The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 558: Overcoming the Tribulation

Chapter 558: Overcoming the Tribulation

As for martial arts cultivation, Mo Chengjun improved even faster. He had already reached the peak of the late first-level, and was just a little bit closer to reaching perfection.

However, in order to suppress the progress, Mo Chengjun completely stopped intercepting the wood attribute spiritual intelligence.

Relying on the internal circulation, the massive amount of 'spirit, energy, and spirit' are constantly washed and baptized, and the power of the true power is polished bit by bit until it is pushed to perfection.

Of course this will take more time, but this is the time Mo Chengjun needs.

So, he found a comfortable position again and fell into the state of 'enlightenment' again.

But this time, he focused his thoughts on the art of "Mediating Creation".

Even now, with many magical powers, Mo Chengjun still believes that this Tiangang method has endless potential, but the specific step it can take depends purely on one's ability.

However, what is achieved in retreat and enlightenment is actually that glimmer of inspiration, and the advancement of the art of "Mediating Creation" requires true analysis and insight into the molecular structure of matter.

This cannot be gained by 'thinking' alone, it requires actual observation and practice.

Therefore, this time, Mo Chengjun just sorted out and summarized the secrets of magical powers, and then made a detailed experimental plan.

As long as I have free time, this will be another scientific research project.

Of course, it's just a plan, so it won't take long.

Mo Chengjun felt that just by changing his mind, all aspects of the plan had been completed. After he entered it into the new 'Jade Slips' again, he changed the direction of his thinking.

Only this time, Mo Chengjun no longer dwells on specific magical powers or sword secrets, but instead looks at the entire immortal system from a higher dimension.

In fact, after the "Spirit Son Theory" was completely formed, Mo Chengjun's instinctive divergent thinking had already "explored" a wider world.

Coupled with the various 'difficult and complicated diseases' left over from the previous research, it has naturally expanded into several huge topics.

The reason why he was unwilling to invest energy at that time was because he wanted to develop in a controlled manner.

Now that everything that needs to be understood has been understood, it is time to take on all the most difficult subjects.

Among these most difficult subjects, which one bears the brunt?

Mo Chengjun believes that self-cultivation is a method of cultivation superior to that of immortals.

In fact, regardless of whether it is the immortal and martial arts of the Blue Star human race or the return of the bloodline of monsters, in fact, entering the level of 'immortal' is basically the end.

Even if there is another realm above, the 'peerless' level, such as the peerless demon immortal and the peerless martial saint, these more represent their powerful killing power beyond the realm of ordinary immortals.

But you have to ask, how did they grow from the realm of ordinary immortals to the level of peerless immortals?
All I can say is that everyone has his or her own opinion and his or her own journey.

As for existences as powerful as Ancestral Dragon, Yuan Feng and Ancestral Qilin, well, they could reach that point without the promotion and assistance of the laboratory of that era, as well as the extreme madness under the Shanhai Project.

Nowadays, without those scientists, there is no complete genetic science system. Do you think other than them, who else has grown to their level?

Zhulong, Yinglong, Peacock Daming King, they are the strongest among the Butian Sect under the first generation of mountain and sea monsters.

This point is actually similar to that of the Real Demon Clan in the Realm of Desire.

For example, the Broken Moon Demon Lord, although his performance has been very exaggerated, and although he failed to grow to the extreme every time,

But the killing power displayed and the methods used did not exceed Mo Chengjun's expectations.

Well, if it really exceeded expectations, he wouldn't have fallen twice in Mo Chengjun's hands!

In other words, after the magic power is converted into immortal power in the fairyland, the specific path of cultivation is no longer clear.

Of course, this does not mean that there are no cultivation methods beyond immortals. There are no less than ten such methods in Taixu Tian's library.

However, there is no systematic cultivation method, a systematic and complete system, and realm divisions recognized by everyone!

To be honest, Mo Chengjun didn't have many surprises about this, except for scratching his head at the beginning.

The reason is also simple. The development time of the Immortal Dao system is here. Even the original six realms of Immortal Path are not perfect, let alone the higher realms?
What Mo Chengjun wanted to explore this time was actually the direction of cultivation above the immortal path.

Yes, let’s not talk about the specific immortal method, that is too far away, but at least after the fairyland, there must be a general direction of progress, right?

Above the human immortals, there should be true immortals, mysterious immortals, heavenly immortals, Taiyi, Daluo, saints...

Look, the names are all ready-made, but how to proceed?

There has to be a clear path!

Now, Mo Chengjun wants to point to the state of 'enlightenment' and explore the future.

However, after he really entered the state, the numerous inspirations made him couldn't help but frown.

It’s not that there’s too little inspiration, it’s that there are too many ideas.

The so-called inspiration always comes from people themselves, and depends on your knowledge, cognition, information obtained from the outside world, and imagination.

In fact, Mo Chengjun has never lacked these, especially before falling asleep, the countless novels and comics have become the source of his inspiration.

So, at this moment, there were more ideas in his mind.

As small as the accumulation of immortal power, the improvement of the quality of the immortal power, the qualitative change of the immortal power structure, etc., it is quite reliable.

Further up, there are other things like the growth of the human body's life magnetic field, the method of killing three corpses, spiritual interference in the material universe, the reorganization of cell structure, rebirth with blood...

Although it was a bit unbelievable, Mo Chengjun could at least touch the edges.

But going one step further, the human body is like the universe and the cells are like planets. The human body is directly treated as the universe for training.

What is the quantum universe opened up in the orifice, consciousness dominates the world, and the three thousand worlds in the human body are carried with it.

What builds the great world of void, places consciousness in nothingness, controls the rules, and incarnates the Supreme Dao of Heaven.

These are really too far away. It cannot be said that perfection is impossible, but it is a bit unattainable.

Then, Mo Chengjun discovered that there were actually quite a lot of roads.

But he himself is not even an immortal. If he wants to explore further, he is really overestimating his capabilities.

It's like a pavilion built in the air. It looks good, but it has no foundation and no support. It cannot withstand scrutiny at all.

Well, this also made Mo Chengjun realize something - the realm above the immortal must at least wait until he becomes an immortal before he can explore it before he can be down to earth.

Of course, this subject cannot be said to be fruitless.

At least, all the inspirations have been recorded by him. In the future, when you really become an immortal, you can try one by one.

In addition, he also came up with a new idea, or in other words, a point that he had not explored in depth before - the six paths of reincarnation!
In the previous Immortal Dao system, although the Netherworld gathered a lot of ghosts, they were actually all reserved for the war against the outer world, and they were all a group of Yin soldiers!
Naturally, there is no concept of reincarnation.

But now, with reincarnation, regardless of whether it is a human or a demon, the boundaries are actually blurred.

Because living beings can really be reincarnated. It is normal for them to be humans in their previous life and demons in their next life.

In this way, the hatred between humans and monsters seems a bit ridiculous.

Furthermore, with reincarnation, death is no longer the end, but can be another beginning.

Mo Chengjun once had the idea to allow the 360 ​​five righteous gods in heaven to be reborn through calamity and truly be humans or monsters for once.

Don't think this is nothing. Walking through the world of mortals and having a physical body can make up for their innate flaws.

But what if it is expanded a little further?

In fact, speaking from a true perspective, it seems that it is not impossible to enter the reincarnation, rebuild through tribulations, make up for the foundation, and then lead to the path of spiritual practice!
Rebuilding for a hundred generations and coming back from all calamities, this concept that only existed in novels before seems to have a basis for realization now.

As for why it has to be so?

If we don’t mention anything else, let’s just talk about Xue Pan.

Xue Ling's father, Mo Chengjun's recognized brother, the chief steward of Wanjie Trading Company, and the logistics manager of Tianting.In terms of importance, there is no doubt in Mo Chengjun's small group.

Moreover, Mo Chengjun has never been stingy. He was the second one besides Mo Chengjun to start practicing the secret of marrow cleansing and blood exchange.

His main skills are "Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques", all of which are the latest version. As for the flat peach fairy fruit, he can only eat one or two of them, and he can put them in a frame.

But now, he is still only at the second level of martial arts.

The second level of martial arts seems to be equivalent to the immortal Yinshen, but in fact it is not the case at all.

The immortal way has the effect of prolonging life, while the martial arts relies more on Qi and blood. Considering his age, the second-level martial arts is not bad, but just eating the treasures of heaven and earth is enough to raise several martial saints.

In Mo Chengjun's opinion, Xue Pan will probably have nothing to do with the Martial Saint in this life.

What's even more fucked up is that martial arts is not the way of immortality. He cannot become a martial saint. He cannot even use the method of planting immortal roots to cultivate spirits. In other words, he cannot follow the path of ancient methods to become an immortal. After all, his lifespan is limited.

But Mo Chengjun could watch him die of old age?

Well, there was nothing we could do before, but now that we have reincarnation, it’s different.

And people like him, those who have lost their foundations in fighting and died in wars, can all go through reincarnation and enter cultivation again.

To this end, Mo Chengjun also used inspiration to create a new method.

This method has the ability to gather consciousness and memory, keep the soul as intact as possible, avoid the trials and tribulations of the six paths of reincarnation, and most likely not be afraid of the mysteries in the fetus. It can also converge the innate energy when the fetus is just born.

In this way, a solid foundation and assistance can be laid for reincarnation practice.

As for the name of the method, Mo Chengjun had trouble naming again, so he directly decided on "The Secret of Reincarnation"!
However, although this method has many benefits, it is all theoretical. It still requires practice and follow-up observation to see if there are any shortcomings.

This is another topic.

Well, another jade slip fell from Mo Chengjun's hand, and there were already many piled on the ground.

And when Mo Chengjun regained his consciousness and moved on to the next topic, he had already reached the Sixth Realm of Immortal Path.

This is a topic that Mo Chengjun has realized a long time ago and is planning to study. Now, he finally has the opportunity.

Although martial arts is in decline, it has actually developed very well over its nearly 3000 years of history.

In the ninth realm of martial arts, coupled with the method of 'marrow cleansing and blood exchange', even Mo Chengjun could not 'point fingers' in it, and there were almost no changes.

But in comparison, the development of the Immortal Path started from the Xia Dynasty of Daxuan Dynasty. After the spiritual power of heaven and earth further increased, it expanded from magic to the six realms of the Immortal Path into a systematic system.

To be honest, its development is not slow, but it cannot be said to be perfect.

Especially now, the Qi-Eating Technique has been completely replaced by the Qi-training Technique. After adding the content of "Spiritual Machinery Denying Essence, Qi and Shen", almost all immortal cultivators have greatly improved in terms of body, spirit, longevity, and carrying capacity. improvement.

And this kind of improvement can actually contribute to the complexity of the mana structure.

Therefore, the last big topic that Mo Chengjun prepared was the expansion of the Sixth Realm of Immortal Path to the Ninth Realm.

And this kind of expansion requires not just understanding, but also trying and practicing.

So, I don't know when, Mo Chengjun had already sat up cross-legged, with his back straight and his five hearts in the sky.

But the movement of swallowing up ideas did not stop at all. Instead, it became more and more intense, causing the tide to become more and more turbulent.

As for his Dantian, between his chest and abdomen, surrounded by his hands, it seemed as if something invisible was constantly evolving there.

If someone possesses the power of "seeing heaven and earth" and a microscope, he can see that there are spiritual particles that are combined into various shapes.

From the initial triangle, to the later hexagonal prism, and then to more complex combinations, the layers are constantly changing.

Mo Chengjun lowered his head slightly and seemed to be looking at the palm of his hand with great concentration, but in fact, his eyes were closed.

The evolution of this kind of mana structure is really a big issue. It is extremely complicated and also extremely difficult.

The most important thing is, you still don’t know whether the new mana created by this structure is suitable for use?
How powerful is it?

Which meridians and acupoints should be used to move and promote?

What strange characteristics can it exhibit?
And most importantly, can the human body withstand the operation of such magic power?

If we simply complicate the structure of mana, it is actually not difficult. All we need to do is make it more complex. But if you want to be useful, practical, usable, usable...

That would be a really big project!
This is also the reason why Mo Chengjun put this topic at the end. With everything else completed, he can use the most concentration and time to carve it out bit by bit.

This is really a craft, it requires a little bit of grinding and trying!
Time continued to pass in this process. In a state of concentration, Mo Chengjun seemed to have forgotten himself, the outside world, the development of Heaven, the war on the Lunar Star, and the disaster in the future.

He just focused on himself and was happy every time he made some progress.

Or, when you eliminate an option, you gain something.

And this state lasted for who knows how long, until the aura all over his body seemed to have reached a certain limit.

After a period of swelling, restlessness, ups and downs, and then calming down, the tide of inspiration he exhaled expanded again and also tended to calm down.

And his cultivation of the Immortal Way once again passed a small level, reaching the perfection of Yang Shen.

This is the ultimate pursuit of countless immortal cultivators, and it is also the limit that non-immortal cultivators can reach, a state of near perfection.

Ordinary immortal cultivators have reached this point where they have no further progress, but Mo Chengjun felt a vacancy and omission.

It's like a bucket of water that seems full, but actually you can add more to it.

At this moment, Mo Chengjun did not hesitate to change the route of mana operation. Based on the original operation, a more complex and cumbersome system was once again incorporated into practice by him.

This time, he was very careful. If he felt any discomfort, he would stop and calm down before trying anything else.

We should also praise Madman Ning for his help. He imparted all his knowledge and various insights about the 'meridians and acupoints' over the years, which led to today's success.

Therefore, I don't know when, Mo Chengjun's aura actually climbed upward again, and the purity and complexity of his magic power actually reached a higher level even though there was no further progress.

As a result, the Six Realms on the Immortal Path quietly became the Seven Realms on the Immortal Path.

But this is not over yet. Mo Chengjun is still trying and changing, trying to deduce eight realms and nine realms on top of the seven realms...

By this time, Mo Chengjun had already embarked on a road that the Blue Star human race had never dared to set foot on, and he was running wildly in this direction.

I don't know how long it took, but just when Mo Chengjun thought that he would continue like this, he suddenly felt a throbbing feeling.

Yes, there was a throbbing in my heart, as if something related to him had happened.

Still with his eyes closed, Mo Chengjun couldn't help but stretched out his hand and started counting.

He has never seriously learned the art of divination, but his knowledge of cause and effect is more effective than all divination predictions.

It was also because of his attainments in cause and effect that he noticed that there seemed to be something he couldn't ignore.

But after a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and his dark eyes suddenly turned into golden pupils, reflecting the changing scene.

Yes, yes, it seems that the Broken Moon Demon Lord is about to experience death again.

And he had fulfilled Zu Long's promise to wipe him out, so the time had come.

The tide of spiritual intelligence gradually calmed down, and Mo Chengjun finally woke up from his cultivation state. However, just as he was about to step away, he paused again.

"It seems that the mana has been completed and the time has come."

"So, it doesn't seem to be a big deal if you go a little later."

"If that's the case, then let me survive the tribulation first and become an immortal!"

 Okay, it’s finally done. In fact, I originally wanted to write more, but as I kept writing, I didn’t have enough time to refine it. I finally finished it in a hurry, but the computer got stuck again, and I lost the changes. It makes me so depressed!

(End of this chapter)

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