blue star,

A place beyond heaven,

The temptation was over and the fighting resumed, with no reservations left.

With one sword, the sky and the earth are dark, and the yin and yang are divided into the dusk. "With one sword, the yin and yang are separated." It's just a greeting.

The fourth demon lord also felt Mo Chengjun's overwhelming fighting spirit and could no longer care about anything else.

He grasped his eight arms from the void, and with a roar, he pulled out six powerful magic weapons, namely swords, spears, knives, shields, bells, and flags.

The 'sword' is like a magic sword that transforms blood. The body of the sharp sword is covered with blood-colored meridians, and it expands and shrinks like breathing, as if it is alive.

The 'shield' is a gilded skull shield, made from the skull of the demon lord's dead body and decorated with gilt. Even if it is erected there, it can still cause the vibration of nothingness.

The 'sword' was extremely long and huge. Even though it was as strong as the demon body, it still needed both hands to hold it. It was dragged behind it. It was surrounded by demonic energy, and its whole body was pitch black, with terrifying malice.

What’s more, the ‘spear’ is even more unique. It’s invisible, like light and electricity, and its sharp edge seems to have the power to penetrate all reality.

As for the 'bell', which was held high above the head and looked like golden white jade, it was actually not infected by the evil spirit.

It shook from time to time, but there was no sound, but there were distorted ripples visible to the naked eye, spreading outward.

There is also the 'flag', flying in the air behind the head, stretching without wind, the flag fluttering, with countless evil ghosts and ghosts carved into pictures, and the deep sins ignited the fire of karma and jumped.

At this moment, the fourth demon lord directly showed his strongest posture, holding the big shield in front, and slashed with the long sword,

The light of the sword tore through the void, neutralizing the sword energy, and even strangled Mo Chengjun.

Mo Chengjun narrowed his eyes, but his body did not move. Only the surrounding space twisted, surrounded, wrapped the sword light and turned into an arc, and then reflected back.

But it wasn't over yet. I saw his three heads chanting incantations at the same time, and his six arms raised up to the sky and then pulled down.

Just breathing, the sky and the earth darkened, and a meteorite the size of an island crashed down with its trailing flames.

There was no sound in the void, but this did not affect the terror of the meteorite impact, and the fourth demon lord was right under the target of the meteorite's flight.

This is, Thirty-six Heavenly Gang Methods, catching the stars and the moon!

At this moment, facing the huge meteorite collision, the fourth demon lord's face turned dark.

The big gilded skull shield was still in front of him, but this time, he really didn't want to fight with attack. Instead, he turned the direction of the big clock and started shaking it crazily.

In the outer world, sound cannot be transmitted, but as he shakes, the distortion of the void does become increasingly dense.

At a certain peak moment, the ripples visible to the naked eye accumulated, as if a huge tide had accumulated, and finally hit the meteorite.

As a result, the meteorite was seen trembling, trembling, and getting slower and slower, until when it got closer, it suddenly shattered into countless pieces.

Then it hit the large gilded skull shield and shattered into smaller pieces of gravel again.

Although the crisis was over, the embarrassment was inevitable, but the fourth demon lord was not a loser. He took off the demon flag behind his head and shook it desperately.

The demonic energy was seen boiling, and a large number of innocent souls surged out.

They have no body, and are ignited by the fire of karma. When their souls are gone, they let out a shrill howl, like thousands of ghosts and ghosts demanding their lives.

Then it was overwhelming and surging forward, like a great tide of resentment that seemed to be able to annihilate everything.

Mo Chengjun felt confused, as if there were countless ghostly voices in his ears, which tortured him with a splitting headache and dizziness.

Even if he visualized the 'Arctic Zhongtian Ziwei Emperor' at the fastest speed and suppressed the sea of ​​consciousness, as far as he could see, the wave of fierce ghosts was already approaching.

Mo Chengjun could even see the distorted faces of each of the wronged souls, and the eyes that chose and devoured others.

But these are not the most terrifying things. The most terrifying thing is the red flames that ignite on the sinful souls.

It didn't look big, but it ignited in clusters, and the burning resentful ghosts howled incessantly, as if it could burn them to ashes.

This is karma fire!

Karma fire, also known as red lotus karma fire, is a powerful spiritual fire that can only be controlled by Buddhist Bodhisattvas and Arhats. It is also a symbol of measuring the strength of Bodhisattvas and Arhats in Liangzhou Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

Its fire originates from burning sins and has the function of "torturing the heart." However, any creature with sins in its heart will not be able to escape the consequences of being burned by karmic fire.

It can be said simply. Even a young child cannot escape the saying that all mortals are born with original sin.

In other words, no soul in the world can escape the suffering of karmic fire.

I just don’t know, how could such Buddhist magical powers be mastered by a demon lord?

And at this critical moment, Mo Chengjun suddenly inhaled, and within the unfolding immortal realm, a violent gust of wind was set off, which he swallowed into his mouth, and then spit out,

He saw a blazing flame rushing out from his mouth and nose, turning into a heaven-burning fairy fire, igniting the tide of resentful ghosts and the red lotus karma fire.

This is the true fire of samadhi!

Mo Chengjun practices magical powers and likes to modify, optimize and adjust.

But only this 'Samadhi True Fire', to this day, is the most complete and systematic fire magic power he has ever seen.

This is also the only magical power that he has mastered so far but has not changed.

However, this does not mean that the power of magical powers is no longer strong. In fact, with the deepening of understanding and the powerfulness of magical power, even using it again and again,

Right now, the Samadhi True Fire he sprayed out was countless times stronger than before.

Three heads, three directions, formed a circle of real fire, which surrounded him, resisting all external damage, and at the same time, it could also extend outwards.

Those evil ghosts looked powerful, but they were burned into nothingness under the flames.

But Mo Chengjun lowered his head and looked at his chest, his eyes frozen and his face ugly.

Because, there is already an extra hole there, a huge hole, which has penetrated the Samadhi True Fire, penetrated the twisted space defense on the body surface, and even penetrated the meritorious golden body...

There is also a boiling demonic energy, cutting around, blocking the healing of the wound.

Mo Chengjun raised his head again, with golden light in his eyes, and saw a spear that seemed like light and lightning, held by the fourth demon lord.

This is the spear he threw just now when Mo Chengjun was unprepared.

If Mo Chengjun faced this spear with his body, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

It's a pity that this is a golden body of merit.

At this moment, the expression on Mo Chengjun's face seemed to be crying or laughing, but his eyes were extremely sharp.

"This is interesting!"

I saw the golden body of merit and virtue shining brightly, and the vast divine power spread infinitely to the surroundings, as well as inside, killing the boiling demonic energy and recovering from the injuries.

Then, he threw the natal flying sword in his hand again.

I saw the flying sword trembling, one turned into two, two turned into four, four turned into eight, eight turned into sixteen, sixteen turned into endless...

In the effort of breathing, the sword energy has surged up into the Nine Heavens Galaxy. Thousands of sword energy can be vaguely seen wandering around, followed by the sound of thunder, falling from the Nine Heavens, flowing down, washing away everything.

This is, the three sword movements, the long river rises!

Under the long river of sword energy, Mo Chengjun was carried away and flew away. All the evil ghosts and evil spirits and sinful karma were rushed past and smashed into dregs.

The fourth demon lord reacted faster, with a large shield in front, filled with demonic energy, and after it grew infinitely, it seemed to hold up a barrier blocking the world.

Four more big hands let go of the other magic weapons and grasped the hilt of the extremely heavy sword. His muscles stretched out, his veins were exposed, and he shouted again:

"Open! Heaven! Cut!"


There was no sound in the void, but there seemed to be the sound of a sword whistling. The incomparable sword struck down on the head, and the sword light it brought seemed to have the power to create the world.

The long river of sword energy was so vast, but it was split into two by the sword light. Even Mo Chengjun, who was caught in the sword light, was chopped into two pieces.

But there was no broken flesh and blood, and no corpses flying around. Instead, it dissipated like a phantom.

Instead, behind the fourth demon lord, a little man emerged from the void without any sound.

He was initially only about the size of a hand, but he was able to move in the wind, and in his breath, he transformed into a terrifying green bull that was thousands of feet long, covered in black, and had sharp horns on its head. This is the transformation of Cang Si from "The Twelve Transformations of Jingzhe"!


With a low groan, the terrifying green bull charged forward, stepping on the void with its four hooves. The space was sunken and collapsed, and the distance seemed to be constantly shortening.

The fourth demon lord was also a veteran of the battle formation, with rich experience. When his sword failed, he almost instinctively moved the big shield in his hand, reversed his long arm, and moved it from the front to the back.

There is still a barrier holding up the heaven and earth in front, which seems to be able to block everything.

It's a pity that Cang Si's horns penetrate nothingness and space, and even the barrier of the cave heaven and earth cannot stop it.


There was a loud noise, the shield was overturned, and the fourth demon lord was also inserted into the body by the horns.

Demonic blood flew everywhere, and six hooves stepped on it. The fourth demon lord was pushed backwards and flew out, and he almost couldn't hold the magic weapon in his hand.

But he still wielded the bloody knife, the spear, and even smashed the big bell.

But Mo Chengjun's figure turned again, and his huge Cang Si body turned into a dragon's body in a trance, winding and circling upward, fluttering its wings and flying.

This is the Yinglong Transformation of "The Twelve Transformations of Jingzhe"!

Yinglong is good at water magic, and it is his instinct to call for wind and rain. As soon as the dragon body appears, the clouds gather, and when the dragon body disappears into the clouds and mist, it disappears.

Appearing again, Mo Chengjun became a human body again. He spit out his flying sword, and another sword light pierced the void, setting off space turbulence, a boundless storm, and strangled away...

There are so many methods that can be used in a martial arts fight, especially a martial arts fight at this level. Naturally, it won't be a friendly exchange of your moves and my moves.

It's about intrigues, plotting, exhausting all possible means, and looking for a glimmer of murderous opportunity...

At this moment, Mo Chengjun had taken the lead and was not letting up, using various methods frequently.

Magical sword techniques, thunder and real fire, and from time to time, illusory magic to confuse the enemy, true and false, false and true,

The fourth demon lord who was playing tricks kept roaring, but there was nothing he could do.

Mo Chengjun also discovered that this demon lord is a typical high-attack, thick-skinned, powerful demon body, and would not be afraid of anyone in a head-on battle.

Even though Mo Chengjun had stacked up all the buffs on his body, he really couldn't beat him in close combat.

But Mo Chengjun was famous for having enough magical powers. He could keep the distance, strike from afar, and use various deceptive methods to make the opponent unable to fight back.

Of course, this fourth demon lord has not thought of fighting back, and even relied on the strength of the demon body to start exchanging injuries for injuries and lives for lives.

But Mo Chengjun cleverly avoided them all and didn't give him a chance to do something dirty.

However, it is also a fact that the fourth demon lord is 'protective against high health and thick blood'. It is certain that it will be difficult to kill. At least it is impossible for Mo Chengjun to kill him with one hit.

However, as time went by, Mo Chengjun let go of his hands and feet, and his anxiety dropped a bit.

No matter how confident he appeared externally, before this battle, he was actually still worried in his heart.

The reason is simple. When it comes to heaven, he is the supreme one, the pillar that supports the sky.

If he couldn't handle those demon lords, it would be a disaster for Heaven.

Now, even if it is just one-on-one, he can firmly suppress the demon lord, which means that after becoming an immortal, he is not afraid of these top beings in the real demon world.

Even if there is still a numerical gap, even if this demon lord is only ranked fourth, at least, without the cliff-like gap, there will be tit-for-tat capital.

With his hands and feet freed like this, Mo Chengjun became smoother and more versatile as he fought. He only suppressed the fourth demon lord and roared again and again, but he couldn't turn the tables no matter what.


at the same time,

On the battlefield within the boundary, something unexpected happened again.

You have to admit that the true demon army is the kind of strong army that was trained on the battlefield of Tianwaitian.

Whether it is organization, discipline, or fighting spirit, it is far superior to that of the combined forces of the human and demon races.

Even if their retreat was cut off and their commander was led away, the true demon army remained panicked and not in chaos.

The green-skinned humanoid demon fairy completely took over the highest command, and under the command, killed several escaped demon immortals, and finally stabilized the situation.

Then, he did not think about escaping, nor did he choose to break out. Instead, he formed a formation on the spot and attacked from all sides, constantly expanding the battlefield.

To be honest, this move was actually quite confusing. At least at the beginning, Li Jing, the King of Tota, didn't understand what he wanted to do.

Because there are enemies on all sides, it is a siege. If you have to expand the battlefield, it will not give you strategic depth, but will cause more casualties.

But the green-skinned humanoid demon fairy just gave the order, and the real demon army below followed suit.

It wasn't until the fighting on the battlefield lasted for nearly an hour, and countless creatures died on the spot, that the plan of the green-skinned humanoid demon fairy was revealed.

They actually raised six mountains of corpses within a limited area, sacrificed their flesh and blood, and attracted strange demonic flames.

They want to restart the magic flame vortex, build a bridge again, and communicate with the world of desire.

Good guy, this kind of persistence and unwillingness to admit defeat really made Li Jing, the King of the Pagoda, pay attention to him, and he had to step up his offensive in order to ruin the ceremony.

But this time, those real demon armies are really risking their lives. From demon fairies to all kinds of monsters, they are all fighting for their lives.

In fact, due to space problems, they have reached the point where they can't give up even an inch of land.

For a time, the sky and the earth were filled with corpses and blood like rain.

This is the real last stand!

The ferocious morale of the real demon army was completely aroused, and each one of them turned into a killing machine, while Li Jing, the king of the tower, had to fight for time.

As a result, the intensity of the war suddenly increased again. Even if they had the upper hand, the Heavenly Alliance forces suffered heavy casualties.

Even the existences at the level of the Immortal Powers have fallen countless times.

And this deadlock was finally broken by three deep space fortresses, who dealt a decisive blow.

After a period of rest, the inspiration was restored, the barrel cooled down, and the various formations were retrieved again.

Then, three more 'Eternal Sun Ion Divine Light Cannons' came down.

After just a stalemate over a cup of tea, the defense system built by the real demon army was broken through, and the ceremony exploded in the middle of the ceremony.

Amidst the roaring explosions, the blazing demonic flames burned randomly, and naturally the first unlucky ones were the real demonic army.

In this instant, at least hundreds of thousands of real demons died.

But after this experience, those true demon armies could no longer maintain themselves and began to collapse.

A few brave real demons drove all monsters, monsters and devils to launch a counterattack, fighting for time with their lives.

And more real demons started to escape directly by taking out the gap.

As for the arrangement of Heavenly Court to come up with the gap, it is actually simple. It is to take the four hundred demon fairies as the leader, and then draw elite masters from the human and demon tribes, the last ones are Yang Shen and Demon King, supplemented by the team of heavenly generals, and start Hunting time.

Yes, it's not a frontal hard-top, but a stalking hunt, just like a hungry wolf chasing a flock of sheep.

Killing a few at one moment, tearing off the flesh and blood at another, and the continuous bleeding caused the fleeing real demon to fall into a state of panic, and was eaten one by one.

Even so, the cleanup work will take a long time, and there may even be fish that slip through the net, but this is the method with the least casualties.

However, compared with the good things in the world, Mo Chengjun encountered difficulties in the battlefield outside the world.

Because, just when he was suppressing the fourth demon master, rays of demonic light fell from the sky like weeping willows and fell into the battlefield.

In the blink of an eye, a towering tree that seemed to support the sky and the ground had already taken root here, and waving its willow branches, it launched an attack on Mo Chengjun.

This is another demon lord who has crossed the border from the long river of time.

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