The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 497 The Army of Resentful Ghosts

Chapter 497 The Army of Resentful Ghosts (12)

Mo Chengjun didn't really believe what the Thunder Ghost King said.

Just kidding, if he could believe half of the lies told by a ghost king he captured.

Moreover, Mo Chengjun is very confident.

He is no longer that little person who has to be honest in exchange for living space.

He is the patrolling immortal official and the co-master of the heaven. Even if this netherworld is the dragon's pond and tiger's den, so what?
If he breaks through, he breaks through!

With this idea in mind, Mo Chengjun listened to the Thunder Ghost King's opinion, but he didn't listen.

Just letting the Ghost King point in the right direction, he once again used the 'Art of False Action' to cover up his aura, raised his escaping light, and disappeared from where he was.

But this time, Mo Chengjun finally understood what it means to not listen to the old ghost and face the consequences...

The first wave of enemies he encountered were not powerful resentful ghosts, but giant ghost locusts.

This thing is somewhat similar to the pests of the Yang world. It may not be too powerful, but it can't stand the number of them. It seems endless, like a moving desert.

Wherever it passes, the sky is dark and the earth is dark, the bones are eroded and the soul is ecstatic, and it can eat almost everything.

When Mo Chengjun noticed it from a distance, it was already too late. This thing was coming all over the place. There was no cover, no illusion, and even the aura shock had no effect because of his low intelligence.

There is no way to avoid it unless you turn around and run!

After a moment of hesitation, Mo Chengjun chose hard steel, directly wrapped in the dark thunder, like a walking thunder ball, and rammed into it.

His idea was simple. The ghost locusts were not very powerful and couldn't break his defense. He just had to kill them directly.

Unfortunately, although the Ghost Locust does not have much intelligence, it is driven by instinct and keeps changing directions following his movements.

The huge 'yellow sand' is almost like a collision of life and death, blocking, following, and fighting...

In the end, Mo Chengjun had no choice but to gather the ghost mist from all directions again and use the method of Yin Lei to induce the thunder disaster.

I saw hundreds of jet-black thunder striking down at once,
Wherever they passed, countless ghost locusts were directly vaporized, black smoke rose, and the air was filled with a pungent burn.

But do you think Mo Chengjun is ready to kill everyone?
He seized this little opportunity, pushed his escape technique to the extreme, and disappeared into the distance in an instant.

Just kidding, the swarms of ghost locusts were like a moving desert and were too numerous to count. Although he was not afraid of them, fighting them here meant he had a problem with his brain.

The most important thing is whether there is any benefit to killing, and it also consumes his own divine power reserves. He will not do this kind of loss-making business.

But he couldn't fly more than a thousand miles, and he ran into the second obstacle - Sanpo Yinfeng!
That must be a problem with the terrain. The rolling mountain wall like an eagle's beak plays a very unique amplifying effect when the cold wind blows.

Therefore, the sound is like crying and complaining, like the sobs of a young woman, which arouses curiosity.

But if you are really curious, the continuous dark wind can blow away your seven souls.

This is the evil wind that dissipates soul!
Mo Chengjun's meritorious golden body must be strong enough, but under this evil wind, he was almost blown away by the evil spirit.

It was only because he reacted quickly enough that he directly cut off half of the mountain with brute force, allowing San Po Yin Feng to change its direction and escape the disaster.

At this time, Mo Chengjun really didn't dare to underestimate this land of darkness, and he was much more careful when moving forward.

But thousands of miles away, he encountered the third 'disaster'.

It was a ghost-swallowing boy that was composed of a head, corpse, hands and feet and was several thousand feet in size. It had existed for an unknown number of years and had swallowed up an unknown number of innocent souls.

The chaotic wills are entangled together, causing it to be completely driven by instinct. Its body rolls like a ball and can devour everything it encounters along the way.

Including resentful ghosts, ghosts, rocks, land...

This thing is the product of extreme resentment. As long as the Yin Qi is constant, it is difficult to kill.

They are a bit like wild beasts from the Yang world. No matter how powerful they are, they are just there, and no one wants to mess with them.

Of course, Mo Chengjun didn't want to provoke it, but this thing seemed to be able to see Mo Chengjun's true nature, so he chased after him in excitement, determined to fight to the death.

Of course, Mo Chengjun would not tolerate him, and he almost broke it to pieces using many methods.

But this thing doesn't end just because of injury.

You can imagine that a ghost-eating monster that has been broken into seventeen or eight pieces can actually still climb up and attack you.
That scene, that chill, came from the bottom of my heart.

In the end, Mo Chengjun directly used his spatial magical power to suppress it, split it piece by piece, burned it with will-o'-the-wisps, and burned it to ashes before he was able to leave.

Please note that he just chose to leave. As for whether this thing killed?
Mo Chengjun himself didn't know.

Because as long as there is a piece left, it can continue to grow through devouring it.

However, after this incident, Mo Chengjun sneaked out the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King without saying a word and beat him up.

The Thunder Ghost King, who had purple skin and a slender body, was beaten until his skin turned purple and his body was as swollen as a ball.

"You are seeing my joke, are you seeing my joke?"

"I asked you to be my guide, does the guide ghost know? I didn't want you to laugh at me?"

"If I'm unhappy, you'll be unlucky too; or should I kill you and find someone else to lead the way?"

After a full hour, Mo Chengjun finally vented all his dissatisfaction, and the Thunder Ghost King was able to speak properly.

"Master Immortal Official, it's not that I don't want to show you the way, it's actually the ghost-swallowing boy who is the best to deal with.

But to its left is the territory of the Jealousy Bamboo Forest, which spans dozens of miles. As long as you enter, you will fall into a state of being beaten against the wall.

If you don't stay inside for dozens of days, you won't come out at all.

On the right is the famous stinky swamp.

As its name suggests, the place stinks so bad that even the most disgusting dung heap ghosts are unwilling to go there.

Even if we are just passing by, we will still be contaminated by the stench, which can be smelled for hundreds of miles and cannot be eliminated. "

Mo Chengjun straightened his back and asked, "So, you mean that I wrongly blamed you?"

"Don't dare, dare not.

That's right, Lord Immortal Official may not know much about us here. Don't think that the ghost-swallowing boy is difficult to deal with. In fact, if you find the right method, this thing is easy to deal with? "

"what way?"

"Because it has swallowed too many ghost souls, this thing has almost no intelligence, and is as timid as a mouse, as long as it encounters a large number of them.

Even if it is a ghost locust, it does not dare to attack. "

"So, do you still want to gather a wave of resentful ghosts and form an army to advance?"

"Well, ahem, it's you, Lord Immortal Official, who makes the decision, you make the decision!" "In that case, what do you think of that army of resentful ghosts?"

As he said that, Mo Chengjun pointed forward and saw that at the end of his field of vision, there was boundless ghostly energy permeating the air, and it was vaguely visible that countless ghosts and ghosts were surging towards him.

The Thunder Ghost King tried his best to open his swollen eyes and couldn't help but laugh after a moment: "That's the flag of the Red Blood Ghost King. It should be Netherworld who followed me, but I didn't expect that he actually chose the same flag as me. direction.

I guess they have the same plan as me and want to find a place to live peacefully in the human race. "

"Live peacefully?"

Mo Chengjun looked strange and asked, "You call attacking the ghost city of Yintu a peaceful life?"

The Heavenly Thunder Ghost King looked aggrieved: "Master Immortal Official, believe it or not, I am really prepared to occupy a place and run it well."

"Not to mention this, I just want to ask you, if I destroy the red-blooded ghost king, can you control this ghost army?"

"Yes, of course. To put it bluntly, I, the Thunder Ghost King, am also somewhat famous. If I go out to recruit some guerrillas, I won't be able to capture them easily."

"In that case, let's come. Boundless ghost mist, thunder in all directions, listen to my command, fall! Fall! Fall!"

boom rumble,


There was another full quarter of an hour of thunderous bombardment, and everything in the path of the dark thunder was turned into ashes.

As a result, the Red Blood Ghost King and his bodyguards completely disappeared from the world, while the tens of thousands of resentful ghost armies were subsumed by the Thunder Ghost King.

As a result, the Thunder Ghost King's throne, which was composed of the corpses of resentful ghosts, was lifted up again.

Under the tulle, Mo Chengjun sat in the main seat, and the Thunder Ghost King stood beside him, bowing and being as respectful as he wanted.

Outside, there are tens of thousands of resentful ghosts crowding around. There are ghost generals clearing the way, ghost soldiers clearing the streets, happy and mourning ghosts holding up placards, and entertainer ghosts beating gongs.

There was a lot of banging and banging along the way, and the pomp was huge, so majestic and lively!

It's the direction of progress, it's gone!

From Mo Chengjun's point of view, such noise was completely unnecessary, but he didn't expect that those messy ghosts in the underworld seemed to be quite susceptible to this trick.

Wherever he passed, he was surprised that there were countless ghosts and ghosts coming to collide with him.

What surprised Mo Chengjun even more was that even though the quantity was large, what was the reality?
Ghosts can fly!

They themselves have no weight, and their floating speed is not slow.

After gathering into the ghost army, under the control of the ghost king, it seemed that abilities similar to the 'art of war' were triggered. The ghost energy was overwhelming, and the speed was increased.

After so much trouble, I passed the Bleeding Basin, Ghost Skull Mountain and other places, but nothing happened.

Even after encountering another team of ghost kings, they consciously stepped aside and gave way.

That is, the Ghost King gave in, but Mo Chengjun didn't.

In the words of the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King, the more the army of resentful ghosts, the better. The greater the number, the more powerful the Ghost King is and the more he has no taboos.

Therefore, Mo Chengjun took action to kill another ghost king and included the ghost army.

When we set off again like this, everything we pass is indeed smooth.

At this time, Mo Chengjun finally confirmed the role of the Thunder Ghost King.

So, on the throne of resentful ghosts,

Mo Chengjun looked at the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King and asked, "I heard that you once gained quite a reputation in the City of Wasted Death?"

The Heavenly Thunder Ghost King immediately said: "So that Lord Immortal Official can know that I was also a human monk during my lifetime, and was a true disciple of the Shenxiao Dao Sect. I was proficient in the thunder method.

But the road to immortality is difficult, and after seeking an opportunity and dying in vain, he is filled with resentment and unwillingness.

Somehow, after entering this netherworld, he understood the method of Yin Thunder and used it to run rampant.

I have practiced in Mang Mountain for hundreds of years, and I have also wandered into the netherworld. I have served under six ghost kings. Finally, I gained the attention of King Songcheng and was promoted to the position of ghost king.

Later, in the name of the King of Song City, I went to garrison in Wusheng City and assisted in the management of the city under the command of King Bian Cheng.

Of course, it also plays a supervisory role.

Because of the sharpness of the thunder method, those resentful ghosts and ghosts were afraid, so they caught the eyes of King Bian Cheng. Finally, King Bian Cheng turned around and accepted his duties in the Reincarnation Hall. "

At this moment, Mo Chengjun couldn't help but glance at the Thunder Ghost King: "Your resume is quite good, isn't it?"

The Thunder Ghost King smiled shyly and said modestly: "It's just a matter of making a living, it's nothing."

"Then why did you become a deserter and have to go to this dark land to fight the autumn wind?"

"It's not a land of the netherworld yet, so I can't survive."

The Heavenly Thunder Ghost King had a bitter look on his face: "The resentful ghosts are rioting, and the ten palaces of Yama are attacking each other, and they are fighting fiercely.

And we, the ghost king, the ghost king, the one who said it badly, is the pawn.

If you don't run, you will die on the battlefield sooner or later. "

Mo Chengjun asked a key question: "I have heard about the riots of resentful ghosts and the ten palaces of Yama attacking each other. I have heard about this many times.

But the question is, why did they fight? "

“To be honest, I don’t know exactly why.

In fact, the relationship between the Ten Palaces of Yama is not good to begin with. It is common for them to attack each other. Today you hit me, and tomorrow I will hit you. Don't be too normal.

However, everyone had a tacit understanding before. Although there were small conflicts, no one would fully carry out the conflict.

But this time, this time it was different, it became more and more intense, and it lost its sense of proportion. "

Mo Chengjun narrowed his eyes slightly, paused, and suddenly asked: "Then do you know about the immortal demon soul?"

"The immortal demon soul? What is that?"

Mo Chengjun frowned, a little confused, and then said: "Then tell me, when did this war start?"

"Well, we have to start with the assassination of King Bian Cheng, the sixth of the Ten Halls of Yama and the manager of the City of Fuidou!"

 This is a make-up update. I will do the second update as soon as possible and try my best to arrive before twelve o'clock...

(End of this chapter)

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