king of prejudgment

Chapter 176 What do you use to fight the enchantress?

Chapter 176 What do you use to fight the enchantress?

Bei Ming was afraid that Chen Xuan's hero pool would be targeted, and half of the heroes who got Chen Xuan could be mid laners, which was also a worry.

As for more, he didn't dare to think about it. After all, it was the middle lane of the auxiliary transfer, so there were so many, it was enough.

Every game must be treated with [-] points of energy and spirit.

A competitive game like the League of Legends is not as huge as the realm gap in fantasy novels.

It is common for a weak team to win against a strong team, so it is necessary to decide the outcome through BO5.

And Dian Kun of Team Xuanyi really has a bad temper, because with a single sentence in the bullet screen, he directly declared that he would kill Chen Xuan solo, and if he failed, he would not play in the middle.

Normal people don't have such a brain circuit.

Because even if you really killed him solo, and the barrage didn't lose, you wouldn't be able to find him.

And if you lose, you will directly destroy your mid laner.

But at that time, Dian Kun didn't think about it at all.

Afterwards, the assistant Kakashi came over to give him such a calculation, and Dian Kun immediately realized it.

Yes, it's no good for me to win, but it's bloody bad for me to lose.

And such an unfair bet?

"Forget it, let me treat it as my ten-year cerebral thrombosis, but I just can't stand the anger. If the mid laner is not the first, I would rather switch to the top lane. It is no problem for Dian Kun to switch to the top lane to kill Moon Lun solo and become the world's number one mid laner. Besides, I don't necessarily need to switch to the top lane. Help me find out if there are any heroes that can kill him solo. .” After Dian Kun spoke boldly, he still asked for help.

There are always some heroes with special single-kill skills that may be able to create the impossible.

"First of all, you must not use a melee hero. He took out a Riven, the shield of the e skill plus three stages of displacement, solo killing is too difficult. I suggest using long-range. This is the first, and second, I recommend using a silent one Hero, so as long as his blood volume reaches the killing line, you can kill him with hard damage." Kakashi helped him analyze.

"Then the hero you're talking about is the enchantress?" Dian Kun said.

Kakashi snapped his fingers and said, "That's him, the hero Yao Ji can do it, she has a very strong single-kill ability, and she's still silent. If you practice hard, you'll be sure to win this hero!"

Dian Kun thought about it for this reason, if you want to kill solo, you have to use something with a high burst.

Among the AP mid laners, there are not many who have a higher burst than the Enchantress.

No way, in the later stage, the entire underworld fire, the beheading line is directly full, so I don't believe that I can't kill him alone.

Thinking of this, Dian Kun's heart was burning, and he was ready to fight to become famous.

Although it is true that he has never been solo killed by Chen Xuan, there is another terrifying thing that Chen Xuan has never been solo killed by anyone in the competition so far.

It has been maintained for more than 20 games so far, and it is time for you to hand over the first time.

Otherwise, the position of the world's number one mid laner will really be secured by you.

The semi-finals came as scheduled, and Dian Kun was also a trick enchantress who had been practicing for a week.

Shouted: "Black Rose, will bloom again!"

Really, playing a hero all the time is too boring and depressing. Dian Kun would feel like throwing up when he played the enchantress and himself.

However, it also clearly grasped the various advantages and disadvantages of the enchantress.

This hero, a hero like playing cards, is not too easy to kill solo, and the little murloc is not a big problem, as long as you are silent, the weirdness is useless.

However, when he was studying and training this enchantress, he also saw a collection of Korean teenagers' enchantress operations.

This person is called Feike.

Now it has also entered the Korean finals, and it is also a team that must enter the World Championship.

After seeing his enchantress, Dian Kun actually felt that this person is probably the number one enchantress in the world, how could he use it so well.

There are so many strong players in the World Championship, but Dian Kun is still worthy, as long as you haven't defeated me, you won't get my approval.

Anyway, first kill Chen Xuan, and then go to the World Championship to kill Han Han, I am the world's number one mid laner!

When the two teams came to the arena, Lin Mumu said to Chen Xuan: "The mid laner on the opposite side said that he wants to kill you solo in the middle lane, so be careful."

"Isn't it normal to want to kill me alone? I also want to kill others solo every game." Chen Xuan said.

"I don't mean that, I mean, their team has a lot of tricks and ideas, maybe a jungler will suddenly appear to suppress your bloodline, and then let Dian Kun have a chance to kill you solo." Lin Mumu Imagine the possible actions of the opponent.

"Don't worry, with me here, I will come to the middle lane to be a ward." Yin Qin said.

"Don't worry about it, I'm a jungler here, as long as they dare to come, I don't have to use buffs, and I will arrive in time." Spicy teacher held his glasses and said, "You should support in the bottom lane, don't hurt the ad gone."

This Nosuke even felt a little vying for favor. Lin Mumu felt that he was thinking too much. Chen Xuan's performance at the thigh level in the middle lane deserved attention and protection.

Every player here is still far from being world-class, but they have already won a world championship.

The prestige and status Chen Xuan brought to them is obvious.

So no one is really dissatisfied with Chen Xuan's command and carry ability. When there is a problem, just hand the ball to Chen Xuan.

If someone else eats three lanes alone, maybe the team battle will be lost, but Chen Xuan eats three lanes, it will definitely play a role, just like Riven in the last game, he directly hit three in the end, killing the game.

In an eight-to-four match, Riven played tons of highlights.

At this time, Dian Kun was also constantly recalling Yao Ji's solo killing skills.

Of course, when choosing Enchantress, Kassadin must be banned.

This hero comes with a percentage magic damage reduction, combined with its own magic resistance, even if the enchantress is silent, it will be difficult to kill him alone, and the damage will be relatively insufficient.

But for other heroes, full blood at level six is ​​the killing line for the enchantress.

The Shanghai Metropolitan Stadium, where all lpl playoffs are held in this large stadium.

With the increasing popularity of League of Legends, the income of the head office has also increased.

Some time ago, a battle night event was held, directly exceeding 500 million simultaneous online users worldwide.

Become the number one in the world and directly break the records of all games!

Coupled with the recharge for purchasing skins brought about by the event, Xiao Ma will have to take the bus if he loses money.

Naturally, there are a lot of funds allocated, which makes the popularity of League of Legends rise to a higher level.

For the match between Tianmu and Xuanyi, the number of viewers also increased by an order of magnitude. Just after the night of the battle, a large number of players went online, and [-] to [-]% of the machines in the Internet cafe were occupied by lol. more.

Chen Xuan's popularity is also growing, and people's expectations for him are also getting higher and higher.

If it were someone else, it wouldn't be a problem if five heroes won, but if it were Chen Xuan, would anyone think that this hero pool would be enough for the World Championship?
However, Chen Xuan’s answer in the interview was, I’m not useless for heroes. If these heroes can win, there’s no need to get new ones. This is crazy, but this statement is very charming. very cool.

Just like a girl: "You are good or bad, I like it so much!"

For those who are powerful and crazy, if they say some quotations from crazy people, they will appear real and unpretentious.

But, do you really have so many heroes?

Dian Kun also wanted to watch this game.

Both parties are in position and ready.

"Welcome to the scene of the lpl semi-finals. Hello everyone, I am the commentator Mi Le."

"Hi everyone, I am explaining Misi."

The two teamed up to commentate the match on the spot. When the summer split started, there were often more spectators who were optimistic about the Tianmu team than their opponents.

The opponent can win, and it is called a dark horse counterattack.

I don't know if this is a kind of dragon slayer who eventually becomes a dragon.

For the audience, Team Tianmu has a great chance of winning, but everyone is more concerned about Dian Kun and Chen Xuan's love and killing each other.

After all, Dian Kun was talking openly in the live broadcast, and he couldn't beat his opponent in solo kills, so he just stopped playing in the middle.

This promise is ruthless enough. After the growth of the Tianmu team in the summer split, and the [-]-[-] extreme team, everyone is already very optimistic about their overall strength.

And Dian Kun is a well-known knives, sometimes it is really unreasonable to perform supernaturally.

And the coach knows why, because he has amazing talent, but he doesn't work hard in training, and he always goes to sing K, travel and play everywhere.

So the hand feel is not accurate, so I became a player with a ghostly face.

It was a good thing to say such harsh words this time, forcing him to train hard for a week.

The effect is also very amazing, it is said that 90.00% of inspiration is greater than [-]% of sweat.

But what if a talented person is willing to devote 90.00% of his sweat?

That would be scary. Although the training match still couldn't beat the Omega team, Dian Kun had a lot of solo kills on Leng Ruo in the training game. Although Chen Xuan was strong, he was not much stronger than Leng Ruo. Dian Kun might not have no chance of winning. .

After the two parties are ready, they will directly enter the bp link.

The blue side of the Xuanyi team banned Kassadin, Jie and Thresh.

Yao Ji, who has practiced hard for countless games, is kept secret in Xuanyi team, because they only play training matches with Omega of the first team.

Therefore, in the information of the Tianmu team, it would not have been thought that Dian Kun would use the enchantress.

However, heroes who are good at fighting enchantresses must be banned.

The Tianmu team banned Shen, Crocodile, and Prince.

Then, the Xuanyi team grabbed the new hero Sword Demon.

This hero is now a t1-level jungler. He is strong in the jungle and quick to catch people, and his combat effectiveness in the later stage is not bad.

The Skyscreen team took down the blind monk Kenan. Frando likes Kenan very much recently, because the main idea of ​​​​the jungler is to invade or help. Of course, he needs a long-handed hero to develop.

The Xuanyi team took down Rambojia Yaoji and showed their cards directly.

Because they also knew that if there was nothing unexpected about the Tianmu team, Chen Xuankang would be given a special position on the fifth floor.

Therefore, taking it early and taking it late is the same, and it is true that Tuqiongdagger sees it.

As for the Tianmu team, it is still stable to win the ez Jiajiela of the bottom lane combination, and the fifth floor will be confirmed again to prevent the opponent from cheating.

In the end, the Xuanyi team won the combination of the female policewoman and the girl Qin, and the match was worthy.

In this way, there is basically no doubt that the enchantress is going.

People became curious, would Chen Xuan use the five heroes in the hero palm to fight, or take out a new hero?
Chen Xuan clicked back and forth among several suitable heroes, and then heard a nice voice.

"We have a good understanding, don't we?" When Chen Xuan heard this voice, it's all right, it's you!
Nine-tailed demon fox, Ari!
"Fox, player Xuan chose Fox, Team Xuanyi really forced Chen Xuan's new hero, this player Xuan's sixth hero in the summer competition!" Mi Le also saw the discussion on the Internet, and followed suit.

The five heroes are called Hero Palms, what should the other six be called?
Netizens can only say that there is no rush, and they can join the hero pool luxury package only after they are carried.

 second to

(End of this chapter)

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