Chapter 572
blue star,

Outside Zhongshan Paradise, there is a battlefield.

Mo Chengjun had to admit that he was distracted and careless.

The news from King Peacock Ming was too shocking, and he, who had communicated with Zulong for a long time, knew better than anyone else what a terrifying and cruel future this represented.

Worry about the future disturbed his mood, so that he did not pay attention to changes in the outside world in time.

A strange magical sound fell from the long river of time, like the most deadly whisper of temptation, resounding in the hearts of all living creatures in this world.

This is the awakening of the demons from outside the realm,

It is also the signal for the Demon Lords of the Desire Realm to launch their general attack.

In fact, speaking of it, what Ying Long did before had almost the same effect as this weird magic sound.

But after all, Yinglong was not qualified enough, and he only awakened a limited range of extraterrestrial demons to use as a trump card for a Jedi counterattack.

But this weird magic sound covered the entire Blue Star!
So, from the western sea of ​​the continent to the islands in the far east, from the snowfields in the far north to the tropical desert islands in the south.

That is a huge area of ​​more than 1.5 million square kilometers, with cities, villages, settlements, communities...

Even the caves, blessed lands, and even small worlds opened up by those with great supernatural powers were shrouded in strange and magical sounds.

Therefore, regardless of whether it was the land of the human race or the domain of the demon kingdom, all creatures who were possessed by the demons from outside the territory and were seduced into corruption fell into madness and confusion at this moment.

Chaos, killing, bloodlust, death...

All kinds of scenes that are most terrifying to sober intelligent beings are happening in every corner of the continent at this moment.

Of course, this was nothing, because Mo Chengjun had already anticipated the arrival of this day and had made arrangements.

Taixu Tian, ​​Jieyin Hall and the Hall of Gods posted announcements almost immediately, which not only explained the origin of the extraterrestrial demon, but also elaborated on its characteristics.

Don't think this is nothing, in fact, the unknown is the biggest fear.

And when you understand the truth of the matter and know what kind of enemy you need to face, no matter how powerful and strange the enemy is,
At least, most of the fear in your heart has gone away.

It was also because of the announcement from the Heavenly Court that no matter whether it was the human race or the demon race, they all learned the specific situation immediately.

Of course, this cannot stop the riots from continuing and spreading, but after the peak of the first wave, those who should have reacted have already reacted.

Especially those people and demons who have survived the temptation of demons from outside the territory will naturally act quickly.
They will gather people and build heavy defenses to resist the killings of those possessed.

First containment, then cascading, then cleanup...

Little by little you can get the situation back on track.

This situation is best represented by the human nation.

It's not that the human race is immune to the temptations of extraterrestrial demons, but the indigenous gods throughout the fourteen states of the human race play a decisive role.

The extraterrestrial demons are the best at seducing people's hearts, stirring up desires, and causing them to fall into depravity. In fact, the original target of their design was the evil soldiers and ghosts.

Therefore, to be honest, ghost cultivators have the weakest resistance to them, but everything always has two sides.

Those Yin soldiers who have received the power of incense and wish don't care much about this extraterrestrial demon, let alone the official ghosts and gods.

As for the reason?

Well, think about it, no matter how powerful one person's "nagging" is, it can't compare to the daily prayers of thousands of believers.

That's not a matter of magnitude.

As soon as they took action, even before the government could react, those City Gods felt the fallen demoniacs within the scope of their own oracles.

Then, before these possessed people could kill many people, waves of yin soldiers began to clean up, and by the way, some people came to show their presence and increase their presence.

It can be seen that for a long time, the skyrocketing power of incense will make these city gods unable to stop smiling happily.

In other words, Mo Chengjun's carefully designed Shinto system did play a decisive role in internal protection.

However, compared to the orderly response of the mortal cities, the major immortal sects were the real hardest hit areas.

To say that these immortal sects do not have the existence of guardian gods, but they are only used as tools.

It is impossible to say how much attention is paid to it and how much authority is released.

Moreover, the practice of immortality and the land of wealthy couples are not achieved through "fighting".

Killing people to seize treasures, digging graves, and conspiracy to frame people are actually very common.

Their bottom line was already low, and with the temptation of the demon from outside the territory, many people fell directly into corruption.

The ones in a better situation are the immortal sects that were reorganized from the original martial arts sects. Although they have embarked on the path of merging the immortal and martial arts and begun to cultivate immortal cultivators,
But the time was too short, and those in power were basically powerful warriors.

Most of these warriors have honed their skills with fists and swords, and are mentally tough and immune to temptation.

Even if there is a commotion under the sect and many possessed people appear, they can still be killed immediately!

Although there was a loss, it was not huge.

On the contrary, those pure immortal sects suffered.

But not all immortal sects specialize in swordsmanship like the Galaxy Sword Sect. Most sects actually don't care about their state of mind or their beliefs, and their bottom line is horribly low.

Seriously, more than half of the Buddhist cultivators under my sect have become possessed by demons. Yes, I’m talking about the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, which is known as the ‘Pure Six Roots’.
A demonic disaster caused the faces of these great monks to become swollen, and even their orthodoxy was almost overthrown.

But they are not the only ones, such as Taiyi Dan Sect, Qi Sect, and Xiandu Sect, even if their performance is better, it is not much better.

The best one is the Qingyu Sect.

This Qingyu Sect inherited the inheritance of the Ascension Sect. To the outside world, it is best at talisman. In fact, it has good research on the soul.

Almost all of his disciples have powerful souls, and they are not afraid of those low-level extraterrestrial demons.

Of course, what is really worth talking about is Taishang Daozong.

This is the strongest immortal sect in the human race. It has almost the most powerful immortals, the most disciples, and the strongest strength in the human race.
It can even be said that he single-handedly suppressed the western border of the human race and also expanded his territory.

Moreover, the Taishang Dao Sect majors in the way of ‘Tai Shang Forgetting Love’. Almost all the top leaders of the sect have made great achievements in their mental state, and are not afraid of the harassment of demons from outside the territory.

However, being forgetful of love is not unfeeling, and the human heart is not the heart of nature. How can there be a person who can truly forget love and be unfeeling?
As a result, a full ten powerful immortals were directly shattered and fell into the devil's path, becoming ten demon immortals.

And these ten demon immortals all launched an attack, almost knocking down the mountain gate of Taishang Daozong.

Even if it is interrupted and suppressed in the later stage, it will be the result of expulsion, and there is no need to think about sacking.

For this one thing, Taishang Daozong's strength was greatly damaged.

However, from the perspective of Blue Star as a whole, the human race is definitely good.

The monster clan is the one who suffered the real heavy losses.

Especially those powerful demon country families who have no Shinto protection and no moral concepts. They advocate the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest. Those who try to cultivate the family's descendants by 'raising gu' are the most miserable.

Even the small world of Heaven cannot avoid it.

Even in Tiangongyuan, two demoniacs were discovered among the ascendants.

They had made enough contributions to promote their ascension, but before they could contract the Peach Immortal Plant and accept the baptism of thunder punishment, they were actually possessed by the demon from outside the territory.

However, in places like Tiangong, they naturally couldn't make any waves, and were suppressed in a few moments.

But it is still unclear whether any important news has been conveyed during this period! This is true in the Heavenly Palace, let alone other places?
Except for Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniu Hezhou and Nanzhan Buzhou are not good. The only good thing is that the small world is a small world after all, and it still has concealment.

Within a unit area, the number of extraterrestrial demons is actually not that many.

Moreover, Heavenly Court had already prepared a plan and responded quickly enough to handle the matter in the shortest possible time.

But even so, the lethality of the extraterrestrial demon still frightened Mo Chengjun.

As a real demon in the world of desire, he has been preparing his trump card for countless years, and it is indeed powerful enough.

But just when Mo Chengjun withdrew his consciousness from Taixu Tian, ​​he realized that the entire battlefield had changed.
The real test has just begun!

Zhongshan Paradise was filled with corpses, which had piled up into mountains of corpses at some point.

The demonic flames were ignited and spread to countless corpses, as if drawing out their remaining souls and the unwilling demonic energy,
As a result, the demonic flames soared into the sky, even breaking through the blockade of divine power, and condensed into a huge vortex in the void.

The change came too suddenly, but Heavenly Court's side naturally did not react at all. The first one to move was the sword formation of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

The twelve sword formations merged into one, turned into a galaxy of sword energy, and fell from the nine heavens, converging into a sword reaching the sky and the earth, intending to destroy the mountain of corpses.

But at this moment, at least more than ten thousand demons rose into the sky and exploded to attack the suppressed sword.

In the 'rumbling, rumbling' moment, the explosion that shook the world seemed to have wiped away all the remaining sounds, leaving the world in silence.

Finally, the sword collapsed, and countless sword energy collapsed, like broken wind, scurrying everywhere, leaving many sword marks, but that was all.

But it's still not over.

The God of Fire in Heaven, headed by Luo Xuan, Lord of Fire Star, led 24 fire gods under his command to form an formation, attracting meteors and fire rain, and wanted to smash the formation directly.

Dozens of meteorites were seen breaking through the air, trailing flames behind them. When they hit, the whole space was shaking.

This move is extremely terrifying. Not to mention the power of the flames, the impact alone is extremely terrifying.

Obviously, the eight righteous gods in heaven do not want to let the Leibu family dominate, so this Huode Xingjun caused a big incident.

However, seeing the meteorite falling, the group of surrounded monsters also went crazy.

Just after hearing a dragon roar, nine demon immortals actually rushed up to the sky. They all unfolded their demon bodies. Each one was hundreds of feet tall, with multiple hands and legs, and weapons in hand.
They actually gathered their demonic energy and hit the sky, using their demonic bodies to block the meteorite.

Below, tens of thousands of monsters are connected with demonic energy, spiraling into a demonic cloud to resist the remaining damage.

This time, with the death of the nine demon immortals, the crisis of the meteorite was finally over!
But what was waiting for them was the God of Thunder in Heaven, who finally took action.

The Nine Heavens responded to the sound of thunder and universalized the Heavenly Lord Wen Zhong. He gathered the 24 righteous gods of the Thunder Department and summoned dark clouds all over the sky in the shortest time. Silver snakes danced wildly and thunder exploded.

Under the power of God, the world is so bright that it even reaches the point of soaring demonic fire, swaying.

But this time, Ying Long finally ran out of tricks. Those incompetent possessed demons under his command simply could not withstand such a powerful thunder and punishment.

It can even be said that no matter how many people come, they will die, but it is of no use.

So, he rushed up to the sky himself.

Under the thunder catastrophe, thousands of thunder struck down one after another, and Yinglong transformed into his true form, gathering blood to form a river and turning into blood mist.
The dark dragon body swam in the blood mist, gathering thousands of water droplets, resisting the thunder punishment.

In "Eight-Nine Thunder Tribulation", the power has always increased geometrically, and the power has become more and more powerful.

The only thing that could be heard in the world was the howl of the real dragon. The dragon's body was even more broken, and its flesh and blood were charred black.

But Yinglong carried it with all his strength and refused to retreat.

And his persistence also bore fruit. The sky and the center of the huge vortex transformed by the magic flames were completely shattered.

With a crisp sound of 'ping', the space collapsed, revealing a dark vortex, and an extremely huge magic whale wandered out of it,

At this moment, even Mo Chengjun's eyes widened, and he was holding back a national curse in his mouth, unwilling to spit it out.

In the end, he couldn't hold it back and cursed directly regardless of the image of patrolling the immortal official: "Zhoucao, is this a cross-star teleportation technology?

These demon lords are so well hidden! "

"Butian Sect, Buyian Sect, you guys didn't lose unfairly, you really deserved it!"

If we talk about the past, Mo Chengjun was mostly regretful about the collapse and defeat of Butian Sect.

He felt that neither Zulong nor Zhulong were stupid people, and the Butian Sect had such a huge power, how could it be that they were destined to collapse?
But looking at it now, you are not unjust for being crushed, you deserve to be crushed!

Even before you look for reasons from your enemies, look at yourself first
Forget about one inner demon and the extraterrestrial demons. It can be said that the demon masters moved secretly and the Butian Sect did not notice.

But what is this ‘cross-star teleportation technology’?
Such a large-scale murder weapon that can change the pattern of war is actually unheard of and unseen.

It would be strange if you don’t lose!
At this moment, Mo Chengjun had the idea of ​​​​taking action personally and directly destroying the teleportation vortex, but when he was about to take action, he only paused.

At this moment, he squinted his eyes, and his golden pupils seemed to see the opposite side through the dark vortex.

There, he seemed to see a terrifying existence with a height of ten thousand feet and a green face and fangs.

He's actually an acquaintance? !
At this moment, Yinglong could no longer hold on, only a thin layer of blood mist remained, and he was struck down by the thunder again, falling to the ground wailing.

But when he looked at the demon whale swimming out, he actually showed a bit of obsession: "Coming, coming, my Lord is about to come to this world, and your heaven will eventually be destroyed, destroyed!"

Mo Chengjun stretched out his hand, and the thunder that was about to fall paused. He looked down at the half-dead Ying Long and said, "Open your eyes carefully and take a look, what is this?
Real demon, that is real demon, your eternal enemy of Butian Sect, can’t you see clearly? "

At this moment, I don’t know if the extraterrestrial demon was damaged by the thunder method, or if he was really awakened to some consciousness.

Ying Long looked up at the sky again, with a little more confusion and struggle in his eyes, and all he murmured to himself was: "What have I done? What have I done?
No, that's not the case, I..."

Of course, these are not important anymore,

Looking up again, Mo Chengjun said directly: "Puhua Tianzun, please imprison this dragon first. If you die, let him die for a while."

"Get the decree!"

Wen Zhong agreed, and then he struck out another thunderbolt, but instead of destroying the enemy's power, it turned into a cage to trap Yinglong.

As for the original possessed demons of Butian Sect, they had already been turned into ashes under the thunder, and they could no longer die.

After inspecting the surroundings again, Mo Chengjun ordered again: "Everyone deployed by Heaven will retreat a hundred miles with me."


With an order, thousands of troops followed closely, whether it was Cloud Head, Dun Guang, or Sword Sea, they all moved back to leave enough space.

Only a bright sword light rose up and fell behind Mo Chengjun, revealing the figure of the Four Seasons Sword Fairy Shen Jinxiu.

She asked: "Are you going to have a big fight?"

Mo Chengjun took a long breath and said, "I don't know if this is right?
But this is my home court in heaven, and I will continue to mobilize elites and immortals in the future, so this is the best time. "

With that said, she looked directly into Shen Jinxiu's eyes and said, "Let us weigh the real strength of the Real Demon of Desire, shall we?"

"It's really great!"

"Then fight!"

"War, war, war..."

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(End of this chapter)

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