king of prejudgment

Chapter 195 Rune God of War

Chapter 195 Rune God of War
For Dadi, this week is basically a nightmare.

It was sprayed by the Korean audience for a whole week.

During this period of time, he finally experienced the trough of his life.

It turns out that losing a game and becoming a blame man is such a painful thing.

Thinking about Senior Ryl, I used to think that it was because of the food.

It really shouldn't be, it turns out that I am not much stronger.

In this game, the dignity must be restored.

Of course, whether he can come back depends on luck, but at least, he can't cheat his teammates anymore.

This time, the two sides switch sides.

The blue side of the Tianmu team, and the red side of the ssz team.

It's good news, at least the mid laner can get the Kangte position.

The last one was so miserable, I really need to find a reason, it can also be said that it was because I was contorted.

At the same time that the two sides switched positions, the commentators also changed a lot.

The explanation of this one is Wa Dao and Mi Si.

In the first round of the competition, it seemed too early to be happy.

After a few days of fun, the Korean team evolved.

Team Omega's two-game losing streak was a huge blow to the commentators.

Don't be too optimistic about the strength of lpl, and don't underestimate the South Korean team too much.

After all, the lesson of the all-star Yelang's arrogance has not yet passed.

He just won the Dragon Snake quilt once, wouldn't it be embarrassing if he gets hammered again in the S game?
The two sides are ready, the blue team Skyscreen bans Thresh, Shen and Wayne.

The red side's ssz team followed up and banned the blind monk, Jie and Fox.

Although Riven is terrifying, she doesn't need to be banned. It is obvious that Riven is strong only in melee combat. It will not be too uncomfortable to beat Riven with any long-range hero.

"Tianmu is the first choice to win the crocodile, and the ssz team is to win the bottom lane combination of Zyra and the plane. In this group match, Zyra really shines. In the previous spring split, Xiaoxuan used Zyra is also amazing, which is very impressive," Mi Si said.

"Yes, the Tianmu team's response here is to take Wei and the policewoman, determine the jungler and adc position, ssz took Kenan to face the crocodile, and the prince to face Wei." Director Wa continued to analyze The bp of both sides.

On the last day of the group stage, as long as the Tianmu team wins another round, they can advance steadily.

So this game is really important.

"Finally, the support team of the Tianmu team took down the piano girl. Did the mid laner take down the wine barrel? Do you really want to take the wine barrel?" Don't be too normal.

But the problem is, you just used Riven to hit someone's wine barrel.

Now what does it mean to use the wine barrel by yourself? It's too much. Of course, I appreciate this excessive behavior.

However, Koreans are afraid that their mouths will be crooked.

"What should I use to hit the barrel?" Samsung's coach asked Dadi for his opinion. After all, for Dadi, this is a battle of dignity.

"Cassadin, if Kassadin has a big move, the big move of the wine barrel can't blow me back." Dadi said, although Chen Xuan has not used the wine barrel in the middle unit, but this week, he Even watched the video of Chen Xuan's support position.

Knowing his wine barrel Syndra, the level will not be bad.

If you choose a hero with no displacement, then the geometry barrel will explode, and life will be difficult.

Therefore, Kassadin was directly selected as an ap nemesis.

After the sixth level, you can just hit the wine barrel casually.

In this way, the lineup of both sides is determined.

Team Tianmu has Blue Fang, top laner Crocodile, jungler Wei, mid laner Keg, and bottom laner female policewoman Jiaqinnu.

The red side of the ssz team, the top laner Kenan, the jungle prince, the mid laner Kassadin, and the bottom laner Jiajiela.

Everyone thought it was this lineup, and the dust settled.

However, Chen Xuan looked at Kassadin, who was facing him, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. We were defeated by Conte in the middle lane, and we were also defeated by Conte in the top lane.
"Frando, can you go up with a wine barrel?" Chen Xuan asked. Chen Xuan knew that Frando had a characteristic, that is, there are many heroes, and it is not fun to play the top lane.

Love using some wacky heroes on the top lane!

"Among so many weird heroes, is there a place for the wine barrel?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Of course." Although Frando responded normally, she was complaining crazily in her heart.

What does it mean that my top lane hero pool is weird, can it be as weird as you?

"Okay, let's change heroes. I'll use the crocodile, and you use the wine barrel." Chen Xuan made an impromptu decision to change the hero directly.

"Is it so sudden? We haven't decided to qualify yet, haven't we practiced this kind of lineup?" Lin Mumu, who was just about to step off the stage to shake hands with the opposite coach, panicked.

You played this game so casually, you can change heroes if you say so.

"Not suddenly, I know the crocodile, he knows the wine barrel, that's fine, besides, this tactic is temporarily decided according to the hero on the opposite side, how could it be possible to practice it, but the opportunity is in front of you, I want to be ready to catch it, yes It's too late." Chen Xuan said naturally and calmly.

"When did you say you know crocodiles?" Lin Mumu wanted to vomit blood. As a coach, he didn't even know Chen Xuan's hero pool. The crocodile, not just the audience, I was caught off guard."

"You should know about my hero pool. You got my account for me." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

I asked for it for him?What's the meaning?
Lin Mumu was at a loss, but Chen Xuan never messed around, and even if something went wrong in this round, if he won the next two rounds, he would still be able to qualify.

It's just that, as a coach, I really have to find a way to understand his hero pool.

This guy, how many heroes have he trained?

Top middle, hero swap!
This scene stunned the commentator.

He rubbed his eyes and said, "I'm not mistaken, why did the barrel in the middle follow up with the single crocodile and change the hero?"

"It's a wrong change, it should be changed back in the last few seconds." The baby guide said in disbelief.

"Could it be that this is a mid-lane crocodile and a top-lane wine barrel?" Mi Si guessed.

This confuses the audience and the ssz team, what is this for.

Team Sky, what kind of gameplay is this.

"The mid-lane crocodile, definitely the mid-lane crocodile!" Dadi had already sensed that the opponent wanted to conte me on the blue side, what a sinister Xuan!

"Then what shall we do?" Lupo, who was in the top lane, asked.

With an elegant face, he is a stable and silent carry point in the team. He plays very well, but he is never aggressive, so he doesn't have too many outstanding performances, but everyone in the team knows that Lupo is also a proper thigh level players.

"Riven is a top lane hero, he can be used to walk, why can't Crocodile?" dadi said, "We change lanes, Kassadin can't beat Crocodile."

Not only can Kassadin not be able to beat the crocodile, but also any pure AD hero.

In League of Legends, the armor is lower than that of Kassadin, really not many.

Therefore, it is necessary to change the line and align the barrel.

Until the start of the game, the middle and top of the Tianmu team did not change again, and people were sure.

"It's really a crocodile in the middle lane. Brother Xuan has moved all the top heroes to the middle lane."

"I understand, it's all calculations. If you choose a mid laner like Riven directly, Dadi will definitely not use Kassadin, but after pretending to use a wine barrel to trick Kassadin out, and then change to a crocodile, you can deal with him again." The line is broken."

"But you can't force the crocodile in the mid lane. I don't think you can win the game if you take a hero who doesn't know how to play against Kante."

"I think it's not a calculation, it's a temporary decision to change, because you can't predict in advance that the opponent will definitely use Kassadin, what if it's a clockwork or something, the crocodile will be embarrassed, it should be seeing Kassadin Satin just switched to crocodile, very forceful, will brother Xuan know crocodile?"

For this choice, some people think it is a subtle stroke, and some people think it is forced Conte.

Chen Xuan has never used a crocodile before. The operation of this hero is not too difficult, but the proficiency requirements are very high, and there are many details in team fights.

The old crocodile knows that winning in lane is not enough.

Many people tend to mistakenly think that the crocodile is very simple, but only to find out after playing that it eats details.

Among other things, just pushing the line with the q skill is very easy to catch you.

However, the choice of the Tianmu team has been determined.

The game has started!
Kassadin of the ssz team bought his own crystal bottle and added three reds.

Follow the team to make vision first, without revealing the information that you want to change lanes.

Then try to find a way to go up secretly. Although Kassadin is uncomfortable playing the top order, it is better than being hammered by the crocodile.

Chen Xuan, on the other hand, was caught in the analysis of the puff pastry. The other party knew that he was using a crocodile, so he might change the line, but he might have guessed that I guessed that they had changed the line, so he didn't change the line.

Therefore, which floor the opposite side is on is very important.

If I am on the fifth floor and the opposite is on the fourth floor, of course I have guessed correctly, but if the opposite is only on the third floor, it will be a tragedy.

Guessing the way to change is itself a matryoshka game where you guess and I guess and you can guess or not.

It is enough for anyone to set one level higher than the opposite side, and two levels is more.

Therefore, Chen Xuan walked directly into the field of vision of the opposite defensive tower, swayed for a while, and then came out.

Increase the cost of opponent analysis, both sides are about to send troops, and the crocodile also appeared in the middle.

Then the probability of him being in the middle lane should be far greater than changing lanes. After all, in so many games, he has never seen Chen Xuan's mid laner go up the road.

After the analysis of the ssz team, they still feel that the probability of a successful line change is relatively high.

Kassadin sneaked back home, went online directly, and bet on this hand.

Then, what greeted him was a very gentle and cute little crocodile.

The skin uses the crocodile rune God of War. Of course, it will definitely not change the rune midway. Don’t be too comfortable playing the crocodile in Kassadin.

Some people are happy, some people are sad.

Dadi gritted his back molars, and this time just met online, he shouted out the classic Korean quintessence "Assi!"

ps: The first update arrives!

 first update
(End of this chapter)

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