Chapter 49 The Four Ears

Riding on the four-eared donkey monster, erecting billowing black clouds, after Mo Chengjun descended the mountain, he suddenly stopped ten miles away.

He turned his head and looked at the direction he came from. Looking at the already hazy mountains and the faintly visible mountain city, his eyes became deeper and deeper.

There seemed to be countless pictures flashing in front of his eyes. There were many people, many things, and many days and nights of studying and studying without sleep.

Is it a hard day?

In fact, it is not so much. For a very homely person like him, there are sunrise, moonlight, shade, tea fragrance, a stable life, goals for progress, things that he likes to do, and add one or two with friends.

He is already very satisfied with living a carefree life these days.

If you really want him to run outside every day, take risks here, fight monsters there, just kidding, it’s okay to play games, but if you want him to live that kind of life, he must be crazy.

In his bones, he is not a person who escapes.

Looking, looking, in a trance, Mo Chengjun suddenly found himself a little bit reluctant.

Since he woke up, seven years have passed in a blink of an eye. In more than seven years, he has not only gone from having nothing to having the strength to build a foundation.

More importantly, he has a home in his heart.


For an old popsicle like him, that is really a rare word!
"Hey, how about I give you a name?" Mo Chengjun suddenly asked the four-eared donkey demon under him:
"Name? Name!"

The four-eared donkey demon was slightly taken aback, and then the old elder with a donkey face said, "Hehehe, boy, did the donkey grandpa give you face all these years?
Yes, that's right, grandpa has been down and out all these years, and if you ride around, there is no dignity to speak of.

But, don't you just become your mount just because you are a grandpa, why don't you choose a name?

Hehehehe, are you collecting your mount?
Grandpa Donkey, I also have a demon character, what is it for you, a human being, to give me a name? "

The donkey demon has a bad mouth as always, and this sensitive little self-esteem is indispensable everywhere!
Mo Chengjun continued as if he didn't hear it, "Why don't we call it Si Er?

After so many years, I can't always call you hello, how impolite is that? "

The donkey demon was surprised: "You, you think so?"

"After this trip back, I won't restrict your movement anymore, and I'll prepare a purse for you at that time. If you want, you can go to Yunjian City to listen to the opera."

Mo Chengjun said to himself: "Of course, you must never try to run away. Although you are with me, you have to understand that it is never me who controls your life and death, but Fairy Ruoli, the Four Seasons Sword Master." .”

The voice of the four-eared donkey demon finally softened: "Ahem, that, is this okay?"

Mo Chengjun smiled slightly: "If you don't like it, forget it!"

"Don't, don't! Cough cough, what I said is, um, the name Si Er is not good. Although I am telling the truth, it can't reflect my handsome and heroic?"

"Why don't you have a long face?"

"Ahem, no!"

"Then, Blackie?"


"Xiao Ming?"

"What the hell is that?"

"How about, Xiaohui?"

"Boy, did I say you did it on purpose?"

"So, it's better to have four ears, the image is appropriate."

"Then, all right, but is there any difference between your name and my demon name?"

"There doesn't seem to be a difference, but does that matter?"

"Isn't that important?"

"I don't think it's that important!"

"Forget it, let it be what you say.

But, don't forget what you said, go back and give me the money, I want to go to the theater every day! "Four ears were happy again:
"When did my words not come true?
However, this time you did your best, no matter what, Balinger, I have to bring him back. "

"Quack, little thing, I'll come!"

When Mo Chengjun and the four-eared donkey demon reached a tacit understanding, there was no further delay. With a thought, he pinched a spell in his hand, and saw the sea of ​​clouds churning around, directly covering the billowing black clouds, and his speed suddenly increased a lot. It turned into a streamer and left quickly.

However, this time the clouds are white, and the mana fluctuations are even weaker, not so conspicuous.


Looking at the mission of Baling'er going out of the mountain this time, it can be divided into two parts specifically.

One is the mission of the sect, to kill the mandrill.

Its location is about a hundred miles south of Yong'an City in Qingyang Prefecture, among several villages.

The mandrill cannibalized people, causing the village to be deserted, and someone reported it to the government office in Yong'an City, and the monster involved was naturally taken care of by the Monster Slayer.

And the demon slayer in Yong'an City didn't fail to take action, the demon hunting guards and demon slaying guards under him each dispatched a small team, but they returned in complete defeat.

As a result, this task was reported to the Galaxy Sword Sect, who gave a lot of rewards, and the Foreign Affairs Hall hung up the task, and was finally picked up by Baling'er.

The other is the task of escorting the caravan entrusted by Xue Pan.

This caravan started from the northwest border to Sifang City, and then went to Sifang City to Yunjian City. Specifically, it first traveled by land, then by water, until it reached the wharf under the mountain of Yuncheng City.

During the journey, it will pass through three big cities, nine county towns, and dozens of small towns. There are five relatively dangerous areas, but most of them are official roads.

Generally speaking, this business route is already mature, and the only thing to worry about is some emergencies.

Xue Pan's original intention was to take care of Baling'er when he came back. There was a sword repair guard in the middle of the Foundation Establishment Stage. Not to mention ordinary bandits and bandits, even ordinary monsters and ghosts had to kneel when they came.

Look at the time when Baling'er was sent out for the mission, ten days.

This is a very embarrassing number. It is possible that Baling'er had killed the mandrill and was in danger on the way back from escorting the caravan.

It is also possible that the mandrill is cunning, and Baling'er encountered a crisis in the process of searching.

It's hard to say, so Mo Chengjun suggested that the troops be divided into two groups.

Among the reinforcements Zhao Rulan invited, two were proficient in tracking. One of them was a traditional tracking master who was good at tracking breaths.

The other one took the 'non-mainstream' route. He was good at the method of backtracking and had a very unique technique of 'moon shaping'. He claimed that under the moonlight, anyone could see the past.

Of course, there are also distance and range limitations, and are greatly affected by time and strength.

That is to say, you asked him to go back and trace what a fairy did here?
The result is only the word 'sad reminder'.

But I have to say that with these two people, together with three fellow sword cultivators with amazing combat power, it should not be a big problem to find and save people in Yunzhou.

And no matter what kind of tracking method they used, they all went straight to Baling'er, following the breath, they must go to Yong'an City first.

As for Mo Chengjun, his plan for himself was to go directly to the nearest city to find the shop of Xue's family, and to inquire about news through the channel of the shop.

If Baling'er had contact with the Xue family caravan, then it would be the best, and we can get straight to the point.

If Baling'er didn't make contact, it means that he must have been in danger during the mission of the sect.

At that time, he can go to Yong'an City again!
This is Mo Chengjun's plan. He wants to save people, but he doesn't search for them like headless chickens.

Instead, the soldiers are divided into two groups, one from the front to the rear, and the other from the back to the front, no matter where the problem is, they can be found as quickly as possible.

Being at a high altitude, Mo Chengjun went through his thoughts again, and after confirming that there were no loopholes, he set his direction and flew to the nearest city.


Hongshan City, the nearest city outside the barren mountain range, got its name because the soil is all red.

Yunzhou is located in the northwest of Kyushu. The terrain is undulating, with rolling hills and high slopes of loess, but generally speaking, its soil is yellow.

This red land can be regarded as the only one. Mo Chengjun doesn't know exactly how it was formed, and it is estimated that few people have studied it.

However, although Hongtu City is not big, its economy is still prosperous.

On the one hand, there are rich mineral deposits in the territory. Laterite iron and copper are common. A large part of the ore mined there flows into Galaxy Sword Sect and becomes the material for refining tools.

The other part is that this is considered to be the last city to enter the barren mountain range. Less than ten miles outside the city is the Youjiang Wharf, which attracts many travelers and caravans who are about to enter the mountain or go to Yunjian City to rest here.

The most in the city, except for the mine, is the inn.

The Xue family also has two shops here, and they also run inns.

The family took the mid-to-high-end route, and mainly received high-ranking officials and noble ladies from the past. What they wanted was a good environment, good food, and considerate service.

But there is only one feature, expensive!
The other inn takes the low-end route, the price is low, but they are all Datong shops, and the food is not good, but they are full.

Moreover, there are discounts here from time to time, there are free drinks, there are activities such as lucky draws and free orders, etc., which attract a lot of people...

Well, these are all opinions given by Mo Chengjun, which basically covers all the sources of visitors, and he is regarded as the industry leader in the city.

As for the mining industry, it is not something that a family like the Xue family who just came in can be contaminated with.

It was around evening when Mo Chengjun arrived in Hongtu City, without any hesitation, he went to two inns, recruited the shopkeepers, and without any nonsense, threw out the Keqing token, asking them to mobilize contacts to find Baling'er.

Mo Chengjun has always believed that one needs to find a genius for cultivating immortals, one needs to find great powers for fighting, but one needs to make everyone the eyes and ears to find people.

And when Mo Chengjun woke up the next day, he got the news.

Ten days ago, when Baling'er left, he stopped in Hongtu City, beat up a dandy who molested women in the street, bought a portion of Hongtu wine, and left with his sword light.

Just leave and never come back.

Mo Chengjun was a little speechless, this brother did not forget to be a chivalrous man even though he was on a mission, really... Balinger.

After spending some more time and confirming that the dandy family had no guts, let alone the ability to retaliate, Mo Chengjun did not stay, and left again in a cloud.

This time, he was going to the second city that Xue's caravan passed through - Panlong City.

This time, in order to hurry, Mo Chengjun did not fly along the official road, but set a direction, followed a straight line, and flew directly to Panlong City.

This time, he was finally far away from Xinghe Jianzong, and the route he traveled mostly passed through barren mountains and wild mountains. Mo Chengjun really saw the chaos in Yunzhou.

 I applied for a contract before, but I got a reply yesterday and was rejected. Does this mean that my writing is getting worse?
(End of this chapter)

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