Chapter 69 Three thousand years

This time, Mo Chengjun was not hindered by emotions, but quickly came to his senses. He seemed to have remembered something, and his eyes lit up.

He first made a formula to cast a spell, surrounded by clouds and mist, and wanted to raise the dormant chamber.

But don't look at the small size of the dormant chamber, it's actually extremely heavy. After the power of the cloud and mist was increased layer by layer, it didn't work in the first place.

It's not that Mo Chengjun is incapable of technique, it's simply that he couldn't estimate the strength in the first place.

But he couldn't bear to try a little bit, but went straight forward, grabbed the damaged edge with both hands, and lifted it up like that.

Turning around quickly, Mo Chengjun found what he was looking for.

That is the top of the dormant cabin, there is a palm-sized mirror that is almost the same as the silver-white cabin, but smoother.

After searching for a while, Mo Chengjun found another power outlet.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand, and thunder and lightning flashed between his hands.

He was not in a hurry, but adjusted the strength and size of the lightning bit by bit, and worked hard to ensure that its fluctuations were consistent.

At some point, he introduced electricity into the socket.

A blue electric arc flickered, and after a while, the entire dormant chamber began to hum.

In some places, the indicator light was on, in some places there was no response at all, and in some places there were arcs flickering, and the sound of crackling could be heard endlessly.

As a high-tech creation, what is required is extreme precision. Even though the entire cabin seems to be slightly damaged, it is actually completely unusable.

However, Mo Chengjun didn't care if it was still useful.

He only focused on the small mirror, the screen.

Finally, after a faint blue light flickered and various garbled characters, a group of numbers he was familiar with quietly emerged.

So, Mo Chengjun saw what he wanted to see.

March 5100, 6 AD.

This should be the time record before the energy in the dormant cabin is completely exhausted.

This is also the day when he wakes up from his deep sleep.

As far as he can remember, he lived in the early 21st century.

In other words, he fell asleep...for a full three thousand years.

It was also at this moment that the doubts that had been suppressed in Mo Chengjun's heart for seven or eight years were finally revealed.

The last time he can remember, the moment when he became a research leader, was only in his 20s.

How can you be over 40 years old after time travelling?
On the way of cultivation and practice, he has an extremely talented talent, so why did he encounter the 'Forty Great Limits'?
Now, everything is clear.

For an old popsicle that has been asleep for 3000 years, the [-]th limit is just a fart!

At this moment, Mo Chengjun didn't know what expression he should have.

He didn't even know if it was right or wrong for him to come here to reveal the truth?

Three thousand years of big dreams,
Looking back again,
Already, things are different!
To be honest, Mo Chengjun thought he was mentally prepared.

But when he really knew the truth, there was still a big stone in his heart.

At this moment, he seemed to have lost all his strength, all his courage, and just lay on his back, staring blankly at the sky.

I don't know how much time has passed, and the climate in the mountains and fields is changing.

A drop of dew fell, landed on his face and eye sockets, and slid down his cheeks, wetting his clothes.

For a long time, for a long time, when the red clouds filled the sky, Mo Chengjun suddenly let out a roar.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

The roar was like a wounded beast, sad and desolate.

Suddenly, a bright silver sword pellet jumped out of his mouth, and the magic power of the Seven Profound Sword Qi poured into Mo Chengjun's body, and a hundred-foot sword energy pierced the sky.

At a glance, as far as the field of vision is concerned, it seems that the sky has split in two.

There is also an unspeakable sense of sadness pervading, as if the world is mourning for it, and all things are saddened by it, and all living beings with spirits can hardly restrain the sadness in their hearts.

When the sword came out, Mo Chengjun never cared.

But, when he came back to his senses and savored it for a while, he was stunned.

This is, sword intent?
But is there such a nonsense in the world?
He was too sad to die, so he realized the sword intent?
What's more, it's not the sword art "Four Seasons Sword Art" that he majored in, the meaning of the Four Seasons Rotation sword that should be comprehended, but a kind of sadness.

What is this?
At this time, Mo Chengjun didn't care about being sad anymore, or he didn't want to indulge in the past either.

So, he worked very hard, trying to calm his mind in the perception of the sword intent.

Perhaps, only research, only the obsession with insight into the truth of the world, can make you no longer sad.

After a long time, Mo Chengjun realized that it was a coincidence that he was able to arouse this sad sword intent.

Now, no matter how much he wants to do it, he can't do it.

Because, after that period of time, he was no longer able to immerse himself in that sad state of mind that pierced his bones, and without that state of mind, he would not be able to swing that sword anymore.

But these are not important anymore, what is important is that he proved one thing - human emotions are truly powerful, they can infect the inspirations of heaven and earth, thus exerting a power far beyond the ordinary.

This kind of proof itself is extremely important, and it also provides a direction for Mo Chengjun's subsequent research.

This extra gain was really unexpected.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, which also pulled him out of his sentimental mood.

He didn't leave in a hurry, but caught a pheasant in the surrounding area, plucked the feathers to make a fire, sprinkled seasonings, and started a barbecue.

He hadn't eaten for a day and a night, and he was terribly hungry. He might be able to indica through cultivation, but at least he couldn't at the Foundation Establishment Realm.

As for him, he was so hungry that he didn't eat a meal.

However, he was a little absent-minded during this meal, and there were still countless questions and doubts rolling in his mind.

Now, it has been established that he slept for three thousand years.

But the question that followed was, why was he stuffed into the dormant cabin?
Why sleep for 3000 years?

And why did you cross over here?
Why did it fall from the sky again?

There are too many "whys". When a problem is solved, more questions are involved.

This is Mo Chengjun's current state, why is his mind churning?
The crackling flames browned the pheasant, and the aroma of seasonings mixed with fat filled the air.

In the end, it was still the hunger in his stomach that woke him up, shaking his head, he suppressed all these questions in his heart, and started eating again.

After eating and drinking enough, Mo Chengjun looked at the last rays of the setting sun, tidied up the storage bags, and put the whole sleeping compartment inside.

Then, he drove the sapphire flying boat again and flew towards the distance.

This time, he didn't want to delay outside, but went straight to the barren mountains.

This time, he didn't have the energy to mind his other business, so he wanted to return to Galaxy Sword Sect as quickly as possible.

Perhaps, only in this new home, in that small courtyard, under the afternoon sun under the tea tree, can he calm down his heart.


Shady land, unknown land.

There was a gloomy wind blowing, and in the flickering of illusion and reality, a city suddenly appeared, and the plaque hanging on the top of the city told how evil it was.

But the originally majestic buildings have become dilapidated, and there are not many ghosts and ghosts on the streets.

And in mid-air, the evil ghost king was full of ghostly aura, connecting with the whole ghost city.

Panting heavily, he looked around in panic, and after finding that there was no such figure, he quietly let out a breath, only feeling sore and limp all over, the whole ghost was about to collapse.

However, his moment of relaxation was only a dozen or so breaths, and there were astonishing sounds of howling swords coming from all directions, and even more terrifying sword lights falling from the sky.

The evil ghost king breathed a sigh of relief, only to see the ghost energy gather, forming two bone ghost claws that covered the sky and covered the sun, and directly grabbed Jianguang.

Boom boom boom!
This time there was no huge gap in realm, and the fighting power of the sword cultivator was undoubtedly revealed. The shocking sword light shredded the ghost claw with just a few flashes, and the aftermath rippled, making the earth shake.

The evil ghost king had pain on his face, but he was even more angry, he yelled in horror: "Siji Sword Master, I have already avoided and fled, why do you have to kill them all?
Your sword cultivator is indeed powerful, but even though I am an evil ghost king, I am not an unknown person. Aren't you afraid that I will be caught by the fish? "

A cold female voice echoed between heaven and earth: "The fish died and the net was broken?
You think too highly of yourself, you are just a coward, it is a miracle that you can become the king of ghosts, how dare you threaten me?
How evil, if you really dare to turn around and fight, I can look at you high! "

"You, you, you are too deceitful!"

How evil his face twitched, as if he wanted to eat people, he didn't say anything, showing the ghost king's body.

A hundred-foot-tall ghost with a blue face, fangs, and slender limbs appeared in the middle of the ghost town.

He didn't talk nonsense, he returned his hand directly, and countless bone ghost claws grabbed the sword light. For a while, there were many ghosts and sharp claws, which seemed to be able to tear the sword light into pieces.

But this is an illusion after all, just a breath, the sword light shattered the ghost claw, and dragged a tail like a comet, directly slashing at the ghost king's body.

As soon as this sword is released, there seems to be four seasons changing around, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the rotation is endless. Wherever it passes, time seems to slow down a lot.

The tide of ghosts surged and hit them head-on, but with such a light and delicate sway of the sword light, the siege was broken and the dharma body was smashed to pieces.

Boom boom boom boom!
Only the aftermath of the explosion of the Dharma Body remained in the sky and the earth, sweeping away in all directions, it was very frightening.

But when the aftermath dissipated, there was no shadow of the ghost town.

What an evil ghost king, he ran away again!

Also at this time, a ray of light fell, combined with the sword, and turned into a woman in a palace costume. It was Shen Jinxiu, the sword master of the four seasons.

She looked around and found nothing after searching for a while, but she was not disappointed, she just took out a jade bottle and broke it, and the lightning ball inside flickered away.

And female sword master Shen Jinxiu also did not hesitate, chasing in that direction, turned into a sky-shaking sword rainbow, and disappeared again.

There is no doubt that among all kinds of monks, ghost cultivators are the weakest and have the most restrictions, but ghost cultivators are the most difficult to kill.

This evil ghost king basically doesn't fight her head-on, and just runs away faster than anyone else.

But the female sword master still remained patient, because she could clearly feel the weakness of the ghost city, and this kind of escape would not last long.

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(End of this chapter)

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