The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 298 1 Gasification 3 Clear

Chapter 298
To this day, Mo Chengjun has already known that although there are countless magical powers and secret methods in this world, there are actually not many ways to 'resurrect the dead'.

To be precise, very few.

Even if it is a fairy with great power, it has a limit of lifespan, and if it is killed by someone, it will fall into the shadows.

As for whether there is reincarnation, can you live a new life?
Sorry, no one knows!

But immortal cultivators are going against the sky, and there is no ready-made path, so just step on a path to get out.

This "Lotus Root Body" supernatural power is considered to be the best among the "resurrection from death".

It is a kind of spiritual plant "nine-color lotus", which is almost a fairy product. It takes lotus flower and lotus root as its body, and cultivates and refines it by secret method to get a "lotus root body".

This 'lotus root body' is actually not a pure 'incarnation' kind of supernatural power, because it can only be used after the monk dies.

At least one must have a cultivation level above the golden core level, so that after death, the soul can be wrapped in the golden core and submerged in the 'lotus root body', so as to achieve the purpose of bringing the dead back to life.

Of course, the reason why this supernatural power is not common is that although the 'lotus root body' is made of nine-color lotus, it also has meridians and acupoints like a human body, and it has internal organs, and it can also circulate qi and blood. hinder.

That is to say, even if you become this 'lotus root body', you can still improve your mana cultivation.

As far as this alone is concerned, it is an irresistible temptation for those monks with physical disabilities.

Not to mention, this 'lotus root body' is not a body of flesh and blood after all, so some shortcomings of a body of flesh and blood have been smoothed out.

For example, they don't care about spells, supernatural powers and magic weapons of the soul-absorbing class; another example is the technique of immunity to diseases.

In terms of this supernatural power, it was originally owned by the Taiyi Danzong in Yuezhou, and it is a secret among secrets.

It's just that it spread to the world for some unknown reason, so that all the great sects of Xianzong who can be called the name have inherited this supernatural power.

But the problem is that only the Taiyi Danzong in Yuezhou has the 'nine-color lotus' needed for this supernatural power. Although it doesn't take much to refine the incarnation, it will take time to recover.

Just at the time when the supernatural powers were widely spread in the world, I don't know how many immortal masters with disabilities and strong wills came to ask for it.

However, Taiyi Danzong was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic, and did not pursue the leak of supernatural powers. Instead, they would not refuse anyone who came, and warmly entertained them.

In the end, they took out five 'incarnations of lotus root' and gave them to the five great immortal cultivators. What they were looking for was not immortal materials or magical treasures, but a promise.

Yes, that is promise!
That is to say, if Taiyi Danzong wanted something, these people, or the people behind them had to make a move unconditionally.

You know, this Taiyi Danzong is famous for its 'alchemy', so its killing methods are naturally weaker, but once this 'lotus root body' diplomatic method is spread out, it will really form a good relationship with all directions, and it will be supported in an instant .

To this day, who still doesn't know that the magical power of "Lotus Root Body" was released by Taiyi Danzong himself?

It was also surprising that Taiyi Danzong had just established in Daxuan, and the world was still in a turbulent season, and it was able to secure its position as the world's eight great immortal sects.

Then there is the second book "Incarnation Outside the Body".

Speaking of which, this book is what Mo Chengjun needs, and he only needs to flip through it a few times, and he can clearly understand the steps to practice the avatar.

From the very beginning of the "Soul Separation Method", a part of the soul can be split to go out independently.

There is also the technique of "soul nourishment", which can nourish and grow the split soul, thus becoming an independent individual.

There is also the "skill of conceiving the soul", which can truly conceive and develop a second soul, which can be independent of the main body, but closely related to the main body.

At this point, if the second soul dies, the main body will be damaged, but it will not die.

And if the main body dies, you can cast a spell to transfer all the memorized mana to the second soul, which can be regarded as reviving a lifetime.

Finally, there is 'the ability to control the soul'.

Yes, it is necessary to control the soul, but if you can't raise a second soul, you will become a rebellious cub. If you do everything against your body, you will be shooting yourself in the foot.

So this 'soul control' is the core!
At this point, it is only half of the content, and the other half records a method of creating an avatar.

It explains in detail how to condense the internal organs, how to open up the sea of ​​qi in the dantian, how to form the meridians and acupoints, how to create nine orifices and seven holes, and how to nourish and cultivate with the qi and blood of the body.

What he said was clear and logical, as if every step had been verified countless times, but unfortunately, this book of supernatural powers and secret records is a three-no product.

What are the three nothings?

No name of the legal person, no record of practice, no secret volume of experience.

Yes, this method seems to be well written and clearly recorded, like that, but the problem is that no one has ever practiced it, including the creator of this supernatural power.

That's right, such a good method, at the end of the book, it was written clearly in very thick fonts: The above are all lies. I made it casually in my spare time, practiced rashly, and lived and died at my own risk!

I don't know which bastard it is, but it's so wicked, everyone wants to find him out and beat him up.

However, even so, the Hall of Enlightenment still left this supernatural power on the seventh floor of the Tibetan Dharma Building, because although there were lies in it, there were no obvious mistakes or omissions in the various methods recorded.

In other words, whether it is true, whether it will work or not, and whether it can be cultivated into this incarnation outside the body still has to be tested by practice.

But, why is it that no one in the Galaxy Sword Sect dares to practice it?
They are all cowards, they cherish their lives, dare not try?
Of course not, just because the necessary conditions for cultivating this supernatural power are missing.

"Lotus Root Body" uses the 'nine-colored lotus' as the body, but this "Incarnation Outside the Body" needs another fairy material-nine-orifice and seven-hole mysterious stone!
According to legend, this mysterious stone naturally has nine orifices and seven holes, which can swallow the inspiration of heaven and earth like a human being, conceive and nourish one's own spirit.

Over time, it can be transformed into a human being with great supernatural powers.

This thing is the best material for incarnation before the soul is conceived, and the inside is almost the same as a human being.

And if he can really become an incarnation, because he is a fairy, it is almost a sure thing to become a fairy.

It's just that this is a fairy material!
With the word "immortal", there is no mortal thing, at least there is no Xinghe Jianzong!

Moreover, over the years, Xinghe Jianzong has searched for a lot, but there is not even a sporadic news.

Well, to be honest, after searching for so many days of methods, none of them are suitable, but Mo Chengjun is not angry.

who is he?

He is a world-renowned master of creation.

What he is best at is creating arcane supernatural powers.

These are not suitable, so let's use these as resources to create a suitable incarnation supernatural power.

He has already thought of the name of this supernatural power, and it is called "One Qi Transforms Three Purities"!
You said that this is the housekeeping skill of the Taishang Laojun. I preemptively registered the 'trademark'. Is it really unethical?
Hehe, do I still have less pre-registrations?

One more is not too much, and one less is not too much.

If you have the ability, you let them come to trouble me?


This time, after finding enough information, Mo Chengjun didn't watch it in the Zangfa Building, but directly made a record, put it in a storage bag, and took it home.

This is also a kind of privilege, he took it for granted, and the guards of Zangfa Building didn't think there was anything wrong with it!

Master Mo took a few books home to read, isn't this normal, let alone record it!

The words are divided into two parts. On one side, Mo Chengjun is still working hard to study the supernatural powers and secret techniques; on the other side, Xinghe Sword Sect is like a bird flying against the wind, flapping its wings.

Under Mo Chengjun's "hard work" guidance, and the unremitting efforts of all the senior members of Galaxy Sword Sect, the method of "Nine Breaths Convincing Qi" has been completely popularized, replacing the original method of eating qi.

Not only the entire disciples of the sect have completed the transfer, but also the exercises above the Golden Core Realm have been perfected.

Speaking of which, Mo Chengjun can actually feel that even if it is a small opening in the Illusory Law Heaven, a large part of the major repairs will find it difficult to accept Mo Chengjun's theory.

Their comprehension ability is indeed not as good as those inner disciples who are not as powerful as them.

There is no way around this. Many concepts have been deeply rooted in the bone marrow when I am older, and it is really difficult to correct.

But this does not prevent them from modifying the existing exercises of Xinghe Jianzong. As long as they follow the method of "Nine Breaths Convincing Qi", even if they are simply applied, they can be found out.

Although the method of training qi is more complicated than the method of eating qi, as long as one gets used to it, the various benefits will begin to emerge.

The most basic point is that the 'vigor and spirit' has been restored, and the duration of this practice is not as unchangeable as before.

And the increase in practice time naturally means that the speed of accumulating mana has accelerated.

This is one of the benefits, but definitely not all!

To be honest, the sooner this "Nine Breaths Convincing Qi" is popularized, the better, because the lost "spirit, energy and spirit" cannot be made up for. In a sense, life is wasted.

On the other hand, the population migration is still going on, and even expanded a lot after the Zongmen's major construction came to an end.

This time, the Female Sword Master not only relied on the Killing Sword Master Dong Hongwu, but also recruited many sword cultivators from the Yin God Realm to help the Killing Sword Master.

If there are more people, it will be easier to handle things. Today, Nanzhan Buzhou has a population of nearly 30.

Another thing is that Xue Pan's caravan has been formed.

He did things really neatly, with a full five teams, equipped with goods, drivers, guards, and even a few monks from the Galaxy Sword Sect, and then drew a map for the advance, and started on the land of Nanzhan Buzhou. Merchant.

What they bring is not only goods, but also information transmission and communication.

Even, at Mo Chengjun's request, the merchants also unified their caliber this time.

For example, this is the land of the Tang Dynasty, and they were all brought here by immortals.

Another example is that there are gods all over the sky, fairy monsters, Buddhas and demons, and the supreme "Heavenly Court" rules the four poles of the world.

Of course, if all of the above is regarded as "ordinary news", then Sword Master Fan Tiande of No Regrets has finally found Sword Master Yunyuan Wu Yiping, which is great news.

 Modified and modified, finally the code came out, and the second update was sent, it was still yesterday, everyone forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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