Chapter 96 Exhortation
At this point in the research, Mo Chengjun felt that the first step has been completed, at least he has a complete concept about the sword intent.

But is it far away from Kendo supernatural powers?
Well, there is still a long way to go.

However, Mo Chengjun really stopped studying.

In terms of the magnitude of the subject, sword intent is nothing, at least not as good as the Forty Deadlines that have not been resolved for a thousand years and were solved by him.

In terms of the difficulty of research, it is not as good as the "Yi Jin Jing" made by improving the "Seven Profound Sword Qi".

But in terms of spending a lot of effort, this is the only secret record.

One must know that a monk in the Foundation Establishment Realm has adjusted his body to a near-perfect state.

As long as the injury is not too serious, you can live to 50 years old.

But that's it, he just made a beggar look.

I still remember that when Baling'er saw him, the first words that jumped out were: "How many days and nights did you have to stay up all night to make it work!"

Therefore, Mo Chengjun decisively chose to rest. Even if the sky fell, he had to get a good night's sleep first.

Without washing or eating, he swallowed two bigu pills and threw himself on the bed.

And how many days did you sleep this time?
Mo Chengjun himself didn't know, he only knew that when the sunlight fell on his face through the skylight, he felt glaring.

After his chaotic brain began to gain consciousness, he slowly opened his eyes.

Even after a good night's sleep, Mo Chengjun looked a little listless at this time, but he didn't just lie on the bed, but got up and took a nice bath.

It was rare to cook by himself, made some meals, and after wolfing down, finally patted his belly, brewed a pot of Yuqian Longjing that Xue Pan gave him, and lay down under the tea tree in the courtyard.

The afternoon sun shines through the branches, and the mottled shade falls on his face, and he smells the aroma of the tea.

He tried his best to let go of his thoughts, he didn't want to think about anything, he didn't want to do anything, he was so lazy and didn't want to move.

I don't know if the afternoon sun is so intoxicating, Mo Chengjun fell asleep again in a daze.

Only this time, he didn't sleep deeply, and vaguely heard the sound of the door being opened, and someone walked in.

The man moved the chair and sat beside Mo Chengjun, drinking tea on his own.

Mo Chengjun didn't pay attention to it either, just sleeping on his own.

After a long time, he finally woke up and stretched lazily.

Hearing the sound of bones rubbing together, he finally opened his eyes and glanced at the person next to him. He turned over, as if he didn't see it.

Then he took the teacup on the table with his backhand, and rubbed it in his hand a little, but there was no mana fluctuation, but there was an amazing heat flow.

He saw the curling heat rising, and he took a sip carefully.

Although old tea is new, Mo Chengjun still smells the rich tea fragrance and sweetness.

On the side, Baling'er finally couldn't hold it anymore, grinned and said: "Junior Brother Mo, I didn't mean you, you are not so vigilant?
I've been here for so long, and I've been sitting for so long, yet you didn't even notice.

If I go outside the mountain, I'm afraid I won't even know how you died! "

Mo Chengjun rolled his eyes: "Last time, I don't know who almost lost his life, or I went to save it.

Moreover, this is Xinghe Jianzong, if I can encounter danger here, is there a safe place under the sun? "

"That's what I said, but..."

Baling'er hesitated to speak, but he paused in the middle of the sentence, and then said helplessly, "Forget it, anyway, you don't go out of the mountain very much anyway, it's nothing serious."

Having said that, he hesitated a little, but he still said: "Junior Brother Mo, I think so, why don't we let go of the kendo supernatural power, um, the subject?"

Mo Chengjun tilted his head and asked strangely, "Why?"

Baling'er: "Brother, I have watched you toss for more than two years, more than two years, although you have advanced to the middle stage of foundation establishment, but that is the effect of the "Yi Jin Jing".

Think about it carefully, how long has it been since you practiced seriously?
How long has it been since you went out for a walk?
How long has it been since you taught the Fa in a class?

How long has it been since you communicated well with other people?

I know that swordsmanship is rare, but you can't break yourself, can you? "

"No, where did I collapse?"

Baling'er actually took out a mirror, shook it and said, "You look in the mirror and see for yourself, you don't feel like some kind of animal.

Yes, it's the black-eyed spirit beast called 'Iron Eater'! "

Mo Chengjun took a look, the dark circles under his eyes were smoky, well, they looked alike.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Baling'er tried to persuade him earnestly: "Brother, we have to admit that hard work may not necessarily yield results, and life cannot be smooth sailing.

Kendo may indeed not be the direction you are good at, so when we should give up, we still have to give up.

You still have a lot of time and topics waiting for you to study, so you don't have to dig into the horns all the time! "

This is to persuade me?

Until then, Mo Chengjun finally came to his senses, he immediately waved his hand, interrupted, and said, "No, Senior Brother Ba, are you here to persuade me to give up?"


"But why?"

"Brother, I know you are high-spirited, but you haven't produced any results for more than two years. This talent, ahem, I don't need to say more, we still have to save time for others...

uh, what is this? "

Mo Chengjun didn't want to talk anymore, so he directly hit a thick 'brick' with his backhand.

Baling'er was also quick-witted, reaching out and catching 'Brick', only to find that it was a pre-ordered, thick book.

He glanced at it, and found that there were a few large characters written on the page - "Moshi's Three Laws of Sword Intent".

To be honest, he knew what the sword intent meant, but he didn't understand what the three laws represented.

But he and Mo Chengjun have known each other for many years, knowing that the other party always has some strange habits, he is not surprised.

Just looking at those words, his heart trembled, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Mo Chengjun, his voice was full of excitement: "You, you, you succeeded?"

Mo Chengjun shook his head resolutely, and said with a smile: "I haven't done my best, but I have gained something."

At this time, Baling'er didn't care anymore, he didn't even listen to Mo Chengjun's answer,
Instead, he quickly lowered his head, opened the book in his hand, and read it quickly.

Then, he saw the soul triple question at the beginning - what is the sword intent?
How does sword intent arise?

Why can the sword intent drive the heaven and earth to overclock and explode energy?
From this, the three laws of sword intent are derived.

Sword Theory [-]: Sword Intent, that is, pure will, that is, faith.

Sword Theory II: Sword intent is composed of four elements: sword art, character, experience and knowledge...

Sword theory three: ...

The three sword theories are actually quite simple, and each one is short and incisive, but each sword theory is worthy of careful consideration.

To be honest, Balinger felt inexplicably shocked when he saw it at first glance.

He has practiced swords for dozens of years, and he dared to call himself a master of swordsmanship, but he never seemed to think about these issues, or he didn't feel that he should think about them.

But now, it seems that his mind has been opened all of a sudden.

Then, he saw a more detailed explanation of the Three Swords Theory.

There are dialectics and understanding from various angles, as well as various experimental inventories, analysis, data statistics, image explanations, and so on.

If the front is shocking, then the back is brain-burning. All kinds of logical dialectics and experimental data made him dizzy.

Obviously he knew every word, but when these words were combined, it was difficult for him to understand the meaning.

The more he read, the more confused he became, and the more he scratched his head, the speed at which he turned the pages of the book also changed from fast to slow, and from slow to fast.

Until the end, he even glanced at it, and after confirming that it was all statistics that made him dizzy, he skipped it directly.

Honestly, it's normal!

When a normal person reads such "professional works" for the first time, he will doubt life, and feel that he and the author are in the same world?

After a long, long time, Baling'er finally finished it in a hurry.

When he closed the entire secret record, there was still shock and confusion intertwined and flipped in his eyes, almost overflowing.

Mo Chengjun is very proud, and he also has the capital to be proud.

Because, he has an inexplicable self-confidence, maybe in the next few years, this "Three Laws of Mo's Sword Intent" will be a peerless secret book among sword repairers.

Although it does not involve specific methods, it is equivalent to the status of "Three Laws of Mechanics" in physics.

By that time, just the three words 'Mo Chengjun' would probably be able to directly enshrine the gods.

Thinking of this, Mo Chengjun couldn't help laughing, a huge arc was formed at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes narrowed unconsciously.

However, an inappropriate voice rang in his ear.

"Hey, what the hell is this?"

Mo Chengjun's smile froze, he turned his head, stared at Baling'er and said, "Can't you read? Can't read?

These are the three laws of sword intent, the foundation of sword repair, and the source of kendo? "

Baling'er grinned and asked back: "The question is, what is the method of cultivation? How can I practice without a method?

Or to be more specific, how should I comprehend the sword intent?

What kind of sword intent do you comprehend?
How to refine and improve?
If one has reached the ultimate sword intent, how can one comprehend supernatural powers?
There are also secret records of exercises, shouldn't they all be like the "Yi Jin Jing"? "

A series of questions hit Mo Chengjun's heart directly, leaving him speechless.

Your uncle, purely theoretical stuff, where does the specific method come from?

But this is the law!
It is the fundamental law of sword repair!

This is the gap between theoretical physics and applied science, okay?

Mo Chengjun opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, he didn't know how to explain.

Well, cultivating immortals in this world is more about the accumulation and exploration of experience.

They will not go after the root of everything, but the experience accumulated over a long period of time lets them know what kind of results and effects will appear after doing so.

In Mo Chengjun's view, the inherent skills are the most basic addition and subtraction arithmetic tables, they will not change them at will, they just copy them when practicing.

And the Three Laws of Sword Intent he created is more like a mathematical formula. Although it does not involve specific methods, but many variables are brought into it, and the correct result will be calculated.

This is the correct direction that scientific cultivation of immortality should have.



How should I explain it to Balinger?

How should I explain it to the people of this world?

This time, Mo Chengjun understood that 'one step ahead is the pain of a madman'.

Right now, Baling'er was still chattering: "Junior Brother Mo, it's not that brother is talking about you, you've been tossing around for two full years?
How many spirit stones and contribution points were spent, how much manpower was mobilized, and almost the entire galaxy sword sect revolved around you, but this is what happened?
The Three Laws of Sword Intent, what kind of thing is this? "

 Forget the timing, it's too late!

(End of this chapter)

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