Chapter 34
Just now, he performed the energy-breathing method, and the time was not long, and only a trace of mana was produced.

But with just this trace of mana, he felt the difference.

That is the real vitality, like the difference between gurgling water and a stagnant ditch.

The quality of the 'water source' is no longer pure or so-called powerful, but with some kind of strange spirituality, as if he endowed this mana with another strange life.

Yes, Mo Chengjun thought for a long time, and he felt that he could only use the word 'life' to describe it.

Of course, this is also based on his keen perception of the world's inspiration.

If it's just other people, even if they practice these methods, they won't have much understanding.

But in any case, what he longed for has been achieved.

The 'Forty Great Limits' is no longer an obstacle, and for him, there will be no threshold that cannot be passed on the road of practice.

This is also the happiest day for Mo Chengjun since he came to this world.

In the past two years, he has been studying almost day and night, doing almost crazy research and experiments, and advancing seemingly tirelessly.

Finally, he got the 'business card' that could cross the threshold.

At this moment, he succeeded, successfully solved the problem that no one could solve for thousands of years, and achieved an achievement that is enough to make people sigh!

At this moment, he laughed out loud, laughing wildly, but he seemed to be out of breath, he started to cough and pant, and the tears from laughing remained.

He succeeded, but who knows the sweat, hard work, and psychological pressure he has endured in the past two years.

But until this moment, he understood that all the sacrifices were worth it.

In the next few days, Mo Chengjun did not study too much, he began to go to work uncharacteristically, and worked hard.

In his spare time, he also went to the outer gate, met Xue Ling who was in class, and inspected his homework.

I went to Yunjian City again, met Xue Pan, drank and chatted with him, bragging and farting.

At this time, Xue Pan is already resident in Yunjian City, and Xue's shop has already opened, and even opened three in a row.

One is on the east side of Fangshi, and the other is on the west side of Fangshi. They mainly buy and sell all kinds of rare spiritual materials, especially wild spiritual materials from the demon country.

The last one is an ordinary grocery store. It is placed in the downtown area of ​​mortals in Yunjian City. It has a super large area and a shopping mode similar to that of a supermarket. It is also a pioneer, and the business is booming.

This was naturally Mo Chengjun's idea.

In fact, during this period of time, the Xue family's business was in the expansion stage, and the driving force behind this was naturally Mo Chengjun.

The reason why Mo Chengjun is willing to care about these things in his busy schedule is that on the one hand, it is naturally because of the shares given by the Xue family and the salary given by a guest minister, and on the other hand, it is also because Mo Chengjun wants to establish a company that can gather resources for himself. platform.

He had already purchased a dormant Lingquan Eye through the Xue family's shop in Fangshi.

It was a piece of rock that had been washed by spiritual pulses. It had a strange turquoise color, like jade, but it had a completely different feel from jade.

Mo Chengjun also found out that it is impossible to collect Qiqi 49 Lingquan Eyes.

Even if he had the money, no one would sell it unless he was really good enough to rob a powerful Xianzong sect.

Otherwise, forget it.

Therefore, he can only work hard on the dormant and scrapped Lingquan Eye, and wants to study it to see if there is any way to speed up its recovery.

Of course, because the research on "Qi Yang Method" is in full swing, Mo Chengjun didn't actually start the subject, and the eye of the spiritual spring is still left in the corner to eat ashes.

Finally, Mo Chengjun went to the private school again, drinking tea and playing chess with the old master, enjoying the sun and leisure time in the afternoon.

The old master is getting older again, the wrinkles on his face have deepened a bit, and he walks unsteadily, as if he will fall down in a second.

But he still teaches every day, practices calligraphy, takes a lunch break, drinks tea, and has a lot of hobbies that he should have.

Frankly speaking, Mo Chengjun felt that he was normal, like a normal person.

But because it was so normal, it frightened the people around.

Xue Pan knocked around, seeing that he couldn't find anything, he actually found Baling'er.

During this time, Zhao Rulan's belly was getting bigger and bigger.

As for him, he had to turn himself into a pendant and follow him 24 hours a day, for fear of bumping into each other, showing the carefulness of a soon-to-be father to the fullest.

Naturally, after all his thoughts are on his wife, how can he have time to pay attention to his little brother!
Then, when Xue Pan looked for him, after observing the 'normal' Mo Chengjun for a while, he also looked like he had seen a ghost.

He has known Mo Chengjun for so long, how has he ever seen such a normal 'Mo Chengjun'?
In the end, he was also afraid of accidents, so he actually set up a table at home, and called Xue Pan, Hui and Zhao Rulan, and called Mo Chengjun over in the name of a small gathering.

Mo Chengjun is naturally happy to have wine.

But when he came, watching the three of them pouring wine in a row, turning the pages to persuade them, and taking turns to enlighten them, singing a double-reed chorus, Mo Chengjun knew there was something wrong no matter how stupid he was.

After figuring out the situation, he himself was stupid!
When he came back to his senses, he was dumbfounded. He actually knew his own situation. To put it bluntly, it was the period of burnout after successful scientific research.

After all, no matter how awesome the experimental maniac is, do you think he won't get tired?
That is also impossible!
Therefore, proper relaxation and rest are a must.

However, looking at the three people who looked concerned, Mo Chengjun was still a little moved.

It wasn't until this time that he felt that he was not alone. In the past two years, he also had a few sincere friends.

After figuring it out, Mo Chengjun repeatedly assured that he was fine, and even said that he was successful in research and had solved the problem of the 'big limit' before he settled the three of them.

However, Mo Chengjun himself didn't expect that this farce could become so big.

When Mo Chengjun returned drunk to the Cangfa Building, he unexpectedly saw Fairy Ruoli who had been waiting for him here for a long time.

She came to deliver a message that her master, Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu wanted to see him.

The location is naturally the Four Seasons Peak Bamboo Building.

Time, tomorrow afternoon.

Under the bright moon, looking at the beautiful figure in the distance, and then looking at the pass token in his hand, Mo Chengjun shrugged helplessly.

At this time, he was also quite sober. After turning around and returning to his room, he sorted out his manuscripts.

In fact, even if Sword Master Four Seasons didn't look for him, he would still look for Sword Master Four Seasons.

He was conscious that he had to report these research results.


The next day, Four Seasons Peak, inside the bamboo building.

When Mo Chengjun came, he not only brought his own research materials, but also a wooden board and charcoal pencils for writing.

At this time, he was in front of him, writing on the blackboard quickly while talking eloquently.

In front of him, Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu and Ruoli sat side by side, listening to the class seriously.

"The so-called mana is actually the inspiration of heaven and earth, so what is the difference between mana and inspiration of heaven and earth?

In my opinion, the reason lies in the fact that mana is a processed inspiration of heaven and earth.

So what is the tool for processing?
I think it is the meridians of the human body, more precisely, the three, the energy and spirit! "

"The essence of the so-called Qi Qi practice can actually be considered as packaging, or infection, or use a new term-branding.

Using essence, energy, and spirit to remove the triple brand, the specific process can be regarded as..."

"This is my Hypothesis on the Essence of Qi Method, of course, I call it "Theory on the Essence of Qi Method" now.

So, what does it do?

Well, that looks like too much.

For example, the most basic one is the improvement of Qi method! "

"Excuse me, let's get back to the topic now, knowing the essence of mana, then what is the difference between achieving foundation building before the age of 40 and after the age of 40?

Or, what exactly is the 'big limit'? "

"To figure it out, one thing must be figured out first, and that is the changes in my human body before and after the age of 40.

This, I think, is a decline in spirit..."

"According to my theory, the growth curve of the human body is parabolic.

Well, what is a parabola?
That's what it is, you throw something into the sky, and it follows the trajectory.

Then, the highest point, the turning point of the human spirit, is 40 years old.

That's the limit..."

"Extending it further, the reason why human beings cultivate will lose their lifespan. It was generally accepted before that it is the damage left by fighting skills.

That is to say, although the body looks strong, hidden injuries and subtle injuries are everywhere, which will reduce Yangshou.

But according to my theory, that's not right..."

"In my opinion, the root cause of qi-entraining practice that injures the body lies in consumption!
Yes, regardless of the internal force gathered by martial arts or the mana cultivated by the Qi method, they all need to consume one's energy and energy.

Essence, energy, and spirit are the foundation of a person. If you consume them all, you will naturally lose your lifespan. "

"and many more!"

A soft and cold female voice interrupted Mo Chengjun's words, and asked: "Then according to your theory, after breaking through the Foundation Establishment, you can live up to 50 years old, what is the reason?"

"That's a good question, but ahem, time is too tight. I haven't delved into your question yet. Give me some time and I'll give you an accurate answer."

"it is good!"

"Then, let's continue our chat, now that we have figured out what 'Big Limit' is, and understand the nature of mana.

If you want to prescribe the right medicine, it is actually very simple, which is what I call the 'cultivation method'. "

"There are three stages of nourishing, nourishing essence, nourishing qi, and nourishing spirit."

"Let's first talk about what nourishing essence is, then what is essence?"


"What does it mean to nourish the essence? What is the difference between this essence blood and the martial arts exchange blood? How to improve?"


"The method of nourishing the essence, what I provide is the "Washing the Marrow Sutra". Its effect is to wash the marrow in the I Ching. This should explain how the blood comes from..."

"Let's talk about the method of cultivating the gods. What does this 'god' represent? Does it have special functions?"


"Well, the method of nourishing my mind that I'm using now is called "The Thought of Ziwei in Zhongtian North Pole", and its effect is..."

"Finally, Qi Yang method, this is the one I have studied the longest.

So, the first question, what is qi? "

In the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly, shining into the bamboo house through the window, and I saw a person on the stage eloquent and elated, as if immersed in his own world.

In the audience, there were two women and a tea boy, all frowning, as if they were so shocked by the thoughts and conclusions on the blackboard that it was hard to say.

(End of this chapter)

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