'?

You are not even a 'ghost', how can you enjoy the power of this incense?

Mo Chengjun thought so too at first, but the problem came up, this matter, alas, this old Mrs. Zhao actually managed it? ? !

Yes, even the other person is still alive, but the temple has really been built, and the power of incense and vows has really gathered.

This one entered the divine way and realized several divine ways.

Then, it was dreaming and divination, which stunned a group of honest villagers for a while, and made this small temple a little bit of incense.

Then, just when Mo Chengjun was very optimistic about him, and felt that this old man was a talent and had a lot of ideas, in the end, he died...

old dead!
There is no way, the incense fire Shinto has just started, and there is no effect of prolonging life.

And this old man surnamed Zhao was about to die of old age. During this period of time, he was divining and dreaming. In order to collect incense, he was extremely busy. If he was not careful, he was overworked and exhausted to death!
I lost it!

This matter really depressed Mo Chengjun!

If it hadn't been discovered a little later, he reckoned that he could have used the last 'Peach' to prolong the old man's life for a period of time.

After all, he was really reluctant to give up such a good experimental material!

However, even though a person is dead, he becomes a ghost, and he steps on the way of ghosts and gods in a grand manner.

And this one is also the second person to really walk on the way of ghosts and gods after 'Cui Jia Cui Dongshan'.

Of course, he won't be the last!
Generally speaking, although some of the ten villages have first and second, some even failed to walk the way of ghosts and gods due to insufficient prestige, insufficient timely layout, insufficient comprehension, and impure minds.

But for these, Mo Chengjun did not hesitate to start. He changed what should be changed and added what should be added. It took about six months to get [-] villages and [-] ghosts and gods who had just stepped into the divine way.

According to the division of "Wish Power Golden Body Jue", these original ghosts and gods are surprisingly weak, they can only be bound in one village, and they can protect more than a hundred families, and they can watch the movements within ten miles. .

Of course, the official title is actually 'Di Gong' or 'Di Po'.

It's just that these are not important. What is really important is that Mo Chengjun observed the process of the birth of ghosts and gods for the first time.

He saw with his own eyes that these "land lords" who had obtained some incense and vows began to be busy.

Not to mention building temples in dreams, selecting temple blessings, divination and praying, exorcising evil spirits and curing them, they can also be regarded as their business scope and their own work.

But the problem is that some landowners actually have to distinguish right from wrong, find people and find things, and help people solve cases...

Yes, even the work of the Yangshi government has been done.

Although, their spells are surprisingly weak, and even a little bit of wish power has to be broken in half to use.

Although they often deal with conflicts by relying on their prestige in life rather than the majesty of ghosts and gods, but you cannot deny that they have done a good job.

Looking at it from another angle, Mo Chengjun also witnessed the birth of believers.

Let's talk about these migrants, most of them are villagers in remote villages, that is, the lowest level of the Kyushu human race. They have not received much education, so naturally they are not knowledgeable.

But you want to say that these villagers are really so easy to deceive?
Not really!

There is a saying that cats have cat ways, and rats have mouse ways. Those who can survive in this world naturally have their own survival wisdom.

They, from the initial suspicion, to try, to believe, to be sure, and then to develop into true belief.

The subtle changes in psychology were all displayed in front of Mo Chengjun's eyes.

Of course, the reason why they started to believe was that apart from the mysterious blessings of ghosts and gods, they gained more benefits.

Yes, whether it is divination, praying for blessings, healing and searching for people, or even distinguishing right from wrong, they will believe even more if they really benefit.

And the birth of each believer also allowed Mo Chengjun to see the formation, circulation, collection and use of the so-called 'incense and vow power'.

Then, gain insight into its essence!
Mo Chengjun discovered that the so-called "incense and wish power" is actually similar to magic power.

They are all the inspirations of heaven and earth after the imprint of "Jing Qi Shen", formed from this, and driven by the will.

As for the subject of this will?

It can be a person, a ghost, or even a ghost or ghost.

The difference is that the mana is on the inside, and the nature is cautious and independent. It is naturally pure and has a distinct personal style, which is almost incompatible.

Galaxy Sword Sect's "Seven Profound Sword Qi" is the best example. With the personality of "I am the only one", even with Mo Chengjun's level of control, he can't cultivate the second kind of mana.

And because each person's physique is different, there are subtle differences in the "essence, energy and spirit", and the Qixuan Sword Qi cultivated by each person is also different.

I have to describe it, that is, there are no two identical leaves in this world, not even clones.

But the 'incense and wish power' is different.

Although it is also made of "spiritual energy" imprinting the inspiration of heaven and earth, but first of all, the source of this "spiritual energy" is not the ghosts and gods themselves, but the believers.

That is to say, every time a believer prays, he will contribute a part of his own "spirit, energy and spirit". Although it is not much, it is more similar to the consumption during normal activities, but the emphasis is on winning by quantity.

Secondly, the power of the incense fire does not go through the meridian orifice of the body, it cannot be refined and purified, and it does not choose the attribute of inspiration. It is just put out directly after it is produced, and can be collected by gods and used by ghosts and gods.

Then, the third question comes, since these incense and vows are not included in the individual, how can they identify specific ghosts and gods?

This has to talk about the 'name of ghosts and gods'.

That is to say, before each prayer, you must clearly state the object of your prayer, and ask for blessings and so on. There is a standard format.

Otherwise, it is a question of which ghosts and gods will receive this incense and vow power!

Finally, and most importantly, all incense and aspirations carry a 'prayer'.

Those believers will always pray for something, which will be carried by the "incense and vow power", and then may be perceived by ghosts and gods.

Well, even ghosts and gods, if there are too many believers and too many prayers, they may be overwhelmed.

If the prayer is not devout enough, the desire is not strong enough, it may be ignored.

The above conclusions are actually not that amazing, mainly because Mo Chengjun studied "Wish Power Golden Body Jue" before, and even did a lot of research when he was on the Xianxia version of the Internet.

This time, it is more of a demonstration, a deeper understanding and cognition of the existing conclusions and viewpoints through experiments.

Don't think these are unnecessary, in fact, through this actual observation time and time again, Mo Chengjun has a deep understanding of the generation and characteristics of the incense wish power.

Instead of asking him to explain the 'power of incense and fire', he would like to say that this is the power of mortals!

In this world, mortals are extremely weak, as weak as ants at their feet, and they can crush hundreds of them to death with a casual hand.

This is also the reason why many immortal cultivators, and even the sect of immortality, don't care about ordinary people.

Although they also come from mortals, their essence has been detached by an unknown amount, and there is a gap between heaven and earth.

When you can decide the death of thousands of lives with just one thought, you may feel a little awe at first, but after a long time, you really don't care.

This kind of feeling doesn't even count as looking down on it, it's more like ignoring it, it's no longer in the eyes.

But the way of ghosts and gods is different!

Ghosts and gods absorb the power of mortals. Although they are sporadic and weak, if they accumulate a little and become a tower, there will be qualitative changes.

But ghosts and gods want to be strong, want to grow, and want to create a ladder for themselves to reach the sky, which is comparable to the sun and the moon. They can only rely on believers.

In other words, believers make them.

And they will also become the spokespersons of believers, thus safeguarding the interests of mortals.

Until then, Mo Chengjun suddenly understood why the founder of the Daxuan Dynasty, His Majesty the Human Emperor Hao, wanted to use the way of ghosts and gods to check and balance the immortal way.

On the journey of immortality, the great power belongs to oneself, after all, it is superior, whether it is good or bad, it depends purely on the personal moral cultivation of the immortal cultivator.

But the thing about "moral cultivation" is that the beholder sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom. There are people like Xinghe Jianzong who are willing to regard the lives of mortals as a major matter.

There are also people like Jianfuzong who treat ordinary people like leeks in the field and don't care.

In truth, this is like the 'law' on Blue Star.

It has never been the truth, but it uses strong means to ensure a minimum of morality.

That His Majesty Dihao is like using ghosts and gods to gather the 'power of mortals', and at the same time create the minimum guarantee for mortals.

From this perspective, his idea was excellent, but he failed in the end.

Because, incense is poisonous!
Now comes the biggest question, why is incense poisonous?
 In the new year, I have to get back my lost character!

(End of this chapter)

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