The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 579 The aftermath of the war

Chapter 579 The aftermath of the war

After the war is over, there is naturally a lot to do next.

Cleaning the battlefield, treating the wounded, chasing down the remaining enemies, cleaning up those possessed by extraterrestrial demons, etc. Needless to say, they are all basic tasks.

In addition, the army is being repatriated one after another, each going back to his own home to find his own mother.

Then, everyone licked their wounds...

Even if this battle is Mo Chengjun's voluntary choice, even if there is a unified command, even if the heaven is at the forefront,

But as the Four Seasons Sword Fairy Shen Jinxiu said, this battle can only be regarded as a miserable victory!

As time goes by, all the data are compiled, and Heavenly Court naturally does not hide anything, and almost all of it is announced in Taixu Heaven.

Today, Mo Chengjun has become an immortal, and naturally there is no need to suppress Taixu Tian.

Therefore, even powerful immortals can already refine the Heavenly Court's Received Order and can walk freely in Taixu Heaven.

In addition, Taixu Tian has been able to cover the entire Blue Star Continent. Almost as soon as the news spread, there was a wave of sales of heavenly invitation orders, as well as the entry of powerful immortals.

However, the novelty did not last long as they saw the detailed report of this battle.

For this battle, the heavenly court mobilized nearly eight million heavenly soldiers. In the small world, the coalition forces of the immortal sects in Nanzhan Buzhou were about one million, and the demon clan armies in Xiniuhezhou were about one million.

A total of 10 million elite troops, plus 365 heavenly gods, 12 sword cultivator legions, 430 immortal powerful men, and three deep space fortresses.

In the first battle, nearly five million heavenly soldiers and generals, 200,000 Nanzhan Buzhou Xianmen coalition troops, and 300,000 Xiniu Hezhou demon clan coalition troops were lost.

It should be said that Li Jing, the king of Tota, still takes care of his own family. The Xianmen coalition forces in Nanzhan Buzhou and the demon army in Xiniu Hezhou are all present in the later stage to make a difference.

But even so, there are still 23 out of 10 losses.

As for the powerful immortals, a total of thirty-four people died, including nine from the Immortal Sect Alliance, 12 from the demon clan, and 13 from the heavenly side.

This does not count the gods of heaven. They are not without damage, but with the eight treasures of merit and virtue, resurrection from the dead is not difficult, so they are not included in the calculation.

But even so, more than thirty powerful immortals were just gone.

In addition, the Netherworld Ghost Army led by Yama of the Tenth Hall has mobilized a total of five million people.

These are the remnants of previous wars in the Netherworld. Those who survived are all elites. After such a long period of unified training, they are truly elite soldiers.

When they appear on the scene, it is the last battle, and thanks to the need for military merit, they are the first to enter almost every battle, showing unparalleled bravery.

On the battlefield, only those who are truly unafraid of life and death can live longer, and their losses were not bad, with nearly 600,000 ghost soldiers killed in the battle.

As for the human coalition forces of the Daxuan Dynasty, they assembled under the orders of the Human Race Supreme Management Committee.

Fourteen states, sixteen major sects of immortals, and hundreds of small sects, totaling more than a hundred large and small legions.

The strength of the troops was approximately more than seven million, and there were 214 powerful immortals. They did not dare to neglect at all, and took out all the old men.

After the war, the number of Immortal Warriors who died directly was as high as 3 million. Not bad for the Immortal Powers, only 19 died.

The real big number lies in the demon clan, which occupies seven to eight tenths of the entire Blue Star territory. There are three to four hundred demon kingdoms, large and small.

In the end, the assembled demon army, including aquatic tribes from mountains, rivers and lakes, totaled 20 million and more than 1,300 demon immortals.

To be honest, Mo Chengjun was quite surprised when he got this number.

Needless to say, the Butian Sect's ruling model is somewhat like a combination of an 'underground gang' and a 'terrorist organization'.

This is determined by their responsibilities, but in terms of dominance and mobilization capabilities, they are indeed not very good.

In this battle, Zhongshan Paradise was destroyed, and the demon clan used their lives to blow up all these old people.

Of course, the demon clan suffered the most losses in this battle, with seven million people killed directly.

And because these demon legions were weak, disciplined and weak in battle, in the end, the demon immortals could only take over. As a result, as many as 128 demon immortals died.

In other words, in this battle, the total number of main battle troops lost in this battle was 16 million, including 181 immortal masters.

In the end, about 4.8 million real demons were annihilated, more than 60 demon whales were killed, and nearly 300 demon immortal-level real demons were killed.

There are still about 200,000 real demons and dozens of demon immortals on the run.

The above does not include the logistics personnel, the loss of various materials, and the consumption of spiritual stones.

But even so, just looking at the numbers above is shocking.

Behind those cold numbers are living lives, members of a family, the force that protects one party, and even the backbone of a family.

But that’s it, gone!

To be honest, it didn't feel like anything when it came to fighting, but when these numbers floated in the sky, even those demons and immortals who could come in felt suffocated.

And this is just the beginning of everything!

In the future, what should we do if we really confront the real demon of the world of desire?

This is the sentiment of almost all immortal cultivators and monsters.

But there is no way, this is a war between two civilizations.

Although this battle was won, it brought great psychological pressure to everyone and the demon.

At this point, Heavenly Court has been very restrained. They have not falsified the data, but what is really cruel is that the news from the depths of the starry sky is still tightly hidden!

Of course, if you want to talk about the source of these news, you have to mention the Taiyin Star Guanghan Region.

As the fairyland closest to Blue Star, it is difficult for you to say whether King Peacock Ming is lucky? Is it bad?

If you want to say okay, you met the Moon-Breaking Demon Lord and parachuted to the Taiyin Star, turning the Guanghan Territory upside down and causing countless casualties.

But if you want to be honest, because of the existence of the Broken Moon Demon Lord, in order to increase his strength, he activated all the extraterrestrial demons early on.

If it weren't for this, even in the small world of Guanghan Territory, we wouldn't be able to find so many demon sons and grandsons!

Then, when the first demon lord awakened the demon outside the territory, Guanghan Territory was not affected.

Nonsense, all the demons outside the territory are dead, how can they still cause chaos?

In addition, it is just a small fairyland, and it cannot attract the attention of the demon lord. Without the chaos caused by the demons outside the territory, it has been stable until today.

In the situation of the decisive battle, even Blue Star was involved in the dispute, and it was the only one.

Of course, although there are no external demons causing trouble, it does not mean that King Peacock Ming will be easy.

In fact, he was broken inside.

Butian Sect, what a behemoth is that?

They were in it, and they knew how powerful it was, but how could they say they were defeated?

More importantly, in the face of such chaos, what should he do?

Simply put, although the Butian Sect was defeated, it did not mean that it was completely in chaos. At least the original communication systems were still there.

Through this communication system, they can obtain first-hand information and understand the situation of the entire Tianwaitian battlefield and what is happening in the outside world.

For some unknown reason, King Peacock Ming almost sent a copy of all this news to the Heavenly Court.

What is recorded here is the truly desperate battle situation.

... Galaxy Sword Sect,


Under the thousand-year-old Yunwuxian tea tree, a stone table rises from the ground. A small boiling red clay stove is boiling tea, and people are sitting around it.

Mo Chengjun, Shen Jinxiu, Fairy Ruoli, Old Master, Balinger, Xue Pan, Xue Ling, Ba Nichang...

Well, Mo Chengjun's small team is all gathered together, and voices are spreading again.

Shen Jinxiu: “I received two complaints here, and I think we must pay attention to them.

First, the friction between the Feilian Demon Kingdom and the Zhuyan Demon Kingdom has escalated, and there are signs of war again.

The two families were originally in conflict, because there was a lot of friction in some spirit stone veins, and then came this war. Two demon immortals in the Feilian Demon Kingdom died, which gave Zhu Yan and Yuan Hong hope.

He is eager to start a war and seize the mineral veins.

Seeing that the situation was not right and that the Fei Lian Demon Country could not defeat it, they directly sued me. What we have to decide now is, should we control it or not? "

"Master Mo, Master Mo, where are you?"

"Oh, do you care?"

Mo Chengjun came back to his senses: "It's nonsense, of course we have to take care of it. You send someone, no, I will directly ask the justice god Yang Jian to go to Zhu Yanyao Kingdom and give a warning.

I don't care who is right or wrong, right now, no fighting is allowed.

Whoever wants to fight, I will send heavenly soldiers and generals to their doorstep to destroy their demon kingdom! "

"There is another application from the Daxuan Dynasty, submitted by the Shenxiao Dao Sect. They want to guard the land of Yuzhou, so why should they ask the Heavenly Court to make the decision?"

Baling'er answered and asked with some confusion: "The land of Yuzhou, isn't that the boundary of Wanfa Sect? How could they be willing to give in?"

"Of course they don't want to, but who says the situation is stronger than the person?"

Shen Jinxiu explained: "In this battle, among the human immortal sects, the Wanfa Sect suffered the most heavy losses, and even the sect leader accidentally died in the battle.

On the contrary, the Shenxiao Dao Sect, thanks to Master Mo's optimized techniques, has greatly increased their strength. They even have many more immortals and powerful men. They also performed well in this battle and deserved a lot of credit.

This is why they dare to submit this application! "

"Master Mo, what do you think we should do?"

Mo Chengjun finally looked away and sneered: "If you say it sounds good, you are applying. If you say it doesn't sound good, you are testing my Heavenly Court's reaction.

After all, in this battle, some demon kingdoms suffered heavy losses, and some forces had their tiger skins pierced, revealing their weak insides.

In addition, the Zhongshan Paradise was destroyed, the Butian Sect's base camp was almost wiped out, and the original order and balance were broken. There were many people who thought they were powerful and wanted to take more. "

"Theoretically speaking, the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest should not be interfered with by my heaven. But those forces are fighting against the real demon after all. It is unjustifiable to take away their territory and wealth now."

"Besides, what's the point of winning the first battle? The Realm of Desire is powerful and has many real demons. It's crazy to have internal strife now without thinking about the outside world!"

With that said, Mo Chengjun said: "Please inform me and spread it to every demon country and every force that participates in this battle. No matter what the current situation is, I will have twenty years to recover and cultivate.

Within twenty years, I will not allow large-scale wars and annexations, otherwise, my heaven will send the heavenly army to their doorstep! "

One sentence set the tone, and Shen Jinxiu simply nodded and said: "Your words are enough, I will make arrangements immediately."

With that said, she picked up the heavenly reception order and began to assign tasks.

The old master then added: "It's my turn, here in the Underworld of the Underworld, before the war, in order to boost morale, Madman Ning promised to determine his position based on his military exploits.

Does Heaven recognize this matter or not? "

Mo Chengjun said: "Yes, how could you not admit it! The Yin Division Underworld can indeed be stabilized, and the Yin Soldiers and Ghost Army did a good job in this battle."

"Then shouldn't you have some expression?"


Mo Chengjun was stunned for a moment, then realized: "Oh, I understand, I don't have time, so let Taibai Jinxing lead Tianting to come forward, and the seals, uniforms, Shinto magic weapons, etc. of various official positions will be decided. .

When the time comes, they will be distributed together.

Furthermore, you ask King Chu Jiang to hold a larger canonization ceremony and make it more grand, which represents Heaven's recognition of them. "

"Okay, that's how it should be..."

The old master nodded with satisfaction. He had achieved what he should strive for, and then Xue Pan rushed to speak: "The biggest problem on my side is that the consumption of various spiritual materials and spiritual stones is too serious, which has seriously affected the price of goods.

Nowadays, the price of various spiritual materials, including elixirs, in the Treasure Pavilion is at least twice what it was before the war.

That is to say, the Treasure Pavilion is ours, and the currency and merit points used are also ours, and no one can get a glimpse of the mystery inside.

Otherwise, Tianting may directly declare bankruptcy because it has no liquidity. "

"War is too expensive!"

"How do you want me to solve this? I can't conjure it out of thin air?"

Mo Chengjun grinned, and with a flash of inspiration, he asked, "Tell me, what can you do?"

“According to my estimation, unblocking the three resource-based blessed lands can solve the urgent need.

However, it is just an urgent need. The most important thing is that after this war, there are too many puppet soldiers that need to be repaired, production needs to be expanded, optimization and improvement are needed, and more materials are needed.

Therefore, what I mean is to directly unblock the nine blessed places. "

"Okay, just as you said, open the resource-based blessed lands ranked first to ninth directly. Try not to engage in destructive mining and follow a sustainable path."

Mo Chengjun made the decision, and Xue Ling quickly recorded it, and then Baling'er said: "On my side, it is mainly about post-war review, optimization and improvement of the heavenly soldiers and generals, restarting the industrial design that was put down before, and the deep space fortress. The fourth stage of optimization,

By the way, there is also a new topic, the analysis of extraterrestrial demons..."

"Wait, wait a minute..."

Mo Chengjun's head was pounding after hearing this, and he waved his hands to stop him very unhappily, and hurriedly said: "I said, can you please stop doing this? Can you give me some private time?"

"In a big battle, I have two demon lords all to myself. I'm desperate. You guys are chasing me to deal with this and that. I'm really tired.

Anyway, the plan of heaven is there, you can decide for yourself, let me rest, let me rest..."

Seeing Mo Chengjun's outburst, the others finally calmed down. Finally, the respected old master asked: "What news did King Peacock Ming send you to make you so angry?"

Mo Chengjun finally seemed to have lost his temper. He threw a few jade pieces on the stone table and said, "You guys, see for yourselves!"

So, when the jade piece was circulated among everyone, everyone's expressions suddenly turned gloomy.

It turns out that the Tianwaitian battlefield has collapsed to this point!

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(End of this chapter)

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