king of prejudgment

Chapter 178 Disadvantageous Teaching and Heroic Teaching

Chapter 178 Disadvantageous Teaching and Heroic Teaching

The successful conclusion of the first game also allowed the fans of the Tianmu team to start discussing.

"Dian Kun can't beat it, this is it."

"It's normal to not be able to fight. I just want to see if Dian Kun can force Chen Xuan's seventh hero out."

"From the summer to the playoffs, only six heroes were used. To say that Xiaoxuan is a hero coin is really not wronging him."

"If there are seven heroes, it can be called a hero pool."


"Yao Chi, Seven Fairies, right?"

"Brother Xuan is really not bragging, I can win with hero coins, why do I need to show my hero pool?"

"Indeed, the graphics card and cpu group said it was very good, and you can sell it for money by squeezing toothpaste, why bother to maximize the performance?"

The somewhat relaxed audience began to discuss whether Dian Kun could force out Chen Xuan's seventh hero.

Dian Kun even glanced at the barrage before going on stage, feeling that the world is really unfair. He had used [-] heroes in the summer split, and he had never seen so much praise.

Sure enough, victory is the only truth. People don't look at the process, but at the result.

Just like when we were backward in the past, everything in developed countries seemed to be able to blow.

Sewers in Germany, summer camps in Japan, washing dishes in restaurants seven times, etc.

Only now did I realize that it was all bragging, and it was nothing more than beautifying and flattering the strong.

I want to defeat him, and those trolls on the Internet will disappear. At that time, I was not an old troll wheelchair player or a cancer patient, but a real temperament.

So, this trick really needs to be used.

The two sides made their debut again, after bp started.

Everyone felt very strange, why did they feel like they had seen this round somewhere before?

The two sides just switched sides, and bp hardly changed.

Only the Xuanyi team's bot lane has become a mouse plus time.

The lineup of the two sides is confirmed, the blue team Tianmu, the top laner Kenan, the wild monk, the mid laner Ahri, and the bottom laner ez Jiajiela.

The red Fangxuanyi team has Rambo in the top lane, Sword Demon in the wild, Enchantress in the mid lane, and Rat in the bottom lane.

"Old man Shi Shi assists, what kind of routine is this?" Mi Le, as the commentator, also failed to understand the other party's thinking.

Mouse plus time support, a combination I have never seen before.

"The second round was amplified. In the last round, Team Tianmu's mid-field rhythm took off, which made it impossible to play the bottom lane. This time, the bottom lane may be the core. After the mouse is enlarged, it will cooperate with the resurrection of the old man. It should be able to produce very explosive output." Mi Si analyzed.

When Chen Xuan saw this lineup, he thought of the gameplay and routines of this lineup.

"The other side can be in the grass, make the mouse invisible, and then time will give the mouse a bomb, and the mouse will take the bomb and stealth to blow up people to cooperate with the mouse's outbreak to steal damage." Chen Xuan analyzed.

"Then we have to be careful when going down the road." Hearing what Chen Xuan said, Li Wu immediately became vigilant.

Chen Xuan also kept an eye out, the other party may not only steal people from the bottom lane, maybe it is possible to steal from the middle lane.

Therefore, after the two sides started the game, Chen Xuan deliberately went online for a while at night.

If the opponent insists on stealing from the middle lane, then they will lose experience and money, so that they will not lose.

The idea of ​​the Xuanyi team is exactly the same.

Kakashi and that beautiful bottom lane combination, the summer split can be said to shine, playing very well.

But whether it's support or adc in the bottom lane, in front of a well-developed mid laner, it's not worth mentioning, a character who is killed at will.

Therefore, what they thought was to come to the middle lane to steal a wave of foxes, thus directly giving Dian Kun a two-bottle lead at the start.

But I didn't expect that this fox was really cunning, even though the lines of troops converged, he still didn't show up.

This is a game, and it is impossible not to eat, so it is obvious that there is a defensive hand.

And Kakashi is so beautiful, it's also on top.

"We must steal him in this wave. It doesn't matter if we lose some experience. First of all, we change lanes and fight on the top lane. If we lag behind by a little experience, we will not be killed by the lane. Secondly, my time passive has experience bonuses, which can be made up." Kakashi said, this tactic cannot be used because of losses, it would make me look stupid.

Sure enough, Chen Xuan waited for a while, and when the three soldiers were left with blood, he still came out and used q to make up the knife.

At this time, while the mouse was approaching invisibly, the old man Shi Guang gave him a bomb.

The mouse in the stealth state, the bomb above the head is also invisible.

In this way, when the mouse came to the fox, the bomb exploded just in time.

The mouse took the opportunity to show itself, using the attack speed bonus after the stealth ended.

With Biubiubiu's continuous output directly, Chen Xuan reacted the moment he was bombed, but he knew that the mouse's output was not enough to kill him, so he didn't flash.

But when he walked out of the range of the mouse, he was hit by A four times.

The mouse's attack power is more than 70, and it is flat A with four rounds and an old man's bomb.

It also caused Chen Xuan's Ari to lose half of his blood!

The audience from God's perspective knows the tricks of the Xuanyi team, but there is no way to do it. The opponent's own experience is lost, and they forcefully consume you. What can you do?

"Aiming at the middle lane like this?"

"Hey, the fox is having a hard time laning. He has lost [-] blood, and he has to hand over two bottles of red medicine."

"The mouse adds time, it turns out to be such a routine, but doesn't it also lose experience?"

"This is sacrificing the bottom lane and hard-guarding the middle lane. In this way, the advantage of the fox conte enchantress will be gone."

The audience talked a lot, and they only felt that the Xuanyi team's targeting of the middle lane was simple.

Facing this loss, Chen Xuan lost two bottles of medicine, but his teammates benefited.

When three pawns died in the middle, all the pawns on the top road had exchanged fire. At this time, the mouse followed the time and lost the experience of nearly a wave of pawns.

In such a line-changing game, Kenan is much more comfortable playing two-on-one.

Moreover, the mouse also got the experience of the mid-lane enchantress, and the opposite enchantress can't reach two with seven soldiers.

This amount of blood was stolen, which seemed to be a loss, but it was earned elsewhere.

It's just that laning may be a little uncomfortable.

It's equivalent to going out without buying medicine. It's not a big problem. After drinking two bottles of red medicine, let the blood volume recover and re-align.

Dian Kun felt very comfortable, so that he could change his blood boldly.

This time the enchantress, the q skill learned directly at the first level, came up to qa the fox.

Although q can't trigger the second stage, the damage will be very low, but the cd is short, and the lead with the blood bottle, the enchantress can even directly cross the pawn line to overwhelm you.

Knowing that your fox's e skill is good, then I don't advocate w, I advocate q!

Wouldn't it be nice to use e to trigger the q skill!

Gain wisdom by eating a pit, I, Diankun, will kill you today.

After being suppressed like this, Chen Xuan also responded with color, a Q skill with a good angle, pulled out both damages.

Yao Ji is not empty, wait for a few seconds and press again, she is very active in the fight, if she runs out of blood, just drink the blood bottle.

"Wow, this enchantress fights so fiercely." Mi Le began to worry about Chen Xuan. Although the enchantress cost more to change lanes, it was equivalent to leading by [-] HP at the beginning.

If Chen Xuan hadn't been a witty night liner, he might not have gained the experience of the first wave of three soldiers.

This game will be an unprecedented experience for Chen Xuan's laning ability.

Seeing that Dian Kun was being suppressed, his fans, who were few in number but did exist, appeared.

"You played well, Dian Kun, is there a chance for a solo kill in this round?"

"Single kill Xiaoxuan, I'll give you a gift."

"You won't be able to kill you alone like this. Don't play in the middle next season. It's a shame."

The barrage also instantly became eager, although it is said that Yao Ji's advantage was helped by her teammates.

But soldiers never tire of cheating, it is the same for everyone.

As long as it is not using bugs or off-field tactics, it is an excellent display of game tactics.

After all, people also paid a big price.

But Chen Xuan still insisted on fighting back, Yao Ji Q herself, Chen Xuan was about to click back.

Even if there is blood back passively, it is actually a loss to exchange blood like this.

However, Chen Xuan's second level is faster.

At the moment of the second, the enchantress already wanted to retreat.

Because I had to be a few pawns later to get to the second, Yao Ji had already gained the experience of the eighth pawn, and she hadn't reached the second yet.

If the blood is changed again, the fox's wq damage will not be low.

However, what Chen Xuan learned at the second level was not w, but the second point e skill.

Directly on the way of Yao Ji's turn, she was thrown at the limit distance.

Wipe the edge of the enemy's soldiers, and charm the enchantress back!
Then make up a flat A and then a Q to hit the real injury of the second stage, which made the enchantress suffer a dull loss.

"I'm already so close to the soldier, am I still charmed?" Dian Kun was a little speechless, as he seemed to be standing behind the soldier.

However, in front of Chen Xuan, as long as you show a little skirt is enough.

Most of the skill designs are the same, and the skills learned from the previous assistance are also useful in the middle lane.

This wave came back quite a bit, whoring for nothing and retreating, the enchantress had no means of countermeasures.

In this way, the gap between blood bottles is only one bottle away.

When the enchantress reaches the second, he finally understands that it is unrealistic for qw to step on a fox, and there is indeed something about this forced operation.

When playing rank, he can't beat Muchen daopa, and there is a poker room in the game, so he wants to be the second child everywhere?

Moreover, it doesn't have to be the second child.

In the rank ranking of the national server, he has dropped to fifth place.

The rank is getting harder and harder to play, and the game is getting harder and harder.

This wave of beatings made the demon girl's advantage much smaller.

However, Yao Ji believes that her consumption is already in place.

The fox's blood volume is not enough, and at the third level, the enchantress has a killing line.

He also probably thought of the way to kill.

If you want to avoid being kissed on the way of flight, one is to qe first, and then step on it after being imprisoned.

The other is to trick the fox's e first, and then do it.

The second option is also possible, because the blood volume of the demon girl is relatively full, and the blood volume will not be too low after being kissed.

But once the positioning is successful, you can kill the fox alone!
The desire to kill solo is on the rise.

And because Chen Xuan had higher experience points, he was the first to come three times over.

Yao Ji didn't dare to fight recklessly, so she could only retreat.

Smell the experience, and come closer.

Just fight with the fox to move away, and the fox now only has two-thirds of the blood volume, and the enchantress is enough to kill solo.

If you are kissed, it may be another set of whoring for nothing.

However, this position must be gambled, otherwise when the fox returns home, he will never have another chance.

Everything is back to the original point, how can you kill Chen Xuan alone.

Therefore, the temptation of this enchantress must be given to Chen Xuan.

If it fails, that's the only way to go.

Chen Xuan also understood what he was thinking when he saw Yao Ji giving her position.

As long as there is no e skill to interrupt his w, his life is in danger.

Chen Xuan took a look at his prediction with the vision of the future, and it was a successful hit.

Then your position is nothing but self-deception.

The future determined in this way will not change.

With the e skill, he kissed the enchantress who was twisting her butt left and right.

Then the waq damage was fully dealt with, and the demon girl's blood volume dropped a bit.

I thought that the fox would take the opportunity to retreat and go whoring for nothing again, making the game an advantage for the fox.

But what I didn't expect was that instead of retreating, Chen Xuan pressed forward instead.

What does it mean?
Dian Kun thought it was the blind monk who came from the wild, and the foxes like this were only tied with A, but the signals from his teammates showed that the blind monk had just appeared in the field of vision, and it was impossible to come to the middle so quickly.

And everyone else is in view.

Therefore, Dian Kun thought of it instantly.

He is gambling!

The enchantress can qw to silence the fox, but the fox's damage has been completely dealt. The enchantress' damage is enough to kill the fox solo, but it needs to hit all the skills.

The enchantress's chain, the damage of the second stage is more than [-], if the chain is empty, then the blood volume of the fox is not enough for the enchantress to kill alone!
Does he also want to show off?
I failed to move, so you can succeed?
Damn it, don't underestimate me!

Dian Kun is disgusted by Chen Xuan's self-confidence, I don't allow lpl to have someone more confident than me.

I like to pretend!
Press qw directly, then hang up and light up, confident, I am more confident than you, if this chain is empty, I will die!

A fox that has been silenced cannot dodge its own chain.

So, how do you move at such a short distance?
The enchantress sticks her face, and then throws e!

Such a close distance, how do you hide, you hide for me?

"Why doesn't the fox leave after beating it? This blood volume is very dangerous." Mi Le said in surprise. As a professional commentator, he naturally knew that the fox with this blood volume can already be killed by a demon girl alone, and there is no one behind you. .

"The fox has been silenced, the chain is about to be shot." Mi Si worried, if he really hits the e, Chen Xuan's immortal golden body in the summer competition will be broken.

This undead golden body does not mean that he has never died once, but that he has never been killed alone.

Under Chen Xuan's magnificent record, he has the highest kda data in the entire LPL.

It would be a pity if he was killed alone.

However, Chen Xuan was able to do this because he knew that your e-mail was empty.

Chen Xuan himself didn't expect that in his vision of the future, he would move so delicately.

Backing first and then advancing, the chain rubbed against the edge and twisted.

The vision of the future only sees here, and seeing here is enough.

If the dog chain misses, the enchantress' damage is almost meaningless.

The fox walked towards the demon girl's mark, while leveling A demon girl.

The Enchantress immediately returned to her original spot and wanted to run.

The fox made another round to tie the ace, and the enchantress was beaten out of her clone.

Run back left and right, trying to play deception tactics.

But Chen Xuan knows the enchantress very well, and the clone of the main body will be invisible for [-] seconds.

Therefore, what appears later is true.

Direct self-confidence is ignited to the real body, and then A, and then A.

Yao Ji quickly flashed, Chen Xuan followed a short distance, then flashed A, after chasing to the edge of the defense tower, the fox pressed A for the last time, and then turned back confidently.

Although the ignition has been hot for a few seconds, Chen Xuan is still confident enough in his calculations.

The damage calculation of the League of Legends is just a simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and there is no need for advanced mathematics that has not been learned. How much blood will be burned in the last two seconds of the real damage when it is ignited? Divide the current ignited damage by [-] and divide it by five. Just multiply by two.

Yao Ji's blood volume is 31 points, so he must die!

It's not enough to drink medicine, it's only enough to return to five o'clock in one second.

Looking back confidently, the enchantress died tragically under the tower.

The most shocked ones were not even the audience, but the other members of Team Xuanyi.

"Damn you, we sacrificed so much in the bottom lane to help you press the bloodline, and you told me you were solo killed?" That's beautiful, and he's also a star player with a bad temper.

Now he and Laughing Woods are the three strongest ADCs in LPL. They have a great advantage in the top laner, but in the end there are two very fat middle fielders. There is really nothing to do.

Now, I have sacrificed so much, and you were killed alone, what the hell?
Dian Kun directly covered his face, feeling that the whole world had lost its brilliance and turned gray.

If I don't use skills, I can kill Chen Xuan solo, and if I hit the skills later, I can also kill Chen Xuan solo.

But how did I do it, missing both opportunities?
Where did he get the confidence to be able to use my skills, but to hide from me?
I can't figure it out! ! !

"It's easy to move!" The moment Mi Le saw that Yao Ji's chain was empty, he knew that the fox couldn't die, and Yao Ji couldn't do enough damage.

The fox's damage is at full capacity, and the witch's empty skills make up for the gap in blood volume between the two.

Limit blood volume, complete counter-kill!

"I'm really confident. Is he really not afraid of getting this chain? This level of confidence is just like my low-score, but when I play low-segment, I always overturn." Mi Si exclaimed, she not only She is not only a female commentator, but also a video author. She has made a lot of ranking videos. The level is not particularly high, but she still needs to get low-level materials.

In the face of people who are much lower than your level, you do have a more confident position, because you can guess where the opponent's skills are placed.

But this is a professional competition. The reason why there are so few people in the professional competition is that there are too few people who are so confident.

It's good if you can be safe and not send it away. Why use an operation that may kill you to exchange the opponent's empty skills.

There are really not many people who dare to gamble like this.

However, thinking of the operation of Lian Shuangjie, he dared to try it.

I suddenly felt relieved, self-confidence sometimes comes from nature, some people are born brave.

Just like a famous general in ancient times, the bravery of the feathers is unparalleled through the ages!

Xuanzhi Ganxiu is also the first one in LPL for so many years.

Fans of Team Xuanyi are completely silent now.

This middle road is completely blown out.

You can't even beat me to help you like this in the early stage, what do you want from me, what do you want?

Solo kill!

This time, the start was so bad that it was a solo kill, and no one really could help Dian Kun.

Pure strength gap!
After Dian Kun was revived, the camera was shown to him, and there was no light in his eyes.

Being shown off with such a condescending attitude made him really unable to raise his fighting spirit.

I can't beat him, I can't even beat the opponent's blood volume, now when I go home, how can I beat him with the leading equipment?
The damage is no longer a level, the fox pushes the line, and will lead the level, experience, and equipment.

The middle road is crushed again!

And Mr. Spicy, of course, knows what it means to beat a dog in the water. After the advantage in the middle, ask the fox when it will be six, and come over in advance to prepare.

As long as Chen Xuan's re hits, Yao Ji will have to die again.

This time, the enchantress can only use the w displacement to hide.

After six, the enchantress withdrew.

Who would have thought that the fox would not forgive others, and would just say "a".

After the enchantress w, rw chases in the second stage.

Then he raised his hand q, tricked Yao Ji's w to switch positions, and immediately e marked the mark of Yao Ji w's return.

Kissing, the blind monk hurriedly followed, hit with one kick, compensated for the damage, and took it away directly.

Dian Kun has already thought about it, this fox's e skill is above the directional skill, from the last game to now, only your mother has never been free.

How does this play?

trash game!

The most important point is that the bottom road really sacrifices a lot to help you.

But the middle road not only failed to play an advantage, but also raised his father.

The time of the mouse, but only in the later stage.

This game is a bet on Dian Kun's enchantress, who can kill the fox once before going home for the first time, and then delay the development time of the mouse by bringing rhythm.

Otherwise, this version of the mouse is not considered strong, and its appearance rate is very low.

Compared to a top-tier hero like ez Wayne Airplane, it's already at t2 level.

Moreover, the mouse has no displacement, facing a flying fox, it can only call mother.

A fox with two heads can only make people feel the invincible charm of a fox demon.

Kiss whoever dies!

After the mid-term teaming up, if the rhythm is fastened, the mouse will be completely useless. The equipment is not enough, and it cannot compare with the ez, which is extremely powerful in the mid-term.

Losing again and again, it can be said that the middle and field didn't play well in the top game, but this one is a big iron pot for the pure mid laner.

At 22 minutes and 50 seconds, the Tianmu team flattened the base of the Xuanyi team and scored [-]-[-].

Dian Kun is going to despair, maybe next season it will really play.

Chen Xuan's previous game with himself, could it be that he was letting the water go, there is such an AP assassin who doesn't need it, but uses cards for the handle, it is really giving face.

Or maybe it was because the bot lane combination at the time hadn't been completed yet, and they desperately needed a card to provide the team with economy.

No, it's because the card has been cut and it's not easy to use.

League of Legends designer, damn you, you thought that weakening cards was frankly weakening Chen Xuan.

Unexpectedly, his bastard mid laner was sealed, and a bunch of more fierce ones were released.

屮 (cao)!
Tired, destroy it, it feels three to zero.

Just when Dian Kun was so desperate that it didn't matter whether he won or lost, he lost [-]-[-] and was waiting for Omega to avenge himself.

The opponent's hero in the last game declared war, which stimulated Dian Kun.

Sit up in shock in dying!The enchantress is actually yourself!
The opponent chose Yao Ji first, and Chen Xuan's seventh hero really appeared.

But no one thought that it would be the enchantress!

"What do you mean, teach me?" Dian Kun's originally sluggish fighting spirit was instantly ignited like a barrel of gunpowder.

You are also equipped with the enchantress, but I practiced hard for a whole week, and I was a master of the enchantress before.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that we all know that the fox is good at fighting the enchantress. After all, you have proved it yourself in two rounds, why do you want to fight the enchantress first instead of picking the fox three times?

To kill, but also to punish the heart?
Of course, Chen Xuan didn't have that many thoughts, he just thought that Yao Ji was so strong, it was actually no problem to choose first.

As for fighting foxes, in fact, in addition to Conte's matchup, there are more manipulations and psychological games. Whoever has more skills will have an advantage.

Chen Xuan is a support position. He has used Yao Ji before. He is one of the first heroes Chen Xuan came into contact with, and he is also one of his favorite heroes. With the new support, Chen Xuan's hero pool can be fully utilized, so there is no need to worry about it. Get off the road and suppress your own choices.

 [-] in [-] to

(End of this chapter)

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