The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 300 The Second Primordial Spirit

Chapter 300 The Second Primordial Spirit
This conversation finally ended with this 'cold can't be colder' joke.

Baling'er took the 'Heavenly Reception Order' and returned to the Star River Hall to return his orders, while Mo Chengjun was lying under the 'Millennium Cloud and Mist Fairy Tea Tree', sipping tea, thinking carefully about this tonic. The purpose of what the church does.

The so-called 'mental illness' is just a joke, he doesn't believe that there really is such a fool with a brain twitch.

He even couldn't believe that the Butian Sect had done so many things, but it really wanted nothing.

What he wants to believe is that outsiders don't know what this group of people are asking for.

Since they're done with their clothes, it means that they have achieved their established goals.

However, where are their 'interests'?

Mo Chengjun thought for a long time, thinking that his brain hurts, so he finally gave up.

Well, he can think of this question, guessing that the four seasons sword master Shen Jinxiu, the several palace masters, and even the high-level teachers of other immortal sects, including the Zhao royal family, must also be able to think of it.

So, let these professionals go to have a headache!
He is a Dharma Creator Master, so he should do his job well.

He believes that if the "Making God" plan is completed, after that, maybe this group of butian disciples will be caught blind.

This is an opportunity to cut them off at the root.

Besides, now that his supernatural power of "One Qi Transforms Three Cleanses" has begun to appear, it is time to focus on the subject.

Up to now, Mo Chengjun has opened many subjects, some difficult and many simple ones, but the one he has the most confidence in is the development of supernatural powers.

Thanks to the power of 'seeing the world', he can intuitively see and manipulate the inspiration of the world, which is almost the best prerequisite for developing supernatural powers.

After so many "practical operations", he has accumulated not only rich experience, but also sufficient confidence. Naturally, the development of the supernatural power of "incarnation outside the body" this time has been relatively smooth.

According to his research, although the so-called "incarnation" magical powers are different and have their own emphasis, the focus should be on the "spiritual touch" among them.

And after his research, this "spiritual touch" technique can actually be traced back to the enchantment technique of the Yaozu.

In fact, the demon clan can also be divided into two categories. There are noble-blooded innate demon clans, which are mostly the product of the combination of two demon clans, or one of the paternal or maternal line is the demon clan.

They are born with wisdom, they can learn and grow like human beings, and they can also discover the power in their blood and obtain knowledge inheritance from their ancestors.

But this kind of innate monster clan must be rare, and the huge population base of the monster clan is mostly derived from the latter.

That is ordinary wild beasts either devour the essence of the sun or the moon, or devour the spiritual grass and spiritual plants, so as to unlock wisdom and practice step by step.

This is also a way to reach the sky, but the truth is too much a test of luck. After all, eating indiscriminately may not be the enlightenment of wisdom, but the guts.

Therefore, some ancestors of the monster clan understood the art of "enlightenment" from the process of "transformation into a demon". To put it bluntly, it is to open up wisdom for wild beasts, so as to embark on the road of swallowing the inspiration of the world and strengthening themselves.

It was also after the popularization of the technique of 'transforming demons' that the demon race had an absolute numerical advantage over humans.

After all, some beasts have a litter of more than a dozen or twenty.

It is also under the absolute numerical advantage that the Yaozu really began to flourish.

And this 'spiritual enlightenment' technique is actually the experience and ideas gained from this monster clan's 'attestation' technique. To put it bluntly, it is the spirituality of the incarnation.

For example, the magical power of "Grass and Trees Are Soldiers", its core is to endow the surrounding vegetation with spirituality, and give some inspirations to act as a guide, so as to have a certain combat power.

But the failure of this supernatural power is also in this spiritual technique, the level is not high enough, and the opened spirituality only exists for a short time.

But "Scattering Beans and Soldiers" is different, the level of "spiritual touch" contained in this supernatural power is a notch higher, and under the action of special spiritual materials, the spirituality that is activated can exist for a long time.

Of course, this so-called 'long time' still has a time limit, and 'spirituality' will continue to weaken within a certain period of time.

Therefore, the later training process is also essential. As long as there is enough time and spiritual materials, the bean soldiers will continue to grow and grow until they reach the level of 'Golden Bean Soldiers', and they can already cultivate and grow independently.

Then it is not simply 'spirituality', but wisdom!

What's even more commendable is that there is almost no limit to the growth of this 'Golden Bean Soldier', at least so far, no one has reached that limit.

According to the existing records of the Galaxy Sword Sect, some monks have cultivated "Golden Bean Soldiers" comparable to the Yang God, but this has not reached the limit, and it is unknown whether there will be bean soldiers in the Immortal Realm.

And the Dou Bing who has reached this level is absolutely qualified as an 'incarnation outside the body'.

To be honest, the more in-depth study, the more interested Mo Chengjun is in this supernatural power.

Because, he always felt that those burly and majestic "Heavenly Soldiers and Generals" in golden armor were waving to him.

It's just that, he was still able to distinguish the priorities, tried his best to restrain his desire for in-depth research, and made records in a small notebook, and then returned to the topic.

As for the application of the technique of "spiritual touch" in "Incarnation Outside the Body", it is mainly reflected in the two stages of "cultivating the soul" and "pregnant soul".

Even if the fragments of the soul are used as materials, who said that the split soul should be born with independent will?
In fact, it also needs to use the technique of "spiritual touch" to open up and cultivate and grow.

It's just that compared to others, the fragments of the soul are the best material, and the spirit touch technique in "Incarnation Outside the Body" is much better than "Scattering Beans and Soldiers" and the like.

It not only has a bit of transformation, but also has the method of gestation, cultivation, and growth. It can eventually become the second soul, which is already relatively complete.

As for "Lotus Root Body", this supernatural power needs to be a body, and the core is all on the nine-grade colored lotus.

The so-called "spiritual touch" technique doesn't need to be so clever.

In other words, as long as there is a simple spirituality similar to 'conditioned reflex', it will be fine to maintain the vitality of the body before the master's spirit enters.

In this regard, it is not a good thing to be too spiritual, because if it really develops into a "spiritual wisdom", it may compete with the master for control of the body.

To be honest, in this regard, Mo Chengjun's previous knowledge system is not very helpful. All he can think of is multiple personalities.

He has read an article, it is said that someone has split into 24 personalities, each personality is different, but you want to say whether they are related to the second soul?

Well, Mo Chengjun doesn't know, and he doesn't want to get too involved. He can actually accept this second soul.

But this multiple personality, tossing himself into a lunatic?
That is really the slightest do not want to touch!
And the biggest problem he faces now is actually one - how to cultivate a qualified body.

The so-called "incarnation outside the body" must have a body, right?
This "Lotus Root Body" uses nine-color lotus, which means that the lotus root is broken and connected, that is the best meridian orifice study.

And this "Incarnation Outside the Body" uses the mysterious stone with nine orifices and seven holes, which is a natural human body, and it can be the best fairy body with a little polishing.

But these two spiritual materials are more advanced than the other, so it is not easy to get them.

If the Xinghe Sword Sect hadn't lost Yunzhou, they could go to the Taiyi Danzong to ask for it based on Yizong's face.

But now, there is no need to say more.

In addition, there is this nine-hole seven-hole profound stone, and there is such a fairy material in the legend. No one has seen it in detail!

This made Mo Chengjun helpless. According to the memory of his previous life, this thing is the best, and it must be 'cloned'.

But the problem is, 'human cloning', that is the masterpiece of modern medicine.

Not to mention that he doesn't know much, even if he is really an expert in this field, if he doesn't have those sophisticated experimental equipment and petri dishes, he will have to be caught blind!

After pondering to no avail, Mo Chengjun naturally had to turn to the Cangfa Building to see if there was any secret method that could be used.

And after searching to no avail, he even looked through a lot of secret records of evil ways and magic skills.

In the end, he found a magical power called "Hiding a Corpse in a Coffin" in the universe bracelet left by the Lihuo Demon Immortal.

This supernatural power is extremely strange, and it is necessary to refine a living dead person. After the body dies, the spirit, soul, and will can be transferred to this living dead person, thereby achieving the result of "resurrection from death".

Of course, this supernatural power also has flaws. After each resurrection, his sanity will be much confused, and three times is the limit.

After three times, it's basically crazy.

And the most difficult part of this supernatural power is the refining of the 'living dead'.

I also have to say that it is worthy of evil magic and supernatural powers. The various methods of concocting the 'living dead', mental torture, strange secret methods, feeding secret medicines, and various medicinal baths are simply not treating people as human beings.

Not to mention these, the most important thing is that the selection of this 'living dead' is extremely difficult, not only the date of birth must match, but also the requirements of face, fate, and bone pulse.

To be honest, it is not easy to find this 'material', and it has to be refined in the follow-up, so don't play to your death.

Well, after really reading it, Mo Chengjun gave up, and slowly said whether he could find it, Mo Chengjun really couldn't do it with this evil method.

So disgusting!

Then, just when he was at a loss and struggling to sleep, he couldn't help but look again at the materials accumulated during this period.

When this 'creation' encounters a bottleneck, it is best to revisit the 'outline' set before and what you have written, to quantify the context and find inspiration.

This is a commonly used method, and Mo Chengjun didn't expect much, but at a certain moment, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and froze on the spot.

The so-called way of ghosts and gods, although the human body can also enjoy the power of incense and fire, but obviously, the ghost body is actually the best.

And this incarnation outside the body lacks a body and only has a second soul. Is it a "ghost" in a certain sense?

According to the second conclusion of "Book of Heaven", this "ghost" is the human will carried by the inspiration of heaven and earth, so this second soul seems to have the same effect.

In other words, it seems to be all right to directly use the second soul to bear the power of incense and fire?

As for this avatar?

The so-called "Golden Body Art of Vow Power", a golden body that can be forged with the power of incense and fire, is it considered an incarnation?

So, what am I researching all this time?

What are you bothering about?
After clearing these things up, Mo Chengjun stood under the thousand-year-old Yunwuxian tea tree for a long time. He looked up at the sky with deep eyes, and those who didn't know thought he was thinking about some mysterious Taoism.

But in fact, he was doubting himself!
In other words, after settling in this cave, is it that the brain is not working?
Why is it that I have been stuck for so long on such a simple question?

Always feeling stupid?
Mo Chengjun complained about himself like this, but he didn't stop the subject. Since this 'body' is no longer needed, to put it bluntly, it is enough to raise a second soul.

That is the first half of "Incarnation Outside the Body".

It's just that Mo Chengjun is not a person who follows the rules.

Although this "Incarnation Outside the Body" looked perfect, like that, but in his hands, if he didn't improve it, he would be ashamed to go out to meet people.

Therefore, in the following time, Mo Chengjun began to use "Incarnation Outside the Body" as the core, and also absorbed the techniques of "Lotus Root Body", "Grass and Trees Are Soldiers" and "Scattering Beans into Soldiers", and began to recompile the "Second Soul" Law.

But in his plan, the method of the second soul should not only have the most perfect and excellent "spiritual touch" technique, but also retain its independence and growth.

What is independence?
Naturally, it is the ability to think independently. What he wants is not just a puppet, nor is it a mechanical feedback, but a feedback mechanism similar to artificial intelligence.

He needs to start with 'spiritual wisdom', so that he can really have independent thinking, association and creation like a human being, and even have his own emotions and personality.

In addition to not being able to break away from the control of the main body, he can give the greatest freedom to people who are independent.

In addition to this growth, the second soul has been established, so naturally it cannot be complacent, cannot take the initiative to practice, and climbs up step by step, that is also meaningless.

In the end, even if one achieves the second soul, one cannot just stop the way ahead.

The supernatural power of "One Qi Transforms Three Cleanses", so how can there be a third soul to be considered complete, otherwise it will become a trickery?

That's a slap in the face of the Dharma Creator Master.

Not advisable, not advisable!
Because this time it was a 'hands and feet' on the soul, so although the supernatural power took shape very quickly, it was already perfected in more than a month, but Mo Chengjun was extremely cautious.

It took him half a year to repeatedly check and modify, until every rune and closed loop of the spirit pattern was constantly pondered, tried and verified.

For more than five months, Mo Chengjun did not know how many times he made minor adjustments, and finally reached the point where no changes could be made.

Until now, he already knew that if he wanted to discover the shortcomings, he had to keep practicing.

And when all this falls on the books, it is a supernatural power that has initially taken shape.

This is already his first supernatural power, he didn't have the time to calculate it carefully, but it didn't stop him from being happy.

It's just that he wrote the name of this supernatural power on the cover, not "One Qi Transforms Three Purities".

Well, it was still a slap in the face, but after he thought about it carefully, he felt that this supernatural power was still not up to the standard of 'Tai Shang Yi Hua San Qing'!
So, what he wrote down was "Second Soul", paused, and then filled in the word 1.0.

The first version, it can only be 1.0!
At this point, he finally stopped hesitating.


Mo House.

In the retreat quiet room, a heart-piercing muffled hum came, and even faintly passed through the magic circle to the outside.

On this day, the sky was full of dark clouds and rainstorms, and even the entire cave was trembling.

This is the influence of the master of the cave on the cave!

In the quiet room, Mo Chengjun was lying on the ground with a pale face.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the originally golden ocean was in turmoil, and there seemed to be countless cracks spreading in the void, and the soul that had been formed due to the "Craftsia Myrtle View of the Zhongtian North Pole" was suddenly split into a piece.

Outside the main soul, there is a group of ghost bodies that seem to be floating around, and there is a surge of mana, which outlines layers of complex closed loops of spirit patterns, and gathers the scattered soul bodies together.

This is a hurdle that the "incarnation outside the body" must pass through, splitting part of one's own soul with the technique of splitting the soul, and becoming the basis of the second soul.

Just at this step, I don’t know how many words have been used to describe his pain in so many experience volumes.

Mo Chengjun was well prepared, but after a lot of tossing, he almost fainted from the pain, and felt that he was really facing death, and that was all.

However, after passing this level, the following 'road' will be much smoother.


The conversation is divided into two parts, here Mo Chengjun is still busy; on the other side, Xue Pan's caravan has traveled all over the villages and towns in Nanzhan Buzhou.

No, it should not be simply called villages and towns, but some places have already begun to build cities.

People are different after all, and there are those heroes who will seize the opportunity.

They cultivate cronies, raise warriors and soldiers, or use force, or use various means to start staking their land and developing their influence.

Then, start building the city!
Yes, the population of Xinghe Sword Sect has only migrated for more than a year, but on Nanzhan Buzhou, cities have already begun to be built.

These, Xinghe Jianzong naturally watched, but adhering to the principle of "human beings are human beings", they didn't care too much.

The only thing they have to do is also one of the long-term tasks hanging in the Zongmen Hall - regular qualification testing.

After entering the cave, Xinghe Jianzong lost a foundation as big as Yunzhou, and the original method of recruiting disciples was naturally inappropriate.

Now, the population of Nanzhan Buzhou is not large, and Xinghe Sword Sect is eager to restore its strength, so Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu used the method of "casting a wide net and catching more fish".

First, the Temple of Enlightenment has popularized a technique for testing 'root bones', which can be learned by inner disciples for free; and then disciples who have learned this technique can receive tasks to go to specific areas to do root bone tests for people.

The contribution points of these disciples are determined according to the number of beginner disciples.

Of course, how clever and accurate is this 'root bone detection technique'?

Naturally, it is not counted as a level that can be used, but the selected personnel will naturally give invitations, and after arriving at the sect, they will also undergo a second re-examination, which is the real 'root bone examination'. The ones you enjoyed when you were just getting started.

Speaking of this policy, it also brought many new disciples to Galaxy Sword Sect, and the outer sect was quite lively during this period.

Compared with Xinghe Jianzong's 'non-interference', Xue Pan's caravan is not.

They brought not only daily necessities, salt and iron utensils, but also absolute force, canonized documents from the Tang Dynasty, and myths and legends about the heaven.

The most cariest of all, they brought faith and... storytellers!

 I don't know what to say about this update...

(End of this chapter)

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