Chapter 297
Mo Chengjun is actually a coward. He has been in this world for at least 20 years. Whatever he does, he puts his own life first.

To put it bluntly, it is cautious, but to put it bluntly, it is 'cowardly'.

Last time, I was really frightened and made a "big plan", which was to open up a hole in the sky; it was to deceive the world and steal the name, and set up an unnecessary "heavenly court".

But this is also the limit, he has never been a person who likes to take risks, let alone risk his own life.

But this time, he really has the urge to 'take the risk himself'.

Just like what he said just now, just observing is actually too superficial.

If he wants to go further, he has to go deep, it is best to try it himself, to really feel the mystery, instead of just observing it like he is now.

This thing is like a car being designed. After it is produced, you just walk around and look at it with your eyes. Even if you look at it for a long time, you can't see the flowers.

If you want to know its performance, feel its pros and cons, and know its pros and cons, then you have to drive on the road yourself, arrange various tests, and really record the data.

Don't look at Mo Chengjun who has come up with more than a dozen research directions now, but his deeper understanding is that this time, if he wants to really gain something, he has to go deeper, deeper, and deeper.

I have to describe it, that is 'to test the poison with one's own body'!
But the way of ghosts and gods, the poison of incense, Mo Chengjun is still a little apprehensive.

This is where he struggled.

As soon as Mo Chengjun said this, the study was silent, Ba Nishang and Xue Ling were startled, and after a while, Xue Ling said anxiously: "Godfather, you don't want to die, do you?"

Mo Chengjun slapped him on the forehead: "You want to die, do you believe that godfather beat you to death first?"

"Uh, it's fine if it's not, it's fine if it's not!"

Xiao Rui'er is much calmer: "So, what Godfather means is to enjoy the 'Incense and Vow Power' in person, just like the old lady of the Zhao family?"

"Not only that, but you can't be as petty as you are now, and find one or two villages to preach, and the growth of believers is too slow!
If I want to touch the poison of incense, I have to find a way to get more believers as quickly as possible. "

Xue Ling couldn't help asking: "Isn't this too risky? Should we just use the method of elimination?"

At this time, Mo Chengjun became more determined, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "It's too shallow, it can't be like this, it's still 'how can you get a tiger's cub if you don't enter the tiger's den'!"

Having said that, he dismissed the two cubs and said, "Go out first, let me think about it."

That being said, after the two cubs left worriedly, when he wrote and drew on the paper, he was no longer thinking about whether he should enter the Shinto way, but how to enter the Shinto way.

Well, Mo Chengjun is a little cowardly, he doesn't admit it, but he still has self-knowledge in his heart.

He really doesn't like to fight and kill, but as a scientific research leader, he has always been serious about academic matters.

Speaking of now, the safest course of action is naturally to wait for these eighteen 'land lords' to grow up step by step, becoming the mountain god He Bo, and even a stronger great god, thus touching the level of the poison of incense.

But this process, even with Mo Chengjun's help, would take decades at least.

And he, if possible, is really unwilling to wait!
To be honest, it's not that he can't accept giving up the subject in hand when he has no clue.

But what he couldn't accept was that it was clearly possible, with a direction and a way, but he gave up.

This is not in line with the professional ethics and quality of a scientific researcher, and it is also the fundamental reason why he thought of 'testing the poison himself'.

Of course, he is not the kind of person who will take the initiative to 'court death'.

Now that he has this idea, it is naturally because he also has the confidence-just a few days ago, his "Craftsia Myrtle Concept in Zhongtian North Pole" had another breakthrough.

This time, the increase in the mind power of the soul is secondary, and the interference in the present world is also secondary. The most important thing is that he found that his soul has grown to the point where he can 'distract and multi-purpose without interfering with each other'.

This is already an ability only possessed by Yin Shen Daxiu. The biggest advantage is that it can control multiple magic weapons at the same time, or use multiple magical powers at the same time, thus greatly increasing its killing power.

Of course, what Mo Chengjun really likes is the supernatural power of 'incarnation' that can be cultivated by splitting his own soul based on this.

That's right, his idea is to create an 'incarnation', and use the incarnation to carry the power of incense and fire, and walk the way of the gods.

Before Mrs. Zhao's incident, Mo Chengjun really didn't have this idea, but after realizing that living people can actually cultivate with the power of will, he had this idea.

It's just that at this moment, he has made up his mind.

Of course, before that, he had to find a magical secret technique of 'incarnation'.

Naturally, we have to go to the 'Zangfalou' for things like this.


It should be said that during this period of time, life in the Zangfa Tower, and even the entire Hall of Enlightenment, was not easy, and for some reason, several palace masters followed them.

Even now, when the entire sect is under construction, they have been trained several times.

Either it was because they didn't keep the secret records of their books well, or they checked the whereabouts of the secret record files to see if they were lost, etc. They just made all the high-level officials of the Hall of Enlightenment go crazy.

As a result, the originally easy job in the Zangfalou, a well-known pension place in the sect, has made life much more difficult.

Mo Chengjun's former colleagues all had to put up 12 energies, for fear that something might go wrong.

Well, this is all Mo Chengjun's 'pot', who told him that "Journey to the West" was obtained from the Tibetan Falou, and it was originally damaged due to poor preservation.

Of course, he would never admit to this matter, even if he killed him, anyway, in his heart, there was no such thing.

The new Tibetan Dharma building is naturally a lot 'new', and it occupies a slightly larger area than before, because the Xinghe Sword Sect belongs to an orderly 'evacuation', and this secret recording method is not lost at all.

And with Mo Chengjun's current status, even the "Xinghe Sword Manual" was given to him, so the classics in the Tibetan Law Building are naturally available for whatever he wants.

After entering the Zangfa Building, Mo Chengjun didn't delay, and stepped up the stairs step by step until the floor where the magical powers were stored. After entering it with an identity token, he rummaged through the bookshelves.

In fact, to be honest, there are not a few such "incarnation" spells.

For example, the common "Paper Doll Art" can be origami for adults, driven by spells, and can fight and fight like ordinary people, but the strength is weaker.

Of course, there are also those who have gone very far on this path. It is said that there is a sect in Zhongzhou who is good at this path.

The paper figurines they have trained can seal the ghosts and ghosts, and they can use specific spells like monks when fighting, which is very strange.

Another example is the stronger "cloning technique", which can create a clone similar to one's own body, gain a little mana, which can be used in combat, or temporarily replace one's own body, deceiving the world, which is infinitely wonderful.

To be honest, in fact, Mo Chengjun also knows this kind of technique. To be precise, after upgrading the technique of "False Walk" to a supernatural power, he is also compatible with the ability of clone technique.

When he sneaked out of Xinghe Jianzong, he pulled out a hair and transformed into himself, which was also a kind of avatar technique.

Of course, what he needs now is not this kind of spells, or in other words, these incarnation spells are too low-level to meet his requirements.

What he needs now is an incarnation that is completely independent of himself, can act on his own, and has a deep connection with the main body.

What he wants is a great supernatural power that can become a god with this 'incarnation', and even if he suffers the backlash of the poison of incense in the future, it will not affect his body.

This is what he wants!


Tibetan law building.

Seven floors up.

Mo Chengjun rummaged through a large pile of secret records, and there were not as many secret records of this level, magic powers and spells as downstairs.

And the reason why these bookshelves can still be so full is more because of the records of the practitioners' experience and perception.

Often there is a secret record of supernatural powers, followed by several, dozens of secret volumes of cultivation experience.

Generally speaking, the more volumes of practice experience, it represents the popularity of this method.

Moreover, if you want to correctly evaluate the merits and demerits of a practice or supernatural power, it is best not to look at the bragging in the secret record of exercises, but the comments and complaints in the secret record of experience.

These are objective enough!

And it didn't take long for Mo Chengjun to find a book of supernatural powers called "Grass and Trees Are Soldiers".

After flipping through it for a while, he felt that this supernatural power was actually quite interesting.

It doesn't need too much preparation, and it doesn't need to prepare spiritual materials in advance. As long as this supernatural power is cultivated, it can turn grass and trees into soldiers, and have good combat power for a period of time.

It's just that this supernatural power has strong environmental restrictions. If it is in a desert or sea area, it will be useless without vegetation, but if it is in a forest plain, its killing power will be very good.

Of course, this is a classic group attack method. If you want to use it to compete with masters and play high-end rounds, it is very difficult.

But if you want to use it to clean up miscellaneous fish, it is very useful.

Most importantly, this supernatural power does not consume much mana, and the difficulty of cultivation is not too high.

In theory, this supernatural power naturally does not meet Mo Chengjun's requirements, but it can be used as a reference, so he took it.

Afterwards, he found another magical book called "Scattering Beans and Soldiers".

This supernatural power is much more troublesome than the previous one, not only is it extremely difficult to cultivate, but also special "bean soldiers" have to be refined.

This 'bean soldier' ​​looks like a bean, but each one is meticulously refined and requires a lot of spiritual materials. Only rich and powerful people can't touch this supernatural power.

But if something is achieved, when these 'bean soldiers' are thrown out during the fighting, they will become an army of monks in an instant, and their combat power will be absolutely impressive.

Moreover, this technique also involves the technique of "pointing the spirit", which can endow the "bean soldiers" with spiritual wisdom and have a certain degree of autonomy.

It may not be possible to do things that are too complicated, but some simple things, such as guarding and guarding, cutting mountains and rocks, are easy to grasp.

The most important thing is that these 'bean soldiers' are not incapable of growth like grass and trees soldiers, but have clear grades according to the material and the length of breeding.

In the secret record, there is the founder's "imagination", if you can get a hundred "golden beans", form a huge formation, and even compete with the immortals.

Of course, the reason why "Imagination" is just "Imagination" is because at least the creator of this supernatural power has not yet reached this point.

As for the reason, Mo Chengjun found the answer in the secret volume of practice experience, it was the ruthless complaints of countless predecessors, and there was only one reason - it was too expensive!

As for why Mo Chengjun is interested in this kind of magical power?

Then we have to talk about the 'Heavenly Soldiers and Generals'!

The heavens have been erected, and we can't rely entirely on illusions to support the scene. The so-called true and false, and the false and true, then we have to be in the false and make something real!

After coming up with this idea, he also chose a lot of Taoist techniques.

Of course, these are not the methods of incarnation that he really wanted. What he really wanted was to find two supernatural powers one after another after a few days.

The name of a school is quite ordinary, with only three words: "The Body of the Lotus Root".

The other one doesn't even have extra words, it's called "Incarnation Outside the Body".

 Send an update first, and there will be more...

(End of this chapter)

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