king of prejudgment

Chapter 194 The Battle of Vengeance

Chapter 194 The Battle of Vengeance
"Me and my little friends are shocked."

"What is this operation, Helix qa?"

"Circle qa!"

"wdnmd, Brother Xuan, why are you so picky?"

"I don't think I'm playing a game with him."

After this wave of operations is over, it can basically be declared that the ssz team is going to be G.

You can counter-kill in the middle, and play Mao?

Wei also supervised the whole battle, and finally witnessed Dadi's wine barrel being counter-killed.

It's really a bit incomprehensible, how did Riven manage to judge the range of skills so accurately.

In the process of cutting people, qa chopped half a circle around the wine barrel q.

Outrageous, outrageous!

The commentators from various countries also expressed their inner shock from their own perspectives.

"This is really shocking. He is as confident as he is full of blood." The English commentators, apart from omg and Wang Defa, can also say something different.

"Water tried his best, but Riven was too exaggerated." The South Korean commentator sighed helplessly, regretting that he had said too much, and the final result was still not satisfactory.

The commentators also understand that this one is gone.

The Korean team seems to be on the verge of a second-game losing streak.

With three heads, Da Ruiwen is unstoppable once he joins the group.

In addition, in the game, the teammates all know how to keep the biggest carry in the team.

Even if other people have a slight disadvantage in the lane, it seems that it doesn't matter now.

Team ssz, just to kill this Riven, will have to use all their strength.

Retreating steadily, let the dragon let the tower.

The wine barrel was eaten three times alone, which can be said to be the biggest blame man in this game.

Feike picked his nostrils with his little finger as he watched the game.

The pressure is so great, this Riven is really too strong.

I still underestimated Riven's power, no, I have to strengthen Riven's training these days.

The advantage of mid laner Riven is that many top players will not use it.

Of course, this inability to use means that he is unable to compete against top players in the s competition.

Therefore, once mastering the hero Riven, it is equivalent to mastering a huge Conte.

Hitting the barrel, praying mantis, and Zed are all effective melee mid laners.

Until the end of the game, the ssz team only killed Riven once.

And the painful price to pay is to directly let the opponent kill the game.

"Congratulations to Tianmu team, they won the first victory in the group stage!" The commentators were all very excited. On the first day, lpl won two group stage victories.

This has to be said to be a good sign. If you lose the first game, the blow to morale will be obvious.

"This Riven, if you continue to fight, you may be in the ban position. The threat to the melee mid laner is too great." Mi Le analyzed.

However, for a game with only three bans, it is too difficult to draw a ban for Riven in the bp session.

"Is this the next game, the world's No. [-] beats the world's No. [-]?"

"The ranking of the fist is somewhat poisonous."

"Hahaha, the third in the world, does it mean three solo kills?"

Audiences in Huaguo were also 1 satisfied after seeing this result.

The ranking itself is somewhat subjective, who can truly be absolutely objective in ranking?

The third kills the second, and the ranking itself is inaccurate.

The South Korean team suffered two defeats in a row, and it was also a painful experience. They reviewed and analyzed overnight.

In the subsequent matches, the Imperial City team also won their first victory.

In the next group stage, lpl was devastated.

In the first round, the three teams all maintained a record of unbeaten victories!
As for the South Korean team, apart from these two games, the rest of the games were easily won.

From the beginning of the group stage, there has been a bit of a sense of polar opposites.

Just like the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, others can only watch them fight.

However, the advantage of the South Korean team is that they have a terrifying and professional team system, high-quality coaches and analysts.

In the StarCraft era ten years ago, Korean e-sports games saved their country.

At that time, South Korea was in financial crisis and there were too many unemployed people, so they vigorously held e-sports competitions to avoid social unrest caused by unemployed youth.

Ever since, e-sports has a respected status.

The coaches of the Interstellar era have been passed down to the present.

After the first round of the group stage, they mastered a large amount of analysis data, and after conducting targeted training and bp, the Korean team began to exert their strength in the second round of the group stage.

In the second round of the group stage, after one group of matches in one day, the two teams that will qualify will be directly determined.

Stk will fight Omega again, and everyone thinks that this will be an evenly matched and exciting battle.

Maybe the Omega team can be the first in the group. If the three teams of LPL can be the first in the group, the civil war can be avoided [-]%.

However, the performance of stk was unexpected.

In just 15 minutes, through mid laner Feike's extremely accurate skills, he directly killed the high ground and broke all the way.

Then, changing lanes and pushing towers, the rhythm was full, as if it was a completely different team from the first round.

It took only 24 minutes to end the game.

Both teams have the data of five bars and one, and the first place in the group needs an extra match to determine the winner.

"This stk mid laner is so strong." After watching this match, Frando shivered. He knew the ruthless strength.

Unexpectedly, the performance of the two group matches was completely blown by this feike.

Moreover, more importantly, the rest of the stk team did not stretch their hips anymore.

"This team has a strong ability to learn and improve. After the first round of the group stage, the team evolved directly, while Omega was still at the level of the previous round, so this round was blown up." Chen Xuan looked at During the game, he expressed his own analysis and opinions.

"It's so unbelievable, you can improve so much in such a short period of time, is there really such a terrifying team?" Lin Mumu looked at the game, a little stunned, because the score in this game was too crushing.

With a head ratio of eighteen to three, Team Omega was simply beaten.

When I won the last round, I felt like I was constipated and couldn't push it off, but this time I lost, it was like diarrhea, and I couldn't resist it at all.

"Of course, the speed of progress is not based on time, but on comprehension. Once you comprehend something, it will change instantly." Chen Xuan said.

If others say that, maybe Lin Mumu will still doubt it, but if Chen Xuan says that, it must be true.

After all, this guy is more evil than everyone else. After playing for more than a month, he can already use support to lead them to win the national Internet cafe competition. Who can trust this.

In this way, it is not so magical for stk to improve a little in a week.

"So, who are you optimistic about in the playoff?" Li Wu came over and asked.

"Although I'm very reluctant, unless the Omega team explodes, they basically have no chance of winning." Chen Xuan said, already crushed by all-round hard power.

And the direction of the game was just as Chen Xuan expected.

In the rematch between the two sides, stk played even more cruelly, and Feike, the mid laner, also pulled out Riven's ruthless wine barrel in the lane, and also completed the solo kill of the matchup.

"Fuck, this guy is imitating you." Yin Qin said in an injustice.

"Games, there is no such thing as imitating or not imitating. Learning by imitating is a kind of ability in itself. There is no patent for this thing. It is his ability to learn it." Chen Xuan didn't care. He imitated me, so why didn't I learn it? What about him?

Master duel, this is for you to learn from me and I to learn from you.

Whoever learns fast and learns well is strong.

And Feike's Ruiwen also played an amazing record, crushing the Omega team again, and won the first place in the group!

This kind of performance also rekindled hope for the ssz team. Sure enough, our Korean team is still fierce.

This competition is to see who has the last laugh.

It doesn't mean which side leads first, and which side will be stable.

In the second round, the situation really changed.

Other groups have also sprung up.

The next day, the Imperial City team also lost a game to the European team. It was also a rematch, but the Imperial City team was much better than Omega. They won the rematch and secured the first place in the group.

On the third day of the competition, South Korea's nanjin team, as the third seed, won the perfect team with six bars and zero, won the first place, and successfully qualified!
On the last day, it was the turn of Team Tianmu.

And lpl's performance in the second round immediately made the audience who were confident at the beginning become less confident again.

"Why are you playing so ugly in the second round of this lpl?"

"One thing to say, it's really ugly, the sky won't be overturned, right?"

"It's not impossible to play a rematch. The ssz team will definitely learn from the pain in the second round. From their team's current perspective, only the mid laner is weak, and the other lanes are all over the place."

"Tianmu does have an advantage in the version. If it weren't for the version where the mid laner is king, Brother Xuan might not be able to move it. Do you want to consider upgrading the configuration of Tianmu next year?"

The audience gradually became less confident. The two Korean teams both qualified first in the group.

In the second round, the South Korean team came aggressively, and even the European and American teams had the tendency to counterattack.

After a week of penance, dadi focused on improving his personal strength.

During this week, he completely handed over the command to the support, while he concentrated on practicing laning.

Before, he felt that he couldn't fight in laning, and he cared about commanding him, always caring about the overall situation, and ignoring the laning in front of him.

Obviously, the most suitable command in this game is the mid laner.

After being blasted by Chen Xuan, dadi also no longer insisted on commanding. He couldn't beat the lane, and the command of the gods was useless.

In the melee mid laner, he couldn't find a hero who could compete with Chen Xuan's mid laner Riwen.

So, this round, I directly used the long-range heroes to fight against each other.

As long as the game is dragged into an extra match, the South Korean team will have a greater chance of winning.

And on the fourth day of the group stage, the first match will be Team Tianmu against Team SSZ!

This is the ssz team's revenge battle!
The Korean audience was terribly disappointed, and their anger towards the ssz team had to be transferred to the super chaebol Samsung by the way.

Although Samsung is very rich, but of course there are many people who hate it. Under the big trees, no grass grows, and they monopolize all industries. How can others live?

However, seeing both the stk team and the nanjin team won the first place in the group, hope was rekindled. Maybe the Korean team is more suitable for the second round?

They hated Samsung, but they hated Chen Xuan even more. This guy is a big villain in Korea.

Hanging the moon wheel directly made the Korean e-sports circle sluggish for half a year.

If they can't win the championship of the s tournament, this year's all-star world No. [-] dream will really be Nan Keyi's dream, which will be shattered immediately.

If this round of revenge succeeds, I will forgive you, the Korean audience thought.

 second to

(End of this chapter)

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