The years when I created the ancient heaven

Chapter 598 The Sacrificial Demon Dragon King

Chapter 598 The Sacrificial Demon Dragon King

The sky is beyond the sky,

On a deserted planet,


There was a loud noise, and the space was turbulent like water waves, and then smoke and dust from tens of thousands of miles away rose into the sky, like a rising mushroom cloud.

But this mushroom cloud did not last long. A strong wind roared from the void, swirling violently, breaking down all the gravel and smoke, and continued to extend deeper into the planet.

However, a sword light rose from the smoke and dust, and with a slight stir, the void shattered.

Then, countless space cracks turned into the sharpest blades, rushing forward like crazy, as if they were going to shatter the sky.

But as he approached, a gold and stone giant that surpassed ten thousand feet stood in front. He didn't even make any extra moves, he just turned around and faced the sharp sword with his back.

Clang clang clang clang!

The fine sound of metal and stone is like a piece of music, beautiful and full of danger.

And when the sword light was gone, there were already various wounds on the back of the gold and stone giant, crisscrossing them, looking extremely horrifying.

But if you look closely, even with such sword energy that can cut through space, the damage caused is still limited.

Even, as time goes by, those wounds are still crawling on their own and recovering quickly!

The third demon lord, the Gold and Stone Giant, despite his inconspicuous performance before.

Talking about speed, talking about attack power, talking about reaction, talking about magical means...

There seems to be nothing outstanding about him, but there is a reason why he can still firmly occupy the third position in the Demon Lord Rankings despite so many failings!

And there is only one reason. Among the demon lords, he has the highest defense power!

It is also the most difficult to kill!

The body of the gold and stone giant is the largest mineral vein in the real demon world, but for some reason he became a spirit and possessed spiritual intelligence. He then became a demon and practiced until he became a demon lord.

The day he raised his body, the entire real demon world was in turmoil. He even fought with the first demon lord and had a ten-year fight.

You can't beat him!

But just relying on defense, he was refined by the first demon lord with demon flames for ten years, and he only shed a layer of his outer shell.

In fact, the first demon lord sent him, the fourth demon lord, and the twelfth demon lord into the real demon world to snipe and kill Mo Chengjun after careful consideration.

One is for defense, one is for melee combat, and one is for long-range attack. It can be regarded as a standard combat configuration with complementary abilities.

It's a pity that Mo Chengjun didn't give them a chance to come together, use thunderous means to stop the enemy, and then use his magical power to kill a demon lord.

Of course, the reason why the fourth demon lord was chosen was not that he was the weakest, but that Mo Chengjun was the most familiar with his methods.

Back to the subject, it was only at this time, when a group of demon lords were in place, that the gold and stone giant showed his greatest ability.

With the combined efforts of the five Demon Lords, he blocked nearly 80% of Mo Chengjun's attacks.

The method is even more simple and crude, just use your body to resist without fear of harm.

Even Mo Chengjun's 'space split' trick had no effect.

And when the power of the sword faded, in front of him, the other four demon lords stepped out one after another, and they were in a semi-surrounded state, looking down.

Below, the smoke and dust disappeared, leaving only a desolate planet. Among the thousands of ravines, an exaggeratedly huge pit appeared.

There are even more cracks spreading in all directions, densely surrounding like spider webs.

In the pit, Mo Chengjun worked hard to pull his body out, and Wan Zhang's real body worked hard to support his body, which seemed extremely laborious.

Seeing that the demon lords were about to attack, Mo Chengjun hurriedly said: "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, let's take a break first, can't we take a break?"

"Aren't you tired of chasing me like this?"

There is no air in the void, so it is logical that no sound can be made, but the vibrating space can still transmit sound.

Mo Chengjun has mastered it very skillfully.

The group of demon lords pressed forward in a semicircle for a certain distance, completely sealing the world, and then stopped moving as if they had a winning chance.

"Inspecting Immortal Official of the Heavenly Court, I have to admit that you are already very impressive for being able to persist for such a long time and at such a long distance under the pursuit of five demon lords like me."

The five demon lords gathered together, and the person communicating with the outside world was not the fourth giant of gold and stone, but the sixth demon lord, the sky-supporting willow tree.

His old face also showed a look of admiration: "Apart from you, the only one worthy of us joining forces to fight against the enemy is Zulong.

Even other ancient demons cannot fight one against two. "

On the ground, Mo Chengjun's violent breathing was like a bellows, and all his magical power was fluctuating violently, as if he was exhausted.

But even at this moment, facing the five demon lords, he was still arrogant: "I don't dare to compete with Zulong.

However, don’t worry, you guys, as I improve my strength, one day I will beat you five with your faces full of love! "

"One day? Haha, you overestimate yourself, right?"

The seventh demon lord, Feng Lei Yingxiao, couldn't help but say: "Besides, I'm waiting for the five demon lords to take action, because I'm afraid you won't survive today!"

"That's not necessarily true?"

Mo Chengjun was in a bad state, but his smile remained: "By the way, haven't you ever had any doubts?"

"What do you suspect?"

"Although I was chased by you and others, I chose the direction of my escape!"

Saying this, Mo Chengjun looked at the five demon lords and asked, "You didn't notice, where is this?"

Hearing what he said, several demon lords couldn't help but look around. After wandering for a long time, the twelfth demon lord said strangely: "This seems to be the Sky Withered Star?"

"Tian Kuxing? You actually fought here. In this battle, you have gone far enough!"

"But what about Tiankuxing? Is there anything here that can threaten us?"

"It's just a withered planet. Even if it explodes and collapses, it won't be able to harm us?"

"So, what does patrolling the Immortal Officials mean?"

"In the words of those monsters, it's just a dog jumping over the wall!"

Why is the sky dry?

In the words of the real demon world, it is a place where life cannot exist.

This is the planet closest to the sun in the galaxy where the real demon world is located. It is naturally exposed to sunlight, and the temperature difference between day and night is almost incredible.

When it's hot, it can kill people; when it's cold, it can freeze into ice sculptures.

No matter how stubborn a life is, it is impossible to survive here.

Of course, even so, it can only threaten the existence below the immortals, let alone the demon lord.

However, at this time, the Third Demon Lord seemed to have thought of something. He said: "I remember that the First Demon Lord said that the patrolling Immortal Official seemed to have put something on the Sun Star?"

The Demon Dragon King, who had not spoken for a long time, said again: "According to my calculations, it seems that the sun is about to rise?!"

Saying this, the sun finally rose.

At the end of the field of vision, a big sun that seemed very close at hand showed its outline from the back of the desolate planet.

Even if it just pops up a little, the corona visible to the naked eye spreads outward, like an outstretched arm, spreading endless heat.

Almost at the same time, on the surface of the desolate planet and at the end of the field of vision, red and blazing magma splashed out. At this moment, the world seemed to be ignited by flames.

It continues to advance and advance on the surface of the planet at an unimaginable speed.

Even before he got close, the surrounding space was already distorted by the heat.

Even the demon lord, the eighth demon lord, Evil Eye, who is less resistant, has been baked out of grease.

His uncertain voice rang in the ears of all the demon lords: "Is this situation normal?"

"Normal? Normal! How can this be called normal?" "So, this is the method of the patrolling immortal official. What exactly did he send to the Sun Star?"

"It's no longer important what it is. What's important is, will this sudden burst of corona impact our home planet?"

"If the real demon world suffers such an impact, what will be the consequences?"

"The atmosphere is destroyed, water evaporates, vegetation wilts, and then all living things will be directly scorched to death!"

"Is it so serious?"

"No, this may not be the most serious thing..."


A loud noise interrupted their chat, and the space that had been blocked by the evil eye and the sky-supporting willow tree was suddenly broken by Mo Chengjun.

But the demon lords did not see the enemy, because Mo Chengjun did not break out upwards, but plunged into the earth.

Thirty-six Tiangang Methods, "Five Elements Great Escape" is activated, and the earth ripples like water waves.

What he smashed into was not only the enclosed space, but also went deep into the ground like a fish at an extremely fast speed.

The five Demon Lords leaned forward almost instinctively, wanting to chase after him.

But the third demon master, the Gold and Stone Giant, stretched out his arm and stopped them.

Feng Lei Ying Xiao, who was blocked in his way, spoke very dissatisfied: "Jin Shi, what are you doing?

If you wait a little longer, he will escape. "

Jin Shi's dumb face showed a look of helplessness, and he asked: "Do you think it is more important to patrol the immortal officials? Or is it our home planet that is more important?"


"So, we need the decision of the First Demon Lord."

As he said this, he looked up high, as if through the real world, looking towards a hidden corner: "What do you think we should do?"

For a time, almost all the demon lords were waiting for the order from the first demon lord.

at the same time,

In a hidden corner.

The first demon lord looked through the river of time, looking at the exploding sun star, and his face looked very ugly.

He worked hard and tried his best to suppress the variables from the long river of time.

But some things must be resolved in this world.

He has also gone through the long river of time and seen the results of the Sun Star's explosion, which was a more serious consequence than the demon lords had speculated.

To be precise, the real demon world still exists, but the real demon civilization may be completely destroyed by solar flares.

That was a future he couldn't accept, but he was also unwilling to give up killing the patrolling immortal official!

A long time, a long time, time seems to have passed for a long time,

The red flames of the sun had already covered the pit created by Mo Chengjun, and the five demon lords were even forced to retreat by the heat.

But this is not too long!

Finally, the first demon lord spoke, and he only uttered three words: "Sacrifice!"

"What is a sacrifice?"

The Demon Dragon King seemed a little confused about this word, but when he turned around, he found that he was surrounded.

Yes, front, back, left, right, and in all directions, all positions have been occupied by the other four demon lords.

"You, what do you want to do?"

The third demon lord said angrily: "What are you doing? Sacrifice! Didn't the first demon lord say so?

But to sacrifice, you have to have a sacrifice, and I think you are very good. "

"You, you can't do this? First Demon Lord, we have an oath, you can't treat me like this?"

"Haha, do you really think that we, the real demons, will accept a fake demon to become a demon lord? That's just because we want to make you fatter."

This is the speech of the Sixth Demon Lord Supporting the Sky Willow Tree.

"It's not that we didn't give you a chance, but facts have proven countless times that you can't be of the same mind as us, you are just a greedy person who is afraid of death."

This was the criticism of the Seventh Demon Lord Feng Lei Ying Xiao, while the Eighth Demon Lord Xie Yan just said eight words coldly: "Those who are not of my race must have different minds!"

Their words did not stop, their hands moved faster, almost a series of extremely complex operations were performed one after another, and a boundless formation was already formed.

The Demon Dragon King was trapped in it, rushing left and right, using all his methods, even using Blood Escape desperately, but he couldn't get out.

At the same time, in a hidden corner, the first demon lord stretched out a big hand and fished it out of thin air. A round of Da Ri running around was caught.

Then, just like that, in the present world, a big sun appeared in the sky above the formation.

This great sun bloomed with immeasurable brilliance. In a short time, it seemed to be comparable to the sun and stars, and it even wanted to escape in the brilliance.

But in the formation, dozens of chains grew out of thin air, rising up and extending continuously until they reached the depths of the void, catching the great sun.

Da Ri was restrained and pulled closer to the formation, faintly overlapping with the Demon Dragon King.

At this point, the Demon Dragon King didn't know what they were going to do, but the sense of crisis in his heart was stronger than ever.

He almost smelled death, but all he could do was struggle and beg for mercy.

"No, no! Please, don't do this..."

But while they were struggling, the four demon lords, each standing at one place, knelt down as if pushing down a mountain of gold and a jade pillar, and began to buckle their heads at the Demon Dragon King.

They were extremely pious, and it was hard to say that people who had practiced to their level could even be called pious.

But this is the fact, and their piety seems to have attracted the attention of some kind of terrifying existence.

Then, the Demon Dragon King let out a miserable howl.

His scales began to peel off, vaporize, and disappear, followed by fascia, flesh and blood, organs, bones, demonic energy, soul, and true spirit...

Little by little, the Demon Dragon King was stripped clean.

There is really some kind of weird existence in the void, which seems to be enjoying the 'delicious food'!

On the Sun Star, the flare that was originally stimulated by 'World Peace' and was on the verge of exploding, actually lost its accumulated energy in the process, and gradually calmed down.

deep in the earth,

Mo Chengjun looked at the scene in front of him with disappointment, sigh, and satisfaction, but mostly fear!

The big killer that he was disappointed and had high hopes for was actually solved like this.

What he sighed was the foundation and back-up plan of the real demon world, which was really a chain within a chain.

He was satisfied with the death of the Demon Dragon King. To put it bluntly, he was also a demon lord. He should be satisfied with the death of one less person.

Moreover, this traitor was a traitor to the Butian Sect. He died so miserably and was like a traitor. No matter how you looked at it, he deserved it.

But all this is nothing compared to the final fear!

Because he really didn’t know what methods the demon lords used to calm down the solar flare.

Especially the sacrifice seemed to indicate that there was a more terrifying existence intervening in this civilized war.

This is definitely not a good thing, but now, there is still a limit to what he can do.

Thinking like this, Mo Chengjun finally no longer hesitated. He crushed a Two Realm Stone in his hand in the dark underground.

Turning his vision upside down, he was already in an extremely vast emptiness and darkness, right in the dimensional gap between the real world and the high-dimensional world.

 Alas, 2023 is gone so quickly. Time flies so fast and the years are like combs!



(End of this chapter)

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