Chapter 573 Array
Obviously, the demon lord of the world of desire was somewhat cautious. The demon whale that came out first swung its huge body and swam around before letting out a loud neighing sound.

Then, various types of real demons began to fall from his body like dumplings.

Some are obviously plant-based. After their roots penetrate into the earth, they grow rapidly.
The land was dyed pitch black, the tree trunks were stretched straight, the branches and leaves were bifurcated, entangled and circling, forming numerous formations, bringing a dark magic cloud to the air.

They are considered the first level of defense.

After the rapid arrangement was completed, the dark crystals fell one by one and rubbed with the air in mid-air, forming transparent demonic souls.

This demonic soul came into contact with the earth and polluted the rocks, causing giants over ten feet tall to be born, with six arms waving wildly and roaring towards the sky.

This demon soul was compatible with flesh and blood, polluting the water source, and rushed out of the water giants one after another, waving their tentacle-like arms, constantly pulling the corpses on the ground, and filling their bodies.

This demon soul gets along with the strong wind, polluting the strong wind and turning into a series of storm giants. Wherever it passes, it screams and screams, shaking the eardrums.

This demon soul came into contact with the flame again and turned into a flame giant, with dark eyes, sky-high horns, scorching sword, and heavy steps.

Just by looking at each other, you can feel the evil and violence.

These demon souls are considered to be the largest, because they do not take up much space, and because they are easy to drive, they fall down like dark fire clouds in huge numbers.

Following behind were the Demon Generals and the Great Demons, who were the main force in the fight. Some of them jumped down directly, roaring and smashing into the ground, raising smoke and dust of killing.

Some spread their wings, bringing the diffuse demonic energy to roam the world, bringing with them the pressure of real demons.

Of course, the one who appears in the finale is the real Demon Fairy.

Each one of them is either deformed, in an animal state, or showing various weird postures.

They no longer need to show off their power to show off their power. Just seeing them can make people fearful.

Only in the end, the demon fairy standing up from the demon whale's head turned out to be a humanoid silhouette.

Except for his green skin, he is really no different from ordinary humans. Especially when he stands on the head of the demon whale, there is still a strong bookish atmosphere.
His gray-black eyes were staring at the feedback from Heaven, as if he was making a judgment and measuring it.

Obviously, this magic flame vortex cannot be regarded as an absolutely safe method, and it is also afraid of damage.

Even if it is not destroyed, if it blocks the door and kills one by one, it will be an unbearable loss.

That's why the first demon whale tested and the move to establish a position was made.

However, just after the formation was completed, the green-skinned humanoid demon let out a long roar,
As a result, huge demon whales swam out from the whirlpool of demon flames, roaring, and put down hundreds of thousands of real demons.

At this time, there were more types of real demons, and even clouds of demonic mist gathered together to obscure the sight.

A total of twenty demon whales, in just a moment's effort, had already passed through the vortex of demon flames, bringing with them a huge legion of true demons numbering at least one million levels.

And, at least three figures of powerful demon immortals.

But this is not over yet!
Because, in the huge whirlpool of magic flames, two extremely majestic arms stretched out. The gray-black skin, knotted muscles, and raised fascia all showed off the terrifying power.

But the magic flame vortex was too small. It was so small that his huge body could only squeeze in little by little, which seemed very laborious.

the other side.

Mo Chengjun naturally noticed the shortcomings of the magic flame vortex, which was similar to the original version of Nantianmen.

However, since he had made up his mind to fight, he ignored it and quickly made arrangements and began to mobilize his troops.

"Where is Li Jing, the King of Pagodas?"

"The end is here!"

"This battle will be planned and arranged by you, and you will be the marshal to coordinate the overall situation."

"Get the decree!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Jing, the king of the tower, had already led the crowd out. With a wave of his hand, the clouds rolled up and formed a towering altar.

On the altar, there are banners, tokens, drums, and horns.
And when Li Jing ascended the altar, a layer of divine light seemed to spread out, bringing all the soldiers and generals in Heaven within sight into the system.

Within this system, every order from King Tota can be conveyed immediately;

And every movement of the square formation can be fed back to him immediately.

It can even be said that his orders are accurate to every team.

Don't think this is nothing, it's actually quite remarkable. It's a huge battlefield, millions of people are fighting, and there's too much information that needs to be processed and decisions made at the same time.

Being able to give precise orders to every ten-man team is already very impressive.

In fact, it is never the technology of Heaven that improves, but also every immortal cultivator and every god within.

As a pioneer in the art of war, Li Jing, the Heavenly King of Tota, only has the same combat effectiveness. But if he is given a million heavenly soldiers, his combat effectiveness will be increased by at least ten times.

Of course, Mo Chengjun didn't pay too much attention and spoke again: "Where is the Taibai Venus?"

"Can you please give me some instructions from the Immortal Inspector?"

"You are responsible for activating and placing the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals in the warehouse. We don't know what will happen next in this battle. We must increase our troop strength."


"Xinghe Sword Sect, is Fairy Ruoli here?"

"I am here?"

"Please take charge of mobilizing Nanzhan Continent. Immortal Sect, Wuzong, Dynasty, as long as they are established legions and major repairmen above Nascent Soul, please mobilize them all.

Then, wait for the order..."

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Mo Chengjun added: "By the way, the medical cultivators from Yaowang Sect have gathered together. After the war, this will be their home field."


"Are Blue Bird, Lu Wu, Fu Dou, and Mengmeng Harpy all here?"

"Please give me your instructions, Lord Immortal..."

"Xiniu Hezhou belongs to you, calm down the chaos of the demons outside the territory as quickly as possible, and then recruit powerful demons.

If it's not needed, that's it. If the order is delivered, I don't want to see any form of pushback. "

The four demon immortals looked at each other and immediately shouted: "Yes!"

"Where is Xue Pan?"

"I'm here!"

"I'll leave all the logistical work to you. Don't be stingy with magic weapons, magic weapons, talismans, elixirs, and formations, and don't save things for me.

If necessary, it will be dispatched and delivered as soon as possible.

For this reason, the work of the Xiandao Distribution Center can be temporarily stopped, and the 28 void moving formations can be called at your disposal. "

"it is good!"

"Old Master, is it time to show off the underworld's underworld army?"

"I will enter the underworld now to search for Yama in the ten palaces."

"Okay, but don't intervene blindly. Just give the order and attack."


"Where is Shen Jinxiu, the Sword Fairy of the Four Seasons?"

"You finally thought of me..."

"Your place is the most important. I need you to rule over the human and demon clans. Contact the demon kingdoms and Daxuan Dynasty to help them stabilize the situation. On the one hand, it is always good to mobilize some large armies."

Shen Jinxiu frowned: "I guess they are still in trouble? It seems not easy for you to count on them?"

"Of course I know, but this is a war against the real demon in the world of desire, a war for the entire Blue Star, not a matter for my side in heaven.

Therefore, regardless of whether they are capable or not, I need them to show the attitude they should have. "

"I see."

"Take Xue Ling and Ba Nichang with you and let them help."

"You know, I actually want to fight here."

"There will be opportunities in the future, there will be opportunities."

"You said the same thing last time..."


Above the clouds and under the sky, Mo Chengjun was surrounded by people, but as his order was issued, figures quickly left one by one.

Either sword light, escape technique, or directly attracting the phantom of Nantianmen,

Following the departure of the human figure, a huge thing called ‘Heaven’ began to take action.

Like a giant war beast, it finally began to move its muscles and bones, preparing for a desperate fight.

You said that now is the real mobilization for war, but what about the previous targeting of the Butian Sect?

Haha, can that be called a war?

It's just a simple crushing, at best it's a small-scale conflict!

In the end, Baling'er was the only one left around Mo Chengjun.

Looking around, Baling'er said, "Why don't you give me a task too? I'm the only one here, and I'm so panicked."

Mo Chengjun smiled and said: "Then what do you think of War Front?
After all, you are also a Yin Shen sword cultivator, your strength is not weak, and you also master the great magical skills of swordsmanship. It's okay to lead the charge! "

Baling'er's eyes lit up and she was eager to try: "Are you serious?"

"Of course it's a lie. In such a battlefield, even a powerful immortal wouldn't dare to say that he can survive, let alone a little Yin Shen sword cultivator like you?"

Mo Chengjun rolled his eyes and said, "Moreover, if I really let you go, do you believe that Mrs. Sister-in-law and Xiao Rui'er can disturb me so much that I won't be able to live in peace in this life?"

"Then I can't just do nothing? But as far as I'm in charge, the Xiandao Research Institute, can't give you any help now?"

Balinger was a little helpless: "You can't let me chat with you here, can you?"

"Haha, you think I won't go to the battlefield? I have to deal with the most powerful demon lord myself!"

"Then what can I do?"

"If I keep you here, I have a plan!"

Saying this, Mo Chengjun whispered: "Tai Shang and Tai Shi have already completed the debugging. When you get back, arrange for the personnel to board the ship immediately and take off immediately.

If everything goes well, coupled with the Taichu Deep Space Fortress, we can approach the magic flame vortex above.

If necessary, the three parties can work together to cut off their escape route, which is the final killing move I have reserved. "

"I understand, let's go now!"

Baling'er also left, leaving only Mo Chengjun standing in the air, his meritorious golden body exuding a dazzling brilliance, overwhelming all directions.

Everything was done and everything that should be arranged was arranged. Mo Chengjun no longer said much, but closed his eyes slightly, adjusted his breathing, and adjusted his mood.

This can be regarded as the first formal collision between Heavenly Court and the Real Demon of Desire Realm. It is also the first time that Mo Chengjun has faced the Demon Lord directly after becoming an immortal.
Therefore, this battle was not only a test for Heaven, but also a test for himself.

Of course, he didn't look, but he could imagine,

At this time, Taixu Tian and even the entire continent were in a state of uproar.

With the delivery of various royal orders from heaven, even if there are demons from outside the territory wreaking havoc, it will definitely make many big forces move.

In this battle, it’s hard to say whether they should be used or not.

It can even be said that when it is their turn to take the field, it will either be when the war is over and the battlefield is being cleaned; or the crisis will reach a certain level and the Heavenly Court will not be able to resist it, and they will not be able to do it unless they come forward.

But now that Butian Sect has collapsed, they have to let them see clearly the attitude of Heaven and the danger of real demon invasion.

Heavenly Court can be at the front, but it cannot be just Heavenly Court. Mo Chengjun will never do such a thankless task.

Time passes very slowly at this moment, and everything in the senses seems to be stretched out, but time will always pass.

Finally, the terrifying existence with a demonic body of ten thousand feet passed through the whirlpool of demonic flames and came to this world.

He has three heads and eight arms, a green face and fangs, his lower body is like a horse, and he has six legs.

Under each step, there was a real dragon. As he stretched his muscles and bones, the six real dragons let out shrill wails, but they could not break free.

There are boundless killing evil and karmic fire burning around him, distorting the rules and ideas around him, and releasing terrifying pressure.

Even Mo Chengjun had to admit that this was the final form of a demon lord, not a defective product like the Moon-Shattering Demon Lord.

"The fourth demon in the world of desire, the dragon-walker in the void, Mara, we meet again!"

Mo Chengjun spoke, and his clear voice echoed between heaven and earth, and also echoed in the ears of every true demon in the world of desire.

The three heads of the demon lord looked over at almost the same time, and their six eyes were locked on the meritorious golden body, and they were attacked by malicious intent like a vast ocean.

"I seem to have seen you somewhere?"

He tilted his head, his tone was hoarse and low, and a little scornful: "You shouldn't be the candle dragon of the Butian Sect, right?
Tell me, where did you come from, an insect, and I allow you to avenge your own life? "

The corner of Mo Chengjun's mouth twitched, and his tone became more forceful: "Tsk, tsk, why, you have even forgotten the revenge of your death?

After all, I played a big part in the battle where you died at the hands of Zulong on the central battlefield! "

As soon as he said this, the fourth demon lord's eyes became sharper, the scorn on his face disappeared a lot, and he looked up and down again.
He said: "Your aura seems to have changed a lot, but I didn't recognize it at the first time.

However, without the existence of Zulong, you actually dare to appear in front of me. I have to say, you are really brave? "

"No, no, no, compared to your courage, I am nothing?"

Mo Chengjun didn't give him a chance to show off, and said directly: "After all, the Broken Moon Demon Lord Zhuyu is in front of him, his soul is scattered, and his true soul is annihilated in this world, but you really dare to come?

All I can say is that you are really not afraid of death! "

At this moment, the fourth overlord's expression completely changed. His demonic body became a little more erect, and all the scornful look on his face disappeared.

He asked slightly suspiciously: "Moon-breaking Demon Lord, can you really kill him?"

"That sword of mine moves according to cause and effect. When the sword goes out, there is no way back, and there is no way to escape. I don't know, how do you feel?"

With just one sentence, the Fourth Demon Lord believed him, because when Demon Lord Broken Moon fell, he was also in that secret corner.

At this moment, he no longer lived up to the arrogance he felt when he first came.

And this is what Mo Chengjun wanted. After suppressing the momentum of the real demon army, he immediately said: "Since we are here, we are going to fight on the battlefield. Shall we start now?"

As he said this, he no longer wanted to talk nonsense, so he raised his hand and waved it.

Then, Li Jing, the king of the tower, raised his flag, and tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals fired their arrows!
 Hurry up, hurry up...

(End of this chapter)

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