The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 493: Grazing the Living Planet

Chapter 493: Grazing the Living Planet (please vote!)
To be honest, Mo Chengjun has seen too many magical things when he came to this world.

Those gods and monsters that only existed in myths appeared in front of him one by one. Even though it had been many times, he still found it incredible.

There are also those methods, magical powers, formations, talismans, and elixirs that seem to be able to be explained by science.

He did the same thing, but looking back, the magic is still everywhere.

Among all the miraculous things, the one that made Mo Chengjun unbelievable the most was the method of opening up the cave.

In the void, between the three-dimensional and fourth-dimensional gaps, a piece of land is opened out of thin air, and plants can be spread, multiply, and continue to expand...

If he hadn't experienced this kind of thing personally, or even practiced it more than once, he wouldn't have dared to believe it.

It can be said that of all the wonderful methods, this is the best!

However, this thing is truly high-end and classy. Even the Eight Immortal Sects have limited information accumulated.

There are hundreds of thousands of volumes of various secret techniques collected by Mo Chengjun, but those involving the cave are only on a few bookshelves.

Most of them exist in the form of travel notes, records of experiences, etc., leaving some speculations that are difficult to distinguish between true and false.

The real substantive content is not as much as that of the 'Redwood Secret Book'.

Only at this time did Mo Chengjun truly see the most complete and systematic method of opening up the cave.

Under the fairy tree of Wutong,
on the lounge chair,
Mo Chengjun stretched his meritorious golden body, closed his eyes slightly, and seemed to be sleeping, but messages flowed through his heart.

Then, a kind of enlightenment arose in my heart...

It should be said that the information given by Zhulong Longjun is very 'solid'. It not only contains the technology of opening and constructing the fairyland, but also includes a series of evolution processes of this method.

It was also from these materials that Mo Chengjun was able to determine that the method of opening up the cave was derived from the Butian Sect and was also the predecessor of the method of the Immortal Realm.

Its biggest feature is to separate the connection between the cave sky and the real world as much as possible. While maintaining its independence, it must also complete the internal self-circulating ecosystem to achieve the purpose of self-sufficiency.

In other words, this is shaping an independent and complete new world.

Take a look at this, does it look familiar? It's similar to a shelter that is only used during a catastrophic disaster.

This is also true. According to the records in the jade slips, these characteristics were what the Butian Sect longed for and needed most in that special era.

It's just that, in the subsequent development and construction process, Butianjiao also discovered that although this routine seemed good, there were actually many problems that could not be solved.

For example, the materials required for development and construction are really exaggerated, to the point where even the size of the Butian Sect is unbearable.

Please note that although the Butian Sect was large in size, at that time what he needed to build was not just one or two, but something that could accommodate nearly the entire world's creatures.

For another example, it takes a long time for Dongtian to enter a virtuous cycle.

Don't look at the skyrocketing increase in the area of ​​Heaven's Blessed Land, but in fact, it was the result of Mo Chengjun smashing a lot of Spiritual Fountain Eyes, and also mastering the 'method of restoring Spiritual Fountain Eyes' Resources just saved.

But where can a normal Dongtian have such capital?

Only after being promoted to a blessed land, opening up spiritual veins, completing the self-division and reproduction of spiritual machines, and creating the Eye of the Spiritual Fountain can a virtuous cycle be formed.

But these all take time.

If there are really thousands of years, it doesn't matter if you take your time. It's a pity that even the powerful immortals rarely have such long lifespan and patience.

In addition, the growth potential of Dongtian Method is also worrying.

According to what is written in the information, after the cave is opened, it is easy to upgrade to a blessed land, but it is not easy to get to the Small Thousand World.

In the long history of Butian Sect, there are only a handful of people who can reach this level.

As for what Mo Chengjun is thinking about, breaking through the dimensional wall, entering the fourth dimension, and achieving the great world...

This is just a concept, the delusion of the original designer of Dongtian.

Anyway, for thousands of years, Butian Sect has been working hard in this area and investing in resources, but it has never been successful.

Of course, none of the above is a problem. Even if there are problems, it is not impossible to overcome them.

But the last point is the fundamental reason why the Dongtian method was gradually abandoned by the Butian Sect, that is, the continuous collapse effect of the artificial ecological cycle system.

This statement was not put forward by scientific researchers, but was a new concept that was put forward in the later period after the artificial ecological circulation system in the cave continued to collapse.

Butian Sect discovered that when Dongtian Paradise cannot maintain positive and continuous growth, the internal ecosystem will develop in the direction of collapse.

What exactly do you mean?

That is to say, if we really treat Dongtian Paradise as an independent world and cut off all interactions with the outside world, then the artificial ecological cycle system will develop in a bad direction and never return.

No matter how ingenious your biological chain design is, how in place your personnel control is, how perfect the circulation of food and drinking water is...

No matter how well you do these things, it’s useless. The artificial ecological cycle system will inevitably collapse!
As for the reason, there is no definite answer, but there are many opinions.

Some say it is the imbalance of microorganisms, some say it is the natural limitations of the five-color soil foundation, and some say it is the decline of the spirit of heaven and earth.

And more people believe that this is a flaw in the interdimensional layer, the rules are incomplete, and it cannot really last long.

As for specific solutions, there are two main ones.

The first way is to maintain the positive and continuous growth of Dongtian Paradise. The right way is that as long as we can win, all conflicts will be covered up.

Mo Chengjun's paradise is like this. Anyway, he has never encountered any collapse effects.

Of course, ever since he opened up the cave, this realm has been growing and expanding at a very high speed, and it has never gone downhill.

The second method is aimed at the shortcomings of the dimensional mezzanine. In this case, it is better to directly change the status quo.

Specifically, either up or down.

"Going up" means to upgrade, become a world, break through the dimensional wall, then you are really awesome.

It's not just as simple as solving the problem, but there are countless additional gains.

Theoretically speaking, if you enter the four-dimensional world, you will be a four-dimensional life. The cards and abilities are beyond the imagination of a three-dimensional carbon-based life.

Mo Chengjun still remembers watching a video a long time ago, saying that four-dimensional life looks at three-dimensional life, just like reading a book, and time and secrets have lost their meaning. I don't know if it is true?
Of course, this road is not easy to walk.

In other words, no one has passed through so far.

However, 'up' is not possible, but 'down' is still possible. The four-dimensional level is out of reach, but the three-dimensional world is within easy reach.

Fairyland technology is a downward extension, an external expansion and compatibility after giving up independence.

Of course, the reason why this is so is also the inevitability of the times.

There is a saying that every era has its own choices.

The independence and concealment of Cave Heaven Paradise is a choice during war.

But later, under the leadership of the Dragon Ancestor, the demon tribe won the war with the Desire Realm and drove them out. Naturally, there was no need to hide.On the contrary, they want to counterattack and spread the war to the world of desire, so it is no longer a refuge, but a forward base.

As a result, fairyland technology came into being.

The characteristic of Immortal Domain technology is openness and expansion. It is based on the Paradise of Cave Heaven. After completing the cycle of self-division and reproduction of spiritual machines, it opens the door to Cave Heaven again.

In this way, the inspiration will spread outward and can be spread out on the barren land.

For immortal cultivators, having an idea means having every possibility.

They can shape mountains and spiritual veins, condense rainwater and sow seeds, spread life and reproduce species.

In the end, a living planet similar to this main world with a complete ecological cycle system was born.

Of course, not all desolate planets can open up fairy realms, and some basic conditions must be met.

For example, it must be a solid planet, with complete earth and sky, and preferably sufficient water resources.

The composition of the air doesn't matter, because it can be adjusted, but it's better to have an atmosphere so that it can be easily modified.

Furthermore, it is best to have unique resources that can be combined with clever particles to develop into pillar mineral deposits.

There is also the distance from the sun. It is best not too far or too close, with a clear change of day and night, and sufficient sunshine.

Do you think it’s too much to ask for?
But mortals and monsters who are not immortals are so fragile, like a drop in the ocean.

Moreover, these conditions may seem exaggerated, but they are much easier than finding a complete planet with life in the universe.

If you look for more galaxies, you can always find them!

According to the records on the jade slips, a fairyland like Guanghan Palace is actually nothing, and it belongs to the low-grade of small fairyland.

It's just more important because of the location.

The pinnacle work of the Butian Sect is actually nine super-large fairy realms connected with each other, covering the entire planet. After hundreds of years of continuous evolution and debugging, it finally completed the transformation of the entire planet.

It was a desert in the universe that was completely transformed into an oasis. It was a man-made miracle and a living planet created by grazing.

Even through the jade slip, Mo Chengjun could feel the pride and pride that almost overflowed the screen.

In fact, this is something to be proud of.

Even Mo Chengjun couldn't help but sit up straight when he saw this.

Just kidding, 'war forward base' and 'herding a living planet' are completely different things, okay?
It seems to be one and the same thing, but it is an artificial life planet!
This means that this world is no longer completely irreplaceable. It also represents that Butian Sect has truly entered the interstellar era.

This is a height that no Blue Star could reach thousands of years ago.

It was only then that Mo Chengjun was a little belatedly aware of what he was doing.

Why did the Broken Moon Demon Lord come here and do so many bad things, but only Yinglong Longjun chased him?
It's not that Yinglong Longjun is any worse off, but he is at most on par with Zhulong and plays a supporting role.

However, if two armies confront each other and one side is robbed of its home and even the imperial city is besieged, what will be the result?

Naturally, the army in front retreated to defend, and then sent the most powerful troops to relieve the siege of the imperial city.

If this world was the Butian Sect's only source of troops, it is estimated that the Ancestral Dragon would have run back in a hurry.

But now it seems that Butian Sect has already made a follow-up choice.

Frankly speaking, Mo Chengjun is extremely interested in the technology of 'grazing the living planet', especially the specific method of connecting the nine large fairy realms, but it is not in the jade slip.

Thinking about it, even for the Butian Sect, this kind of method is a top-notch skill, and it is purely for showoff.

In the jade slips, the complete recording of the technology for the development and construction of the fairyland is divided into seven parts.

They are "The Method of Positioning the Immortal Realm", "The Technique of Opening up the Cave", "The Method of Placement of the Blessed Land", "The Technique of Opening up the Spiritual Realm", "The Sutra of Reproduction", "Two or Three Matters of Pioneer" and "The Method of Reconciling the Immortal Realm"!
Among them, "The Fairyland Positioning Method" talks about how to roam the galaxy, how to choose a suitable planet, how to find the best land, and how to choose the location where the Fairyland will be completed.

This series of methods may seem simple, but they are actually very important. However, if you choose inappropriate ones, you will have countless troubles in the future.

Then there is "The Technique of Opening up the Cave", this is the content that Mo Chengjun is most familiar with.

How to travel between dimensions, how to place five-color soil, how to stimulate the growth of the earth, how to plant flowers, plants and trees, how to form the initial cycle of inspiration, how to maintain the existence of the cave sky, etc...

It is worth mentioning that the Butian Sect is worthy of being the birthplace of the Cave Heaven Method, and they have accumulated far more experience in this area than Mo Chengjun.

For example, when the five-color soil spread into the earth, they had already begun to shape the topography.

This is preparation for the later formation of spiritual veins.

For another example, they have strict planting plans for flowers, plants and trees.

Where can we sow trees, where is suitable for spiritual grass, where can we plant spiritual grain on a large scale, and where is it best not to do anything...

It can be said that they have made optimal arrangements while maintaining the stability of the earth.

The most noteworthy thing is that in order to ensure that the cave will not collapse quickly, they strictly limited the number of caves inside.

A place like Tianting Blessed Land, with a population of hundreds or tens of millions, is rare even within the Butian Sect.

But who said Mo Chengjun had enough resources?
He is the one who is rich and willful.

The "Blessed Land Placement Method" naturally includes how to upgrade the cave to a blessed land, how to form spiritual veins, how to complete the splitting and derivation of spiritual machines, how to create the eyes of spiritual springs, and how to develop various spiritual mines...

In fact, this part of the content is what Mo Chengjun urgently needs.

Because there are various experiences related to the shaping of spiritual veins, techniques for making spiritual spring eyes, precautions for cultivating various spiritual minerals, etc.

Mo Chengjun had to admit that compared with the experience accumulated by the Butian Sect for thousands of years, the layout in the Heavenly Paradise seemed extremely rough.

He only made a rough estimate. If the Butian Sect's methods were followed, Heavenly Court's various incomes would have to increase by at least [-]% to several times.

Especially regarding the derivation of spiritual mines, the formation provided by Butian Sect can greatly reduce the time and expand the scale, which is indeed a qualitative leap.

As for the "Spiritual Realm Development Technique", we have to explain clearly what the spiritual realm is?
It is a paradise that maintains strict independence and is almost closed to the outside world.But if it is opened to the outside world and takes the path of the immortal realm, it will not be the paradise of cave heaven.

It has a new name, Spirit Realm.

It can be understood as a secret realm specializing in the production of heaven and earth spiritual machines.

This step is also the watershed between the original version and the way of the fairyland.

The content talks about how to move mountains and reclaim seas on a desolate planet, lay out formations, form a closed loop, and finally open the blessed land directly, allowing inspiration to flow out.

Then, let the original spiritual machine cycle expand outwards, including the desolate land, and with the spiritual machine of heaven and earth, everything is possible.

 First of all, I would like to thank Jianghu Corner Sword for the 10000-point reward. I didn’t expect that there would be such a large reward after writing this book. I almost jumped with excitement.

  All I can say is, thank you boss for the reward!
  Then, I haven’t finished writing this chapter. I don’t have enough time. I will continue and post it early tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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