Chapter 196
Kassadin's pain lies in the fact that God gave him a 15.00% magic resistance reduction that is worthy of facing any AP.

Combined with his magic resistance and rune talent, normal AP hits him with half the damage.

However, God has opened such a big door for you, and he will definitely close a window for you.

Facing the pure AD hero, Kassadin burst into tears, not knowing what to do.

How to fight this crocodile, it is difficult to make up the knife.

Normally, the level one crocodile is the weakest.

It is very popular for top laners to fight crocodiles in rank now. If Riven wants to win, she has to fight against crocodiles at the first level.

But Kassadin doesn't have this qualification. If Kassadin learns w at the first level, he won't be absolutely defeated. The problem is that you can't directly fight crocodiles with Kassadin on the line of soldiers.

The initiative is in the hands of the crocodile.

Therefore, Kassadin can only learn a q skill at the first level, and see if he can make up the knife.

The big deal is that the knife will not make up, and wait for the line of troops to push back.

If you want to change the line again, you have to wait at least once to go home.

Moreover, the other party may also hunt and kill him lingeringly.

This Xuan is not only the lifelong enemy of Senior Ryl, but also the lifelong enemy of all Korean mid laners. He will never let me go on the road.

When the soldiers of the two sides came into contact, the crocodile had the absolute initiative, and it used the Dolan sword, which dealt extremely high damage, and Kassadin was very afraid of it.

Chen Xuan approached the line of soldiers, and Kassadin approached directly, giving a position that the crocodile could reach with q, but not with a.

And Chen Xuan is not in a hurry to consume him, because if he learns q at the first level, he can consume Kassadin, but he will push the pawn line over.

Dadi, if you want to use a q blood volume, just change to a comfortable pawn line?

This game is not that simple.

The pawn line in the early stage, but when A hits a small pawn, it will determine the trend of the whole game.

Chen Xuan didn't like q, just kept the skill points and didn't add them.

Instead, slowly make up the knife, while calculating to accumulate anger.

The crocodile's anger mechanism determines the gap between ordinary crocodiles and top crocodiles.

Chen Xuan restrained his skills and didn't add points, but if Kassadin got too close.

Chen Xuan would also sneak up on A, and Kassadin would not be willing to hand over the crystal bottle for a small flat A.

Chen Xuan can also calculate the blood volume to be killed into a clearer value based on the damage figure of the level A.

And Lin Mumu was in the audience at this time, looking at Chen Xuan's crocodile, while thinking, what does Chen Xuan mean by this, I know his hero pool?

For Chen Xuan's hero pool, it has always been a very mysterious thing.

Some people think that he only has three axes, and the hero pool uses one less one.

Some people think that his hero pool is like a robot cat's pocket, which can be taken out whenever needed.

As a coach, Lin Mumu always makes bp arrangements and analyzes based on the player's hero pool.

Even the hero pool of the team members is not clear, isn't the bp behind this very disadvantageous?

Therefore, Chen Xuan's words have been lingering in Lin Mumu's mind. When did I give him an account? Didn't he say that his secret account is in Hanbok?

The number I gave him seems to be the super number he applied for.

Turning on the laptop and connecting to the Internet, Lin Mumu began to search for the super number he had given to Chen Xuan.

The ID has been changed, but with some software, there is a way to find the ID after changing the name.

Then under Lin Mumu's tinkering, an id that he had never thought of appeared in front of him!

"Chen Xuan, it's Mu Chen!" Lin Mumu was dumbfounded, this super passer-by who was born out of nowhere and countless teams are looking for is actually Chen Xuan!

The hero pool is as deep as the sea, beating daopa violently, and holding the number one man in the national server. During the summer split, many teams felt that as long as they found Mu Chen to play professionally, they would definitely be able to deal with Chen Xuan, who only knew how to play Kassadin.

There are still quite a few teams that are desperately trying to find a way to contact them.

However, none of them knew that the super passerby they thought could deal with Chen Xuan was actually himself.

"Hahahaha, I beat myself, Xiaoxuan, you are too bad!" Lin Mumu laughed out loud, so many teams were played by Chen Xuan.

Then Lin Mumu looked at the record of Muchen's account, it was too gorgeous and perfect.

It is the super mid laner that all professional teams dream of. Almost every hero is different, and they can still maintain a very high winning rate in the game of kings. Mid laner Riven also has it, and mid laner Crocodile has it. What else, mid laner Kenan , Olaf
There are countless strange things.

This is called the hero pool, this is called the hero sea!
Seeing this thing, Lin Mumu suddenly gained confidence.

Dadi, you are so unlucky to have such a freak!

In the game screen, many barrages were still mocking Chen Xuan's crocodile for not being able to play.

Obviously the distance is enough to consume Kassadin's HP with a q, but the crocodile knows the A soldier and doesn't take the initiative at all.

However, the barrage has not yet floated over.

Chen Xuan's crocodile has already started.

The seventh soldier had only residual blood left. Chen Xuan looked at it from the perspective of the future. Sure enough, if he went to soldier A by himself, Kassadin would take the opportunity to retreat and distance himself.

Because the crocodile is likely to learn e at the second level, and then eaqe will play a set of crocodile harmless combos.

Unfortunately, I didn't learn skills at the first level.

So, don't even think about leaving!
Chen Xuan immediately clicked on the e skill, and directly used e to pass through the little soldier with little blood, and got close to Kassadin's face.

At the moment when a tie A was played, the seventh soldier just died, and the crocodile flashed a golden light, and it was directly promoted to the second.

Kassadin immediately realized that something was wrong. He had been stolen A before, and now he was A again, and he was already at the crocodile's beheading line.

The crocodile ignition has been hung up, and the attack power has been directly increased by five points.

Kassadin flashed away quickly, and drank the crystal bottle and red medicine at the same time, but it was useless at all. Chen Xuan followed Flash, followed by A and then w next to him, because he was sure the distance was enough, and at the same time, his anger was exactly [-] points.

A red angry w, directly took three bites.

Kassadin lost half of his blood in an instant. Chen Xuan's crocodile continued to move forward, then A, and then saw Kassadin's q raising his hand, and used a second e in advance.

Otherwise, the second paragraph e will not be released.

Kassadin's silence was not short.

This operation can be said to have vomited Dadi.

Dude, although I haven't seen you play a few games, but you are too thin.

The crocodile is stuck behind Kassadin, and with the ignited damage combined with A, Kassadin can't survive at all.

Retreat to a safe position unless the crocodile crosses e at the first level.

Who would have thought that a crocodile would learn e at the first level and w at the second level.

Insidious Chinese!

dadi Asi Du Asi didn't move, his hands left the keyboard, and directly sent this wave of blood.

Seeing the first blood handed over on the road, the teammates of the ssz team were all stupid.

It was fast enough to be single-killed at the third level last time.

Never expected that this time the record could be broken.

What does it mean that you gave this blood, one game is faster than the other, it's a crime!
The rest of the ssz team felt that this mid laner might not be available.

If a team wants to win the championship, it must not have such obvious shortcomings.

Kill the quilt alone?

The commentary stand erupted with huge cheers!

"Oh, that's right, Great Emperor, he was single-killed again. I didn't mean to say that again." The baby director felt that he had lost his composure, and he couldn't be blamed for his gaffe.

The group stage is drawing to a close, and the number of single kills is obvious to all.

Chen Xuan and Feike are far ahead, and they are currently the two players with the most solo kills in the group stage.

Feike, on the other hand, has already played six group matches plus one extra match, and currently ranks first, with eleven solo kills and an average of [-] solo kills per game, which can be called against the sky.

And Chen Xuan has seven solo kills so far, but his group stage is not over yet.

Dadi's death brought Chen Xuan's solo kills to the eighth time.

If it can continue, Chen Xuan will surpass Feike and become the king of solo kills in the group stage.

It is really not too much to say that it is killing gods in the middle.

The others were far behind, No. 3 had only five solo kills.

If the performance of the two continues to be so brave, the only true god will be born from these two people in this World Championship.

"The level of this card is too beautiful, because e has not yet reached level [-] in the past, so Kassadin was stunned for a while, hesitating whether to cross flash, when it was time to cross flash, it was too late, level [-] crocodile beat level Kassadin, a solo kill with almost full blood." Mi Si said while clutching her accelerating little heart.

The thinking is clear, the damage calculation is accurate, and it seems that even the opponent's psychology has been grasped.

Kassadin can be said to be dead through, not wronged.

The Korean commentary has collapsed, tired, let it be destroyed.

When I come back, everyone else can take the plane, only you dadi can swim honestly for me.

Of Chen Xuan's eight solo kills, you alone contributed four of them.

It is simply a disgrace to the Korean mid laner!
Even the weaker divisions couldn't send so many heads.

The South Korean trolls can't stop spraying. It can only be said that the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. The so-called second mid laner is just a joke.

However, we cannot deny the strongest mid laner because of this, because some players may indeed play in unfamiliar places and fail to show their strength.

Now their hopes are all pinned on Feike.

Dadi has already been completely beaten, so he can only use Chen Xuan's strength to force out a little bit more of Chen Xuan's strength cards to explore the way for Feike.

The crocodile with first blood is so terrifying that Korean audiences dare not watch it.

It's not safe to go down the Kassadin Tower. You know, the crocodile is close to Kassadin with full blood in seconds, using only two skills, and only one skill is red anger.

What the hell, is Kassadin still available when the level is high?

There is really no need to play, Kassadin can only switch to the middle lane again.

Kenan rushed thousands of miles directly to hit the road.

Even if the crocodile came back, Kassadin could only stay in the middle.

The pawn line in the middle is short, at least you can wait for the pawn line to come back to gain experience.

The upper route is too long, once the crocodile controls the pawn line.

That is really beyond the experience, Lupo is a real scholar, refined and easy-going and not talkative, Dadi asked him to go, then he went.

However, after Kassadin returned to the middle, the crocodile swaggered and swung its tail, and it came again!

Level [-] crocodile, with brutal force, Doran sword.

"@#*&¥@¥%%*&%!" Dadi broke his guard, his whole face flushed like a pig's liver, can't you give me a way out?

 The second is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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