After a few days,

blue star,

The battlefield outside the world finally pauses...

As a result, the huge void battlefield covering a hundred thousand miles began to appear in front of people.

As far as the eye can see, there are broken spaces, twisted positions, violent hurricanes, wailing ghosts, rioting earth, fire and feng shui, and traces of fighting and fighting everywhere...

On one side of the battlefield, close to the Blue Star, Mo Chengjun sat cross-legged in the void, covered in blood and covered with scars.

His face was even weirder, pale and dark intertwined, changing erratically.

That was a sign of 'demonic energy entering the body and corroding itself', originating from the sixth demon lord, the strange magical power of the willow tree that supports the sky.

In fact, speaking of it, injecting demonic energy into the body is a very common method, and it is a trick that almost all demonic disciples can do.

There are many solutions. The simplest one is to use your own magic power. As long as the demonic energy entering the body is used up, it will naturally return to normal.

Of course, it is normal for the body to be injured during this process. It is also common for someone to be infected by demonic energy accidentally and enter the devil's path.

But the method of the Sixth Demon Lord is certainly not that simple.

Mo Chengjun felt as if a door to nothingness had been opened in his body, and a steady stream of demonic energy surged out, seemingly endless.

What's even weirder is that this true demonic energy seems to be spiritual. It's hiding and running around in the body, infecting it everywhere. Even if you want to 'catch' it, it's extremely difficult.

Not to mention, it also has the effect of corroding people's hearts and weakening their minds. Even Mo Chengjun feels unsustainable at this moment.

If you look closely, Mo Chengjun's arms, legs and feet are all covered with dragon scales, which are golden in color, and there are two dragon horns protruding from the top of his head. Although they are small, they are similar to candle dragons.

Looking around him again, we can see that time is confused and distorted.

That's right, in order to heal his wounds, in addition to the usual methods, Mo Chengjun even used 'turn back time' in order to block the spread of evil energy.

And behind him, stood the golden body of merit.

Although the appearance is still complete, even showing a shape that reaches the sky and the earth, except for the head, the other parts are just illusions.

It can be seen from this that the Shinto willpower was greatly depleted in this battle.

Of course, Mo Chengjun is not alone here to heal his wounds. There are hundreds of heavenly gods forming a large formation around him.

Like stars descending, it blocked all directions, resisting the aftermath of the battlefield and guarding against others.

Farther away, thousands of miles away, there are many heavenly soldiers and generals, a coalition of humans and demons, immortals and martial saints, and powerful demons and immortals gathered together.

At a glance, there are hundreds of powerful immortals standing there, looking at this place from time to time. There is unconcealable horror, fear, panic, and even uneasiness in their eyes.

Even though they were immortals and stood at the top of this world, they were still frightened by this battle.

This kind of power is beyond even their imagination.

Of course, since Mo Chengjun was so miserable, the fourth and sixth demon lords naturally didn't get any benefits.

As far as the eye can see, on the other side of the battlefield, only four of the fourth demon lord's eight arms are left, holding four magic weapons: sword, spear, flag, and bell.

As for the shield, it had been broken into countless pieces, floating around; and the bloody knife had completely disappeared.

Of course, what's even worse is the Fourth Demon Lord himself. His horse-like lower body has been completely shattered, leaving only his upper body.

And in order to stop the bleeding, dark demonic flames were ignited all over his body. The burned skin and flesh crackled, but he could barely stay alive.

Not to mention, the wisps of sword energy that shot out from time to time around him seemed weak, but they could cut through the real demon's energy, bursting wounds on his body and causing demonic blood to flow freely.

As for the willow tree that supports the sky, it is naturally not much better. The body that stands upright like the sky and the earth has been completely reduced to a 'bare commander'.

All the branches have been cut, all the roots have curled up, and the huge tree is surrounded by thunder, crackling and popping,

Inside the hollow tree body, there are still flames emerging continuously, revealing the charred black interior like fish scales.

If there are any disciples of the Ghost Spirit Sect here, they must praise it, what a ‘lightning wood’!

At this moment, both sides were looking across the entire battlefield, looking from afar, and both were trying their best to recover from their injuries, but no one took action anymore.

A ray of sword light rushed out from the boundary, ignoring the powerful immortals who stopped, and carefully entered the battlefield, avoiding dangerous areas, and then came to the periphery guarded by the God of Heaven.

She negotiated with the God of Heaven for a long time before getting permission. After stepping into the formation, she landed next to Mo Chengjun.

The person who came was surprisingly the Four Seasons Sword Immortal Shen Jinxiu.

She looked at the miserable Mo Chengjun, and then looked across the battlefield into the distance. She did not get closer, but asked: "Master Mo, are you okay?"

Mo Chengjun raised his head, and the dark air on his face faded a little. He forced a smile and said feebly: "You can't die yet!"

Shen Jinxiu twitched the corners of her mouth, wanting to smile, and looked at the two demon lords in the distance before saying, "Do you want me to lead people forward and kill them all?"

Mo Chengjun was a little moved, but after thinking for a moment, he shook his head: "Forget it, the centipede is dead but not stiff.

After all, they were just two demon lords who were seriously injured. No one knew what powerful tricks they had hidden behind them? "

Shen Jinxiu said: "I know that, but what if I bring hundreds of powerful immortals with me to follow and kill them all the way, exchanging lives for injuries?

These are two demon lords. As long as they are spared their lives, even if they have to sacrifice something, it is worth it! "

"Having said that, but..."

Mo Chengjun paused, then firmly shook his head and said: "It's not cost-effective, it's not cost-effective!

After all, with the method of immortalizing the demon soul, such a sacrifice is not worth it. "

"You are still too soft-hearted!"

After being rejected again, Shen Jinxiu, the Sword Fairy of the Four Seasons, finally stopped mentioning the matter and asked, "How do you feel about this battle?"


Mo Chengjun's face was filled with demonic energy again, and his whole will seemed to be affected. He spoke uncontrollably: "What can I do? I'm still close to death!"

"It's okay to fight one demon lord, but it's really hard to deal with two demon lords at the same time."

"Of course, I guess we have to exclude the first demon lord. That's another level!"

As he said this, an illusion seemed to appear in front of his eyes, taking him back to the previous battlefield.

It should be said that although this battle cannot be said to be carefully designed by Mo Chengjun, it is definitely the product of his intentional guidance.

This fight will allow many forces in Blue Star to see the horror of the real demon in the Desire Realm, and also weigh the actual combat and potential of Heavenly Court, as well as their own killing power...

In short, we have to touch each other first and weigh both sides before Mo Chengjun can decide what to do in the future.

Therefore, he planned a fierce battle with the fourth demon lord, but he really didn't expect that there would be another demon lord who would just use the river of time as a springboard to kill him...

Although thinking about it afterwards, this was just a routine operation, at the time, Mo Chengjun really didn't expect such a trick.

Then, the sixth demon lord, the sky-supporting willow tree, really caught Mo Chengjun off guard.

Moreover, he and the Fourth Demon Lord cooperated very closely. They had obviously had more than one experience of fighting against the enemy together, and they clearly distinguished who did what.

As soon as he saw him coming, the Fourth Demon Lord immediately turned on the defense mode. Relying on his thick skin and high blood, he blocked all Mo Chengjun's attacks and suffered the most damage.

As for the Sixth Demon Lord, you can tell by looking at him that he is not good at movement, but he is proficient in various magical powers, good at long-range attacks, and has good healing methods.

Each of his weeping willows seems to have a real demon sealed in it, and then by activating the weeping willows, various real demons' natural magical powers can be unleashed.

Those thousands of weeping willows are thousands of magical powers, involving earth, fire, geomantic omen, magic, sound waves, ghost spells, almost everything.

In terms of various means, Mo Chengjun is beyond comparison.

And the two of them, one far away and one close, one attacking and one defending, cooperated seamlessly, almost making Mo Chengjun run away with his head in his arms, unable to fight back.

If this continues, when the immortal power and soul are depleted to a certain extent, even Mo Chengjun will end up dead. In the end, he gritted his teeth and became ruthless, turning into a rough-skinned Cangsi. At the cost of resisting a wave of attacks, he used the supreme magical power of "Speech and Law Sui".

As a result, he drew an invisible boundary and distance that directly separated them.

That was a change in the rules. As long as they came close to a certain distance, they would repel each other and move thousands of miles away.

This was how their alliance was broken!

That is to say, he had gained something from studying the art of "The Heavenly Constitution in the Mouth" before, and had a deeper understanding, so that he could benefit from the "Speech of the Dharma Sui".

Otherwise, he really may not be able to do this.

Of course, just breaking up their alliance is not enough, because even if they can't get together, it's still two against one!

Therefore, Mo Chengjun divided his meritorious golden body and used his meritorious golden body to fight the fourth demon lord, and used his true body to fight the sixth demon lord.

In this way, two versus two, the gap can be considered to be evened out.

However, after all, Mo Chengjun had three paths united into one, which gave him his current killing power. If he was divided into two, he would no longer have the absolute suppressive power he had before.

When the fight started again, even he felt a little tired.

However, at this time, both sides had no mercy at all. Both demon lords wanted to kill Mo Chengjun, the heavenly patrolling immortal official.

And what about Mo Chengjun?

If you don't want to fight, you have to fight, so naturally you want to send these two people into reincarnation and collect another ray of death energy.

After such a real fire, both sides really didn't care. They used various methods frequently, and threw all kinds of magical powers at the bottom of the box at will.

Even exchanging injuries for lives has become commonplace.

That is to say, some of Mo Chengjun's methods are really weird, such as the "Speech Spell", and those supreme swordsmanship skills whose details cannot be seen clearly, which make the two demon lords very afraid.

The more they fought, the more they believed that Lord Shattering Moon had died in Mo Chengjun's hands, and they did not dare to rely too much on the 'method of immortalizing the demon soul'.

I am deeply afraid that if I die once, I may actually die on the spot, so I have some worries.

Otherwise, the two demon lords would have started the "life-for-life" deal long ago.

By the end of the battle, both sides had exhausted their means and had no worries anymore.

The sixth demon lord took advantage of Mo Chengjun's most powerful magical power. Under the "Eight-Nine Thunder Tribulation", seventy-two thunder punishments turned the sky-supporting willow tree into a "Thunder Strike Wood" '.

Of course, the reaction of the Sixth Demon Lord and the weird magical power also put Mo Chengjun at risk of being 'demon-tainted'.

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, by now, there would probably be no patrolling immortal officials in Heaven, and only the demon lords in Heaven would be possessed.

As for the fourth demon lord, Mo Chengjun's meritorious golden body was directly shattered. At the cost of his entire body except his head, he wielded his natal immortal sword and used the six-way sword technique.

One form, divided into yin and yang, is used to confuse the enemy.

Two moves, space split, making it inevitable for the fourth demon lord to escape.

Another move, breaking time, completely smashing the demon body, splitting the fourth demon lord into two, and losing four more arms.

Another move, the long river rises, trying to smash the demon lord's body directly, but the defensive power of the gilded skull shield is not strong enough, and it only smashes the lower body, turning it into pieces of flesh and blood.

Finally, it is supplemented by one move, Future Absolute, which cuts off thousands of future possibilities and directly makes the fourth demon lord unable to hide and escape.

From this, it was a foregone conclusion and there was no possibility of a comeback.

Even if the sixth demon lord used some method to spread the healing magic light, it would only ignite the black demonic flames of the fourth demon lord to protect himself.

But the broken half of the devil's body was really lost, so much so that the blood of the devil stained the void for thousands of miles.

Of course, when he executed these six sword techniques, Mo Chengjun was also prepared for a counterattack. He did not believe that with the strength of the Fourth Demon Lord, he would not violently counterattack.

Facts have proved that the fourth demon lord has this ability, and he still does it.

He used his broken body as a medium to sacrifice his flesh and blood body, and finally unleashed a magical light attack.

But this attack, strangely enough, the target was not Mo Chengjun, but Blue Star.

When his thoughts reached this point, Mo Chengjun immediately raised his head and asked, "What's going on down there?"

Shen Jinxiu said: "The army of true demons has been defeated. Li Jing, the King of Tota, is leading the elites of the human and demon tribes in hot pursuit, hoping to clear away the trouble."

“Although this battle cannot be called a great victory, it can still be said that it was a miserable victory.

Preliminary statistics have come out. The two tribes of humans and demons have left behind at least six million elites. This does not include the losses of the heavenly soldiers and generals of heaven, the ghost soldiers of the underworld, and even the small world of heaven. "

“However, it is not unacceptable for this kind of loss to be distributed to each demon country and each immortal sect.

In this way, it should be a good deal to exchange for an elite army of five million real demons from the world of desire! "

Mo Chengjun sighed: "Even with the final pursuit, we couldn't achieve a 'one to one' battle loss?"

"You're overthinking. A real demon is a real demon. The only thing that matters is the strength of the golden elixir. How can it be so easy to kill?"

"What about Zhongshan Paradise?"

"It's ruined, it's completely ruined, the core of the cave is broken and it's in ruins."

"What about battlefield cleaning?"

"You can rest assured about this, Ruoli will preside over, the ghost army will guard, the heavenly general will supervise, and the heavenly soldiers will restrain it.

It should be possible to recover some costs. "

"That's good, that's good...

In a big war, my heaven might go bankrupt! "

As Mo Chengjun said this, he seemed to have realized that he had gone off topic. He immediately asked: "Besides this, is there anything else?"

"What else?"

Shen Jinxiu was a little confused and asked, "What are you asking about?"

"This, uh, I don't know too well."

Mo Chengjun scratched his head and then asked, "Did anything big happen?"

"Of course there is nothing bigger than the battlefield!"

"ok, I get it."

Mo Chengjun said this, but after thinking about the fourth demon lord's last magical power, it was a little hard to let go.

He always felt as if something was getting out of his control.

This feeling is naturally not good, but now, he can only work hard to heal.


Three days later again,

Mo Chengjun finally suppressed the demonic energy in his body and dissipated it bit by bit. His strong physique also showed its benefits, and he recovered quickly from his injuries.

However, the two demon lords also recovered.

They did not start another battle, or even talk nonsense. They just looked at Mo Chengjun from a distance across the battlefield for a moment, and finally set up the escape light and disappeared into the void.

Mo Chengjun stood there and watched for a long time, but finally did not choose to pursue.

At this point, the first great battle between Heaven and the Real Demon Realm came to an end.

But it's just a civilized confrontation, this is just the beginning...

After hesitating for a long time, I decided to write this...

I always feel like I can’t handle big scenes, alas!

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