Chapter 35 Secret Records
This afternoon, Mo Chengjun blew for nearly three hours.

From the sunny afternoon to the sunset, he almost confessed all his research results, all kinds of ideas, theories, and experimental results, almost without reservation.

The reason why he said almost is because he didn't mention the secret record with a mahogany cover, let alone the Two Boundary Stone.

But even so, Mo Chengjun has thoroughly implemented his 'candid policy'.

Of course, he explained it happily, and the three people below listened carefully, but no one knows how much he can understand, how much he can comprehend, and how much he can digest that is useful to him.

In fact, before this, Mo Chengjun had already made a lesson plan, trying to make it as easy to understand as possible.

Also simplify the experimental process as much as possible, only talk about the conclusion, and even draw a mana structure diagram.

He felt that he was already very vernacular.

But for people in this world, every word, every conclusion, and every knowledge point in these words is impacting their worldview.

That feeling is not much different from earth-shaking.

Even Shen Jinxiu, Sword Master of Four Seasons, had the illusion of seeing a new world.

When the expected content was finished, Mo Chengjun didn't talk nonsense, and strode up to the girl with the double bun, took a cup of tea from the tray in her hand, and poured it down.

This little girl is actually very conscious of a Taoist child, and she often serves tea and water when guests come.

Only this time, after she came in, she was fascinated by the eloquent explanation and the unfamiliar theory that she was somewhat familiar with but didn't seem to understand at all.

Don't think she is just a little Taoist.

In fact, how can it be easy to follow Xiaodaotong behind Four Seasons Sword Master?

Then, she just didn't move, hearing now.

The tea Mo Chengjun was drinking was naturally cold, but he didn't care about that now. He drank three cups of herbal tea in a row, which relieved his dry mouth.

And when he turned his head, he saw Sword Master Four Seasons and Ruo Li still staring at the various blackboard writing on the wooden board, dazed in a daze.

Looking at those eyes, sometimes the eyebrows are raised, and sometimes the brows are furrowed, it is obvious that they have been deeply trapped in it, and it is difficult to extricate themselves.

Mo Chengjun didn't bother, but waited quietly on the sidelines. He was also thinking about his future study and practice plans.

If it is said that before that, he must put all his focus on solving the problem of 'big limit'.

So now, after the way out has been found, the first goal in front of him has changed.

It turned into cultivation, into completing the accumulation of mana in the shortest possible time, and breaking through the foundation-building realm.

The faster the time, the better, but a solid enough foundation must be laid.

In this way, the time allocation and planning of practice are extremely important.

Thinking like this, over there, Sword Master Four Seasons and Fairy Ruoli also came back to their senses one after another.

When it comes to cultivation, they dumped Mo Chengjun Shibajie.

In terms of comprehension, the mysteries of the Dao they understood were beyond Mo Chengjun's reach.

But it was Mo Chengjun's angle of consideration, this set of arguments, this kind of essence that outsiders had never explored, still made them hard to extricate themselves from hearing it.

Do you want to talk about these profound things?

Seems like pretty basic stuff.

But do you want to say that they already understood?
I'm sorry, I haven't thought about it for so many years.

Then, there is the impact on the world view, and the knowledge they have absorbed, verifying what they have learned, and gaining indistinctly.

After a long time, Sword Master Four Seasons spoke first. He looked at Mo Chengjun with complicated eyes: "So, all your theories actually prove that you have solved the problem of the limit?"

Mo Chengjun also came back to his senses. He suppressed his thoughts and answered seriously: "That's it. Although it hasn't been verified in practice, I'm already [-]% sure?"

"Only [-]%?" Fairy Ruoli said, seemingly surprised:
"Only [-]%!" Mo Chengjun nodded seriously:

"What about the last [-]%?" Xiao Daotong interrupted this time:
"Practice is the only criterion to test the truth!" Mo Chengjun showed a smile: "So, only when I forge the Dao foundation, this theory can be counted as [-]%."

Xiaodaotong: "Are you quite serious?"

Mo Chengjun: "This is the attitude that scientific research should have."

What Mo Chengjun said was taken for granted, but everyone couldn't understand how serious a research dog was about academics, and everyone had a complicated expression on his face.

If we just listen to various theories, the three of them actually have doubts, but now, they seem to believe it in their hearts.

Thinking for a little, Sword Master Siji spoke first: "Do you know that what you have studied is actually not limited to breaking through the 'big limit'.

What you have studied can actually be generalized to many, many aspects.

You, just hand it over? "

Mo Chengjun shrugged and said, "I think it's better to be honest.

Of course, I personally think that for my set of theoretical knowledge, I still have to be cautious in teaching it. It is best to find some people first, break it down and teach part of it first? "


Today's little girls seem to be very active: "Why don't good things spread widely? Even if they can't spread the word, what about inside our sect?

Why hide it? "

"How should I explain it?"

Mo Chengjun smiled bitterly, tilted his head and thought for a long time before saying: "Although my theory is grafted on the basis of practice, many things have subversive cognitions, which can easily impact people's three views.

Those who are just getting started are better. They don’t have a deep understanding, and it’s okay to accept it. But those who have cultivated the Tao all their lives, I’m afraid they won’t be able to accept it.

You should know that being insane is a terrible thing. "

Sword Master Siji nodded slightly, and said: "You are right!
Well, I know the matter, and I will handle it with caution.

Yes, yours, um..."

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, not knowing what to say, because she didn't know what to call this series of exercises.

Classics, Secret Records, Breathing Method, Treasure Book...

Neither seems appropriate.

Mo Chengjun also observed the words and expressions, and immediately said: "Scientific research data, I call it scientific research data.

Well, these are still too messy, why don't you give me some time so I can sort out a secret record? "

"That's fine too!"

At this point, the business was finished, and Mo Chengjun felt that it was getting late, and when he wanted to leave, Sword Master Siji took the lead to speak again: "There is one more thing, I have to ask for your consent?"

Mo Chengjun really wanted to say, just let me know if you have something to do, don't fight for it?

But he still expressed his surprise from the heart: "What?"

"This, you try?"

Saying that, Sword Master Four Seasons took it backhand, and in the fluctuation of mana, a round object appeared in her hand, and she handed it to Mo Chengjun.

When Mo Chengjun held it in his hand, he felt a little heavy, it seemed to be made of pure metal, and there were dense lines on it, some were on the surface, and some were obviously deep inside.

Tilting his head, Mo Chengjun looked at Siji Jianzun a little puzzled: "Is this a magic weapon?"

Sword Master Four Seasons was almost choked, and he said angrily: "Isn't this a magic weapon? It's a small array, you can try it?"

Mo Chengjun was a little helpless: "Well, can you tell me how to activate it? Just input mana?"

Sword Master Four Seasons was even more surprised: "You don't even know how to use magic weapons?"

Mo Chengjun was a little embarrassed: "You know that in the past two years, apart from my research, I have been looking for information in the pile of books.

It has nothing to do with the 'big limit', I basically automatically filtered it, and I didn't pay attention to it.

Besides, I, ahem, very poor, poor jingle, the resources distributed by the outer door basically let me find someone to do experiments, and pay for it.

To this day, the only magic weapon I have come into contact with, well, I bought a piece of magic weapon for the experiment some time ago. "

"You are really..."

Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu couldn't continue, but the little girl took up the conversation with a tacit understanding: "It's miserable!"

It was just a simple exclamation, which seemed to resonate with everyone present.

In the end, it was Fairy Ruoli who came out, took the formation plate, and after a few spells, input another burst of mana.

I saw a layer of faint light flickering, the disk formation floated up, and a thin barrier rose up and expanded outward, covering a radius of about five meters.

This area is not large, and the thin barrier does not seem to have a defensive effect.

Mo Chengjun even walked back and forth twice, without feeling anything.

But with just a cup of tea, Mo Chengjun felt the difference.

The Four Seasons Peak's heaven and earth inspirations are already strong, and at this time they gather here like a whirlwind, and the thin barrier acts as a filter.

What really enters within a five-meter radius is a light yellow heaven and earth inspiration.

Mo Chengjun was indescribably familiar with this scene. When he was practicing "Hunyuan Qi", he liked to collect a wave first and then absorb it.

Mo Chengjun couldn't hide his surprise: "This is?"

Sword Master Siji nodded: "Last time, you told me about that, um, the method mentioned in "The Hypothesis of the Essence of Qi Method".

I found a master craftsman to try it out, and after spending a lot of time, I made an improved version of this spirit-gathering array, which is aimed at outer disciples and can improve their cultivation speed. "

Mo Chengjun felt it, and found that the spirit-gathering array was really good, but the light-yellow heaven and earth spirit gathered was not too pure, and there were many other attributes mixed in it, obviously because the filtering method was immature.

Compared with the method used by Mo Chengjun, it is naturally inferior.

But even for Mo Chengjun, it takes time and energy to gather inspirations of the same attribute from heaven and earth, and this is not necessary.

To sum up, good stuff!

Then, Mo Chengjun heard the Four Seasons Sword Master say again: "I plan to popularize it in the outer sect, set up a retreat point, and exchange contribution points or spirit stones for the time of retreat and practice, the specific price is still being weighed.

Of course, this is your first initiative, and I need to ask for your opinion.

Are you willing to make it public for the benefit of your brothers and sisters? "

Four Seasons Sword Master's words are very beautiful, but if you ask me after you have made a plan, isn't it too late?
You ask me now, hehe, do I agree?

I still agree!
Mo Chengjun seemed to be very frank: "You can do whatever you want, I have no objection."

As he spoke, he tilted his head and said, "I seem to have mentioned it to you last time. According to my experience, a double speed increase should be the normal limit of the human body. If it is too much, mana will be in vain.

Well, according to my theory, in the meridians, there are too many inspirations passing through the meridian within a unit time, and the speed of the infection of the spirit package cannot keep up, the branding is not strong enough, and the manipulation is not so handy. unfavorable.

You have to pay attention to this point! "

Well, not only did I agree, but I was also afraid of making a mistake, and gave my opinion again. It is really a model of being sold and helping count the money.

After finishing speaking, Mo Chengjun added: "Actually, I thought about improving "Hunyuanqi" before.

But, ahem, you know, no time, no energy..."

The Four Seasons Sword Master was shocked, and his eyes suddenly focused: "Can it really be corrected?"

Mo Chengjun said lightly, "I don't think it should be difficult."

(End of this chapter)

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