The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 499 Heaven and Earth Tribulation? !

You want to ask, what is it like to go boating on the Santu River?
Mo Chengjun can only say, it’s amazing!

Tens of thousands of green will-o'-the-wisps decorate a small boat. Although its essence has not changed, its appearance is indeed much more majestic and domineering.

And Mo Chengjun stood on the bow of the boat, watching the splashing water being smashed by the bow; he also watched the ghosts and ghosts rippling in the water, wailing and crying; looking at the two sides of the river bank, red flowers were everywhere; watching the monsters from time to time Stick out your tongue, grab the devil and devour it...

Unconsciously, he narrowed his eyes slightly and began to use his perception to observe the world in this area.

He loves tea, loves to learn, and even more loves to study.

If you come to Santu River and don't experience the scenery along the way and figure out the mysteries of heaven and earth, you will feel that you have come in vain.

Although it was on the Santu River, the 'argument' of the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King was still useful.

At least, his 'windy' ghost ship passed by without encountering any attacks.

Even the monsters on the shore did not dare to stick out their tongues. Instead, they waited quietly for the boat to pass by, as if watching the king leave.

And this also provided Mo Chengjun with a quiet research environment.

"Breaking the Illusion Golden Eyes" is fully opened, the consciousness is fully opened, and the perception is also fully opened...

As a result, within his field of vision, the scenery of heaven and earth had changed.

He saw the spiritual machine, and almost everything he could see were black 'ghost' spiritual machine particles.

Dark, cold, dancing with the wind, filling every corner of the world.

But this world is not completely devoid of other spiritual particles.

Mo Chengjun was surprised to find that in addition to the 'ghost' spiritual particles, there were many other spiritual particles.

Their colors are generally dull, mostly gray and white, but there are obvious differences.

As for the quantity, it is indeed not much, just like impurities in water, but it is particularly conspicuous among a group of pure black spiritual particles.

He captured some, but simply looked at them, unable to determine their specific attributes and characteristics.

After careful understanding, you can feel some different qualities, such as darkness, ice cold, burning, drowsiness...

Different, even strange!
Of course, the big one must be the 'ghost' spiritual particle, which is also the key observation object of Mo Chengjun.

As for observing ghost particles, the best way is not to observe particles floating between the sky and the earth, but to observe ghosts directly.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed a ghost soldier. He ignored the ghost soldier's frightened screams and watched the golden light in his field of vision carefully.

After a while, he threw the ghost away and caught another ghost general.

After observing the tea kung fu, I captured another resentful ghost, then changed it into an evil spirit, and then changed it into a ghost-eating monster...

After a long time, he finally turned off "The Golden Eyes of Possession", and when he stretched out his hand to rub the center of his eyebrows, many insights flashed through his mind.

The structure of the ghosts looks messy in appearance, but they are all false, fake, and superficial.

They don't even have real entities, but are various recreations and combinations of ghost particles.

There are no internal organs, no bones and muscles, just a unique cycle composed of ghost particles.

Either round, square, three-dimensional, or triangular, these pieces form the body of the ghost.

Perhaps because of this, they are almost naturally proficient in magical powers such as flight, transformation, and walking through walls.

It has no entity in the first place. It doesn’t matter if you rub it or rub it.

Just like the Thunder Ghost King, in order to carry tens of thousands of ghost troops, he shrank to the smallest size and packed it into this small boat. He really didn't take up any space.

And this structure also gave Mo Chengjun a familiar feeling. He had seen a similar cycle in the inner demon's body.

Of course, unlike inner demons, every ghost has a core.

They are black crystals with different shapes, varying in size according to their strength, and they can travel around the body regardless of various cycles.

This thing does not exist in the present world, or in other words, there is no environment and conditions for its existence.

Therefore, active ghosts must have something to rely on.

In other words, the body of the ghost is actually not important. Even if it is damaged, it can be repaired if the ghost energy is replenished enough.

Mo Chengjun did an experiment. He tore off the arm of a ghost general and even vaporized it with thunder.

But as the core rotated, ghostly energy surged, stimulating the arm to grow continuously.

Even the ghost general didn't pay much attention to this arm, and he didn't even roar loudly.

But when the core of the ghost is attacked, even if it is only slightly touched by the Yin Thunder method, the ghost general will scream heart-breakingly as if he has been tortured.

This made Mo Chengjun very interested in this core, and he began to experiment in different ways.

For example, it goes from just a simple touch to various forms of attack effects.

For example, artificially distort the shape of the core, and see what changes follow.

Another example is to stimulate the ghost and observe the movement trajectory of the core.

There is also damage to the core, looking at the process and results of repair and recovery...

Well, a group of ghosts were like guinea pigs in Mo Chengjun's hands, and they really didn't inspire any empathy.

Therefore, he almost does whatever comes to his mind without any scruples.

On the other hand, the Thunder Ghost King behind him was calm at first, but later on, his legs started to tremble a little.

He has killed more than ten million ghosts, and it’s not like he has never seen methods of torturing ghosts. There are many of them in the city who died in vain.

But he still felt frightened by what the Immortal Official did. The other party seemed to be playing tricks, which made him feel chilly in his heart.

Especially the gaze that this Immortal Official occasionally glanced at, the interest in his eyes made him feel like he was the meat on the chopping board.

As for the ferryman behind him, he is more honest than anyone else at this moment. He is as honest as if he doesn't exist.

Mo Chengjun had the idea of ​​doing some experiments with the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King, mainly because he wanted to see how the other party developed the magical power of using the Yin Thunder method?
However, this idea only lingered for a while before giving up. The main reason was that it was a bit unethical to capture the other party as a guide and use him for experiments.

However, as the experiment progressed, he also gained a lot.

In fact, the difference between different ghosts is determined by this 'core'.

The size, quantity, purity, shape, internal structure, etc. of the core almost determine the realm, strength, purity of ghost energy, and external form of the ghost...

Of course, the formation of such a ghost core requires not only a suitable external environment, but also a dominant consciousness.

It’s like the Nascent Soul of Immortal Cultivator!

It is not just an energy aggregate, but also because of the presence of the soul, such an energy aggregate can be formed.

In fact, before Mo Chengjun's magical power of "Mediating Creation" was born, pure energy aggregates did not exist in nature.

Just like a gaseous substance, it is impossible to become a solid under normal conditions.

Even spiritual stones can only be regarded as jade stones. In addition to the spiritual particles residing inside, there are many miscellaneous substances inside.

If you want to realize this kind of aggregation of inspiration and intelligence, you must consciously lead it.

For ghosts, this core is not only the source of their own power, but also the carrier of consciousness and memory.

Any slight injury is a very serious blow. Even if it recovers later, the memory it carries will be lost, which will cause confusion in consciousness.

To be honest, after studying this, Mo Chengjun remembered an unsolved question.

Previously, when he defined mana, it was the 'spiritual energy and spirit' that imprinted the inspiration of heaven and earth.There is no doubt about this, and it has even been expanded to include the true energy of the warrior, the demonic power of the monster, the demonic energy of the devil...

Although there are subtle differences, the essence is still the same.

But what about ghosts?

This thing doesn't even have a body, let alone the 'god', but where does the 'jing' and 'qi' come from?

This question has troubled him for a long time, until now, he finally came to a conclusion.

To be precise, there is no such thing as "essence" for ghosts, but the cultivation of ghosts can only rely on a "god".

The reason for this is due to the unique characteristic of the 'ghost' spiritual particles - carrying souls.

It can naturally carry the soul of a mortal, and when the soul entangles some of the 'ghost' particles to form a spirit body, there is also the term 'ghost'.

From this perspective, Mo Chengjun can understand the essence of the few ghost cultivation methods he has in his hands.

It turns out that the core of ghosts running around in the body is not without benefits. It is the process of 'gods' deepening their imprint on ghost energy.

The method of ghost cultivation is actually a process of imprinting the 'ghost' particles in the air with the 'god' in the soul and assimilating them.

Under normal circumstances, this process is very slow, very slow.

The reason is not that there is a shortage of spiritual particles. In fact, in the Netherworld, the most indispensable thing is 'ghost' spiritual particles.
But the problem is that the strength of the soul is limited, and the 'god' contained within is even more limited.

After reaching the bottleneck of cultivation, you have to waste time little by little to let your soul continue to grow, so that you can expand your total ghost energy.

But this upgrade is too slow.

If it weren't for the soul-nurturing effect of the 'ghost' spiritual machine particles, it can even be said that the soul will not grow much until it dies naturally.

Of course, there are also fast methods, such as swallowing souls, which is very common in the Netherworld.

To put it bluntly, after swallowing other ghosts into the body and digesting them, the remaining souls are the best nutrients and can strengthen the body.

Don't think it's hard to accept eating the same kind. In fact, in the underworld, this is the norm.

However, even if it is swallowing, it must be done in a method.

The crudest method is to swallow it alive without hesitation. The effect is not bad, but the memory and consciousness in the remaining soul are the real big trouble.

This is how those resentful ghosts who gave up their original form, became all kinds of strange, and even lost their minds.

The more advanced ones are to pick and choose to swallow them, looking for those that are soft and weak, or to swallow them after refining them.

For example, the soul crystals given to the ferryman by the Thunder Ghost King were obtained after preliminary refining.

But this is nothing. The really powerful means are actually 'torture' and 'torture'. They are the remaining soul crystals after exhausting all means to make the consciousness in the soul become hopeless and dissipate on its own.

That thing is the most advanced and the purest.

Under the command of Yama in the Ten Palaces, there are sixteen small hells, and they do this kind of work, which has created the terrifying reputation of the Netherworld.

Of course, this method requires sufficient time, territory, and a stable source of souls. In short, it is very energy-consuming and troublesome to operate.

And Mo Chengjun's first thought was to optimize and improve.

Well, this has become his professional habit, and there is nothing he can do about it.

The inspiration for improvement is actually simple. The spirit imprinted by the 'god' will be lost, but in the same way, if the spirit nourishes the 'god', it can also restore growth!
This method is actually the Qi-eating method, a transformation from the Qi-training method.

For this reason, Mo Chengjun also asked for his cultivation method from the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King.

Speaking of the cultivation method of the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King, it also has some origins. It was given to him when he was under the command of King Bian Cheng, and it contains a complete record of the soul crystal refining method.

The highest-level soul crystals depend on rewards, but with this soul crystal refining method, it can be regarded as opening the road to the ghost king for him.

But this Mo Chengjun didn't care. However, based on this, he added the Yin Thunder method, and after some deletions and modifications, he formed a new set of ghost cultivation methods.

Speaking of the connotation of this method, it has not changed much, except that it has an additional visualization method, which uses the thunder of Jiutian Yingyuan, the master of the thunder department, to universalize Tianzun Wenzhong as the revered god, and adds the content of "nurturing the soul with spiritual intelligence".

In addition, the attribute of ghost energy is partial to Yin thunder, which is a combination of magical power and magic, making it easier to control Yin thunder magical power.

Of course, in terms of cultivation efficiency, it is nothing to Mo Chengjun, but compared to the normal ghost cultivation method, it is already many times faster.

The most noteworthy thing is that he saw that this method was too simple, so after reaching the peak of the Ghost King, he added a method of refining alien spiritual energy.

Mo Chengjun actually didn't know whether the way of ghost immortals should follow the requirements of becoming immortals in the present world of the Yang Dynasty. Would it take two or more magical powers to reach that point?
But if necessary, this is a true fairy method.

When the Thunder Ghost King first took it over, he didn't think anything. He thought that the patrolling immortal official in front of him had some weird habits.

But after he saw the method, he was stunned and felt that his eyes were a little unreal.

He hesitated and wanted to ask clearly, but then he realized that the other party completely ignored him.

In fact, this kind of method doesn't even have a name.

Finally, the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King thought about it and finally came up with a name, which was called "Inspection Immortal Official's Gift, Yin Thunder Ghost Immortal Technique".

Well, it's a good thing that Mo Chengjun didn't know about this, otherwise he would have to take it back and modify it some more. Otherwise, if it was put out in such a "shoddy" way, it would lose its reputation.

Of course, this is actually just Mo Chengjun's initial achievement.

Subsequently, he brought his vision back to himself, and made a second modification and optimization on the prepared methods and magical powers to conform to the actual situation of this world.

These are actually what he urgently needs. No matter what, when he enters the Netherworld, he must have sufficient protection skills.

When you fall into a state of concentration, time flies by the fastest.

The small ghost boat floated on the tributary of the Santu River for an unknown number of days before finally turning into the wider main river.

Here, some soul-eating monsters boldly wanted to take action, but they were all killed by the Thunder Ghost King.

It floated for an unknown number of days, and finally, a strange sense of distortion came.

It's like the space is folded, and like it's squeezed into a narrow passage, it's also because of the merits of the body's golden body, no matter how big or small it is.

It seemed that just for a moment, it seemed that ten thousand years had passed. When Mo Chengjun came to his senses again, he felt that the world had changed.

Here, as far as the eye can see, it is no longer as barren as the yin soil, but more rich and lively.

Here, the ghosts seem to have taken on physical form, and only the coldness and the dark wind are better than the yin earth.

"This is Netherworld, and it truly deserves its name!"

Mo Chengjun closed his eyes almost instinctively, but the next second, he opened them again, his eyes widened with unspeakable surprise.

What did he feel?

Full of malice filled the world and attacked him.

No, not just malice, but also jealousy, anger, fear, sorrow, death...

It was the accumulation of all negative emotions, as if the whole world was struggling with negative emotions.

"This, this, what is this?"

Mo Chengjun was a little confused, but the next second, a few words popped into his mind.

"Is this a catastrophe?!"

Cough cough cough...

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