Chapter 597 Chase and Escape

The method of "Longing the Earth's Golden Light" is one of Tiangang's thirty-six magical powers. This magical power was an unintentional inspiration of Mo Chengjun. It uses the huge magnetic field between the planets as its power to push forward at its own speed.

It may not be able to span galaxies like the 'River of Time', but in terms of just crossing the void in a physical body, it is already extremely fast.

Just like now, he transformed into a golden light, and in just a moment, he broke through the gravitational constraints of the real demon world and went straight to the sky.

After leaving the atmosphere, the Immortal Realm expanded on its own. It did not expand, but stuck three inches close to the whole body. After the intensity was infinitely increased, the speed became even faster.

Like a meteorite trailing a golden tail flame, it had already gone far away in the blink of an eye, and behind it, there were layers of ripples in the void.

Seeing this speed, the Golden Stone Giant and the Demon Dragon King who followed behind were stunned, and their bodies couldn't help but become a little sluggish.

At this speed, if they are too far ahead of them, they will definitely not be able to catch up.

Of course, they didn’t dare to stop!

They even exerted all their strength and exhausted all means, just to get one point faster, otherwise, they would not be able to explain to other demon lords.

However, just when Mo Chengjun was about to disappear from their sight, a vast area of ​​100,000 miles in radius suddenly collapsed.

It was like a sinkhole that suddenly appeared in the void without any warning. The sunken space was like falling into an abyss, and was filled by the world from a higher level downwards.

That is the fall of the long river of time,

As a result, a willow tree that can connect the sky and the earth appeared in the world.

His roots pierce into the void, going deep and far and wide.

The wicker hanging down from him was like thousands of arms, blooming with misty silver light, beating the void, as if it could shatter the earth, fire, wind and water.

The outline of a human face appeared on his tree body, with a pair of weathered and cloudy eyes, a gaping mouth full of sharp teeth and fangs, and two strands of beard that seemed to be made of entangled roots, flying in the air.

He made a low and distant voice: "Heavenly Court, patrolling immortal official, we meet again, meet again!"

"You can't escape this time, you can't escape!"

He seemed to be speaking very slowly, but it was like the roar of a giant beast, causing ripples in the space, like a shout in the mountains, echoing endlessly,

However, his voice did not last long and was covered up by a distant national curse.

"I'll just hide away..."

That was Mo Chengjun's voice, and his words even contained a hint of panic and a drawn-out ending.

The next moment, a golden light hit the willow tree blocking the front!

Some things are inherently contradictory, like 'dexterity' and 'speed', which seem to be consistent, but when you pursue the limit of one, you have to sacrifice the other.

For example, this "Golden Light" is too fast, so it is difficult to control and turn!

Even Mo Chengjun accidentally broke the Demon Lord Seal carefully prepared by King Peacock Ming when he used it for the first time.

Even now, he didn't dare to say how much control he had, especially when the sixth demon lord suddenly appeared in front of him.

Then, he couldn't stop!


After a loud noise, the space vibrated like ripples, layers upon layers piled up, and a blooming mushroom cloud rose in place.

At this moment, the man who was as big as a willow tree stretched to the sky felt dazed. With his size, he couldn't help but lean back and fall back.

There was a cracking sound of 'Bang Bang Bang Bang' in the void, as dense as firecrackers being set off. It was the sound of roots that had penetrated into the void being torn off.

This was the result of the Demon Lord being well prepared and blocking the willow branch in front of him, constantly releasing his strength.

Otherwise, it is more likely that the body will be penetrated directly.

Of course, Mo Chengjun wasn't much better.

His body rolled and fell out, and was hit by the spreading shock wave in the direction where it came from, shattering countless layers of space.

He even lost consciousness for a moment, leaving only his immortal power running spontaneously to protect his body and soul.

Of course, the 'dizziness' didn't last long. When he came to his senses, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. Then he coughed again and again, and all he spat out were pieces of flesh and blood.

The organs are displaced, the muscles and bones are torn,

Although in the next second, the martial saint's body was already repairing the injury spontaneously, this was also a physical injury that Mo Chengjun had not suffered for a long time.

Looking up again, Mo Chengjun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took a deep breath, his immortal power began to circulate, and his divine power spread.

Then, his aura continued to rise at an unreasonable speed!

"You're cruel! The Sixth Demon Lord, I really didn't expect you to be so talented?!"

"In that case, let's have a good fight."

"Three sword moves, Changhe rises! Cut it! Cut it! Cut it!"

As he said this, he opened his mouth and spit out the flying sword. The sword turned into a stream of light in an instant. When it rose again, it became a river of sword energy and slashed down.

The old face of the Sixth Demon Lord showed a look of pain.

To be honest, if he did it again, he really didn't know if he was so 'brave'.

But now, obviously this is not the time for nonsense!

He tried hard to stabilize his body. Although his huge body was still falling, he quickly waved his willow branch.

I saw those 'arms' with silver light flying all over the sky, constantly intertwining and colliding with the sword energy rushing down.

Any section of his willow branches will be as tough and hard as a magic weapon.

But when it collided with Mo Chengjun's sword light, it was still as smooth as cutting through tofu.

After just a moment, he couldn't help but let out a roar of pain.

Simply, with just such a delay, his goal had been achieved.

A huge boulder, round and black, as big as a city gate, had already smashed over.

Even in this void, the terrifying momentum still caused ripples in the void and crashed into Mo Chengjun.

Mo Chengjun was certainly aware of such a big movement.

As soon as he turned around, his meritorious golden body was facing the flying boulder. With a wave of his hand, the space was twisted into an arc, causing the boulder to cross a semi-arc before smashing back.

Then, the boulder collided with the second boulder, turning into rubble flying all over the sky.

But in the distance, the gold and stone giant raised his hands again, and once again condensed a huge stone, stretched out his arms, bowed, and bent down, and threw it one after another.

This is nothing, the most important thing is that the Demon Dragon King has already brought a bloody storm and is approaching!

He didn't want to fight with Mo Chengjun, but when he got close, he opened his mouth and vomited.

There was a cloud of demonic energy, a burning thunder, and a dragon's breath piercing through the void. In just a moment, it arrived in front of Mo Chengjun.

At the critical moment, Mo Chengjun turned around again, and a body with three heads and six arms appeared. They each faced the enemy, and each used different magical means.

Facing the sixth demon lord, the sky-supporting willow tree, he spit out the 'Samadhi True Fire', and the blazing flames spread in the void, bursting into flames one after another, and spread away.

Facing the third demon lord, the gold and stone giant, he moved his hands continuously, and the space continued to twist and vibrate, turning into circles of ripples, removing the power of the impact of the boulder.

As for the twelfth demon lord, the Demon Dragon King, he dealt with it most seriously because the dragon's breath made him feel threatened.

As soon as he held his hands, he already showed the characteristics of partial dragon transformation. Layers of dragon scales covered his arms, and dragon horns sprouted from his head.

The Twelve Transformations of Jingzhe: The Candle Dragon Transformation!

Just for a moment, the flow of time in front of him suddenly slowed down until it solidified, along with the dragon's breath that was coming toward his face.

And Mo Chengjun opened his mouth again and spat out, and the flying sword of his life had already flown out, one turned into four, and the four sword lights acted out separately, trying to strike out with a powerful sword.

It seems that the scene of killing the fourth demon lord is about to happen again!

It's a pity that the Demon Dragon King is not the fourth demon lord, so he will not give this opportunity at all.

Before the sword light even rose, he seemed to have been greatly frightened. There was a faint glow of blood and he was already thousands of miles away.

This reaction speed should give a thumbs up to everyone who comes here!

But, he avoided it,

But there was also a large area of ​​​​empty space in the encirclement. Almost as soon as he was gone, a golden light flashed next to him.

But it’s Mo Chengjun who returns to “Golden Light”!

The difference is that this time, there is no longer one golden light, but three, running away in three directions at extremely fast speeds.

Mo Chengjun 'escaped' again!

Just kidding, since the last time he had a fight with the two demon lords, he knew the limit of his killing power. He is very strong, has many methods, and has powerful magical powers. After making up for the shortcomings of his magic power, he can face the demon lord one-on-one. As long as he is not the first demon lord, he will be sure to kill him.

Especially after getting familiar with the opponent's methods, it becomes even easier. Just like the Moon-Breaking Demon Lord, it's really effortless to kill him after dealing with him a lot.

But facing the three demon lords head-on, he really couldn't defeat them.

Therefore, whenever three demon lords gathered together, he would immediately have to find a way to escape.

Of course, he escaped quickly, but the demon lords were not slow to react either.

Just say that when the sky-supporting willow tree extinguished the Samadhi True Fire, it also emitted a divine light and actually shattered a golden light.

Then there was the gold and stone giant. When he opened his mouth and spat out, there was no sound in the void, but there was space that rippled and expanded rapidly, filling it with a golden light.

Then, the golden light shattered like a bubble.

This is also false!

Therefore, only the Demon Dragon King, who had fled far away, accomplished nothing, but he still had the courage to pursue the last golden light.

Of course he didn't want to use Blood Escape anymore, so he could only watch the golden light getting further and further away.

But at least he was positive.

At this time, just as Mo Chengjun was about to leave the battlefield, another loud roar came!


The whistle sounded like an eagle or an owl, with an extremely cold sound, and a shadow covering the sky was quickly approaching.

It was a figure that looked like a fish or a snake, with a slender body. As the body twisted, the space kept retreating.

There are also eight pairs of wings, entwined with wind and thunder. Every time they are instigated, they move forward as fast as a storm.

His speed was extremely fast, so fast that he shot out diagonally, carrying wind and thunder, which was almost parallel to Mo Chengjun's vertical golden light.

Moreover, unlike the fearless Demon Lord, the Demon Dragon King, he behaved extremely bravely. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he pounced on Mo Chengjun without hesitation.

As he approached quickly, he lowered his head, the horn on his forehead flashing blue, and he bumped into it.

Of course, he also has the courage to be brave.

Because, even if he fights with Zulong, he is still the one who takes the lead.

However, this time, Mo Chengjun also gained experience.

Although he used the magical power of the golden light that penetrated the earth, he still protected the golden body of merit outside his body. The Martial Saint Dharma was placed on the surface of his body, while his physical body was inside, and he used various means to protect it.

Therefore, this time, even if the new demon lord had a head-on collision, Mo Chengjun did not hesitate and just hit him.


Perhaps it was a matter of angle. This time the collision was not as powerful as the first time, but after the two sides crossed each other, they each stabilized their bodies and collided with each other without hesitation.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

In the void, a golden light and a purple brilliance were seen constantly accelerating, colliding, separating, finding the right angle, and colliding again...

In just a very short period of time, they had collided countless times, and even because they were so dense, the collision sounds became one continuous sound.

And, along the way, the spaces left behind were shattered by impact, and the waves of void suddenly set off.

These waves in the void spread outward like water flow, like ripples on the water's surface. Some collide in the void and are annihilated, while others go far away.

Of course, there were three demon lords behind them, who were also rushing forward, using all their magical powers to catch up.

However, among them, only the Demon Dragon King is faster, and he is still unwilling to fight hard.

The other two demon lords, the Golden Stone Giant and the Sky-supporting Willow Tree, seemed powerless in the face of the increasingly wider battlefield.

But they chased him very resolutely and decisively. It seemed that they were sure that the patrolling immortal official would not be able to escape.

In fact, their persistence paid off in just a moment.

This time, the seventh demon lord, Feng Lei Ying Xiao, suddenly turned around and collided head-on with Mo Chengjun.

Although he was hit hard, he even received a blow from his magical sword power, which shattered a pair of wind and thunder wings.

But such a collision also broke Mo Chengjun's golden light technique, and he fell out of the rapid state.

It was also at this time that the voice of the sky-supporting willow tree came like a roar: "Evil Eye, if you don't move now, when will you wait?"

Before his voice could be heard, where Mo Chengjun was, a space of one hundred thousand miles in radius suddenly collapsed.

A round flesh ball just crawled out of the void.

He waved countless tentacles, inserted into the void, dragging his huge body forward, and the speed was not slow.

His body is made up of countless stumps and broken arms. The countless limbs are covered with pairs of eyes. In the blink of an eye, there is a dark evil light.

The most terrifying thing is the center, which is an extremely huge evil eye with infinite divine light brewing inside.

As soon as he appeared, he was stuck. When Mo Chengjun's old power was exhausted and new power was not born, tentacles plunged into the void, sealing off the world.

Then, all the divine light in the giant eyes disappeared, and then shot out again.

This is Dongxu Divine Light!

This is the most powerful magical power of the Eighth Demon Lord Evil Eye, which has the ability to decompose all things.

After the ancestral dragons in the past were exposed to this void divine light, one of their limbs was shattered, and it took hundreds of years to repair it.

This achievement alone is enough to illustrate its power.

And this was obviously a killing plot carefully designed by several demon lords, including the collision of the seventh demon lord and the appearance of the eighth demon lord.

Everything, just for this one blow now!

It was too late, but it was too soon. Mo Chengjun almost made a quick strike with his sword at the last moment.

The Seventh Sword Style, the future will be perfect!

There are countless possibilities in the future, so this sword style can destroy all future hopes of the enemy.

Of course, at this moment, Mo Chengjun changed his usage. He eliminated countless ways of ending his own death.

There is only one option left, the option to survive.

Then, his body was pushed by a strange force and moved tens of meters laterally, as if the leaves of a fruit were falling in the wind.

As a result, he avoided such powerful Dongxu Divine Light.

Seeing this scene, all the demon lords bared their teeth and looked ugly.

The situation that must be killed was actually broken like this?

They are naturally depressed!

However, Mo Chengjun was actually frightened and broke into a cold sweat. He was actually careful.

Because, when he was in Motian City, he saw three space cracks, so his most basic judgment was that at least three demon lords had returned.

Now that there are two people taking action, there is naturally another one hiding in the darkness.

However, no matter how mentally prepared he was, he did not expect that the Evil-Eyed Demon Lord would be so decisive in his attacks.

He was just a little bit sincere, and he fell into trouble here.

However, even if he dodged the blow, Mo Chengjun's condition was not much better.

Because it was really beyond his ability to face five demon lords in person.

Especially with the addition of Feng Lei Ying Xiao and Evil Eye Demon Lord, one could catch up with his speed, and the other had extremely strong field control ability, forcing him to feel like he had no way to go to the sky and no way to the earth.

Many times, he had to sacrifice his injuries in exchange for the opportunity and space to escape.

Just like this, chasing and escaping, fighting and fighting, an unknown amount of time passed.

Until somewhere in the void, Mo Chengjun stood with his sword in his hand, seemingly driven to the end of his rope.

 Kavin, Kavin, it’s so painful to write!



(End of this chapter)

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