The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 510 Backstab, Sudden Change

Chapter 510 Backstab, Sudden Change

In essence, Mo Chengjun is not a stickler for rules.

He knew clearly that the Land of the Netherworld had accumulated a great calamity, that Lord Broken Moon was hiding in the dark to cause trouble, and that there was big trouble waiting for him in the City of Wasted Death.

You just let him break in like this?
It's not impossible, "one force can defeat ten groups" is also a way to do it.

That's right, it looks extremely stupid, has no technical content, and is not in line with his personality as a cultural person.

Therefore, after thinking about it, especially recalling the process of dealing with the Broken Moon Demon Lord, he came up with an extremely bold guess and based it on which he made a plan.

The first step in this plan is to ask Madman Ning to write a letter to other kings of hell. In the letter, the more serious the situation facing Netherworld, the better.

Finally, he invited them to a gathering outside the city of Fusi.

As for why these hell kings dare to come after receiving the letter?

There are also many reasons.

The most important thing is that they clearly know that there is a demon lord mixed in, and they can also feel that the entire atmosphere in the Netherworld is not right.

Moreover, although there are fights and killings between these kings of hell, and they all point to each other to die when they hate each other, they have absolutely no intention of breaking this netherworld.

Just kidding, a group of people are looking for food in a pot. You have more and I have less. There must be a conflict.

But if you want to smash the pot, no one will eat?

Then these people must not agree.

Furthermore, there is also a connection between the kings of hell. Once Madman Ning’s letter arrives, they will also contact each other.

If only one or two were invited, I guess I would have to worry about it, but if all the kings of hell were to go, then King Chujiang would no longer have an absolute advantage, and he really wasn't afraid of how many waves he could cause.

So, as soon as they communicated with each other, they all came.

Of course, he didn't just come, he also brought with him all the powerful ghost soldiers he could fight and the ghost kings and fairies he could mobilize.

It can be said that those gathered in this city of futile death are the strongest combat forces in the entire Netherworld.

Of course, what they probably didn't expect was that this was what Mo Chengjun wanted.

And all of this was bet on a certain guess of his.

Above the sky, the handsome young monk suppressed the true fire of samadhi, but he was still a little dazed.

After a pause, he lowered his head almost instinctively, staring at Mo Chengjun with his eyes, and asked: "How do you know? Why do you know? How can you know?"

The questions were asked in different ways, but in fact they were all the same question, which also showed that he was not calm.

Of course, he was not calm anymore, but Mo Chengjun was in a good mood.

He said easily: "It's not what you thought went wrong, nor is it what you thought a ghost betrayed you.

I just guessed! "

"Guess?" the young monk said hello:
Mo Chengjun explained: "Look, I have a map of your trajectory in the present world, and I almost know the entire process of your fight with the two Dragon Lords Zhulong and Yinglong.

I also know everything you have done since you came to this world.

The only time you suffered a big loss was in my hands. Although there was an element of luck, I still have some understanding of your style of doing things. "

The little monk asked again: "What do you think of me?"

Mo Chengjun tilted his head slightly, organized his words, and then said: "In my opinion, your magical powers are great, and your schemes are even more powerful. The two Dragon Lords were fooled by you in their home court, which shows your ability.

Furthermore, when you do things, you are always like a lion fighting a rabbit, and you use all your strength. You don't like to give others the slightest chance to resist. "

The young monk seemed very surprised: "I didn't expect you to think so highly of me?"

"Of course, only by facing my enemies squarely can I defeat my enemies."

Mo Chengjun said softly: "However, it is because you are too serious about doing things and don't trust anyone, so you like to do things yourself.

Even the few personnel sent by Heavenly Court to capture me have arranged a lot of back-ups, and even personally sit in charge.

What about this time?

You have a big plan in the Netherworld, and these ghosts cannot be demonized, so you don’t have any capable subordinates.

Then you can rest assured only by watching it yourself, so I guess that you must be there inside and outside this city of futile death. "

Saying this, Mo Chengjun couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Look now, I guessed it right!"

In fact, there were some things that Mo Chengjun didn't say completely. The reason why he dared to do this was because he guessed correctly and the situation was reversed.

But even if he guesses wrong, he is not afraid of being held accountable by other kings of hell. This is the fundamental reason why he dares to guess and act.

However, there is no need to say all these, and with this, Mo Chengjun's "tall and superior" image has been erected.

Regardless of others, the handsome young monk couldn't accept it at this time.

He first murmured: "You guessed it, you guessed it, you actually guessed it?! This is really, really..."

When he said this, he suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Mo Chengjun. The accumulated negative emotions suddenly burst out, making a fuss like a shrew.

"I knew it, I knew it would be bad if I met you!"

"Heavenly Court, Immortal Inspector, why are you specifically trying to get in trouble with me?"

"I have such a good plan and such a careful design, but you ruined it for me. It's really, really... damn it! It's damn it!"

Well, you have to admit, seeing such a being jumping around in anger is also an achievement.

It seems that although this person is said to be immortal, his character will be affected every time he is reincarnated.

However, Mo Chengjun was still extremely keen. He seemed to have caught something and asked directly: "Actually, I am very curious, what is your plan? Can you tell me about it?"

The next second, the manic and handsome little monk suddenly stopped and asked with a strange curve at the corner of his mouth: "You don't know?"

Then, without waiting for an answer, he said to himself: "Yes, yes, you guessed, how could you know?"

Mo Chengjun narrowed his eyes and suddenly interjected: "If you are referring to the catastrophe of heaven and earth, I still know something about it.

You destroyed the spiritual veins of Netherworld, thereby accumulating all kinds of negative emotions in the spiritual machine between heaven and earth, and incited the entire Netherworld to fight and fight. "

"You actually know about 'tribulation'? You are worthy of heaven!"

"But I haven't figured it out, why are you doing this?
Even if there is a great catastrophe between heaven and earth, the ten kings of hell will fight endlessly and fight endlessly, but so what?

What is your purpose for doing this? "

By this time, the handsome young monk had completely regained his composure. He waved his hands, his cassock was flattened again, he raised his head again, and looked around, his elegance remained the same.

"I admit, you have guessed a lot, and you know what 'tribulation' is, but that's all. I haven't lost yet!"

As he said this, his eyes suddenly stood up and he said with murderous intent: "If you don't take action yet, King Bian Cheng..."

As soon as he finished speaking, almost all the eyes of the King of Hell looked over, and King Ksitigarbha wanted to retreat as if he was electrocuted.

But he was too close to King Bian Cheng, really too close.

Moreover, one of his hands was still on King Bian Cheng's shoulder, but at this time, King Bian Cheng's two hands were holding him tightly, making him unable to pull it away.

Another blue-black hand stretched out from King Bian Cheng's armpit, holding a bronze dagger with a faint light, and stabbed it hard.

The withered old monk's cassock suddenly glowed with a faint light, as thin as a cicada's wings, but as solid as substance, blocking the blade.

But the bronze dagger was not a mortal thing. A faint cold light bloomed, breaking through the cassock's defense in just an instant.At this moment, no one knew how many times King Bian Cheng stabbed him, and then he saw golden blood spraying out like no money.

King Bian Cheng was not as weak as before. He leaned into King Ksitigarbha's ear and whispered: "You are right. The ghosts that attacked me were not arranged by you, because they were all trained by me. Death warrior.

However, you and I have been entangled in this city of futile death for thousands of years. This time, we can finally decide the winner.

Take it as it is, you die and I live! "

He didn't speak loudly, but don't forget that at this time, they all showed their shadows.

All movements of the shadow originate from its owner.

Therefore, King Bian Cheng's assassination, and even his words, were spread through phantoms for hundreds of miles inside and outside the city of Fushou, and were staged in front of tens of millions of ghosts.

At this moment, all the kings of hell were confused, even Mo Chengjun was no exception.

The situation is changing so fast that it is beyond imagination.

At this moment, the nearest city king roared almost instinctively: "King Bian Cheng, what are you doing?"

He waved his hand and grabbed it. A ghostly aura filled the air and appeared in the sky. It showed an extremely solid claw and grabbed King Bian Cheng.

But King Bian Cheng moved faster and backed away almost as soon as the sound came.

The figure was as ethereal as smoke. After a few flashes, he disappeared among the ghost soldiers and warriors behind him, never to be seen again.

Only Ksitigarbha looked at his body with many holes, and his expression seemed a little helpless. He forced himself to sit cross-legged, clasped his hands together, and said softly: "Your Majesty Ksitigarbha, my Lord is merciful!"

The words were lingering and ringing in my ears.

But the next second, with a bang, he exploded!

The flesh and blood turned into countless fragments, splattering around.

At the moment Ksitigarbha fell, a huge roar could be heard vaguely.

It was very light and hazy at first, but in just a blink of an eye, the earth fluctuated violently, like an earth dragon turning over, and the earth and rocks cracked.

Faintly, there were endless roars of resentful ghosts, and the resentment soaring into the sky mixed together unwillingly, stirring the gray clouds in the sky, and even formed a huge vortex.

Mo Chengjun suddenly turned around, stared at the Broken Moon Demon Lord, and asked, "What did you do?"

The Broken Moon Demon Lord shrugged and said: "I didn't do anything!
But, don’t you know?

In addition to the responsibility of transporting the ghost army to the battlefield in the outer world, Ksitigarbha also has to guard the Blood River and the Abyss, where the most powerful resentful ghost monsters are imprisoned.

You say, now that he is dead, what will happen to the abyss of blood that he has suppressed for thousands of years? "

As he spoke, he made a gesture, clenching and opening his fingers: "Bang, it just exploded.

Then, countless resentful ghosts surged out and would flood everything, including the city of Wusi, the Santu River, and even your world. "

At this moment, not only Mo Chengjun, but also the other kings of hell looked ugly.

Mo Chengjun actually believed it, but he couldn't help but look at Madman Ning, as if he wanted to get an answer from him.

Madman Ning rarely had a solemn expression, but he still nodded imperceptibly. This action was not only seen by Mo Chengjun, but also by the old master.

With his eyebrows slightly raised, he didn't want to wait. He raised his sword light thousands of feet straight into the sky, and drew a line of sword energy in the sky that seemed to separate the heaven and the earth.

"How can there be so much nonsense? I'll beat you to death first and see how you behave?"

No one expected that the old master would be the first to take action, but this is the style of sword cultivation. I don’t care about your many schemes, but I will break them with one sword.

When the Broken Moon Demon Lord saw the sword light coming, he did not dare to neglect. As soon as he withdrew his demonic aura, he reached out and pressed down with his five fingers covering the sky, colliding with the sword light.

Madman Ning was afraid that he would suffer a loss, so he lit up the will-o'-the-wisp directly without caring about what was happening below, revealing his true form of a thousand feet and eight arms, and rushed forward.

For a time, the two ghosts, old friends, fought against the Moon-Breaking Demon Lord, and they were having a hard time fighting each other, and they were inseparable.

Below, King Yama looked around and immediately said: "The situation is like this. It is impossible to hide and escape. Why don't we join forces and find a way to seal the blood river and the abyss."

King Chakravartin let out a long sigh: "Do we have any other options?"

"You can choose to retreat!"

The City King said seriously: "When we die in battle, you will be chased until you have no way to the sky and no way to the earth, but you can survive for a while."

King Chakravartin was not angry, but he still sneered: "Your joke is not funny at all."

King Taishan said quietly: "It's not very funny, but this is not a joke, but a fact.

You and I fight just for some benefits, but if anyone wants to destroy our home, then I will fight with my life. "

"In that case, let's vote, cooperate, and then have a big battle!" King Yama took a deep breath and said, "Who is in favor? Who is against?"


"The battle is over!"

"Who is afraid of whom?"

"Then I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman."

It should be said that the seven Hell Kings communicated very efficiently. They seemed to know that they could not afford to delay, and settled the matter with just a few words.

Then, the army under their command immediately started moving. They once again mobilized their troops, consolidated the city defense, set up large formations, and arranged ghostly winds and ghost fires. They were very busy.

The King of Yama looked at Mo Chengjun again, hesitated slightly, and then said: "This Inspector Immortal Official, you are familiar with the King of Chu Jiang. Can you temporarily take over the command of his army?"

Mo Chengjun narrowed his eyes slightly and looked around, as if he was sitting making a decision.

Finally, he said: "I will not get involved in this matter. You should communicate with King Chu Jiang. I still have my own things to do."

"Do you want?"

Mo Chengjun said softly: "Someone has to go in."

Saying this, he jumped up, turned into sword light, and went straight into the city of Fushou.

At the same time, deep in the city of Fusi.

In the center of the darkness, the only place where light shone, there was actually a haggard old monk sitting there.

He looked up at the sky, seemingly seeing something, until at a certain moment, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

A gust of wind blew, and he dispersed with the wind.

As a result, a boundless river of blood gushes out from the abyss, like a living creature, polluting and impacting the invisible barrier.

In the sound of "bang bang bang bang", the blood-colored river water rushed out. Along with the river water, there were all kinds of ugly, malicious, deformed, but equally powerful resentful ghosts.

They rushed out of the Abyss, out of the Ksitigarbha Palace, out of the eighteen levels of hell, and destroyed countless buildings.

Until he saw the sun, he paused blankly for a moment, as if enjoying the light, but the next second, more resentful ghosts poured out.

They could no longer stand still, and then they were pushed forward, and then they rushed forward by themselves. All the ghosts and ghosts they encountered were swallowed up by them.

From a distance, it looks like a black tide rising from the ground, seeming to flood the entire world.

 Posted earlier today...

(End of this chapter)

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