Chapter 511 The Palace of Ten Kings of Hell
As the core place of the entire Netherworld, Wusi City has the most complete and comprehensive defense system.

Both King Bian Cheng and King Ksitigarbha spared no effort in investing in this aspect.

Countless material supplies, thousands of years of perseverance, the latest formation changes...

These make the city of Fusi unbreakable.

Even Mo Chengjun never thought about trying to break in. There were too many uncertain factors, and he didn't want to risk his own life.

Therefore, he found the Heavenly Thunder Ghost King to be his guide. On the one hand, he asked him to lead the way. On the other hand, he was interested in his experience in serving in the City of Fushen.

If you have a resume, you have acquaintances. If you have acquaintances, you have connections. If you have connections, you can go through the back door.

In this world, no matter how good the system is, no matter how perfect the system is, no matter how impeccable the laws are, as long as they are implemented by humans, there will be loopholes.

But what he didn't expect was that the change would come so unexpectedly.

King Bian Cheng was stabbed in the back, and King Ksitigarbha died...

If this kind of thing hadn't happened in front of him, he probably wouldn't have had such a start in his dreams.

Of course, from another perspective, if these two are no longer here, the so-called defense system has collapsed in half.

Coupled with the riots of resentful ghosts in the city of Fu Shi, it is estimated that the other half is also in danger.

In this way, Mo Chengjun chose to enter the city directly.

As expected, the open city gate was a hole for the entire formation to open up. After covering his figure, he turned into a wisp of breeze and crossed the city gate.

After entering the city gate, everything you see is ghost soldiers and warriors.

They were all neatly dressed, armed with weapons, and ready for a fight.

But it was obvious that their preparations were unnecessary. Without their supreme commander, the middle and high-level officials were in chaos, and no one paid attention to them.

There were quite a few ox-headed and horse-faced people running around among them, trying hard to maintain basic order.

But this kind of effort became more and more difficult as the center of the city experienced more violent fluctuations each time.

At this point, Mo Chengjun did not act in a hurry. Instead, he slowed down while trying to cover up his figure.

To be honest, so far, he still has a lot of unanswered questions in his mind, so he will inevitably hesitate to take action.

For example, he still hasn't figured out why King Bian Cheng betrayed Netherworld?

That was one of the Ten Palaces of Hell, a peerless ghost-immortal level warrior. He had people, territory, and authority, and he was in charge of the City of Fusi.

Now that we've reached this point, what else can he want?

Or in other words, what kind of promise did Lord Broken Moon give him to make him give up everything in front of him?
Also, looking at everything the Broken Moon Demon Lord did after entering the Netherworld, it seemed quite clear that he was just for killing.

From the restlessness of the resentful ghosts, to the internal fighting among the major Yamas, to the back stabbing of Ksitigarbha, and the release of rivers of blood into the abyss...

All of this is just for pure killing.

This kind of behavior seems a bit ridiculous, but from the perspective of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, there is an explanation.

Life and death are the strongest negative emotions, and a large number of deaths will cause countless negative emotions, which will quickly accumulate in the spiritual particles.

But what are the consequences of doing so?

Or, in other words, what purpose does Lord Broken Moon want to achieve?

To be honest, if these questions are not clarified, Mo Chengjun will always feel a sense of horror with a knife hanging above his head.

However, after just a moment's hesitation, Mo Chengjun started moving again, and his movements became faster and faster.

At this point, it is unwise to guess the Moon-Shattering Demon Lord's thoughts. He has already forced the other party from the darkness into the light.

King Bian Cheng's backstab was not their original plan. It had caught the opponent off guard.

Nowadays, as long as Taishan Mansion Lord is awakened in time, no matter how many calculations the other party makes, they will all come to nothing.


It should be said that Mo Chengjun's hesitation was not long, but in this short period of time, the blood river had completely flowed out of the ground, and even shot straight into the sky, forming a water column tens of meters high.

But this water column is not blood-colored, because dense ghosts of resentment cover the surface, as far as the eye can see, like a black tide.

The moment the black tide took shape, the entire formation of the City of Death was touched.

Countless runes lit up in several nearby blocks, and a dark sky rose, closed, and came down again, tightly suppressing the resentful ghosts that rushed out.

There were even more howling winds, turning into sharp blades all over the sky, cutting through all the resentful ghosts inside.

It should be said that this method is absolutely impressive.

Those resentful ghosts who rushed out first, no matter what level they were, were cut into pieces by the sharp blade of the wind knife.

But the problem is, there are too many resentful ghosts.

Millions of resentful ghosts burst into the dark sky and surged outward.

They crawled through the streets, tearing apart all the ghosts they encountered and drowning everything they encountered.

Everything he passed was in ruins!

If we keep going like this, it won't be long before this city of futile death will be gone.

But the second dark sky suddenly rose up, closed, and pressed down again.

The only difference was that this time it was a will-o'-the-wisp.

The light blue will-o'-the-wisp has unparalleled icy power. Even ghost bodies can be frozen. It spreads wantonly in the sky, forming layers of ice and leaving behind ice sculptures.

Of course, these ice sculptures didn't last long, and another grudge pounced on them, smashing them directly, then freezing them, smashing them again, freezing them, smashing them...

This process continued. After the second dark sky was burst again, another large block was captured, and countless ghost citizens died who were in vain.

Until the third dark sky rose again.

What fell this time was a steady drizzle, which fell on the soul body and directly corroded large holes.

Behind, the fourth sky curtain lights up, the fifth sky curtain is ready to be activated, and the sixth sky curtain begins to connect with the earth...

Obviously, Ksitigarbha had a clear understanding of the blood-river resentful ghosts he suppressed, and the city planning and protection formation he built was to suppress and kill these monsters.

If he was still alive, it is estimated that this formation could play a greater role. It is impossible to say that these blood river resentful ghosts could be suppressed again.

It's a pity that now, the only effect it can have is to buy some time.

Simply put, with all this time, a lot of things can be done.

For example, outside the city, the ghost army of the eight kings of hell can be more prepared.

Another example is that in the city, those middle and high-level people who were originally hesitant finally made a decision.

Although the two people who issued the order were gone, the system of ghost officials at all levels in Wusi City was still very complete.

The civil and military judges and the commanders of the ghost armies gathered together for urgent discussions and finally came up with a specific plan.

They sent Judge Wen out of the city to negotiate with all the kings of hell, and finally decided on several retreat routes.

On the other side, Judge Wu activated the formation system of the entire City of Fusi, some of which were not fully activated, and the more they could block, the more they could.

Most of the ghost officials began to mobilize and arrange for all the ghost people in the city to escape.

For a moment, the entire gates and small doors of the entire City of Wasted Death opened, and countless ghostly ghosts turned into streaks of will-o'-the-wisps and ghostly winds, and fled as fast as possible.

Although there are still many ghost people who have no time to leave, at this time, only one can escape.

The kings of hell are not stupid either. While opening the door for convenience, they also intercepted the original ghost army warriors in the city to make up for it.

I really don’t know how long this battle will last and how intense it will be. It would be good to have more troops.

In this regard, King Chu Jiang's subordinates were somewhat disadvantaged.

There was no other way. Who told the two people who could take care of things to go to the sky to fight with the Moon-breaking Demon Lord?

Simply put, Madman Ning likes to delegate power. The ghost officials below all have real power, and their arrangements are very orderly.

The most important thing is that from time to time, Madman Ning will also transmit sounds and remotely control the situation without any delay.

And the reason why he is still able to cope with the fighting?
It's not that Lord Shattering Moon couldn't lift the sword, but that he was also waiting for something and didn't use all his strength, let alone risk his life.

As for Madman Ning and Old Master, it's actually pretty much the same, they were all discussed before.

Their main task is to delay until the situation of the battle changes and until Mo Chengjun has results.

Therefore, although the fight may seem lively, both sides are actually paddling.Well, to be precise, the old master is actually trying his best, but more importantly, he is using the Moon-Shattering Demon Lord to hone his sword skills.


Death in the city.

Along the way, Mo Chengjun couldn't help but marvel as he looked at the rising sky.

The formation design in this city of futile death is really exquisite. It can be used both externally and internally; it can be defensive and offensive at the same time.

Moreover, it seems to be connected to the entire Netherworld's earth veins, with extremely high strength.

Those resentful ghosts that can be sealed in the Blood River are not ordinary. They are all ancient and powerful, but they have little resistance under the attack of the sky.

At this level, the Eight Great Immortal Sects' mountain-protecting formations are all younger brothers in front of it.

Simply speaking, these did not have much impact on Mo Chengjun's progress.

It's not that it's not strong enough, it's that the formation in Wusi City is 'one-way'. When it's internal, it's not open to the outside.

In other words, within the area covered by the canopy, only entry is allowed and no exit is allowed.

And Mo Chengjun was going inside, so naturally there would be no impact.

He crossed more than half of the City of Wasted Death and passed through many layers of sky. Finally, he saw the seemingly endless tide of resentful ghosts at close range.

To be honest, at this scale, even if you give him enough time to bring out the Thunder Tribulation Technique, he probably won't be able to stop it.

He really couldn't figure out how many resentful ghosts were suppressed under the blood river and abyss?

And why must it be suppressed?
Wouldn't it be better to just kill it?

However, now is not the time to get entangled. At this point, he finally took out a very unique token.

This token was purely carved from ghost wood, and he didn't recognize what was written in ghost writing on it, but it was something he brought from the Yang world.

If there is something in this world that can enter the Netherworld, then this thing must have come out of the Netherworld.

And this token is just like that, it is a special token.

Before he came, Zhulong specially sent it, along with a set of methods to wake up Taishan Mansion Lord.

Mo Chengjun placed his spiritual consciousness on this ghost wood token, and determined the route with just a little induction.

Okay, he had to admit, this route was strange, as if it was a long detour and not directly directed to the target.

But Mo Chengjun still did not change direction, but continued along the route.

When we got here, there were already overwhelming ghosts. Even if Mo Chengjun tried to avoid them, he would have to take action.

Simply, he changed his aura and appearance, and worked hard to suppress the fluctuations of his magical power, killing as much as possible with one strike without stopping for a moment.

Just like this, he fought all the way, stopping and walking, and after almost circling the core of the city of futile death, he finally came to a huge palace.

This place is actually not far from the place where the Blood River erupts, but the terrain is extremely high, and the 99 steps make the entire palace so high that even the water of the Blood River cannot reach it.

There is also a strange power to protect it. It seems inconspicuous, but all the approaching ghosts leave almost instinctively.

This is also a unique and relatively intact place covered by a canopy.

This is the Palace of Ten Kings of Hell!

According to the design of the former Lord of Taishan Palace, all the ten palaces of Yama should have their offices here, dealing with all kinds of affairs in the Netherworld.

There is no doubt that this is the center of power in the entire Fusi City, just like the Golden Palace in the human race's divine capital.

Of course, that was the normal way to enter. What Mo Chengjun saw now was another scene.

The palace is large and simple. When you enter, there are ten huge sculptures.

They were lined up in a semi-arc shape, each three feet tall, leaning over and staring at the door.

Looking at the appearance again, all the ten kings of hell are here.

And behind the sculpture, in an infinitely distant place, on the wall so white that it glows, there seems to be a painting.

In the painting, there is a stalwart figure wearing a green shirt, looking sideways at the distant night sky, looking slightly lonely.

Behind the stalwart figure, you can also see a haggard old monk sitting cross-legged, with his hands clasped together and bowing in worship.

This figure was also familiar to Mo Chengjun. It looked exactly like Ksitigarbha.

Further away, there are hundreds of millions of ghosts and ghosts surrounding them, densely packed and endless.

The only one who can make the ten kings of hell guard the gates, make Ksitigarbha worship him, and make hundreds of millions of ghosts surrender is the Lord of Taishan Prefecture.

I don't know when, but Mo Chengjun was standing in front of the mural holding the ghost wood token, looking up at this figure whose figure was difficult to see clearly, his eyes burning.

In the mural, the mysterious figure seemed to feel his gaze, turned his head slightly, and looked over.

Those eyes were hazy and illusive, yet majestic and unpredictable, as deep as the sea.

Only the ghost wood token showed a bit of light.

The two sides looked at each other for what seemed like a long time, but also seemed like it was just a moment. Finally, Mo Chengjun took a long breath and bumped into each other.

It's close, it's close, it seems like it's about to hit the wall,
But he seemed to have fallen into the water, and felt strangely upside down. When he opened his eyes again, he was already in another space.

Here, the darkness is filled with fog, and only a little bit of fluorescent light floats, and the distance that can be seen clearly is extremely limited.

But Mo Chengjun still felt the emptiness here.

Yes, it is the kind of vast emptiness and the loneliness that no one has been here for a long time, very much like an old house that has been vacant for many years.

There was a slight golden light in Mo Chengjun's eyes, which illuminated the surrounding area and the area he could see was larger.

And he still moved forward according to the instructions of the Ghost Wood Token. The speed was still not fast, but he walked step by step for a long time.

In the black mist, I didn't know how much time had passed. I just walked and saw two groups of fire burning in front of me.

It can't be said to be very blazing, but it is extremely stable and seems to have been burning for tens of millions of years.

Under the light of the fire, two quaint doors can be seen standing in front of you, as if they carry the vicissitudes and weight of the passing years, and have an eternal atmosphere that will last forever.

Mo Chengjun stepped forward, stretched out his hand to touch it, and could feel the unique coldness and hardness of the metal.

Finally, he touched a hole, which was not too big and was exactly the shape of the token.

So, he pressed the ghost wood token in his hand.

For just a moment, the atmosphere around him seemed to come to life, no longer the eternal dullness, but with a little more flow.

Then, Mo Chengjun waved his hand again, and light and shadow spread out in the sky, performing a very unique sacrificial ceremony.

You can see a white dragon rolling in the clouds, chanting strange tones, and an unknown number of shamans dancing wildly below.

Although these are presented as illusions, they are extremely real, comparable to virtual reality, and can be made to look real.

Especially the sound of the white dragon chanting was so loud, it was like a loudspeaker was blasting in my ears.

Yes, this is the awakening method given by Zhulong.

The sacrifices held in the human world in the Yang world are too far away. In the ears of Taishan Mansion Lord, they are like the flapping of mosquito wings, so they can be ignored.

But what if I put this sacrifice in front of you?
Okay, although it looks a little childish, but the principle is such that the main idea is that if I can't wake you up, I will wake you to death!

Sure enough, in such eternal darkness, there was suddenly such a noise source, which was indeed extremely harsh.

Mo Chengjun couldn't help but retreat again and again, wanting to hide far away to avoid harming Chi Yu.

But at this moment, there seemed to be a faint breeze blowing by, just like a warm breeze blowing from the sea, it was inconspicuous.

But behind Mo Chengjun, the thin King Bian Cheng had already appeared, and a bronze dagger was quietly thrust out, about to pierce his body.

However, no matter how hard I try, I can't get through the tried-and-true trick.

one hand!

A big hand grasped the edge of the sword, and the mana rippling on it was fighting fiercely with the green light of the dagger.

It seemed that they collided hundreds or thousands of times in just one breath, and the blue light slowly reached the peak and was still advancing little by little.

But Mo Chengjun didn't care at all. He just turned his head 180 degrees, looked at King Bian Cheng who was very close at hand, and said with a smile: "I thought I couldn't come back?"

 Well, it’s still early today…

(End of this chapter)

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