Chapter 33
During the first actual trial, Mo Chengjun was very nervous. He was afraid that what he had done for such a long time would be useless.

But only a moment later, when he raised his head again, he couldn't restrain his excitement.

Yes, he saw it, although it was a little blurry, but those cells piled together like cells, were really his mana.

After calming down, Mo Chengjun leaned over again, and slowly turned the knob polished with bamboo. Little by little, the clarity also increased, until it reached a certain limit, and it could no longer be increased.

Obviously, this initial version of the microscope has limitations.

It may be that the focal length has not been adjusted to the optimum, or the curvature of the mirror surface of the convex lens is not perfect, but this does not affect Mo Chengjun's mood at all.

Because, he saw hope.

Entering the handicraft shop again, Mo Chengjun became more motivated.

Although he calls himself an otaku, he is actually a workaholic, but when he has a goal, he can spare it more than anyone else.

This time, he really worked hard in the handmade shop for two months, made various trials and adjustments, and made [-] versions of microscopes, finally meeting the requirements.

Then, under the microscope, he could already clearly see his mana particles.

Yes, really mana particles.

They exist one by one, like small round and chubby particles like cells, inside which can be seen a light yellow light belonging to the inspiration of heaven and earth, with a little bit of metal sharpness.

Outside of the heaven and earth inspiration, there are three layers of light circles on the tiny particles, one ring inside another, wrapping the heaven and earth inspiration like a package.

If we say before, Mo Chengjun's "Essence Hypothesis of Qi Method" was only in the stage of deduction.

So now, this is really seeing the truth with the eyes.

This is definitely a progress across the ages, and it is a discovery that can cause a sensation in the world.

Mo Chengjun was ecstatic!
He even wanted to find someone to share his joy with, but after looking around, he could only sit down silently.

Well, besides him, who else has the talent of 'seeing the world'?

Who can see power directly with the eyes?

If not, then he is doomed to be alone!
However, loneliness is lonely, and he doesn't care.

Instead, put all the focus on the three-layer aperture outside the mana.

He wants to see what form this 'Qi' is in the end?
What is it again?
Disappointingly, this version of the microscope was still not perfect, with three layers of apertures, the innermost layer was barely visible, at least he couldn't see the way it was structured.

But the outermost one is the clearest, it is a layer of faint blood light, bright red and pure, crystal clear and clear, with a structure similar to a ring, constantly wandering.

This is blood.

To be precise, this is an infection brought by essence and blood.

And under this, there is a layer of waves, as if there are uninterrupted flashes of lightning, flowing, like a layer of thunder and lightning spreading on the surface of the planet.

Yes, thunder and lightning!
At this moment, Mo Chengjun seemed to be blessed in his heart, and an astonishing thought ran through his mind.


electricity in the body,
So, 'Qi', could it be bioelectricity?
This is definitely an astonishing conjecture!

Mo Chengjun couldn't bear it anymore, he stood up and paced back and forth in the workshop, and even kept patting his head, as if otherwise, it would be difficult to calm down his mood.

Qi is the bioelectricity in the human body. Is this possible?

Is this really possible?

Mo Chengjun kept asking himself, faster and faster.

Abruptly, he leaned over again, buried his head under the microscope, and seemed to confirm it again worriedly.

After doing this several times, Mo Chengjun finally calmed down again after the mana in the artifact fragments completely dissipated. He slapped himself on the head and cursed himself for being stupid.

Since you are not sure whether this 'Qi' is bioelectricity, why don't you give it a try?
As for how to try?
And how to strengthen this bioelectricity?

Naturally, we had to find information from the huge library.

After confirming the direction, Mo Chengjun didn't delay, paid some money to the owner of the handicraft workshop, and ran out hurriedly with his own things, rode on his little wild donkey, and rushed towards the Tibetan Falou.

The Zangfa building is big enough, and there are a lot of secret exercises collected in it, but you want to say that it deals with bioelectricity?
Ahem, I'm sorry, it seems that I really don't pay much attention to it.

Mo Chengjun also didn't know where to start, and felt that this bioelectricity should also be regarded as a kind of lightning method.

So, he grabbed the secret record of Lei Fa in the Tibetan law building and studied it bit by bit.

Lei Fa is masculine and has miraculous effects on exorcising evil and killing ghosts, and is the favorite of some Taoist priests who exorcise ghosts.

Of course, among the many spells, Leifa can be regarded as one of the most brilliant ones, and there are actually not many in the first and second floors.

Moreover, Mo Chengjun has researched for a long time and found that the thunder method here is also the conventional way, that is, the way of communicating with the heaven and earth with mana.

This has almost nothing to do with the internal training of 'bioelectricity' that Mo Chengjun wants.

In the end, Mo Chengjun did not give up and began to look for inspiration in a large number of travel notes.

Then, he discovered that the Daxuan Kyushu is the strongest and the best at playing Lei Fa, it is the Shenxiao Sect.

There are countless lightning methods in it, and it is even said that there is a means of attracting thunder calamity and bringing down divine punishment.

But this is the Shenxiao sect, right?

It's a little special.

You say it is the Great Sect of the Immortal Sect, so it counts.

It can even be said to be the top wave under the Eight Great Immortal Sects, hardly inferior to the Eight Great Immortal Sects.

But if you want to say that he is completely the Dazong of Xianmen, there is a difference.

Because, from the beginning of Daxuan's founding of the country, the Shenxiao Sect has been bound together with the Daxuan imperial family.

The two sides have been getting closer and infiltrating each other for countless years, so that now, the entire Shenxiao Sect has almost become a separate courtyard of the Daxuan Imperial Family.

Of course, looking at it the other way around, the Shenxiao Sect also tied the Daxuan royal family to his own chariot.

The two sides are already one and two, two and one.

Mo Chengjun believes that with the background of the Shenxiao Sect, he will definitely find what he wants from it, but this is just thinking about it.

Shenxiaozong is too far away, he can't go there, even if he goes, he can't enter Shenxiaozong's Tibetan Dharma building.

So, it's better to face reality.

In the end, Mo Chengjun didn't ask for anything else, but plunged into the ancient and strange arts that have the largest number of Tibetan magic buildings, and are also the most messy. Usually, not many people read them.

It's not a short period of time to come to this world, and he spends every day studying in the Tibetan Law Building, and Mo Chengjun's knowledge system is constantly improving.

He discovered that this world was different from the fairy world he knew from novels.

At least, this world is nothing, the older it is, the stronger it is.

The recorded history of this world can probably be traced back to the period of feudal hegemony before the Great Xia Dynasty.

Hundreds of human princes are constantly attacking and fighting for their own power and interests, and there are countless demons and ghosts mixed in it.

The chaos of the situation is simply indescribable.

Until the great summer son Emperor Yu came to the world, he finally swept away the eight wastelands and six unions, and established the Dingding Kyushu.

Since records began, Emperor Yu was also regarded as the first Martial Immortal who achieved the Dharma Body of Martial Arts.

And the entire ninth-rank system of martial arts has also been continuously improved since the Xia Dynasty, and various magical skills and secret methods have continued to emerge, and it was not until the end of the Xia Dynasty that it reached its peak.

But after the peak comes the decline.

In the end, the Six Realms of Immortal Cultivation, represented by Yiren, gradually matured, until the end of the Great Xia, when the Nine Dragons seized the throne, demons and demons were in chaos, and immortals were born to save the common people.

It was also since then that the immortal law became the orthodoxy of the human race and stepped onto the stage of history.

From this point of view, two development routes can be clearly seen. Whether it is martial arts or immortal cultivation, they are all developed step by step from scratch, from weak to strong, and gradually improved.

Mo Chengjun, who had no other choice, could only look for a chance, or just a little inspiration, from the ancient supernatural powers that were piled up together.

With this research, Mo Chengjun suddenly had the illusion that his vision had been opened.

In terms of power, these ancient and strange arts are not as good as today.

But what you can't deny is that, compared to the martial arts and martial arts that are already in a mature system, these ancient methods really dare to think about anything and dare to try anything.

Not sticking to the inherent system at all, there are a lot of method inspirations that seem strange but interesting.

This gave Mo Chengjun a lot of ideas. If he has time, he really wants to study it in depth.

But now, he still has to restrain himself.

Then, after more than half a month of busy work, Mo Chengjun really gained something. It was a piece of animal skin, which was very big. Even after it was processed, after the head and tail were pinched, there was still a square of about three meters. size.

This is obviously some kind of monster, even the fur of a ferocious beast, which has been immortal for thousands of years.

On the top, there is a method engraved in a strange way, called: Waking Insects Method.

Awakening of Insects, the 24th solar term begins at the beginning of the first lunar month in the Ganzhi calendar. When the time comes to Awakening of Insects, the yang energy rises, the temperature warms up, there is a spring thunder, and everything recovers.

This is the general outline of the "Awakening of Insects Method". Based on this, what the exercise cultivates is a Qi of Awakening Insects that emanates from the internal organs and gathers the subtle forces between the muscles, bones, skin and flesh.

Its function is to regulate the five internal organs, balance yin and yang, make up for deficiencies in the body, benefit the secondary development of the body, and improve resilience and responsiveness.

Well, if you look closely, it's not hard to find.

This technique can neither temper the physical body and break the limit, nor can it arouse the inspiration to cultivate the magic technique.

Its function is tasteless, and it is not a pity to lose it.

And the reason why Mo Chengjun thinks it has something to do with bioelectricity is because he saw a technique in it called palm thunder.

Please note that this palm thunder is by no means the famous palm thunder in the Shenxiao Thunder Art, it is just the same name.

When this palm thunder is used, it needs to guide the stinging energy to the palm of the hand, and shoot the enemy at close range.

Its function is to paralyze, and the time is not long, correspondingly, it is extremely laborious to use and consumes a lot of energy.

This technique looks like a joke.

But thinking about it the other way around, if you use the bioelectricity in your body to hit someone, your major is not suitable for you, and it's no wonder that you don't need to work hard.

After in-depth research, Mo Chengjun felt more and more that the "Awakening of Insects Method" was extremely ancient, even older than the "Marrow Washing Sutra".

The "Marrow Washing Sutra" is at least within the category of martial arts.

And this "Awakening of Insects Method", not to mention martial arts skills, it is not even like the method of eating qi, but a third system independent of the outside world.

The Qi of the Awakening of Insects it cultivates does not enter the Niwan Palace between the eyebrows in the upper dantian, nor does it enter the Guanyuan point three inches below the navel in the lower dantian, but enters the Tanzhong point in the middle dantian.

After pondering over and over again, the deeper Mo Chengjun understood, the more confused he became.

Moreover, this method is isolated, and he has no way to learn from other similar methods.

He simply didn't hesitate anymore, since he didn't know what to do, let's try it directly.

And after putting into practice, Mo Chengjun discovered that this method is outrageously rare.

Based on his talent, whether it is the "Hunyuan Qi" of the Qi-eating method, the "Yimu Longevity Kung Fu" of the martial arts method, or the highest-level "Crape Myrtle Visualization Map of Zhongtian North Pole", it didn't take long for him to start practicing. .

But now?

It took him two full months just to touch some thresholds, which is unprecedented.

However, when the first ray of stinging energy flowed into the Tanzhong acupoint, Mo Chengjun suddenly laughed, laughed, laughed wildly, and tears came out of the laughter.

"It's done, it's done!"

This is the only cry in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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