Chapter 68 The Big Dream
Five-color soil, named for its five colors, is also known as Xi soil, which means endless soil.

This is the best soil ever recorded. It is unknown how it was formed, but it is a spiritual material that can be called a fairy product, and it is also the soil necessary for the growth of most fairy plants.

It can be said that the best and longest-lived medicinal spirit materials in each sect must be planted in the five-color soil fields, and the outside world has to use formations to simulate the environment and sunshine required for their growth.

Of course, five-color soil can also be used as a refining material, which is used in many earth-attribute magic weapons, spirit treasures, and even immortal weapons.

You ask if the magic weapon can be used?
Of course it is possible, but no one will use it, and the magic weapon is too low-end.

Even a prodigal son would be reluctant to use five-color soil on a magic weapon.

Compared with the wide range of effects of the five-color soil, it is naturally a rare quantity. Even in Galaxy Sword Sect, Mo Chengjun has never seen this thing in the treasure house or mission rewards.

Of course, this does not mean that Galaxy Sword Sect does not have five-color soil, but it must be a strategic resource, and it is not easy to obtain it.

Just yesterday, before the evil ghost king fled, the last wave of thunderballs and lightning bolts he slashed down destroyed an unknown number of ghost town buildings, exposing their foundations.

That is the soil with five colors!
Of course, that was just a glimpse, although Mo Chengjun was interested, but Mo Chengjun couldn't be sure.

And when he returned to the Yamen of the Monster Killing Division, he asked Qian Lili carefully, and after looking through a lot of documents kept by the Monster Killing Division, he finally confirmed that it was the five-color soil!
Then, there will be a series of coquettish operations such as today's secret record of confession, flattery, taking out and tracking the small jade bottle, etc.

Yes, he also has a purpose for this, for this soil.

As for what he wants to rest?

Hehe, let’s learn more about the cave method!

In fact, if you just want to open up a small cave, in fact, the soil is really not a necessity, but if you want to expand and develop the small cave, you must have the soil to lay the foundation.

That's why Mo Chengjun was so caring.

Of course, if he put his heart into his heart, he did what he should do, and he also calculated what he should calculate.

But he didn't know the final result, and he just had to wait!

It's up to man to make things happen, this is his attitude!


When the Four Seasons Sword Master left, the entire Yong'an City became quiet again, and Mo Chengjun and the others did not leave in a hurry, mainly because of their injuries, they were not allowed to rush on their way.

Simply, the Four Seasons Sword Master gave a lot of precious pills, and it is only a matter of time before the injuries of several people recover.

Because they were going to live for a long time, this time, instead of occupying the Yamen of the Monster Slayer, they rented a large courtyard, divided each of them into a room, and lived there.

Mo Chengjun was not talking nonsense, he plunged into the room and began to retreat.

It's not that he needs healing, but a quiet environment to restore his mana to its peak and sort out the various thoughts that are boiling in his mind.

This trip down the mountain was to save Baling'er, but it was also his first trip, he encountered many things and did a lot of things, and he gained a lot.

This first point, of course, is a real use of the supernatural power of [Destroying Thunder and Switching Lightning].

It has to be said that there are still too many differences between going all out in a martial arts fight and performing in normal times. At least this time in fighting martial arts, he has gained a lot of inspiration and ideas.

Based on this, he has already begun to study and deduce "Fengyun Leifa 2.0".

Secondly, it is about the harvest of ghosts, and two ghosts were caught.

He is going to go back and study it carefully to see if he can figure out the principle of the combination of this person's consciousness and the inspiration of heaven and earth?
He has a feeling that this is a huge subject, and if he really studies it thoroughly, he may be able to get rid of the shackles of birth, old age, sickness and death.

In a sense, is ghost another form of immortality?
Really, thinking about it, I am excited to gear up.

Finally, and most crucially, a hypothesis he just obtained——emotions are powerful!

This is also a huge subject, not only related to the generation of ghosts and ghosts, but also related to the sword intent of sword cultivators.

If this research is thorough, I dare not think about the results!

It took several days for Mo Chengjun to record all his thoughts and ideas in a book.

Think about the unfinished project before going down the mountain - learning about refining tools, and the combination of refining tools and microscopes, and the insight of the eye of Lingquan...

Well, Mo Chengjun suddenly discovered that although he had advanced to Foundation Establishment, his number of subjects increased instead.

At this time, it seems that there is still not enough time!
Just like this, on the tenth day of training, an official sent by the Daxuan Dynasty, a real demon slayer, Qianhu, arrived.

Then, Qian Li was naturally taken down!

The Baihu who colluded with the Lotus Sect must have committed a serious crime, but on the one hand, he did not cause a major disaster, and on the other hand, he made positive corrections in the follow-up.

Although he was escorted to Fucheng to be punished, one thing is certain - he will not die!
Besides, his matter did not involve the sect behind him, the Fufeng Sect!
After recuperating for about half a month, Baling'er basically recovered.

Although his flying sword was broken and his combat power plummeted, but in this battle of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, he fought desperately, and his attainments in "Sword Art of No Return and No Regret" have made great progress.

It's just that he has to warm up this flying sword again, or recast it on the original flying sword.

All of these are fine, but they must be carried out at the Zongmen.

At this point, returning to the sect is also on the agenda.

But before setting off, Mo Chengjun seemed to have thought of something. After a brief hesitation, he bid farewell to everyone and left alone.

This time, he didn't even bring the four-eared donkey demon.

Some things, after all, he needs to face alone.

It is worth mentioning that Mo Chengjun did not return the altar made of spirit bamboo to the demon slayer, but entrusted several people to help bring it back to the sect.

This magic weapon is a bit clumsy, but it is actually very useful at critical moments, and he is really reluctant to lose it.


After leaving everyone, Mo Chengjun started his second trip.

He took out a magic weapon specially used for traveling, a green sapphire dharma boat, made another magic trick, set up a cloud head, and looked for the direction in the sky, and just kept flying like that.

Looking from a distance, the blue sky and white clouds are inconspicuous, but this cloud flies lower.

On the Dharma boat, Mo Chengjun wanted to close his eyes and rest his mind, thinking about something in his mind.

But when it really started, he found himself very irritable.

It wasn't that there was any external disturbance, it was simply that he couldn't calm down, and it was related to what he was about to do.

And this situation lasted for several days before it was considered to improve.

At this time, he gradually approached his destination - Sifang City.

That's right, Sifang City, the big city where he settled for the first time in this world.

He experienced his first serious injury here, and now that he thinks about it, he still misses it.

But he did not press the cloud head, but continued to fly forward,
When he was outside the city, looking at the ancient road that remained the same, he seemed to see the battle between man and demon again.

Here, he met Ruoli for the first time, met the four-eared donkey demon, and used magic for the first time to turn the situation around.

It was also here that he faced death head on.

It could even be said that even now, that was the first time he faced death directly.

However, Mo Chengjun still didn't stop, and continued to walk along the ancient road.

Along the long road, he seems to have seen the first encounter with Xue Ling, saw himself mixed in the refugee team, and saw the mind awakened in the storm.

Here, the memory seems to be split, and Mo Chengjun stood upright for a long time before the memory continued with the dream.

So, he seemed to see a man fighting wildly like a beast, tearing off his arm, biting his throat, and devouring his flesh and blood under the sky covered with black clouds and lightning.

He also saw a person walking forward like a walking dead, ignorant, as if only instinct was trending, without any wisdom.

After a long time, Mo Chengjun continued on.

He walked in the direction the man came from, and also followed the memory in the dream.

He broke away from the ancient road and headed towards the wilderness, crossing low mountains and walking through dense forests.

In a trance, I don't know how long and how far I walked.

When he stopped, he was already in a valley.

Here, the vegetation is lush and the trees are shady.

Here, many small animals shuttle between the branches and vegetation, avoiding the newly arrived humans.

Seven or eight years have passed, and this place is already quite different from the scene in the dream.

But Mo Chengjun was no longer as weak as before. He stopped for a moment, and after checking carefully for a long time, he had to shake his head.

I saw that one after another wind knives cut through the ground, with Mo Chengjun as the core, sweeping away in all directions.

The wind knife cut off the trees and opened up the land, just like plowing the ground to search.

There are a few ferocious beasts in this wilderness, but no one has seen such a posture before, all of them fled with their tails between their legs, and ran very fast one by one.

And Mo Chengjun's move seemed like looking for a needle in a haystack, but it didn't take long, and an oval object was revealed.

I saw that the thick soil had covered its surface, and there was a twisted crack on it.

Looking in from the gap, one could see a nest of gophers hiding inside, chirping and trembling.

Mo Chengjun didn't hurt the gophers who had just given birth and had a big family, but after they were released, the whirlwind and drizzle were constantly washed over the object.

After a cup of tea, the object has revealed its original appearance.

It is about the height of a person, and has an oval shape, like a broken egg. The surface is completely silver-white metal, smooth enough to reflect the figure.

This is a creation that should never appear in the world of Xianxia.

This is a damaged dormant warehouse!
Even with sufficient psychological preparation, Mo Chengjun was still in a daze for a long time.

He stretched out his hand unconsciously, stroking the smooth silver-white metal surface, and the emotions in his heart were so complicated that it was hard to describe.

It turned out that everything in that dream was real!

It turned out that he really fell asleep in the dormant cabin, and then came from outside the sky!

It turned out that even if it was time travel, he had to choose a different way!
 The author has bowed, and the votes are not left?
(End of this chapter)

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