king of prejudgment

Chapter 179 Doppelgänger Sisters, Mentally Collapsed

Chapter 179 Doppelgänger Sisters, Mentally Collapsed
For any professional player, the teaching bureau is an unbearable shame.

Second only to the same hero, exactly the same without excuse.

As for the teaching bureau, you beat me with a fox in the last game, so I can't take care of myself.

Backhanded out the enchantress, what do you want to prove, what are you going to do?
If Diankun can't get to the top of the rankings, it's really tolerable and unbearable to be picked as a hero in professional competitions like this!
"Get me Ahri!" Dian Kun shouted at the coach.

"No." The coach felt a little guilty, afraid that he would be taught, how embarrassing it would be.

"I, want, take, ah, raccoon!" Dian Kun looked unconvinced.

It's very similar to Ah Shu and Dad in the initial d wanting to buy a GTR, and the coach also understands that this mid laner is not easy to manage.

I don't want to give the opponent a chance to teach forehand and backhand, although I don't know what level his enchantress is.

But what if, if your fox can't beat it, wouldn't it mean that your Dao heart will collapse?
Of course, if Ahri is not used for Dian Kun, then he must have a lack of understanding, feel uncomfortable all over, and roll around. In order to avoid getting burned, the coach thought it over and over again, and finally chose Ahri for him, and at the same time told him to fight. Ye Duo went to the middle.

This will prevent Dian Kun from thinking clearly, and I am afraid that he will retire on the spot after the game.

The bans on both sides are almost the same as in the previous game.

But the selection is too much, one chooses the enchantress.

Because Chen Xuan felt that in this way, Kang's special position could be reserved for his teammates.

Anyway, no matter which floor I choose, there is a high probability that I will be selected by Conte.

Enchantress is not considered a particularly strong hero in this version, and the priority of Barrel Fox Murloc Kassadin is above Enchantress.

However, the characteristic of the hero Enchantress lies in her infinite possibilities.

As long as the operation is in place, there is no hero that cannot be defeated completely.

The Tianmu team's first selection of Yao Ji also made the audience exclaim.

"I liked Xiaoxuan at first, but I didn't expect him to teach forehand and backhand. Now I like it even more."

"Indeed, but you have to be strong, not for cupping."

"If you can really succeed in teaching, then of course you love it. If you fail in teaching, you will probably be ridiculed until next year."

Yes, teaching forehand and backhand requires strong support, otherwise, if you fail to fill the cup, the audience will not give you a good face.

In fact, everyone doesn't hate filling cups, what they hate is hard filling without strength.

For example, a girl who has no figure but has a figure is naturally disgusting, but a real beauty will only receive applause and praise if she takes a photo of you.

After Chen Xuan finished selecting Yao Ji, Team Xuanyi immediately followed up and took down Ahri.

The audience really shouted and excited, the opponent declared war, dare to fight, Dian Kun is a man.

Moreover, he successfully forced out Chen Xuan's seventh hero.

As long as he can c, then Chen Xuan's hero pool will appear.

In one season, seven heroes can be played in the middle, so it can't be called hero coins.

There are only so many versions that are strong, and several of them are not strong versions.

Moreover, everyone has seen Chen Xuan's geometric wine barrel.

This is the founder of Geometry Wine Barrel, who can say that he can't make wine barrels?
From the hero pool, restricting Chen Xuan is already unrealistic.

Knowing that the Tianmu team has steadily entered the s game also attracted the attention of other teams in the competition area. They recorded various data and materials in an attempt to prepare tactics in advance when they met in the s game.

This middle road is really not easy.

Finally, the lineup of both sides is determined!
The blue Fang Tianmu team has Crocodile in the top lane, Wei in the jungle, Enchantress in the mid lane, and Jiajiela, a policewoman in the bottom lane.

The red Fangxuanyi team has Shen in the top lane, Spider in the wild, Fox in the mid lane, and Wei Enjia Lulu in the bottom lane.

Team Xuanyi is fighting to the death.

In the bottom lane, Wei Enjia Lulu was arranged. Although I haven't seen Chen Xuan's bewitching concubine, they can all be regarded as very strong.

If the opponent dares to choose, it won't be because he sees himself as two to zero, playing around with inflation.

Team Tianmu is not such a floating team.

It's like suddenly changing to a new assistant in the playoffs, the audience thinks it's not good, it's not eye-catching at all.

But players who have played against each other understand that as a rookie, they will face the super strong team in the playoffs.

If it can be done like this, it has full potential.

Most rookies will feel the difference in the world when they play against the bottom team.

Why am I as fierce as a tiger in the ranks, but when it comes to the professional arena, I am being played around like a fool by my opponent?
Because, this is a two-level thing.

In the same way, there are also a lot of teams that are fighting indiscriminately in this division. When it comes to the World Championship, it is as if they don't know how to play, and they lose in various ways.

It's already pretty good to play such a high-level platform.

Therefore, Tianmu team's selection of Yaoji will definitely not be a whim, and she will commit suicide by pretending to be a cup.

This time, the Xuanyi team went straight to the start, and the whole team came to the road.

According to the previous studies, it is judged that Frando's crocodile may stand in the grass of the river to protect the wild area.

It can only be said, give it a go, turn a bicycle into a motorcycle, catch the opening blood, and fail, that is, the wild area is not well protected at the beginning, and there is a risk of being invaded.

However, the Xuanyi team is lucky, maybe their prayer to the heavens will not be answered by the three-to-zero wish.

They groped towards the grass with their vision blocked, and the moment they saw the crocodile, Shen dodged directly.

Let the crocodile have no way to get close to the wall for the first time, so as to flash over the wall.

And the e dodges successfully, the crocodile can't escape, Lulu learns w at the beginning, and adds another control.

Everyone rushed forward, the fox's e skill added another kiss, and kissed the crocodile's mouth. Under the triple control, Frando didn't bother to hand in even if he flashed, and he was sure to die, while the fox got the first blood smoothly!

"Ahhh, God is helping me in this round, let's see how I torture you to death." Dian Kun only felt that this trick was not a blood, but a shot of chicken blood.

Directly fill up the excitement value of Dian Kun, and feel full of strength.

"Wow, the Xuanyi team caught the crocodile in the top lane at the beginning, and the fox got the first blood. This time, Yao Ji is even more difficult to fight than the last game." Mi Si exclaimed, luck always seems to favor the opponent.

"Yes, even though Mouse Time helped in the last round, it was just a loss of two bottles of red medicine. In this round, it was a direct lead of 400 yuan, an even more exaggerated lead." Mi Le said the same way.

When Dian Kun went back, he bought another Dolan. If I beat you with double Dolan, what do you use to fight me?

Netizens also think so: "Dian Kun, if you can't beat like this, if you don't retire next year, I will tell you to retire."

"No, did you guys forget about the Daming Lake... oh no, the moon in Seoul, South Korea? It seems that he didn't win that round of Zed with first blood." Someone started to help netizens find ancient memories.

"It's true, but it can't be like this every time. If it's really that strong, then wouldn't it be him who is the world's number one mid laner? This is a hero who was defeated by Conte and gave a first blood. .”

"There's nothing to discuss about it. It's only natural for Dian Kun to win, but it's Xiaoyuelun if he can't."

The audience talked a lot, looked at the blood of the fox, and began to analyze the situation.

Some people think that Chen Xuan's might be able to fight against the first blood fox, some people think that the enchantress will have to suffer a lot in this round, but even if she is killed solo, it's justifiable, she has one blood.

As the audience was discussing, the two sides started to match up.

Frando also said: "Brother Xuan, mine, mine."

"It's okay, you pay the bill for dinner tonight." Chen Xuan made a joke, and killed Frando by the way.

When playing games, avoid infighting. If teammates make mistakes, just wait for the coach to reprimand them. As a player, Chen Xuan must trust his teammates unconditionally.

Although facing a first-blood fox, it is a bit difficult to fight.

But life is like this, it is not as smooth as the dream, but it will not be as bad as imagined.

At least, the fox has learned e at the first level, so he can't push the line.

Well, Chen Xuan found a point of self-comfort, and then started to line up a double Dolan Ahri.

In the early stage, it is necessary to develop normally and seek stability. The only point that can be used is that the first-level fox has the e skill, and the damage is lower than oneself.

So you can go up to the first level to suppress the opponent and use the position to cheat skills.

And Dian Kun is also a temper tantrum, and he has nothing to do with A, and he wants to grab the second.

Chen Xuan retaliated, and A moved away. Both of them held on to their skills, and it was A.

Chen Xuan knew that if the fox didn't let go of e, he would definitely be interrupted in the air.

Dian Kun also knew that if he didn't let go of w, he absolutely couldn't use e, otherwise he would suffer a loss if he was empty.

Therefore, the master duel, stop here.

After learning the skills and not using them, after a couple of A's to each other, Ming Jin withdrew his troops and retreated temporarily.

Chen Xuan has the ability to push the line, so he should have been promoted to the second level first.

But in this version, the experience value of first-level killing is still considerable.

When Ari eats six soldiers, he will be promoted to two.

Even if there is w to push the line, the fox still wins the second and succeeds first.

Chen Xuan could only retreat because the fox was pressing on him.

The second-level fox, playing the first-level enchantress, Dian Kun and Shuang Duolan, it is clear that it is necessary to hard card the experience of the enchantress.

Drive Chen Xuan to the tower, suppress his experience points by one or two soldiers, and keep suppressing for a long time.

It was Dian Kun's plan, and Chen Xuan could only start looking for opportunities while facing A with him.

"Ah Li is going to bring out the advantage of the first blood, and suppress the enchantress to prevent the enchantress from gaining experience. What should the enchantress do? Let's forget it." Mi Le looked at Chen Xuan's enchantress, and actually followed the fox. Still facing A, the two of them drank the blood bottle together, but it was obvious that Yao Ji's first-level A was no more than a second-level fox.

The blood volume of the two dropped together, but it was obvious that the enchantress would lose more.

After all, Shuang Duolan is [-]% ahead in blood volume alone, not to mention the second-level attribute bonus, A's past is a ghost.

But the fox still pinches the skills, hold back, the opponent can get experience if the skills are empty.

If you want A, come on, who is afraid of who?

Chen Xuan looked at the little soldiers on the line, their blood volume was getting lower and lower, if they couldn't make it through, they would be crushed for a lifetime.

Frowning tightly, facing such a situation, Chen Xuan couldn't force himself to be optimistic.

If you call it a jungler, the time is too early, and Wei still has to brush in the early stage, which will affect the rhythm of the jungler, and there is not enough time.

Using the vision of the future, I saw that I wanted to forcibly step on the fox to eat experience.

Then in the air, e and Ari were fully beaten, so he could only come back with w, and ran away in a flash. Fortunately, he gained experience and reached the second level, otherwise he would be single-killed.

No need to look at it later, it must have been beaten home, it seems that w hard to rely on experience will not work, it is simply a dead end that has to be lost, either lose, or lose more?
Everyone felt that Yao Ji must have lost experience in this wave.

If he had been obstinate in the past and was charmed, he might have been killed alone.

"Dian Kun, stand up!"

"Damn it, if you still refuse to accept the enchantress, you will be killed alone."

"A first-level enchantress, why should she fight A with a second-level fox? She looks like she's dying, and she's definitely going to be single-killed."

"It's too pretentious, it's fine if you choose the enchantress, and you get first blood by the fox, why don't you be cowardly?"

The audience's comments were all unfavorable, because the enchantress would definitely run out of red medicine later.

And the fox can recover blood passively, and there will be a big gap in blood volume later.

Both sides drank the blood bottle together and faced A, Yao Ji was kicked out of the clone. The moment he saw the clone, Chen Xuan frowned, as if he had discovered something, what can the clone be used for, the clone?
Chen Xuan's mind is running extremely fast, there are only losses and losses, is there no way to make money?

There must be. When this avatar thought of this, Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly brightened.

Yes, doppelgänger!

After Chen Xuan's avatar appeared, he immediately took control of the avatar.

Let the avatar walk in front of him, and walk up to the fox's face.

Dian Kun is confused at this time, what are you doing here, it is fake at first glance, you are still drinking medicine in real body.

Can this fool me?
I'm so fucking badass again!

The fox is definitely not interested in the fake enchantress, because the clone of the enchantress, Person A will not lose blood.

I'm standing here, let your clone, A, until I disappear, what can you do?

As soon as Dian Kun finished thinking, he saw Chen Xuan's enchantress and leaned over.

"What is Xiaoxuan going to do? It's not about stepping on it, he can't beat it." Mi Le exclaimed, he can't be superior for the sake of experience, endure the calm for a while, and take a step back!
"No, there is a clone!" Mi Si also suddenly discovered something, but she couldn't say it for a while.

At this time, the audience saw the avatar stuck to the fox's face, and the enchantress w stepped on it!

"Huh?" Dian Kun instantly realized something was wrong. That's right, although the avatar doesn't hurt, it can block skills.

The avatar stood in front of me, even if my reaction was enough to catch the enchantress flying over, it was because of the enchantress' fake body in front of me.

So the fox's e can't be shot at all.

This w can only be eaten hard.

Enchantress W stepped on the fox, causing the fox to lose blood, and at the same time gained the experience of a soldier.

"Are you surprised to see me?" Enchantress stepped forward, saw the frightened eyes of the fox, and said these words with contempt.

Upgrade to two!

Immediately ignite the fox, and then the chain is locked in seconds!

Dian Kun instantly felt something was wrong, do you still want to kill me?
The q skill was thrown out, and Chen Xuan's bewitching girl immediately w returned to the original place, making the q skill two paragraphs empty.

At the same time, the main body returned to the back of the clone, so that the fox's e skill could not be used.

The fox flashed quickly, trying to break the enchantress' chain.

However, Chen Xuan was already moving forward, and the chain kept the limit distance.

The fox could only turn around and throw e, and at this time, Chen Xuan handed over the e skill of flashing through the fox.

Stick to your face!

Enchantress's we are all hits, while Fox's qe is all empty, even if it is [-] points ahead of Dolan's HP, and dozens of points of HP ahead of A, it can't make up for the damage gap between the two skills.

The chain triggers the second stage of damage plus imprisonment, and cooperates with the enchantress under ignition, AAA three times to tie A, the enchantress with one-third of the blood volume successfully counter-kills the fox with two-thirds of the blood volume.

At this moment, Dian Kun's eyes were dull and lifeless, and the terrifying reality in front of him completely destroyed his Dao heart.

Teammates have never fought for help, Hero Conte has never fought, and while Hero Conte has added a first blood lead of 400 yuan, he has not yet fought.

Don't bring such bullying!

"Ohhhh!" There was an explosion of cheers from the auditorium, which was the voice of the Sky Screen fans.

They have also questioned, after all, they are Conte and lagging behind in economic experience, so at least they will be suppressed in the early stage.

But unexpectedly, they were wrong, as fans, they were all wrong.

This is not being suppressed, this is hypocrisy, pretending to be weak, and then bursting out to fight back.

"God Xuan, you are my god!"

"I'm so stupid, Diankun people were dizzy by Xiu."

"Oh, why is this fox's skills completely empty? I can do it myself."

"I'm sorry, I actually suspected that this Xiaoxuan was going to be suppressed, and the gold content of a world-class mid laner at every turn?"

The audience was extremely excited. This wave of avatar operation is really cool, it is really a magic trick.

Even the explanation is only after the operation is completed, and the subtleties of this wave of operations are understood.

"I understand. The demon girl's avatar is deliberately controlled. It stands in front of the fox so that the fox's charm can't be used. At the beginning, the fox learns to control the crocodile at the first level. It's a foreshadowing!" Mi Le was shocked, but also remembered The duty of self-narration is to explain the operation to the audience.

Otherwise, everyone only knows 666, but they don't know where six is.

"Yes, the fox knows that the charm will be blocked, so he can't kiss the enchantress in the air, he can only eat the w step of the enchantress, and then the enchantress who stepped on it, got the experience of the seventh soldier, and upgraded Go to the second learning chain to fight back, learning q is definitely not enough damage, and can't trigger silence and damage, learning e at the second level, the chain is ignited in one go, and then w goes back to avoid the fox's push wave, and the operation of dodging the e wave is simply simple It's perfect, enough to be selected into the top 10 of the playoffs!" Misi said excitedly.

However, in what the commentator called a perfect operation, Chen Xuan was regretting it.

Why not continue to control the clone, predict the location of the fox's flash, and then let the clone pass a little earlier, so that he can save a flash.

Still not perfect, there is still room for improvement.

"Here, counter-kill in the middle?" Frando was on the road, and the mouse was almost unsteady.

When the fox killed himself, it was useless to double call.

With just a simple e skill and an extra Dolan ring, he was killed by the Enchantress alone at the second level.

Am I dreaming?
Because the line of soldiers on the road is longer and the minions gather later, the crocodiles are still at the first level at this time.

I finally understood how powerful Guan Yu's warming wine and chopping Hua Xiong was. I was young and ignorant before, and I didn't understand Guan Yu's gold content.

The feeling now is the same as that of the Eighteenth Route princes at that time.

Diankun's skills are very high, and they are highly praised. The Xuanyi team also defeated the only team 400-1 to enter the semi-finals. Nuochang Aixiao was defeated by him. As a result, such a person, with the hero of Conte, I also contributed [-] yuan to the middle road, and within a minute of meeting, I was cut off by the enchantress.

Is this Brother Xuan? He is really a man like a god!

There was no light in Dian Kun's eyes, and he felt as if something was broken.

It's the Dao heart, my Dao heart is broken.

It's no wonder that the Yuelun Summer Split was in a slump, and they couldn't even make it to the s tournament.

No one can bear this kind of blow.

Chen Xuan's teammates all asked in amazement and praise: "Brother Xuan, how did you do it?"

Only Li Wu is a relatively normal one. He said mysteriously: "Do you know that when Xiaoxuan was assisting before, he used the enchantress to kill the Quartet. Now the technology must be more sophisticated."

"My god, I am one Dolan behind and kill the fox alone. I dare not do this in my dreams." The flattery is from the bottom of my heart. No one should say that I am courteous for nothing. This kind of solo killing is not worth it. Bragging?

"I'm almost used to it. You always kill your opponent before I come, which makes me look like I have no sense of existence." Spicy teacher said with emotion.

"There will be a chance. The opponents in the finals and the world championship will become stronger and stronger. Don't let me get carried away." Chen Xuan said, it is difficult to conquer the world, and it is even more difficult to defend the world.

Because there are countless talented teenagers studying you with a microscope day and night, eager to defeat you.

In football, it is not impossible for Germany, the World Cup champion, to lose to Japan with a little carelessness.

Do not take it lightly at any time.

After taking this head, Chen Xuan's enchantress turned from bad to good.

It's just that Dian Kun has been beaten to the point where he has completely lost his fighting spirit, like a walking dead. For this game, he doesn't want to stay for a moment, and he loses all his face.

And the follow-up still has to be fought, but Dian Kun, who has lost his fighting spirit, makes frequent operational mistakes and predicts various atmospheres.

Because I thought too much, I couldn't really guess Chen Xuan's position and displacement.

The disadvantage starts from the middle, and he is constantly being gank by the jungler.

After the enchantress got up, she was even more hurt and crushed, jumping over the tower to kill.

Both the audience and the commentators could see that the Xuanyi team had lost its momentum, and the middle lane was not at the same level at all.

Chen Xuan's level seems to be a long way ahead of Dian Kun.

All aspects of crushing, followed by the familiar rhythm of the middle field.

Team Xuanyi retreated steadily, and Team Omega watched with trepidation.

It's the same with Dian Kun, who has only seen Chen Xuan's card master.

In the previous Dragon Snake Cup, I knew that his assassin was fierce, but how fierce it was, I couldn't fully understand it without fighting.

It's like watching a video, some players' gorgeous operations are just highlights, and only when they match up in person can they know whether their opponents are too good, or their own strength is really stressful and suffocating.

But now, with Chen Xuan's heroes unsealed one by one, the Omega team only felt a sense of crisis.

He really has hidden countless cards, his face is cold and dignified, and we are fighting in the finals again in the summer split. Will we lose to Tianmu this time? No, the same ending, no one wants to do it again, and he understands that winning The key to losing lies in whether his middle lane can stand up to Chen Xuan, who has become a monk halfway.

Terrible, why can someone who only played one summer game play the middle lane like this.

As the game progresses, the enchantress cooperates with Wei to kill crazily.

The rest of the time is basically garbage time. The fox has been completely dead since the wave of being solo killed in the second level.

"Congratulations to Team Tianmu, advancing [-]-[-] to the finals and Team Omega, meeting again! This time, will it be a repeat of the Spring Split, or Team Omega's revenge success? Let's wait and see!" Mi Le looked at the game base The explosion announced the victory of Team Tianmu!

Three to zero, a magnificent and perfect record.

From the unnamed team in the spring split, it has become the current favorite to win the championship, and it is also number one in points, enough to enter the s3 global finals!
The commentators and the audience witnessed the rising of this team. Just like the name of the team, it turned into a canopy, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, pushing all the way to the finals, becoming the ultimate nightmare of all teams!

 Two in one chapter
(End of this chapter)

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