The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 492 The demon tribe is advancing

An agreement was reached and the two parties parted ways without a word of unnecessary nonsense.

To be honest, the relationship between Tianting and Butian Sect is very strange, and the relationship between Mo Chengjun and Zhulong Longjun is even stranger.

You could say that they are friends, but that doesn't mean they are friends. If it weren't for the Demon Lord of Time who disrupted the situation, they would probably still be fighting to the death and fighting endlessly.

But if you want to say that they are not friends, they still maintain a certain degree of tacit understanding and even a high degree of trust.

Mo Chengjun believed that Zhulong would not break the promise he made; and Zhulong also believed that Mo Chengjun would do what he promised.

This kind of trust is very unique. Perhaps it is true to the saying that the person who knows you best is always your enemy.

On the way home, Mo Chengjun did not directly activate the 'Void Movement Array', but instead raised a golden light and headed towards the Jie Xian Pavilion.

Of course, he had notified the four demon immortals through Taixu Tian on the way.

By the time he arrived at the reception pavilion, the four demon immortals had already arrived. They were lined up in a row and looked very polite. They had completely lost the yin and yang aura from last time.

Mo Chengjun didn't waste any time and threw four jade slips directly to the four demons.

The four demons took the jade slip, and their spiritual consciousness was revealed. Within a moment, they looked ecstatic.

how to say?

Although there is no further path to the method that Mo Chengjun optimized for them, the original system has been perfected and optimized to the greatest extent.

As long as they hold this set of techniques, as long as their descendants are not too useless, they can at least ensure the integrity of the inheritance.

Sometimes, the human race actually envies the demon clan. They envy the demon clan for being able to obtain the power of their ancestors from their blood.

Many times, as long as the cultivation level is reached, it is possible to continue the inheritance no matter how remote it is.

But what they don't know is that the demon clan is actually quite envious of the human race's orderly inheritance.

No matter how good the knowledge gained from blood is, it is still fragmented and scattered. It is normal for something to be missing.

Only the inheritance that falls on paper can be learned by anyone and has a complete system.

However, at the end, they were all confused.

Because, after optimizing the method of cultivating demons, there is also an additional part about how to improve the 'Spiritual Enlightenment Technique'.

This part involves a lot of content, including why the demon clan needs to systematically improve the "Spirit-Dining Technique", how to distinguish different ethnic groups and different pedigrees, how to determine the original "Spirit-Divining Technique", how to improve and optimize it, and how to determine The effects of magic techniques, and how to summarize statistics and sort out experimental results...

Because the explanation is more detailed, the proportion of this part of the content is even greater than before.

The four demon fairies must have worked very hard to see it, but unfortunately, they were still confused.

After a pause, the four demons couldn't help but look at each other, but it was Blue Bird Luan Ling who asked first: "Inspector Immortal Official, what are these?"

Mo Chengjun did not rush to answer, but asked: "I heard that you imitated the human race, established a demon clan supreme management committee, and gathered fourteen demon immortals to form the fourteenth throne?"

He said it calmly, but the four demon immortals couldn't help but change their faces after hearing this.

In the final analysis, Xiniu Hezhou is the territory of Heavenly Court. The management system they have established is, to put it mildly, the autonomy of the demon clan.

To put it bluntly, it is also a violation of the rights of heaven.

After all, no one likes to have someone in their home who can threaten them.

Tiger King Lu Wu hurriedly spoke: "Sir, listen to me, there is absolutely nothing we can do in forming this..."

"It doesn't matter!"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mo Chengjun. Looking at the four demons, Mo Chengjun said softly: "Don't be afraid, I'm not blaming you.

In fact, if you create this management committee, it can be considered a good thing if it can really work and bring the demon clan together. "

After a pause, he continued: "However, since you have taken care of your position and your political affairs, you must let the entire demon clan walk on the right path.

The art of enlightenment is the beginning of your demon clan, and it is also the hurdle that the demon clan must overcome if it wants to grow and develop.

After all, I, the Heavenly Court, don’t have that much energy and time to solve your problems one by one, so you have to do this yourself. "

"Inspector Immortal Official, do you want us to study this spiritual technique according to the recorded method, so that each demon clan can optimize and improve it to find the one that is most suitable for its own clan?"


Qingli Fairy bravely spoke: "But you are not afraid? Or maybe the heaven is not afraid?"


Mo Chengjun laughed dumbly: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that you will become stronger and not listen to my command?
Are you afraid that if you become strong enough, you will escape the control of heaven? "

After a pause, Mo Chengjun said: "Ten thousand steps back, if one day Heavenly Court loses its enterprising spirit, then it will be worthy of being replaced by others, and I will be very happy with your achievements."

"So, develop and grow to your heart's content. When you meet certain conditions, I will take you to the outer world to see the world.

I will take you to see the vastness of the universe and the breadth of heaven and earth. This small world should not restrict your pace. "

At this moment, the four demon immortals truly saw what grandeur and grand scheme were.

The dogs and flies they usually see living in a shelter are like dirty sewers in front of this imposing situation.

At this moment, the four demon immortals truly understood why Heaven always gave people the impression that they were here but didn't seem to care.

Because their vision has never been in front of them, but far away.

At this moment, the four demon immortals bowed together, saluted, and said: "Thank you, Lord Inspector Immortal Official, for your cultivation!"

At this moment, their respect was no longer due to fear of Heaven's strength, but true conviction.

Mo Chengjun smiled: "Okay, the opportunity is given to you. Whether you can seize it or not depends on you."

After a pause, he continued: "This is the first time that this kind of thing is involved, so it will probably be difficult for you to understand. So, I will tell the Galaxy Sword Sect.

If you need it, you can go to them and ask them to send some professionals to guide you on how to optimize and improve the method.

Yes, you can also recruit some heavenly messengers from the demon clan. They will learn from the old man Jie Ying, and they will also have some basic skills. "

"Learn the Immortal Official's decree!"

"That's it, I'm leaving!"

This time, Mo Chengjun directly descended the illusory Nantian Gate, stepped in, and returned to the blessed land of heaven.

Only the four demon immortals discussed for a long time in the Fairy Pavilion. Until the end, Blue Bird Luan Ling looked at the other three demons, seeming to make a final conclusion, and also seemed to be sighing.

"It seems that the Monster Clan's Supreme Management Committee we created before really needs to take action!"

"It's time for us demon clan to move forward!"


Also starting from this day, the originally peaceful days in Xiniu Hezhou began to become turbulent. First, fourteen demons and immortals gathered together and discussed for three days and nights to set the tone.

Then the demon heavenly messengers under their banner were gathered together, and it was another three days and three nights of review and arrangement.After waiting, some joined top-secret research groups; some began to trade full-time to obtain supplies; and some entered human territory to collect various information.

The difference is that this time, what they want is not some top secret, but the culture, political system, promotion system, management model, etc. that involve all aspects of society.

Perhaps Mo Chengjun didn't even think of it himself, he just wanted to arrange the task of 'Spiritual Enlightenment'.

As a result, the Yao clan took this as an opportunity to embark on the path of political reform.

It was also from this day that the demon clan, from being so-called scattered, truly moved toward unity.

As for such major events, such as the Tiger Lord Lu Wu's visit to the Galaxy Sword Sect and the invitation of several staff from the scientific research institute, and the launch of the Monster Clan's first project, the "Spirit Enlightenment Technique", are no longer available. Worth mentioning.


On the other side, after Mo Chengjun returned to the Galaxy Sword Sect, he started making various arrangements.

Sending one or two scientific researchers to the Monster Clan to guide the work is not a big deal, just give them an order.

The most important thing is that if he goes to the Netherworld, it is hard to say how long it will take. It can be as short as a few months or as long as a few years.

During his absence, some things still had to be arranged first.

Therefore, Shen Jinxiu, the Four Seasons Sword Immortal who had just gone to the Tianwai Space Station for just two days, was called back by him.

You can imagine how bad her face looked when she appeared in Mo Mansion again, and she even looked at Mo Chengjun with a questioning look.

She almost asked directly, "Do you have any objections to me? If you have any objections, just say it. Why are you causing trouble for me like this?"
However, after hearing that Mo Chengjun was going to the Netherworld, she quickly calmed down her temper and gave a few words of advice with a frown.

From her point of view, Mo Chengjun actually had no need to take risks in that netherworld, and he couldn't do it!

However, it was really just a few words of advice.

She knows Master Mo's temper better than anyone else, and if she makes a decision, she won't change it easily.

After accepting this fact, he discussed with Mo Chengjun the arrangements after he left. Externally, Mo Chengjun and the Inspector Immortal Official had two identities.

Therefore, we still have to find a way to cover it up.

The excuses are all ready, and Master Mo is about to break through again. Well, the same excuse has been used countless times. It is like catching a sheep, but who said it is easy to use!
The most important thing is that Mo Chengjun has now reached the peak of Yin Shen and can turn excuses into facts at any time.

As for the status of the Immortal Inspector, he comes and goes without a trace. Isn't it normal to disappear for a period of time?

And when Mo Chengjun leaves, someone will have to take over his usual work.

Although he is just a hands-off shopkeeper, the most common thing he does is sign signatures, make decisions, and make decisions.

However, you can't deny that someone still has to do these things!

And there is no one else who can take the decision for him except Shen Jinxiu, the Sword Immortal of Four Seasons.

However, after Shen Jinxiu did this, he couldn't go out to hang out, so he agreed very reluctantly.

It is worth mentioning that this time she went to the outer space station not just for fun, but to graft an anchor.

Qingyou Pavilion is indeed a branch of the Qi Sect, born as one body, and many of its methods are well understood.

The Cave Void Spirit Iron was indeed difficult to refine, but after Qingyou Pavilion gathered the manpower and worked hard on public relations, after dozens of failures, the finished product was achieved.

Just because of limited time and insufficient materials, only two have been refined so far.

Shen Jinxiu sent these two anchors to the Tianwai Space Station, and took Ruan Qunyu to complete the first Tianwai Land weapon refining and grafted the anchors.

When Mo Chengjun called Shen Jinxiu back, they were conducting the first void anchoring experiment.

Two 300-meter-long anchors plunged directly into the gap in the void, dragging the originally high-speed Tianwai Space Station to continuously slow down...

The experiment should be said to be successful, because it was verified that the design of the ephemera was usable.

But it can also be said to have failed, because there is a reason for the design of requiring eight chains to penetrate the void in all directions.

The two chains seemed to be fixed, but they were like flying kites. Although one end was held in the hand, the other was flying around and swaying uncertainly.

The few palace masters who stayed on the ship suffered a serious crime at that time. It was like a sudden brake on the highway, and they, the passengers, were thrown around.

If they weren't all powerful swordsmen and had good adaptability, they would all have been seriously injured just this time.

Finally, after about a quarter of an hour of 'parking', the Tianwai Space Station took back the anchor again and resumed high-speed sailing.

The plan has been determined to be feasible. The next step is to continue refining and prepare eight chain anchors.

As long as the Tianwai Space Station can be completely stabilized within the scope of Taixu Tian, ​​Mo Chengjun will be able to feel at ease even if he goes to the Netherworld.

In addition, these eight chains were added later and did not fit well with the original design of the Tianwai Space Station.

Although it is a success at the moment, it is also true that the service life of the space station has been greatly reduced.

According to Ruan Qunyu's estimation, this first-generation version will be completely disintegrated in ten years at most.

Therefore, Tianwai Space Station 2.0 is still relatively urgent.

After arranging things here, Mo Chengjun went to the Heavenly Palace again, rang the Heavenly Bell, summoned all the Heavenly Gods, and held a meeting in the Lingxiao Palace.

The explanations that should be given, the arrangements that should be made, the instructions that should be given, and the red lines that should be drawn must also be drawn.

Generally speaking, the gods in heaven have made him worry-free. Not only can they fight and defend, they also have strong subjective initiative and are more enthusiastic about building the heavenly palace than him.

But it’s just too high, and sometimes it’s too creative.

If they don't draw a red line, they can try again and again and trick Mo Chengjun into losing everything.

Therefore, what should be restrained must be restrained and must not be relaxed.

After all this was done, Mo Chengjun made the final arrangements. First, he left the Yin Shen and entered the golden body of merit.

Then he placed the physical body in the training quiet room, activated the formation, and directly let the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth completely submerge this three-acre land.

Although the soul is no longer in charge, Yin Shen's magic power has already gained a certain spirituality, running almost autonomously, and can still accumulate some magic power.

The most important thing is that such a concentration of spiritual energy can prevent the physical body from decaying and ensure its activity to the maximum extent.

After leaving the quiet room, Mo Chengjun activated all the formations that could be activated, used all the magical powers that could be used, and also called over the immortal souls of the sycamore immortal plant and the peach tree. He gave the instructions carefully.

It's not that he is timid, it's just that he can't be careful. If he finds something wrong with his body when he returns from the netherworld, he won't cry to death.

At this point, all the arrangements that need to be made have been completed, and Mo Chengjun is free, but the candle dragon has not yet arrived.

Therefore, Mo Chengjun couldn't hold it back in the end.

He took out the jade slip from the recliner under the sycamore tree.

His spiritual sense was explored, and complex and mixed information suddenly poured into his soul consciousness. After analyzing it carefully for a long time, the mysterious veil about the 'technology of opening up and constructing the fairyland' was finally revealed to him.

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