Chapter 93

In the data that Mo Chengjun has collected, he has seen at least hundreds of sword intents, such as the endless life, cruelty, frost, chill, freezing, and rotation of "Four Seasons Sword Art".

The atmosphere of "Drinking the Rivers and Rivers Jue" is majestic, awe-inspiring, boundless, heroic, and unrestrained.

The decisiveness, violence, and anger of "Ten Steps, One Kill", and the ease, calmness, and tranquility of leaving.

"Nine Kills Sword Art" is decisive, peaceful, heartless, fearless, indifferent, and world-weary.

The bravery, steadfastness, no regrets, chilling, ruthlessness, and arrogance of "Sword Art of No Return and No Regret".

"Shooting the Sirius Art" is full of debauchery, pride, sadness, tenacity, and unyielding.

The persistence, pride, reluctance, and even contempt of "The Scar of the Sky".

That's right, the sword formula may be the same, but everyone understands it differently.

Or, even if they both share the sword intent of 'severe killing', what the two comprehend is slightly different.

There is only one sword formula, but thousands of sword meanings, this is the true portrayal.

But no matter what kind of sword intent, monks comprehend it from the sword. This will not only allow them to exert their powerful killing power, but will also affect their character.

That's right, sword intent is formed by mentality.

And if you indulge in this mentality for a long time, it will subtly change your personality, and even distort your nature.

This point is most obvious in "Nine Kills Sword Art".

Because, if this sword art is well practiced, it can make people decisive and decisive, but if it is not well practiced, it will be indifferent and fearless, and if it is not well practiced, it will be world-weary and heartless.

And this "No Return No Regret Sword Art", if there is a great achievement, then don't think about some despicable and dirty things that harm others and benefit yourself.

With this kind of mentality, Jian Jue will only regress instead of improving.

Another example is that there is a sword formula called "Ecstasy of Depression".

You can practice palms or swords. When you are successful in sword tactics, you will feel depressed. Over time, you will even lose the motivation to live. The deeper you study, the more depressed you will be.

After practicing this sword art, the whole person will exude a melancholy atmosphere, and he will not be happy.

Of course, not all sword intents are good, there is a "Swinging Willow Jue with the Wind", which pays attention to the body moving with the wind, the sword moves with it, and takes a true meaning of "dexterity".

But there is a fellow disciple who has cultivated the sword intent of "grass on the wall".

The whole person seems to have lost his mind, what other people say is what he is, good eloquence can even fool him, don't contribute points when doing tasks, in fact, there is no one else!

There is another high-grade sword formula included in the Cangfa Building——"Zhi Ge Jian Jue", which is taken from the true meaning of stopping killing with killing, and ending war with war.

This is really good.

But the sword formula went a bit wrong, and when practiced, it became a method of killing endlessly and nourishing the sword with blood.

It also caused great chaos in the world of cultivating immortals, and was quelled by Xinghe Jianzong.

In the end, the sword formula was also included, and on the fifth floor of the Cangfa Building, fewer people could watch the content.

I have to say that after seeing a lot, Mo Chengjun really felt dazzled when Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

And as time goes by, he collects more and more information.

No one knows exactly how many people there are in Galaxy Sword Sect. After all, immortal cultivators have a long lifespan. It is common for those old monsters to stay in seclusion for ten or eight years.

However, after Mo Chengjun collected about [-] copies of the specific records of the sword intent, the inspection and census work basically stopped.

They rested, but Mo Chengjun couldn't rest, he still buried himself in numerous data tables.

With the deepening of the research and the meticulous research, in line with the first conclusion of Sword Intent, Mo Chengjun has another question ready to come out?
The practice of swordsmanship is to lay the foundation for sword art, and the practice of sword art is to comprehend the meaning of sword.

So, why did the sword intent come into being?

The answer given by Mo Chengjun is: Melting!

Every sword art has its own characteristics and its own personality.

The process of practicing Jianjue is actually a collision between the personality of Jianjue and the personality of the practitioner.

It is a game between each other, and it is the recognition between the two at the end, until they are smelted into one furnace.

As a result, practitioners can be immersed in a special state of mind and refine their own pure will.

This is the second conclusion of Sword Intent.

Abbreviation, Sword Theory II.

When Mo Chengjun understood these two key points in one fell swoop, he already had a preliminary prototype of the sword intent in his mind.

This made him very excited, and there was an illusion of touching the truth, and he was even happy for several days.

It's just that, when the research went a step further, it got stuck again.

Because, now, there is only one question in front of him - driven by pure will, why can the heaven and earth inspiration explode with far more energy than usual?

This is what Mo Chengjun really wants to know, and it is also the most critical question!
And he, as the data became more and more abundant and the records became more and more perfect, many bold ideas appeared in his mind.

First of all, it is still necessary to affirm the existence basis of the 'Law of Conservation of Energy'.

Well, if this law is denied, Mo Chengjun will be wrong no matter what he studies.

In other words, one kilogram of TNT, no matter what, can only explode with 4200 kilojoules of energy, which is immutable.

Then, under the intent of the sword, why would there be a qualitative improvement in the attacks sent out?
The first thing Mo Chengjun thought of was the situation of 'surplus energy'.

It is assumed that the inspiration of heaven and earth is a kind of energy, but the use of energy is also about methods.

If not directed and used properly, it may not be able to fully erupt.

Just like a kilogram of TNT, due to improper detonation, only one-tenth of it is fully exploded, and the energy released will naturally be less.

And what about Sword Intent?

That is another better and more appropriate detonation method.

As a result, five-tenths of a kilogram of TNT detonated this time, and the power was naturally multiplied several times.

Mo Chengjun specially provided a new term for this hypothesis - the utilization rate of the spiritual machine of heaven and earth.

The analogy is what he knows, the definition of energy utilization in an ecosystem.

Of course, there is still a question worth digging into - that is, with pure will, why is it easier to stimulate the energy of the heaven and earth?

At first glance, this question is very similar to the previous question, but under closer inspection, the connotation is completely different.

However, Mo Chengjun didn't get entangled, but put this question aside, and put forward a second hypothesis - that is the possibility of 'wasting energy'.

In modern science, there is a very important topic, which is the problem of loss in energy transmission.

Whether it is the electricity running in the circuits of thousands of households, or your car and van, there is always a loss in energy transmission, so that it cannot be used to its fullest effect.

By analogy to this point, what Mo Chengjun can think of is that the inspirations of heaven and earth have actually played a role, as if one kilogram of TNT does explode with 4200 kilojoules of energy.

But this part of energy is just energy. If it is converted into the lethality required by the sword, or the power required by the spell, it will always be lost when the energy is transmitted, and then its power will be weakened.

Mo Chengjun still has some ideas about this.

Because the closed loops of passages constructed by those spiritual texts are all prompted by the inspiration of heaven and earth, and the inspiration of heaven and earth runs around in it, and it seems reasonable to lose some.

And this direction, Mo Chengjun called it the "transmission loss" of the inspiration of heaven and earth.

Well, the analogy is the energy transfer loss in the ecosystem.

And with this second direction, Mo Chengjun's thoughts diverged, and he thought of the third direction - the diffusion of heaven and earth inspiration.

Theoretically speaking, when one kilogram of TNT explodes, the energy of 4200 kilojoules will be turned into shock waves in all directions, which is really powerful.

But in a single direction, it can only bear so much power.

Shock waves on other surfaces, for people who are only in this direction, don't they have no effect at all?

Therefore, Mo Chengjun's idea is that the spread of inspiration in the world is actually similar.

Even if the sword cultivator attacks with a sword, in this process, the inspiration of heaven and earth will lose most of its energy due to the diffusion.

And what role did the sword intent play?
That should be a kind of restraint, a kind of cohesive effect, to condense and release the spreading inspiration of heaven and earth in the same direction, thus producing more powerful power.

There is also some basis for this idea.

Because almost every sword cultivator is more difficult to control than usual when controlling the sword attack.

From this point of view, if you want to restrain more energy, it will naturally be more difficult and require stronger spiritual power.

three aspects,

three conjectures,

These are the three hypotheses that Mo Chengjun produced during his current research.

Which one is right, he doesn't know!

Or all three are wrong, it is unknown!
He still wasn't too impatient, but went back to sort out the information again, analyzed the data, and brought in his conclusions [-] and [-], deliberating a little bit to see if there were any unexplainable paradoxes.

If there is, first pick out an example, and then find the person, chat, talk, watch his swordsmanship, and watch him practice his sword intent.

From here, go deep into it to see if there are any recorded errors.

Or there are really situations that violate the conclusions.

Facts have proved that most of the cases are concealed by the other party.

After all, no one wants Chi Guoguo to appear in front of other people, and everyone wants to keep some cards for themselves!

This is the human heart, of course it is true, and Mo Chengjun can't say anything.

Of course, there are a few cases where he really can't find the irrationality.

He let go of all these.

In theory, a truth should fit all situations, but in reality, there are too many uncontrollable factors, and there are always some cases.

There is no need to worry about these for the time being!

When this kind of verification work is over again, Mo Chengjun can basically be sure that his conclusions [-] and [-] are all valid.

So, what should be done now is to verify, how does the sword intent produce the double explosive effect?

This makes it impossible to carry out statistical analysis of data, but to conduct experiments, and to find possibilities in the process of experiments.

Of course, this experiment was not done casually, he had to find a way to determine several variables in it.

If one of them is fixed as 'variable', all others remain unchanged, and finally exclude external interference.

Experiment again and again to seek the required information and conclusions.

This is not an easy process. It takes a lot of effort just to design the experiment.

It is also necessary to determine the experimenter, monitor his situation at all times, and ensure the stability of his various data as much as possible.

Well, Mo Chengjun is also very troubled now that he doesn't know sword intent, otherwise it would be much easier to monitor himself.

Who wants to monitor other people?

Well, there is really a willing one, Baling'er, who really became Mo Chengjun's first experimental subject.

For this position, he even had to pay the price of not practicing for at least half a year. He could only maintain the current level, and he was not allowed to go up or down.

On this, Baling'er also agreed.

For the supernatural power of the sword, he also fought hard.

Then, spring goes and summer comes again, and autumn and winter come.

During the experiment, time seems to fly by, under the busy schedule, two years have passed!

 Well, finally there is a little improvement, everyone pushes for tickets, I will see if I can recommend a seat, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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