The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 48 Going Down the Mountain

Chapter 48 Going Down the Mountain
Things have come to this point, and everything is clear. To put it bluntly, it is a normal sect mission. In the current chaotic Yunzhou, it is really normal to go out to get contribution points.

Only Mo Chengjun was the abnormal person who supported himself by his research results.

This is certainly not shameful, but it is also unique.

On the journey of cultivating immortals, encountering danger is also a common occurrence. Not all monks can enter such a big sect as Xinghe Jianzong, and not all sects are like Xinghe Jianzong, who can intercept a state's wealth and spirits to make offerings to.

The world of cultivating immortals outside has its cruelty, coupled with the chaos of demons and ghosts, many monks disappeared as they walked.

Practitioners can live to the end of their lifespan, but there are actually very few people who die of old age.

This is a fact!

But about Baling'er, no matter what, Mo Chengjun has to take care of it!

Squinting his eyes slightly, Mo Chengjun quickly calculated: "So, until now, we still don't know whether Ba Ge had a problem during the mission, or something happened when he was supporting Xue's caravan.

It will take a little more thought and time to check it out. "

This is his whispering to himself, the voice is not loud, but the room is quiet, but it can be heard clearly.

At this time, Xue Pan showed his responsibility: "In this situation, there are only two points, first find someone and then save them.

Looking for people, it is better to have more people!
Sister-in-law, you and Brother Ba usually have quite a wide network of contacts. Mobilize these friends and friends and ask them to help you go out and find them.

Then invite one or two Jindan real people, with them, they can naturally calm down the situation.

Of course, it still takes a lot of spirit stone contribution points to invite so many people. In this way, I will take an inventory of the goods in the store first, and then exchange a batch of contribution points through certain channels. "

At the end, he uttered a sentence: "I still don't believe it, this huge Yunzhou, there is any danger that the Galaxy Sword Sect can't deal with."

This was said bluntly and boldly.

These years, the Xue family's business is not small, and if the network is spread out, they will definitely get a huge contribution point.

Not to mention Jindan, even Zhenjun Yuanying may be invited to move.

Zhao Rulan glanced at him gratefully, and felt that this person was quite worthy. In this world, how many people are willing to help you?

However, she still looked at Mo Chengjun and said, "Brother Mo, when my husband was here, he mentioned more than once that if there is an important matter and he is not here, let me come to you for advice.

This is why I came to look for you as soon as I received the warning.

Me, I want to hear your advice? "

Mo Chengjun looked at her, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Sister-in-law, do you want to go by yourself?"

"Yes! I, I really can't imagine how I should live if my husband is gone?"

Xue Pan frowned, interjected: "This is absolutely impossible! Brother Ba is not here, you are leaving, what about Ruier?"

"So, I want to entrust her to you.

Brother Mo, you are Rui'er's godfather. If our husband and wife can't come back, please, please take good care of Rui'er. "

As she said that, Zhao Rulan looked at Mo Chengjun, and she was about to shed tears. She is strong, and it is not easy to bear it until now.

Mo Chengjun thought he was calm, but he couldn't stand the woman's tears, so he quickly waved his hands and said, "Sister-in-law, don't be like this, Rui'er really needs your care, it's not appropriate for you to go.

What brother Xue said has some truth, and you still have to find a professional to find someone.

However, it is not necessarily useful if there are too many people, and some people who are proficient in tracking secrets are still needed. "

After a pause, Mo Chengjun said again: "So, what I mean is that the troops are divided into two groups.

This is the first way, sister-in-law, you have contacts, and Bago also has them. You can find some friends who are good at tracking to form a team, and then invite one or two Jindan Daoist people to sit in the town, and with the promise of huge benefits, invite them to help.

I still have a lot of these contribution points, if you don't have enough, come find me yourself. "

"What about the second way?"

Mo Chengjun: "I would like to ask my sister-in-law to bring me one or two pieces of Pug's underwear, and I will take my mount to the Four Seasons Peak."

"You mean, the four-eared donkey demon?"

"Yes, the donkey monster's strongest thing is actually not fighting, but a pair of ears. Listening to his bragging, he can hear the voice of a thousand miles, which is not inferior to supernatural powers.

And his pair of noses are also extremely good, can distinguish subtle smells, and is also suitable for finding people and things. "

"Wait!" Xue Pan jumped: "That thing is a big monster, are you going to release the restraint on him?

No, no, brother, what are you doing?
Wait, you're going down the mountain? "

There is no doubt that Xue Pan's follow-up reaction will be greater than the previous one.

In his memory, what Mo Chengjun likes most is staying at home, and he hasn't even visited Yunjian City much.

What is the use of such a person going down the mountain?
Is that to find someone?

That's to deliver food, okay?
Going out for a walk is not an easy task. If you don't have any experience, no matter how strong you are, you may be sold out.

Unless you have the strength to crush everything, Jianghu experience is always needed.

Mo Chengjun didn't seem to be conscious at all, he didn't even look at Xue Pan, but asked Zhao Rulan: "Sister-in-law, what do you think?"

Zhao Rulan's eyes seemed to be dodging, but she was silent for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, "Then there is Brother Laomo.

This time, my husband's life belongs to Brother Mo. "

"Ha ha!"

Mo Chengjun shook his head slightly, and said seriously: "Sister-in-law, please don't worry, I will definitely bring Pug back intact."

"No, it's decided? It's decided?" Xue Pan seemed a little unresponsive.

Mo Chengjun directly made a decision: "Since that's the case, let's make our own preparations. Brother Xue?"


"Could you please go to Fangshi overnight to help me find some magic tools or talismans for tracking? Don't be too expensive, as long as it is useful, money is not a problem."

"no problem."

"Sister-in-law of the Ba family?"

"you say?"

Mo Chengjun: "Please hurry up and contact your friends, uncles and uncles, and ask them to form a team. The number should not be too many, five people are enough.

As for how many contribution points are needed, I will assign them to you at my house at noon tomorrow. "

"how about you?"

"I'll make some preparations first, and tomorrow morning, I will go to the Four Seasons Peak, and then to the Foreign Affairs Hall.

Finally, we will meet at my home to make final communication and arrangements, and I will go down the mountain at noon at the latest. "

Mo Chengjun arranged everything properly, it seemed that at this time, he was more calm, the most stable and convincing.

"Everyone has no opinions? If not, then do it. If there is anything, I will talk about it tomorrow."

"OK then."

"I don't mind either."

The matter was decided like this, Xue Pan was still a little puzzled, but he also felt something, didn't say much, but walked out first.

He had to find some old acquaintances, and exchange some tracking instruments and some useful talismans.

As for Zhao Rulan, she fell behind. When she reached the door, she suddenly paused, turned her head, made a Wanfu salute, and said, "Brother Mo, it was my sister-in-law who did something wrong this time, but at this moment, I also I don't know what to do.

When you come back, my sister-in-law will make amends for you. "

After finishing speaking, she set up her sword light and rushed to the sky without looking back.

At the end, Mo Chengjun shook his head helplessly: "This kind of thinking is not in the right place, just say it straight, why bother.

However, it can be considered excusable. "

In fact, Zhao Rulan said that she was going down the mountain to find Baling'er, but it was just a violent method, something that even Baling'er could not solve, so what if she went?
In fact, she is very clear about this matter. You can say that she cares about it and it will cause chaos, or you can say that she did it on purpose.

Her initiative was just to force Mo Chengjun to take the initiative, which was a small trick.

In fact, after she realized that Baling'er was in danger, the only thing that echoed in her mind was what Baling'er said not long ago.

"If one day I go on a mission and fail to come back, don't go to those friends who call me brothers and sisters, let alone visit those uncles and uncles, just go to him as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, if I was still alive at that time, he would definitely bring me back; if I died, then he..."

"Many people will die, and many people will be buried with me!"

At a certain moment, these words reverberated in Zhao Rulan's mind like a magic voice. She knew her husband very well, and even more so, that there must be a reason for Baling'er to say this.

Therefore, she used the 'exciting method' without hesitation. She wanted Mo Chengjun to go down the mountain and bring his husband back.

Did Mo Chengjun hear it?


Although he didn't know why the other party did this, it was obvious that Baling'er had said something.

Mo Chengjun is not a person who likes to be led by the nose.

People who play tricks are actually ridiculous in the eyes of outsiders.

But this time, Mo Chengjun still agreed.

Because, as he said before, no matter what, Ba Ling'er was saved!
Having been in this world for so long, he doesn't know many people, and even fewer can be called friends, and the only person he can really recognize and get close to is Baling'er!
Therefore, there is a saying that Baling'er is right, he is going to die, and many ghosts and ghosts will be buried with him!

Shaking his head, Mo Chengjun walked out of Xue's mansion, opened his mouth, and a sword pill jumped out, turning into a rainbow of swords, enveloping Mo Chengjun and galloping away.

Breaking the ground and building the foundation, coupled with that spiritual sword pill, although Mo Chengjun thinks that the sword technique is not good enough, and the sword intent has not yet been comprehended, which is a shame in the sword practice.

But he learned how to fly with the sword in his hand very seriously.

There's no way, this thing is so handsome, even a man can't refuse it.


When he returned to the small courtyard of the Mo family, Mo Chengjun began to make preparations. He first checked the things he was going to bring one by one, and put them into the storage bag after making sure that there was no problem.

Fortunately, after becoming a true biography, the status has increased by a section, and the storage bag is naturally equipped with a larger size, otherwise these things may not be able to hold them.

At dawn, he went to the stable again and had a good chat with the four-eared donkey demon.

I heard that the four-eared donkey demon is naturally happy to be able to go out for a stroll.

Then, with the four-eared donkey demon, Mo Chengjun visited the Four Seasons Sword Master again. Unfortunately, the Four Seasons Sword Master was not there this time.

Mo Chengjun had no choice but to find Fairy Ruoli. I won't talk about the specific process during the period. As a result, the restriction of the four-eared donkey demon was partially lifted.

In the end, Mo Chengjun rode the donkey demon, set up a black cloud and flew to the Foreign Affairs Hall.

Frankly speaking, this road has been a long way to go, with black clouds billowing, and a monstrous aura, one can tell at a glance that it is a big demon traveling. If Mo Chengjun hadn't released the sword pill, the four-eared donkey demon probably wouldn't be able to survive a mountain top.

And in the main hall of the Zongmen, Mo Chengjun recalled the mission that Baling'er had received to learn about the situation in detail.

Although it is basically the same as what Zhao Rulan said, the details are very important.

Finally, when Mo Chengjun returned to Mo's small courtyard, Xue Pan and Zhao Rulan were both there, and they also reported the results.

Sure enough, Zhao Rulan pulled out a team, just five people, the leader was a martial uncle from Wuhui Peak, who had a golden core cultivation base and amazing combat power.

There are also two friends of Baling'er. Although they don't know how to find people, they are still the best in foundation building, and their strength is not bad.

The last two are the real main force of the search, each with their own means and proficient in tracking.

On Xue Pan's side, he brought out a lot of strange things, among which was a small black dog the size of a palm, said to be named 'Slim Waist', who was best at tracking prey.

In the end, he also handed over a token, the Xue family's guest token, which can be useful when you find Xue's shops in major cities.

Mo Chengjun took them one by one without any nonsense, and rode the four-eared donkey monster down the mountain.

 Be darling, you've seen it all, don't you want to keep the recommendation ticket and collection for me?If you don't stay, you still want to go?

(End of this chapter)

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