Chapter 177

Seeing Ali's appearance, the audience was excited.

"A new hero has come out, Dian Kun can do it, and forced it out."

"The new hero who can force out Xiaoxuan is worthy of being a top four team."

"Hahaha, if you brag like this, you are really not afraid that Brother Xuan will be milked to death."

Chen Xuan chose a new hero that had never been used before, and the audience seemed to have discovered a new continent.

They all used different methods to tease them in a fancy way.

"Fox is a powerful mid-laner hero in this version. I finally saw Xiaoxuan use it. I wonder if his Ari is charming enough?" Mi Si was a little excited when he saw Chen Xuan using Fox. Most girls like it. A good-looking heroine or a cute and cute hero.

So female players love Ahri, Teemo, policewoman and other heroes most.

Mi Si thinks that he still has a little research on Ari, so he can see whether Xiaoxuan's fox is an old vixen or a pure little fox.

"In terms of hero restraint, the fox should be stronger. As far as I know, the e of the fox can interrupt the enchantress' stepping." Mi Le said objectively.

The lineups of both sides are finalized, the blue Fangxuanyi team, the top laner Rambo, the jungle sword demon, the mid laner enchantress, and the bottom laner policewoman Jiaqinnv.

The red Fang Tianmu team has Kenan in the top lane, blind monk in the wild, Ahri in the mid lane, and ez Jiajiela in the bottom lane.

As the game loaded, Chen Xuan bought the Dolan ring and went out with two reds.

The first-level regiments on both sides did not fight, but the diligent Zyra was placed in the middle of the river before going online at first sight, to prevent a wave of sword demons from being caught by the second-level.

If the red sword demon comes to the middle lane at the second level, he can at least hit the fox with half blood.

This kind of routine has to be guarded against.

"Sensible!" The barrage saw such an eye-catching, and could only praise the EQ of the new support, knowing who has the highest status in the team.

When there is no objection to the gold content of the Battle of Double Tribulations, Chen Xuan will be one of the few peak characters in the entire League of Legends.

If his status is to drop, unless the s game is directly eliminated in the top sixteen or something.

Otherwise, this double calamity would last ten years.

It is normal for such a player to have a high status in the team.

With such an eye, Chen Xuan was very relaxed when he was in line.

Dian Kun reacted quickly when he saw the enchantress who consumed the opponent with an aw, stepped on w directly, and exchanged a wa!

But Yao Ji also knew that this exchange must be at her own expense.

Because the fox's w has three balls of fire, the damage of the first level is higher, and it is a pure damage skill.

The w of the Enchantress is functional because it has a displacement effect, so the damage will be lower.

This is the logic of skill design. If there are advantages, it must be weakened in other aspects.

The second point is that the fox can recover blood passively. In this meeting, let's use the passive skills first, and the blood recovery trigger will be faster.

But for Dian Kun, someone else clicked over, and this is the only solution to reduce losses.

If you don't exchange blood, it will be even worse.

And Dian Kun is not in a hurry, he has his own understanding of how the enchantress beats the fox.

Knowing that the other party is a first-level w learner, you should make good use of this.

When the next w turns around, Dian Kun's idea is to step on the pawn directly with w and then steal A fox.

The purpose of tricking a fox's w out is also very simple. One is to earn a bit of damage from level A, and the second is to use w to step on the pawns so that he can grab the second.

If the fox's w doesn't have an A to him, he won't follow him. In this way, he can earn money by exchanging blood, and he can also deceive the fox's w. In this way, he can consume another wave when he waits for the second level.

This idea is very good, but unfortunately, Chen Xuan has already seen it.

When Yao Ji approached, Chen Xuan took a look at the future vision in advance and knew Yao Ji's tricks.

Therefore, normally speaking, the enchantress suddenly stepped on w and a, the fox must not be able to react, and then opened w and A to a shifting enchantress.

But Chen Xuan can, knowing where your w will land and the timing of your w, Chen Xuan will just sit back and wait.

On the way of Yaoji's displacement, w was turned on, and at the same time, the mouse was already on Yaoji's landing point.

In this way, the moment the enchantress landed, she was locked on by the fox, and she fired a flat A, and the three fox fires locked on at the same time, and followed directly to her face!

"What!" Dian Kun was blown up by three groups of foxfire, and his brain was about to shut down.

What kind of reaction speed is this, he can react to my sudden wa?


This really frightened Dian Kun, because normal people should think that the enchantress will step on A directly, so that only when the distance is reached can they be prepared.

And I am stepping soldier A, the distance is not enough to step on Ari, and I also lost blood in the end.

Dian Kun has a feeling of being seen through his underpants. During the regular season, he also felt this way, but at that time, Chen Xuan used cards and only played pawn lane and suppression, so he didn't have the ability to kill him solo. .

The fox is different. Once the fox has the advantage, it should not be too easy to kill the enchantress solo.

I absolutely can't die in his hands, but these two waves of blood exchanges directly went to my grandma's house.

If you don't dare to press any more, you will naturally not be able to grab the second.

The fox succeeded in the second level, and the enchantress could only back away.

Wretched, he missed two stabs, and then waited for the second level before fighting back.

The second level is the best chance for the enchantress. If you play qw, you can suppress a wave of blood.

I thought that the other party would not give a position, but I didn't expect the fox to be a fierce group.

You scare me, Dian Kun refuses to accept it.

Could it be that the other party failed to learn e at the second level?

Although there is this possibility, Dian Kun is not afraid, just bet on hand speed, just bet on chess!

First q, then move left and right, and then make a sudden shot!

However, these things really don't make any sense in front of Chen Xuan. As long as I see the demon girl's q, I will activate the future vision. Then, during the duration of the imprint, I will have seen your thoughts once.

Walk left and right and then come up with w?

It doesn't make sense, Chen Xuan reserved points for the second level.

If the opponent will step on it, Chen Xuan will click e, if not, then click q, and consume him after the mark disappears.

Therefore, Chen Xuan himself had studied his opponent, and knew that his style of play was extremely aggressive, and he could not stand provocation and stimulation.

With Chen Xuan standing like this, the other party will definitely consume him.

Combined with the vision of the future, grasp the timing and angle of his stepping.

Moreover, the future that Chen Xuan sees is that he has already charmed him.

In other words, there is no need to change the future at all, the hand speed is full, and the e skill is clicked directly, followed by an e directly.

On the way of the enchantress's flight, she directly charmed people down.

Let the witch's w not be able to trigger her own sound-suppressing magic seal!
This charm shocked the commentator's spirit.

Because the fox's e shot was very early, almost at the same time as the bewitching girl's w.

Kissing Yao Ji down with this one mouthful can be said to have completely failed Yao Ji's previous exchange of blood.

Enchantress lost the important damage of a w, and she couldn't w go back when she was charmed, so she would be wa'd by the fox again.

So far, the fox has two bottles of red medicine, but has not taken a mouthful.

As for the Enchantress, there are no supplies left.

"Jungle, come and help me catch it." Dian Kun has already sensed the power of this fox.

The old fox is old, and he is the kind who is too old to become a master.

Therefore, people must be shaken.

Chen Xuan also shook people almost simultaneously. This is also a point of Chen Xuan's research, adding video through the regular season.

Chen Xuan can know that when Dian Kun is at a disadvantage in the lane, he will call the jungler.

Now, it should be almost the same.

The third level is a strong period for the demon girl. She can have the ability to kill alone, but she needs to hit all the skills and at the same time make up several times to tie the A.

If there is help from the jungler, it is almost a must-kill.

Moreover, the enchantress has no supplies.

If another wave is consumed, the jungler may be replaced.

Therefore, in this wave, the junglers on both sides rushed over to gank and counter-squat at the same time.

The Sword Demon and the Blind Monk appeared in the bushes of the river in the middle of the road shortly after.

Which side wins, which side will gain a huge advantage in the early stage.

When the enchantress fights the fox, whichever side has the upper hand can snowball.

But this time, Dian Kun's ideas and designs are very deep.

I want to use w to cheat the fox's e, or hit the fox with the q skill first.

Then don't step on it in a hurry, but wait for the moment the fox raises his hand e, step on the side by himself, avoid this charm, and then switch back.

While triggering silence with the e skill, press forward.

In this way, when the sword demon rushed over, the second stage e was triggered, and combined with the control combo, the two worked together to kill the fox.

This design, not to mention flawless, is also exquisite.

Although it's not a solo kill, but after suppressing the level of the fox, isn't it a sure thing to do solo kills later?

This wave of design by Yao Ji can be described as perfect.

It's a pity that I met such a thousand-year-old fox as Chen Xuan.

When the q hit, Chen Xuan already guessed that the other party was going to do some tricks.

Otherwise, Yao Ji's own damage is not enough to kill alone, and she has lost blood once, so there is no reason to step on it so stupidly, he can't possibly have a crush on the fox and like to be kissed.

So, there must be other ideas.

When Chen Xuan saw Yao Ji's operation, he had to say that the opponent is talented, thank you for letting me learn another trick.

However, this trick didn't work for me.

Chen Xuan knew that the other party judged by the way he raised his hand, he wouldn't throw a hawk if he didn't see a rabbit.

I can retreat directly, not to be fooled by him.

However, the blind monk has come all the time, and if he is not allowed to harvest something to go back, how dare he keep calling for people to come.

Therefore, Chen Xuan e still made a move.

It's just that the position where the e is aiming at is not the position where the enchantress steps towards her, but the position where the enchantress w pulls away.

e flash!
This operation is very risky, because even if Chen Xuan sees a demon girl with amazing flying speed, there is a great possibility of failure.

However, Chen Xuan is such a person who loves to operate hard, and only when he plays to the limit can he feel that kind of enthusiasm.

Only by doing so, will your own worth be higher and you may have more money!
This e flash, no one thought of it.

Dian Kun was stunned as soon as he handed over w.

The fox actually e flashed and interrupted himself w!

I'm wagging sideways, how could he know what I'm thinking?

If it was seen through the color and style of the underwear before, then if Chen Xuan can directly report his ID number, he will not be surprised.

This is so outrageous, so amazing!

At the same time as Charm interrupted, Teacher Spicy shouted: "Brother Xuan is awesome!"

Immediately w to the fox's body, and made up a sky sound wave.

The sword demon rushed out, but he was completely at a loss.

What is this, not only did the enchantress not hit the fox with the silent dog chain, but someone squatted back, and she was charmed down in the air?

The fox was ignited in seconds. In this way, it was useless for the enchantress to appear as a clone. The igniting effect on her body would reveal her real body.

In this way, the blind monk can first slap the floor, cooperate with the fox's wq to hit the demon girl's clone, and then follow with the second stage q.

Sword Demon's q skill knocked the fox into the air, but Chen Xuan didn't panic at all, because Sword Demon's damage alone was not enough.

After the enchantress got out of control, she wanted to mend the chain and light it up, to see if she could replace the fox.

But Chen Xuan made a small move and stood behind the blind monk at an angle, causing the chain to only hit the blind monk.

Before the chain is triggered, the blind monk can deal damage to kill the enchantress.

Yao Ji also flashed into the tower to see if there was a chance, but the spicy teacher flashed in seconds, and before the chain was triggered, the Supreme Fist punched out a fist as big as a sandbag, and directly punched Yao Ji away.

Then go out of the tower again, w fox A sword demon, put on the red buff to slow down.

In this way, the fox can distance itself from the Sword Demon.

What does it mean to be in place? This is a good jungler who cares about the mid laner. Chen Xuan took the opportunity to pull away. Although he was ignited by the enchantress, the Sword Demon couldn't keep up with enough output.

The blind monk chased after A, the fox entered the grass below first, and the sword demon asked Flash to change in a hurry.

However, the moment Chen Xuan entered the grass, he went directly in the opposite direction, letting the sword demon who had flashed the largest distance flash over, and found that A could not reach the fox, and the card's field of vision ran backwards!
Sword Demon's blood pressure rose on the spot!
After the distance was pulled, Chen Xuan waited for the skill cd to improve, and used a q skill to cooperate with the blind monk to eat the first life of the sword demon.

Sword Demon's passive, blood demon well can allow Sword Demon to have a resurrection armor at the beginning.

The effect of resurrection depends on the energy bar under the blood bar. The more energy bars, the higher the recovered blood volume.

During the resurrection time, Chen Xuan just waited for the second charm.

Keeping a good distance, directly stuck to the resurrection time point, the sword demon who had just been resurrected was hooked by Ari for three souls and seven souls.

The blind monk made up for the damage again, and after he was beaten to a trace of blood, his head was given to Ari.

Because there are still a few seconds left for the double buff on Sword Demon, so when the buff is transferred, Chen Xuan's Ahri will directly transform into a double buff Ahri.

Watching Dian Kun's blood pressure rises, this game can be said to be over after this wave of squatting.

This is still playing tricks, double-buff Ahri, you can beat the enchantress to death when you meet, and the enchantress is no longer eligible to exchange blood.

Ahri, on the other hand, the higher the level, the stronger the fighting power.

"My God, this e flash!" Mi Le only found it difficult to explain Chen Xuan's game, because there were always times when he was short of words.

I don't know what to say, "How did he do it? He actually knew where the enchantress was going. That's too strong."

"Yao Ji's psychology and ideas have been tightly controlled by Ahri. It is really a bold person with high skills. If she makes a mistake, she will have to perform a bronze operation." Mi Si exclaimed.

Professional players, there are official highlight highlights.

There are also bronze highlights made by non-governmental players, which means that when professional players play bronze operations, someone will edit them and make highlights.

Quite a few top players, occasionally appearing on this highlight, flashed and hit the wall as if all four were empty. In fact, there were quite a few professional players.

But unfortunately, there is no shadow of Chen Xuan in the bronze operation for the time being, and his operation success rate is too high.

If this wave of e flash is empty, it can definitely be used, because if it is empty, it will lose a lot of damage. The enchantress will not die, but Ari will definitely die.

However, Chen Xuan succeeded, this is a collection-level operation.

It's so against the sky, while predicting the thoughts of the enchantress, he can also accurately grasp the flying speed of the two skills.

Based on this scene alone, netizens sighed: "Ah Li, has joined Xiaoxuan's carry family bucket, the sixth place!"

"It's outrageous, how dare he do it."

"If I were Dian Kun, I would really be autistic."

"Indeed, when you think of w, where you think of w, all of them are guessed, so what's the point?"

"If I were Dian Kun, I would sing. I am amazed at your skills. You can play e skills so beautifully."

"However, I'm not educated. If I say shit, this Xiaoxuan can play a vixen."

At this moment, the audience used various words to describe their feelings. The enchantress had already collapsed.

The fox came online with double buffs, and the enchantress couldn't beat it at all.

Chen Xuan's Ari has a lot of tricks. Through the pre-judgment q of the oblique angle, he can better hit the full damage of the two stages, and the bewitching girl of Dian Kun is miserable.

At the same time, the fox must be six levels earlier.

When Chen Xuanka reached six experience points, he went straight to the first tower with a three-stage r, perfect damage calculation and full skill hit, and took it away in one set.

The blind fox monk took off, directly following the incomprehensible rhythm of the middle field. Even if the rest of the Xuanyi team wanted to exert their strength, they didn't have the equipment, level and time.

Under the rhythm of Ahri and the blind monk, they could only retreat steadily and let the dragon give way to the tower.

The fox, on the other hand, puts on the shoes first, and the first big piece is directly exposed to the dark fire.

Although Minghuo is very strong, there are still not many people who like to use Minghuo in the competition.

Because of this equipment, the requirement for the second man's hand speed is too high, and there is no mana recovery. Most ap mid laners first make the Holy Grail, and they have magic resistance and can return mana.

But in this game, Chen Xuan's rhythm needs to be accelerated. As for the blue problem, when the blind monk has an advantage in the jungle, the blue buffs on both sides belong to the fox.

Ahri, after Hades, frantically grabs support.

Because of the second support, you don't even need to hit all the skills.

You only need to re the underworld fire, and then wq will take it away directly.

This is the case when Minghuo has a cd. If Minghuo is still on cd, then at most one more r will be added, and the pulled back q skill needs to deal real damage.

In this game, is there any unit that can kill better than the support? In 10 minutes, I only have a pair of shoes and eye stones, and the money in my hand is pitiful, and the level is still the lowest.

Because you still have to roam around and insert wards, let the experience be exclusive to the ad.

As for the fact that Dian Kun wanted to kill him solo, Chen Xuan didn't take it to heart at all. Winning the game was the most important thing, there was no need to target others.

Unless you kill him more than one, it will do me no good.

The Xuanyi team fought desperately, but finally had no choice but to be tied in 23 minutes, ending the first game.

The result of this victory did not surprise the audience, but Chen Xuan's fox was actually so strong.

It's really unexpected, does this lpl really have a middle lane that can sanction him?

If there are only four or five heroes, they can still pass the BP limit. Now Chen Xuan has really proved that it's not that he can't know other heroes, but there is no need to take them out.

How is this played?
Dian Kun was bitter in his heart, and he was extremely dissatisfied in his heart: "One more time, if there is no big rhythm in the middle, I may not lose to him."

"Such a tough head?" The coach couldn't help but want to curse, you look so tough, does your family know?

"Don't worry, I think you can try again, because I thought of a routine that can help the enchantress gain a huge advantage in the early stage, and then you have this experience, you should not let him interrupt you again Right." Kakashi said suddenly.

"Oh?" Dian Kun became interested as soon as he heard it. Is there really a way to help me counterattack Chen Xuan?

After listening to the design, Dian Kun said with emotion: "Good brothers, I will wrong you."

"It's not important, we just lost a little bit, if you can't restrain him, my support will be the worst." Kakashi said.

Everyone suddenly realized that after the fox took off in this game, the one who got the most seconds was not the enchantress, but the support.

Basically, rewq combined with the second-stage real injury can provide a support with full health in seconds. The support is really powerless to the extreme in front of the mid laner.

The rest of the Xuanyi team also sighed with emotion: "This Chen Xuan, he switched to the mid laner himself, and only aimed at the support he played before, which is inhumane!"

"It's also possible that he knows support too well. He plays an assassin, and he really has the meaning of assisting an assassin. Helping you is also helping us. Brothers, trust Dian Kun again!" Kakashi encouraged.

Everyone agreed and waited for the start of the second game.

 Two in one, let's write one game in one chapter. For this kind of unimportant game, the next game will end tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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