The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 498 1 Exploring the Netherworld

Chapter 498: Exploring the Netherworld (22)

Shady soil.

Under a gray sky.

The boundless wind rolled by, and the sound of ghost cries made up of suona and erhu resounded throughout the world.

In the midst of this commotion, with the explanation from the Thunder Ghost King, Mo Chengjun gained a little more understanding of the situation in Netherworld.

Let’s talk about the Yin Earth first. It’s just a gap between dimensions. In fact, it’s not that big at first, and there aren’t many ghosts and ghosts. It’s just an empty space.

But when human ghosts and gods stop here, when ghost cities are built one after another, when the underworld is in chaos, and countless resentful ghosts and ghosts flock here, the space expands.

This situation is actually similar to the expansion of Cave Heaven Paradise.

Then there is the Netherland, which is a real two-dimensional world, like an extended picture, and it is also the home of the soul.

At the level of the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King, he is naturally not qualified to know the existence of the 'Taishan Mansion Lord'.

Therefore, he does not know the real secrets, nor does he know the reason for the formation of the underworld.

But from his perspective, there is something unique about it.

For example, the Land of the Netherworld ends with the City of Fusi, and the surrounding areas are divided into pieces of territory, governed by each of the Ten Halls of Yama.

For another example, in the land of the netherworld, you cannot look at everything with a secular perspective and worldview.

What kind of racial conflicts, what kind of disputes between demon kingdoms, what kind of secret rule of the Butian Sect over everything.

Even including the families, factions, authority, and even loyalty, faith, glory that are attached to this institutional system...

All of these are actually unnecessary.

In the land of the netherworld, what is emphasized is the law of the jungle, where the weak eat the strong.

The names and territories of the Ten Halls of Yama have been divided in this way since ancient times. For countless years, no ghost has raised any objections.

However, those beings sitting in the position of the King of Hell are not static.

More importantly, the position of King of Hell is not just a position, but also a recognition and a personality, somewhat similar to the Shinto priesthood.

Once you really sit in that position and gain authority, you will enjoy a very special kind of blessing.

From this, there is the possibility of going further, and the opportunity to get involved in the realm above ghosts and immortals.

These are not even secrets when it comes to the Ghost King, but information that can be known naturally.

It was as if Netherworld had told them that if they wanted to go further, they had to fight, seize, and use all their strength to pull down the one above.

It is also because of this that when one reaches the level of King Yama, he becomes a true loner.

They have to be wary of the rebellion of the ghosts below and the schemes of other kings of hell.But there is also a tacit understanding between them.

It is okay to fight openly and secretly, there must be conspiracy and calculation, and fighting and fighting must be carried out frequently, but all of this must be controlled within a certain range.

At least, it is impossible to rise to the level of King Yama.

But this time, there is a ghost and the line has been crossed!
The sixth King of Yama, King Bian Cheng, the lord of the City of Wasted Death, was assassinated on his way back to the City of Wasted Death from his territory.

No one knows who did it!
Theoretically, there is no existence of the same level and it is impossible to hurt this person, but the reality is that this person was assassinated and even seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Well, the Thunder Ghost King doesn’t know whether this news is accurate or not.

But he knew that when the news spread, a rebellion broke out in the territory under King Bian Cheng. In order to compete for that position, several ghosts and immortals mobilized their armies to attack and kill each other.

When the news came, there was a riot in the city of Wushitang, and the original order suffered a huge impact.

In the end, it was Ksitigarbha who was independent from the Ten Halls of Yama system who came forward to stabilize the situation.

But these are not the most serious things. The most serious thing is that this matter has consumed the little trust left between the kings of hell.

So, with the assassination of King Bian Cheng as the trigger, the chaos began...

And once the all-out war starts, it cannot be stopped at will.

This time, Yama of the Tenth Palace was completely red-eyed and killed him like crazy.

The existence of the Ten Halls of Yama is not without its mission. They are built around the City of Wasted Death, surrounded by exiled resentful ghosts.

Resentful ghosts and ghosts are two different things.

People die as ghosts, as ghosts, but they still have memories and intelligence.

Even if there is an obsession that is hard to get rid of, and it is the existence of a fierce ghost, it will still think and behave according to certain principles.

But the resentful ghost was completely swallowed up by the resentment and hostility. It lost its mind and only remained a ghost driven by instinct.

These resentful ghosts were difficult to kill and left useless, so they had to be exiled, and as time went by, there were more and more of them.

The existence of the Ten Palaces of Yama is to stop them.

But this time, the kings of hell went to war with each other and ignored the border issues, which resulted in the invasion of countless resentful ghosts.

The Tenth Palace of Yama now faces not only the ghost army that is hostile to the King of Hell, but also these resentful ghosts who are like zombies in the ghost world.

On such a battlefield, even high-level ghost generals and even former high-ranking beings such as the ghost king are like a fool, dying at the drop of a hat.

And this is also the reason why a large number of ghost kings, ghost generals, and even ordinary evil spirits strive to escape from the netherworld and enter the underworld.

The environment in Yintu is a bit poor, but the best thing is that it is safe!
Of course, a group of ghost kings and ghost generals will enter the world with a large number of ghost armies and resentful ghosts. The unlucky ones are the indigenous gods of the human race.

To be honest, these indigenous gods have been competing differentiatedly with the immortal cultivators with their unique cultivation methods since they were enshrined.

He played a big role in maintaining order in the mortal world, and he was considered prosperous.

Except for the Ten Heavenly Rules promulgated by the Heavenly Court of Judiciary and the Heavenly Temple, they have rarely encountered any major setbacks, let alone large-scale wars.

But this time, almost all ghost kings from the Netherworld came towards them.

In the words of the Thunder Ghost King, there are not just one or two people who are curious about these indigenous gods.

When he was in Fusui City, his colleagues were full of curiosity about these gods.

It's just that the Nether still had rules at that time, so they didn't dare to do anything, but it's different now.

The method of ghost cultivation is too difficult, and they do not reject the Shinto system at all.In short, the native gods of the human and demon tribes are in bad luck, but if you have to say this is a bad thing, it's not a bad thing.

At least in Mo Chengjun's view, this group of gods lacked pressure and their progress was slow.

A little push and some pressure might not necessarily be a bad thing.

It should be said that Mo Chengjun got first-hand information from the Thunder Ghost King, and then fell into deep thought.

On the side, the Thunder Ghost King held it in for a long time, and finally plucked up the courage and said: "Master Immortal Official, the situation in the Netherworld is roughly like this.

The chaos is really chaotic, and the danger is really dangerous. If we go there, we must be careful! "

Mo Chengjun looked at him and said quietly: "What you really want to say is, can you not go?"

The Heavenly Thunder Ghost King smiled awkwardly and said: "Master Immortal Official, it's true, it's true, I'm afraid!

I am not bragging to you, but I used to have a very good reputation as the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King. I was so skilled in the dark thunder method that I dared to stand upright and speak when I saw ghosts and immortals.

But this time, the Tenth Palace King of Hell moved all the old men out.

I won't talk about those old ghosts, but there are also those fierce generals who have left their names in history. They are really more powerful than the last.

After a few fights, I was beaten until I lost my temper, so..."

He didn't finish his words, but his meaning was already clear. He paused and then said: "Besides, we are going to Fusicheng City, which is at the lower reaches of the Santu River.

We have to pass through almost all the territories of the King of Hell and cross over. Just thinking about how difficult it is makes me cringe! "

The Reggae King was obviously frightened that day. In other words, he was not a tough and resolute person, otherwise he would not have run away as soon as he saw that the situation was not good.

When Mo Chengjun heard this, he couldn't help but squint his eyes slightly and muttered: "It's really not easy to mess up the Butian Sect!"

After saying this, he smiled again, without much worry between his brows.

Looking at the Thunder Ghost King, he said: "I know what you want to say, and there is no need to say it in the future.

Remember, as long as you do your own thing and don't make any small moves, I will keep you safe, no matter where you are. "

As he said this, he looked out the window and saw the outside world through the gauze.

"The place has arrived!"

Hearing this, the Thunder Ghost King also looked outside.

I saw a huge river coming from the end of my field of vision and then going to the end of my field of vision.

The river water is dim and turbulent, rushing like a tide.

Inside, you can also see the ghosts of many ghosts floating on it. Some are wailing loudly, some are lost and speechless, some are fierce, some are sad and sorrowful...

There are many flowers blooming on both sides of the river, glowing with fiery red light, which is particularly gorgeous and beautiful in this gray and white world.

This is the famous Bana flower,
Also known as Manzhu Shahua!
And this river is the most famous river in the Netherworld.

The river carrying the dead comes from nowhere and goes out. It has countless branches and runs through all known regions.

This river is called Santu.

Of course, the one in front of me is just a tributary of Santu River.

And if Mo Chengjun wants to enter the netherworld, the simplest way is to go down the river, first pass the tributaries, and then enter the main vein, until he crosses the real underworld road, and then he can reach the netherworld.

Once here, the Thunder Ghost King stopped talking nonsense. He said everything he needed to say and got the promises he needed.

Next, it's time for him to show off.

By the Santu River,
Countless ghost soldiers and ghost generals began to stop and gather together, forming a ghost cloud that stretched for more than ten miles.

Of course, there are other ghosts here, but under the army, they gave up the boundary early, leaving a large area free.

The Thunder Ghost King strode out, took out a bone whistle and blew it. The rustling sound was transmitted on the Santu River, making waves.

So, at the end of the river, a small boat came swaying, with a ferryman wearing a raincoat and cloak shaking the oars.

This boat looks like a fisherman's boat.

This ferryman doesn't look domineering at all.

However, those who can sail on this river cannot be ordinary.

The Thunder Ghost King did not waste any time and directly made a continuous ghost roar.

So, under his manipulation, the ghost soldiers and generals turned into balls of will-o'-the-wisps and attached themselves to the boat.

It felt like a hermit crab clinging to me.

As more and more ghost fires accumulated, some ghosts were even squeezed directly into the Santu River.

As soon as they touched the dim river water, the ghost soldiers let out a shrill howl, as if they were suffering from the pain of being burned.

But the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King ignored them and simply compressed the tens of thousands of ghost troops to the extreme, and finally pressed them onto this boat.

Ghosts don't weigh much, but even so, these ghosts weigh the boat down again and again.

The ferryman was so anxious that he screamed like a ghost, and seemed to have a lot of opinions.

But the Thunder Ghost King calmly captured several resentful ghosts, and the thunder in his hand erupted, vaporizing the resentful ghosts, leaving only soul crystals.

He threw these soul crystals at the ferryman's feet, and the frustrated ferryman just went to pick them up.

In this way, after half an hour, the entire boat has completely transformed into a huge ghost-fire boat, floating on the Santu River, with a different kind of brilliance.

"Master Immortal Official, please..."


Mo Chengjun walked up. He stood on the side of the ship, looking at the chaotic distance, and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's sail the ship, let me explore this netherworld!"

 The second update is sent...

(End of this chapter)

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